GameMastery Face Cards: Friends & Foes Deck

4.80/5 (based on 8 ratings)

Our Price: $10.99


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Be it a sinister sneer, a welcoming glance, or a sly wink, first impressions count in any game. This 54-card set of beautifully illustrated, full-color Face Cards lets you give a new dimension to your game’s NPCs.

Friends & Foes contains a diverse mix of character types, from helpful merchants to rough mercenaries to crafty spellcasters. A blank writable surface on the back of each card helps to identify the characters and keep notes on them. Appropriate for both player characters and non-player characters alike, the stunning visages of GameMastery Face Cards bring a new visual flair to any fantasy RPG campaign!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-210-4

Sample cards. Click to enlarge.

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4.80/5 (based on 8 ratings)

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Great art!


I like this set for the art and the mix of possible NPCs. I think some cards should be full body art but over all god set.

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RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

I wondering if the art in these will be all new or have some pieces reused from other products.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Zynete wrote:
I wondering if the art in these will be all new or have some pieces reused from other products.

All of the art is from existing products.

Grand Lodge

Vic Wertz wrote:

All of the art is from existing products.

So we can expect to see some of our favourite folks from the AP's and modules?

This could be a VERY useful product. Probably more useful for me than the item cards.

Grand Lodge

No wonder I was so fond of this idea!

Actually, reading through the thread, Paizo has responded to a LOT of the feedback.

Paizo Employee CEO

Scribbling Rambler wrote:

No wonder I was so fond of this idea!

Actually, reading through the thread, Paizo has responded to a LOT of the feedback.

We try. We really do. :)


Scarab Sages

Nice idea since I like the item cards. I'm going to have to re-up my pathfinder subscriptions I had...the material is too good not to.


What a great idea.

I like this idea very very much. :)


Dark Archive

Oh yeah, neat! Great idea! Sad, that we won't get to see the fantastic character portraits from the AoW AP in card form... :-S

Liberty's Edge

Lisa Stevens wrote:
Scribbling Rambler wrote:

No wonder I was so fond of this idea!

Actually, reading through the thread, Paizo has responded to a LOT of the feedback.

We try. We really do. :)


Wait! If you're busy responding to feedback who's minding the shop and doing all the work? Can't be Vic - he's always on the boards.

Jaw-dropping awesomeness!

These would be extremely useful! I already pull out pictures from the PDFs to use as a desktop screensaver to point at, but this is great!

Looks neat! Are there plans to do more NPC packs?

We're transitioning to using trading card albums for treasure with the item cards - awesome! :) I'm wondering if there'll be enough NPC cards down the pipe to do the same thing?

Paizo Employee CEO

aaron infante-levy wrote:

Looks neat! Are there plans to do more NPC packs?

We're transitioning to using trading card albums for treasure with the item cards - awesome! :) I'm wondering if there'll be enough NPC cards down the pipe to do the same thing?

If these cards are successful, you can bet we will continue them with more sets down the line. I personally think that they will be awesome and can't wait for them to come out, but they need to be financially successful to warrant further packs. Only time will tell. Here's hoping they succeed! :)


Liberty's Edge

I will buy these cards as soon as that elusive combine-shipping code gets written... hint-hint

I would love to order these cards now and they would simply be added to whatever subscription ships in October.

Andrew Turner wrote:

I will buy these cards as soon as that elusive combine-shipping code gets written... hint-hint

I would love to order these cards now and they would simply be added to whatever subscription ships in October.

Ditto about ordering the cards! I can't wait!

I've been trying to figure out how to print my own trading cards for NPCs for a while and none of the software is good for RPG type cards. Actually, if paizo or another 3rd party were to release a nifty software package for creating your own cards (item/face/place?) I would get!

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

Sold! My copper pieces are now your copper pieces.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

aaron infante-levy wrote:
I've been trying to figure out how to print my own trading cards for NPCs for a while and none of the software is good for RPG type cards. Actually, if paizo or another 3rd party were to release a nifty software package for creating your own cards (item/face/place?) I would get!

I've done this very thing using Photoshop and index cards, but it is VERY time-consuming. The Paizo cards will save me hours or prep work.

Scarab Sages

I did want to ask, are the potraits full body or just a bust shot of their head and shoulders? I know Vic said it was from existing images, but I was wondering if it was cropped to just basically head shots or if it was full body shots.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kohl McClash wrote:

I did want to ask, are the potraits full body or just a bust shot of their head and shoulders? I know Vic said it was from existing images, but I was wondering if it was cropped to just basically head shots or if it was full body shots.


