Bestiary 4 Preview #4

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Bestiary 4 will be hitting store shelves in the next week, ready to transform your game by adding a new host of deadly foes, cunning beasts, and cruel villains. For the past four weeks we have been examining some of the more interesting creatures in this book, from the adorable pipefox to the arm-wrenching Grendel. As our final look into this book, I thought I would take a moment to show off one of the truly titanic creatures you will find inside Bestiary 4. We wanted to include mythic creatures of different types in the book, but when it came to constructs, we had a real challenge coming up with a concept that was cool enough to be mythic. Enter the colossus, a construct so large, that it could change shape into another gigantic thing entirely. In this case, the stone colossus can turn into a fully functional castle!


Illustration by Damien Mammoliti

XP 204,800
N Colossal construct (colossus, mythic)
Init +11M; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +11
Aura selective antimagic aura (30 ft.)


AC 31, touch 2, flat-footed 31 (+29 natural, –8 size)
hp 265 (21d10+150)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +7
DR 10/epic; Immune construct traits


Speed 40 ft.
Melee 2 slams +32 (3d10+19/19–20) or
 stomp +32 (6d10+28 plus pinning stomp)
Ranged light ballista +13 (3d8/×3)
Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft.
Special Attacks mythic power (7/day, surge +1d10), mythic quickening, pinning stomp
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +16)
 3/day—wall of stone (DC 16)
 1/day—repulsion (DC 17)


Str 48, Dex 11, Con —, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 7
Base Atk +21; CMB +48 (+53 sunder); CMD 60 (65 vs. sunder)
Feats Cleave, Deadly AimM, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (slam), Improved InitiativeM, Improved SunderM, Improved Vital Strike, Point-Blank ShotM, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Vital Strike
Skills Intimidate +11, Perception +11
Languages Common
SQ alternate form, movable keep, mythic creation, mythic resilience, self repair, siege tower


Environment any land
Organization solitary or mobile fortification (1 plus 6–12 Medium humanoid archers)
Treasure none


Alternate Form (Ex) A stone colossus can take the form of a small keep as a full-round action. Its DR increases to 20/epic, and it gains fast healing 10. While in this form, the colossus cannot make melee attacks.

Movable Keep (Ex) In either form, a stone colossus holds up to 12 Medium creatures. Those on its ramparts gain cover. Any inside when it’s destroyed take 3d10+20 points of damage.

Selective Antimagic Aura (Su) Spells with the earth or force descriptor or that transmute or manipulate earth or stone are unaffected by this field.

Self Repair (Ex) A stone colossus can expend one use of mythic power as a swift action to gain fast healing 20 for 5 rounds.

Siege Tower (Ex) A stone colossus’s ballistae don’t provoke attacks of opportunity, and they reload themselves at the start of the colossus’s turn.

I am just giggling over the concept of a construct that can fire ballistae at you, or a keep that suddenly turns into a towering war machine. There has got to be an awesome adventure idea in there somewhere. Well, that about wraps up our look into Bestiary 4. We hope that you will give this monstrous tome a home at your game table.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

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Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

"It's Mega-Maid!"

Sorry - couldn't resist. >:D

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My God, it was a Transformer!

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And now the evil guys will have living homes.

Like I usually ask when I don't know how tall something is:

How tall is this guy? Hard to tell since I don't know what kind of birds those are.

Cool monster.

Ah, Mega maid... just for that I'll re-watch spaceballs tonight.

All that I can think of though is, I WANT TO BUILD ME ONE OF THESE! I wonder if I can convince my GM... I'll have to buy him the beastiary.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

This is amazing!

Hello, Alexander from Final Fantasy!

This book can't get here fast enough.

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well, at least i know where my castle went off too!

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NOW I know what my PCs are going to pilot against Agamzar after it crushes the Whispering Tyrant and his silly Gallowspire :DDD

My Carrion Crown game is going to be so much fun :DD


Sauce987654321 wrote:
How tall is this guy? Hard to tell since I don't know what kind of birds those are.

About 70 feet tall.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I'm getting the feeling that more and more of these B4 monsters are quite over-the-top...

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Zaister wrote:
I'm getting the feeling that more and more of these B4 monsters are quite over-the-top...

If this bestiary truly IS "over-the-top", I sure hope Sly Stallone is statted up in it! :D

I hope this thing has a construction entry. Get one of these built as a keep in a PC-run town (kinda like Kingmaker). Who needs guards when the ballistae are self-reloading and the keep itself can transform.

I am liking the preview of the colossus. I can't wait to see what the others look like. I also hope there's information on how to go about coming up with your own, and what the colossus subtype entails.

i can't help but imagine this as a MegaZord.

4 people marked this as a favorite.



I love it!

