Lokie |

Having face cards is a great idea indeed. I do not know how many times as a DM I've tried to give a description to player's only to end up with 4 different ideas of what the NPC looks like.
That being said... is there any chance of doing combined "Faces and Loot" set of cards for the adventure paths?
Having decided I really enjoy running the pathfinder adventure paths... I'd so buy a set of cards that contained all the loot and NPC faces for each adventure in... a... heartbeat!

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How about a deck of cards for a series of CR's in a low adventure, mid adventure and high adventure range. This way you don't have to crack the book or reprint some of the standard monsters, goblins, orcs, harpy etc. Especially as I am having to relearn old monsters with the new base stats for CMB / CMD. As a DM all I would need to do is select a few cards for the nights sessions. If one side had a photo and the other side had stats and they came with a little plastic stand it would provide players with a visual while I worked off the stats side.
The deck support cards seem to be about functional flavor and speed of game play and I think this fits that criteria

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How about a deck of cards for a series of CR's in a low adventure, mid adventure and high adventure range. This way you don't have to crack the book or reprint some of the standard monsters, goblins, orcs, harpy etc. Especially as I am having to relearn old monsters with the new base stats for CMB / CMD. As a DM all I would need to do is select a few cards for the nights sessions. If one side had a photo and the other side had stats and they came with a little plastic stand it would provide players with a visual while I worked off the stats side.
The deck support cards seem to be about functional flavor and speed of game play and I think this fits that criteria
With the exception of the Critical Hit and Critical Fumble Decks, we try to keep our cards system-neutral, so that they can be used by players of any fantasy game, regardless of system of edition. Thus, if we did monster cards, they'd probably have a place on the back where you could write in whatever stats you like.

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Vic Wertz wrote:I've updated the product image. If you still see a red background, clear your browser's image cache.Nice! Will we get a list of the cards included or some previews of how they're going to be presented?
I believe Erik is planning to release some more info in the Paizo blog as we approach the release date.

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Vic Wertz wrote:I've added sample images. Note that there's not really a card list per se, as giving them names would hamper their usability.Are these preview images available under the CUP, or will it only be whichever ones are released on the blog?
Whichever ones are on the blog. Which may or may not be the same as these...

Dorahk |

TSR published in 1992 The Deck of Priest Spells and also The Wizard Spell Cards. It would be a great idea to create a new PFRPG spell cards for every spellcaster class to be available to purchase and to use it by our spellcaster's players. Even to create a "spellbook-card" item to store this spells by players.

Robert Miller 55 |

TSR published in 1992 The Deck of Priest Spells and also The Wizard Spell Cards. It would be a great idea to create a new PFRPG spell cards for every spellcaster class to be available to purchase and to use it by our spellcaster's players. Even to create a "spellbook-card" item to store this spells by players.
I believe there is already a PDF product or two doing this.
If nothing else you can use the PF SRD website and do your own.
Such as this:

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New art would have been really really good, but old art makes it only ok.
I think that many folks who use our published adventures will find added value in having cards that match illustrations in those adventures, while, for the most part, folks who don't use our adventures won't care (or even know) that the art isn't brand-new.
Will it be available in pdf?
Several of us believe that if we offered our map and card products in PDF form, a significant number of gamers would choose the PDF edition exclusively over the print edition, which would mean smaller print runs for the print edition, which—since print costs are based largely on volume—would in turn mean higher costs for the print edition, which would lead to even smaller sales for it, which would mean we wouldn't have a profitable line anymore.

Robert Miller 55 |

thenorthman wrote:Perhaps to ONLY subscribers then. I am sure you guys already have it in PDF form or similar to give to your printers....
I'd sub to this line if pdf's were included.
Or releasing PDF versions 3+ months after release would likely offset the concerns.
Heck, I would settle for being done after they are "sold out" and "OOP". Especially since I think they have several sets that would already qualify.

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Scribbling Rambler wrote:No wonder I was so fond of this idea!
Actually, reading through the thread, Paizo has responded to a LOT of the feedback.
We try. We really do. :)
Can you tell us which modules the faces come from? Is it faces from all of them up to Council of Thieves?

F. Wesley Schneider Contributor |

Can you tell us which modules the faces come from? Is it faces from all of them up to Council of Thieves?
It's all over, though few if any are from Council of Thieves - the list of sources was created when that AP was only a ramping up. As for which sources the faces come from, it's all over the board, nearly 50-some adventures, modules, accessories, and so forth from Hollows Last Hope to the Pathfinder Campaign Setting to more recent products. As for a set list, though, we just don't have that handy, and I wouldn't want to spoil the implied "Name the Character: Facecards Trivia Game" the lack of such a list offers the uberfan.

Gamer Girrl RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |

This looks like a fun and very useful product to illustrate NPCs. Hopefully there will be more in the future and with different themes.
How about a free web enhancement with Pathfinder game stats for all of the faces on the cards. :-)
LOL! That's called "buy the APs and Modules these folks came from" :)

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I have my cards received, and they are glorious.
I shall post them on the wall so my players can make threaded connections with them (perhaps even with colored yarn) so that they may keep track of names and faces. I was very happy to see that you included a picture of my avatar. Now I feel special.
My only thoughts are:
When do we get another set?
If you make a bit of a profit off of this round, could you produce these for each Adventure Path?
Next time, could you please leave some room at the bottom or top of each card for a name.
I intend to use wax pencil to write notes on the cards. Anyone else have a better product?

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When do we get another set?
If you make a bit of a profit off of this round, could you produce these for each Adventure Path?
We don't have nearly enough portraits in an AP to fill out a deck, and commissioning portraits in this style for all the major NPCs would be financially impractical.
Next time, could you please leave some room at the bottom or top of each card for a name.
On the front, you mean? Hmm. How do you other folks out there feel about that?
I intend to use wax pencil to write notes on the cards. Anyone else have a better product?
I use light pencil. Tell us how the wax pencil goes!

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I like the idea of the face cards, but these were not very good. Mostly they are corny artwork, too anime style. They are not very useful in everyday games since they are so strange and not generally applicable to generic games with the exception of a few. Need more serious artwork and more generic types of creatures and foes. Drop the anime style.

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I've located all but two pieces of art in the deck and would love some help. I plan to post a complete list when I have it so that the home audience can play along in the Face Card Guessing Game. While I could go back and look through all my Pathfinder books, I just did that and would rather not. So! If anyone knows what book cards 39 (the second preview above, of the guy with red hair) & 54 are from, that would help a ton. Thanks!

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Overall these cards are pretty cool, but will there be more? Or is this it?
The Enemies deck is already on the schedule

Daniel36 |
I always had a great fondness of the Game Mastery cards, and have a couple of decks lying about. After a long hiatus my friends and I recently decided to get into RPG-ing again, and the first thing I had to do was find some faces for my NPCs. I am truly hoping I get an opportunity real soon to go to the store in Amsterdam that sells your product, because this is one deck I will make real good use of!