They'll just be the head shots focusing on the faces of the characters—hence the title, "Face Cards." :-)

We won't be using full body illustrations that are then cropped to just be faces, in any event.

Dark Archive

I very much like this concept! I hope this product does very well, as I'd like to also see a Monster version of this as well.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hmm this card set might actually be something I would find interesting. Guess if it sells well it might get boosters.

I would especially like to see a set like this for each AP, with all the key NPC's for the AP. Would be easy to hold up a card when the PC's meet them. i have been doing it with the art work when I can already but this would be more handy on a card. Just saying.

The Exchange

Who would not want these? I really hate the "paper cover the text here is the picture crap". Now I just hold up a card and hand it out so I can continue the adventure.


Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jason Beardsley wrote:
I very much like this concept! I hope this product does very well, as I'd like to also see a Monster version of this as well.

A monster version would be pretty awesome!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm liking this product concept a lot. A lot easier than drawing every single person with a name (and some without) in an AP, definitely.

Sovereign Court

I think this product is a fantastic idea. I am very excited to get my first set!

Will there be a list of what NPCs make it into the pack?

I'm bad a voices (or at least doing them consistently) so I hope to be able to hold up a card to indicate which NPC is talking. The only NPCs I manage to stay in-voice for are the lizardfolk in my current game. It's not hard when they're only talking to one NPC, but sometimes there are three or four and I'm intimidated by the prospect of trying to run Hangman's Noose eventually.

A condensed stat block on the back would be heaven. But the blank back has it upsides too. Great idea for a product.

Liberty's Edge

This looks like a very useful product. I use a lot of HeroMachine for my NPCs, so having a full set like this will be very useful!

Sovereign Court

Having them keyed to a given AP would be a great idea for future packs, be they entire decks or "booster" packs. But in the meantime, a short fine-print note that tells where the art first appeared and who it was originally intended to represent would be nice, especially since some of the AP NPCs have a full body pose that would be nice to have in addition to the bust/face art on the card.

Grand Lodge

Twowlves wrote:

Having them keyed to a given AP would be a great idea for future packs, be they entire decks or "booster" packs. But in the meantime, a short fine-print note that tells where the art first appeared and who it was originally intended to represent would be nice, especially since some of the AP NPCs have a full body pose that would be nice to have in addition to the bust/face art on the card.


Are you saying that Seoni's bust isn't enough?

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Sweet. I always printed out the pdf pictures and showed them to the players, this is much better.

If they are successful, can we expect to have them tied to an AP like the item cards?

Sebastian wrote:

Sweet. I always printed out the pdf pictures and showed them to the players, this is much better.

If they are successful, can we expect to have them tied to an AP like the item cards?

Probably not. There aren't enough head shots in a AP to fill a 54-card deck.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Jeff Alvarez wrote:
Sebastian wrote:

Sweet. I always printed out the pdf pictures and showed them to the players, this is much better.

If they are successful, can we expect to have them tied to an AP like the item cards?

Probably not. There aren't enough head shots in a AP to fill a 54-card deck.

What about combining the portraits with plot items, unique magic items or art from locations in the AP?

Sebastian wrote:
Jeff Alvarez wrote:
Sebastian wrote:

Sweet. I always printed out the pdf pictures and showed them to the players, this is much better.

If they are successful, can we expect to have them tied to an AP like the item cards?

Probably not. There aren't enough head shots in a AP to fill a 54-card deck.
What about combining the portraits with plot items, unique magic items or art from locations in the AP?

That's beginning to sound like a mishmash of an AP Item Card set and a themed Facecards set along with location art...interesting idea but it's not quite what we were envisioning for this product. That's not to say that it's not a good idea as its own product though.

Lisa Stevens wrote:

If these cards are successful, you can bet we will continue them with more sets down the line. I personally think that they will be awesome and can't wait for them to come out, but they need to be financially successful to warrant further packs. Only time will tell. Here's hoping they succeed! :)


Hmmm...very interesting idea. Since Paizo doesn't have to comission new art, I would think the majority of the cost of producing this product would be in printing? Or is there a need to pay the artists again to re-use their work in a different product?

I'm asking because I think that, at $10.99, these are overpriced. Price elasticity and volume printing discounts may well conspire to make this product more profitable if Paizo charged less. At $6, these would be a no brainer, and I'd personally go as high as $8, but $11 is a definite pass.