This could be Golarion's version of the RV now that people can have the convenience of taking their home with them and traveling in it wherever they go. That makes it a step above an instant fortress. It still might not be as cool as a dancing hut with chicken legs, but at least now Baba Yaga doesn't get to have all the fun.

So we're getting a few of these things right? Cause hot damn, they're perfect for my homebrew. Got my fingers crossed for a flying fortress one, though if there isn't one I can always write one up myself.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sweet. It's Alexander from FF4! :) Also...

Bestiary 4 should be in stores now (or sitting at your game table)...

We're still waiting on that one. Thanks for teasing us ;)

Grand Lodge

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I know, right? I almost want to start canceling things...

This is what you want to build around your pocket dimension entrance. :) Mobile Defense. :)

It is Alexander from the FF games! or MegaMaid;)

Silver Crusade Lone Wolf Development

The Bestiary 4's store page says its pdf is available on the 30th, and the day the pdf is available is normally the day it goes on sale in brick and mortar stores, but this preview says it's already available.

Do I make a trip to my FLGS yet?

(As of last month, the store page said this would be available on the 23rd, but it appears to have been moved back sometime this month).

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Ah hahaha this is freaking awesome. I love that this is a manned construct too. :D

Oh God.

Combine this with your traditional "skull castle" and what do you get?

row row fight the power

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Only 12 Medium creatures? Look at that thing! Its upper torso alone should be able to host more passengers than that!

Also, Mikaze: never type that using anything other than capital letters. :D ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER!

3 people marked this as a favorite.


Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:

Only 12 Medium creatures? Look at that thing! Its upper torso alone should be able to host more passengers than that!

Also, Mikaze: never type that using anything other than capital letters. :D ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER!

It could be that is the actual housing for it not total carry capacity if they are going point a to b.

Man, if any of the colossi are smaller than Colossal, I'll be really sad ;)

Shadow Lodge

6 people marked this as a favorite.

In Soviet Golarion, castle crash YOU!

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Wording implies there could be other colossi. Is that the case?


Mathias Gehl wrote:

The Bestiary 4's store page says its pdf is available on the 30th, and the day the pdf is available is normally the day it goes on sale in brick and mortar stores, but this preview says it's already available.

Do I make a trip to my FLGS yet?

(As of last month, the store page said this would be available on the 23rd, but it appears to have been moved back sometime this month).

Go with what the store page says.

We'll see this blog edited tomorrow.

The Exchange

Ah, this is really cool.

I'm not sure why it's mythic - couldn't it be a regular CR 919 creature? or is mythic power a requirement to construct it, which grants it mythic power?

Shadow Lodge

I'm not even sure it's really a CR 19 as it is.

I'm with TOZ on that one. It doesn't seem to be near as hard hitting as other CR19 foes.

Im a little underwhelmed by the ac...

Mythic +10 Artifact Toaster wrote:
Im a little underwhelmed by the ac...

It does have a little less AC than something of it's CR. Though it has significantly less HP than something of CR 19. However, it does have a large amount of defensive abilities and immunities that help keep it beefy. In addition, we don't know what mythic resilience is just yet, so it's hard to say what it's true defensive abilities are.

DarthPinkHippo wrote:
I'm with TOZ on that one. It doesn't seem to be near as hard hitting as other CR19 foes.

While it has less attacks, remember that it has Power Attack and Improved Vital Strike. So that 6d10+28 with the stomp can easily become 18d10+43, going from an average of 61 damage to an average of 142 damage. The latter value exceeds the average damage of a CR 19 by a good amount (A range of 82 to 110 damage).

The Exchange

Odraude wrote:
Mythic +10 Artifact Toaster wrote:
Im a little underwhelmed by the ac...

It does have a little less AC than something of it's CR. Though it has significantly less HP than something of CR 19. However, it does have a large amount of defensive abilities and immunities that help keep it beefy. In addition, we don't know what mythic resilience is just yet, so it's hard to say what it's true defensive abilities are.

DarthPinkHippo wrote:
I'm with TOZ on that one. It doesn't seem to be near as hard hitting as other CR19 foes.
While it has less attacks, remember that it has Power Attack and Improved Vital Strike. So that 6d10+28 with the stomp can easily become 18d10+43, going from an average of 61 damage to an average of 142 damage. The latter value exceeds the average damage of a CR 19 by a good amount (A range of 82 to 110 damage).

That, and it has "pinning stomp" - I guess that's either some new universal rule from the bestiary 4 or a power that every colossus has, and it seems like that super powered stomp will also leave the target proned and grappled or something, which isn't bad. And does anyone know what "mythic quickening" is?

Plus, don't forget it can have a ton of extra actions because of mythic improved initiative.

Not really my thing, but nice artwork, because of that wood it crushes it looks not as big as colossal, so I can use this creature with Gargantuan size. (made by goblin-sized creatures which doesn't need colossal keeps)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Let my players' "Shadow of the Colossus" jokes begin. And then never end.

Liberty's Edge

TOZ wrote:
I'm not even sure it's really a CR 19 as it is.

The stats are on the low side. However, it has some sweet abilities. Does antimagic aura work the same as the spell? If so, shutting down magic items could be a big deal.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

There is an awesome Fritz Leiber story where the dungeon, a small tower in a clearing, is the monster, as the heroes explore the inside the traps and such are the the tower itself attacking. This could work well with this beast.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
The_Hanged_Man wrote:
TOZ wrote:
I'm not even sure it's really a CR 19 as it is.
The stats are on the low side. However, it has some sweet abilities. Does antimagic aura work the same as the spell? If so, shutting down magic items could be a big deal.

Improved Vital Strike Stomp seems scary, 18d10 + 28 and that pinning stomp thing. To bad stomp does allows multiple targets "under foot" at once.

Skritz wrote:

I was thinking Omega Supreme once this Stone Collosus had "Escape Velocity" mythic power!


The_Hanged_Man wrote:
TOZ wrote:
I'm not even sure it's really a CR 19 as it is.
The stats are on the low side. However, it has some sweet abilities. Does antimagic aura work the same as the spell? If so, shutting down magic items could be a big deal.

Unless it said otherwise, then yes.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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Agreed, a bit small for a Metroplex. But definitely Omega Supreme size :-)

Odraude wrote:
While it has less attacks, remember that it has Power Attack and Improved Vital Strike. So that 6d10+28 with the stomp can easily become 18d10+43, going from an average of 61 damage to an average of 142 damage. The latter value exceeds the average damage of a CR 19 by a good amount (A range of 82 to 110 damage).

That's a very good point - I was a bit underwhelmed for CR 19. It's still very low on hp/defenses - that may be showing the strain of the new construct rules (full BAB/HD, etc.). If two of these fought, it would be over on round 2 90% of the time.

Note, you really can't include any of the mythic abilities when looking at it's CR - those are supposed to be added on after to measure up to its MR 7. They may synergize well though.

Last thing... this specific selective antimagic aura doesn't seem that beneficial when compared with magic immunity. It does make melee and point-blank ranged attacks pretty painful though. That Epic DR might actually count for something. Unless there's someone with clustered shot of course.

I like the combination of epic DR and the antimagic aura.

The guy having two of its mythic feats invested into the ballista is interesting, since its a pretty bad shot with it (it could deadly aim/vital strike with it for 9d8+20, but with a measly +9 to hit before using a surge). But shifting a mythic feat from point blank into vital strike probably would've been a bit unbalanced for the CR.

Though perhaps there's a higher CR iron colossus that DOES have a mythic feat in vital strike, and it'll stomp a person right through the crust into the mantle.

Also good to see constructs with int scores, because those are so much more useful.

Edit: CR-wise, this guy's at base a CR 15 or 16 critter, and then its mythic abilities are supposed to provide the difference. So they do count into figuring its final CR.

Constructs need some sort of "beefy" quality where they derive bonus HP from Stength modifier, like undead now get Charisma mod to HP. Constructs are just weirdly fragile under 3.X.

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Sauce987654321 wrote:
How tall is this guy? Hard to tell since I don't know what kind of birds those are.
About 70 feet tall.

Height: 70 feet.

Darkvision: 60 feet.

So that means that he's going to be tripping over low-lying farmhouses if he decides to go for a late-night walk?

Methinks it might make sense to bump that up to 120.

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Tinalles wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Sauce987654321 wrote:
How tall is this guy? Hard to tell since I don't know what kind of birds those are.
About 70 feet tall.

Height: 70 feet.

Darkvision: 60 feet.

So that means that he's going to be tripping over low-lying farmhouses if he decides to go for a late-night walk?

Methinks it might make sense to bump that up to 120.

I think it's darkvision range extends from its square space rather from its eyes.

Yay, PF Colossi are fantasy Warhammer 40k Titans!! One step closer to merging two of my loves.

Zhangar wrote:
Edit: CR-wise, this guy's at base a CR 15 or 16 critter, and then its mythic abilities are supposed to provide the difference. So they do count into figuring its final CR.

Do they? I'm hardly an expert, but I thought Mythic Rating was added after, not included in Challenge Rating. Am I wrong?

In other words, is this supposed to be an average encounter for a 19th level part, or a 19th level party with an average of 7 Mystic Tiers each?

Edit: Oh, and it only looks about 40' tall to me, judging the Ballista as about 8' long.

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