As always, just my $.02.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Jeff Alvarez wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Jeff Alvarez wrote:
Sebastian wrote:

Sweet. I always printed out the pdf pictures and showed them to the players, this is much better.

If they are successful, can we expect to have them tied to an AP like the item cards?

Probably not. There aren't enough head shots in a AP to fill a 54-card deck.
What about combining the portraits with plot items, unique magic items or art from locations in the AP?
That's beginning to sound like a mishmash of an AP Item Card set and a themed Facecards set along with location art...interesting idea but it's not quite what we were envisioning for this product. That's not to say that it's not a good idea as its own product though.

But...what if you printed them on paper instead of cards and included some adventures, monsters, traps, adventure background, and maybe a few maps...

Now that's a product I would buy!


Yah, he'll get a subscription for that.


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Mainly, though, it's just that the cost of printing a deck of full-color cards has skyrocketed over the last two or three years. (Keep in mind that we're also not able to print in Yu-Gi-Oh!-type quantities.)

*signed up for subscription*

I wanted a subscription to cards. Guess I'll be getting these then. :-)

I too signed up for the cards. I might sign up for the map subscription later.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Sharoth wrote:
I too signed up for the cards. I might sign up for the map subscription later.

Did the maps get taken out of the AP subscriptions and put in their own subscription? I missed that announcement. That's swell.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Sebastian wrote:
Did the maps get taken out of the AP subscriptions and put in their own subscription? I missed that announcement. That's swell.

No. The AP Map Folios are still in the Chronicles line. However, there is a subscription for the GameMastery maps products, which include the Map Packs and Flip-mats.

Sovereign Court

Ross Byers wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Did the maps get taken out of the AP subscriptions and put in their own subscription? I missed that announcement. That's swell.

No. The AP Map Folios are still in the Chronicles line. However, there is a subscription for the GameMastery maps products, which include the Map Packs and Flip-mats.

Hey Ross Congrats at making the gig at Paizo, I guess this means there'll be no more mini paizo-cons :)

I can't see a use for these cards for non-Pathfinder subcribing GM's, I'll hold my judgement until they're released. Interesting idea, seems very limited in it's appeal.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

These cards are not tied to Pathfinder in any way. The backs are blank like item cards. They are fully customizable and are meant to be used by GMs however they wish.

Yeah, I don't run Pathfinder, don't ever plan on running Pathfinder, am willing to PLAY Pathfinder, but I will still get these cards simply because I would love to have a nicely done face to put with my unique NPC's, and probably even PC's upon occasion.

Yeah, I know. You look at my subscriptions and think, "He doesn't run Pathfinder and he subscribes to all that?!?"

Well, quality is quality, no matter what RPG you use to run it.

Erik Mona wrote:

These cards are not tied to Pathfinder in any way. The backs are blank like item cards. They are fully customizable and are meant to be used by GMs however they wish.

Is it dry erase on the back... if not is it feasible in the future?

I was also wondering if there is some kind of slip product that you could put over the top then write on it? Alternatively I could also print up a stat block or background info for the PCs and slide it under the slip or even paper clip it to the card.

Then I could reuse the card, the possibilities are endless, this is a great product.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yes, our group uses several of the item cards in our games and we make use of card slip covers for baseball/magic cards. Just use a wet-erase marker on the back of it, wipe, and reuse.

In the past when running games I also printed out carefully found NPC pics onto index cards and filed them away into a sheet of plastic sleeves in a binder to keep track of my NPCs with stats on one side and pic on the other. Quite time consuming so I really like to see these. I did this for NPCs as well as common monsters in a campaign. I will probably store these cards in sleeves as well and print and cut-out stat blocks for them and keep them in the back with pic in front!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The 8th Dwarf wrote:

Is it dry erase on the back... if not is it feasible in the future?

It's not dry-erase, as we're not aware of a printer that could handle such a thing. Instead, there's an unvarnished area on the back of the card. If you use light pencil, it erases fine.

The cards are poker-sized, so they fit into standard (not mini) card sleeves.

Vic Wertz wrote:
The 8th Dwarf wrote:

Is it dry erase on the back... if not is it feasible in the future?

It's not dry-erase, as we're not aware of a printer that could handle such a thing. Instead, there's an unvarnished area on the back of the card. If you use light pencil, it erases fine.

The cards are poker-sized, so they fit into standard (not mini) card sleeves.

Cool thanks Vic - as I am

1. Lazy
2. A tight A$$

I think I might just print out the stat block, cut it out and use a paper-clip to clip them to the cards:-)

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