Little Bunny Fufu

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Greetings, loyal subjects!

I hope you have been well since I addressed you last. I come to you bearing good news—my influence has spread through the hallowed halls of Paizo. Using my mother (Editorial Intern Cassidy) as a puppet for my machinations, I have guaranteed that my legacy will prevail through the ages by immortalizing myself in the upcoming tome Bestiary 4. Feast your eyes upon my likeness:

Illustration by Mattias Fahlberg


This oversized rabbit has a single long, pearlescent horn protruding from its crown.

Almiraj CR 1

XP 400
N Small magical beast
Init +2 Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +4


AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 size)
hp 13 (2d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0; –2 vs. witch hexes


Speed 30 ft., burrow 10 ft.
Melee +1 gore +6 (2d4–1)
Special Attacks magic horn


Str 6, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 5, Wis 11, Cha 6
Base Atk +2; CMB –1; CMD 11 (15 vs. trip)
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+14 when jumping), Perception +4, Stealth +14; Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics when jumping, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth
Languages Sylvan (can't speak)
SQ hex-prone


Environment temperate hills, plains, or forests
Organization solitary
Treasure incidental (magic horn)


Hex-Prone (Su) An almiraj takes a –2 penalty on all saving throws against harmful witch hexes. The duration of any beneficial hexes longer than 1 round that affect an almiraj is increased by 50%.

Magic Horn (Su) While on the creature's head, an almiraj's horn is treated as a +1 weapon. Any living creature slain by an almiraj's gore attack immediately turns to stone (as if by the flesh to stone spell, with no saving throw, and the creature is still dead). A severed almiraj horn retains a wisp of its former magic, and counts as a masterwork weapon if used to create a magical dagger or similar small piercing weapon.

The almiraj is a surprisingly dangerous predator. Almirajes' strong affinity with witches, magical gore attacks, and susceptibility to hexes suggest they have arcane origins, perhaps the result of experiments by witches seeking to deliberately create a new kind of familiar.

Reminiscent of a unicorn horn, an almiraj's most prominent feature serves as both a deterrent and deadly weapon. The almiraj uses its horn to hunt, stalking and spearing prey on the brutal appendage. The horn's unique magical properties have the gruesome side effect of forcing the almiraj to consume its prey while it still lives, before it turns to stone—when hunting smaller creatures, the almiraj strikes to slow its prey through blood loss and to disable it by maiming its limbs. Occasionally, an enterprising individual will hunt an almiraj for its horn, but success is limited since almirajes are exceptionally vicious, stealthy, and athletic targets—their acrobatic leaps bring their horns within reach of the vital organs of much larger creatures.

Almirajes are fiercely territorial, although they flee if unable to fight on their terms, only to return later to defend their territory. They demonstrate their territorial claims to others of their kind with acrobatic displays and mock horn battles rather than fighting in earnest. Other intruders are met with aggressive posturing and warning calls, though almirajes prefer not to fight. If an interloper refuses to withdraw, however, the almiraj will fight to the death to defend its claim.

It's unclear how almirajes reproduce, since females are rare and the creatures are always encountered alone. Records indicate that they live for 40 to 60 years and some communities are able to build respectful, if wary, relationships with them.

Almirajes are particularly popular with witches as familiars. Spellcasters of any alignment with the Improved Familiar feat can gain an almiraj as a familiar at 5th level.

"But, Emperor Aslan," some might say, "I don't remember you having a horn... or bloodstained fur." To these people, I say: just wait to see what happens if my carrot supply ever dries up. In the meantime, I encourage you all to take an almiraj as your familiar and see what bunnies can really do.

Until next time, my minions.


Emperor of Livingroom

Nibbler of Dragons
Lord and Master of all He Surveys

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Tags: Mattias Fahlberg Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
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3 people marked this as a favorite.

So when will we see the CR 19 regular rabbit of doom?

The one that breaks rules and does 4d8+10d6 on a charge, grapples the heroes for free (by the neck), causes them to suffocate, and looks just like an ordinary rabbit?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I fully expect this in an upcoming Pathfinder Society scenario.

John Compton, make it happen! :-)

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I, for one, welcome our new petrifying cuddly overlords.

14 people marked this as a favorite.

Can you dual-wield Almiraj?

Grand Lodge

Marthian wrote:

So when will we see the CR 19 regular rabbit of doom?

The one that breaks rules and does 4d8+10d6 on a charge, grapples the heroes for free (by the neck), causes them to suffocate, and looks just like an ordinary rabbit?

Oh that's just The Rabbit of Caerbannog from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I'm sure no one will invent that build. ;P

Nice and a familiar option to boot. I wonder how long before it becomes PFS legal :)

Lantern Lodge

Can I my Druid use it as pet? Please, pretty please?

Webstore Gninja Minion

14 people marked this as a favorite.
Cheapy wrote:
Can you dual-wield Almiraj?

Only if they have armor spikes on them.



Now its just another weak Jackalope, Al-mi'raj should be much higher CR as its myth said...

I'm still happy Al-mi'raj made it in, but CR 1 is a bit too low..

This just proves what a special critter the Aurumvorax is... one of the only creatures that is small and high CR...

Editorial Intern

Gancanagh wrote:



Now its just another weak Jackalope

Don't let it hear you say that. :)

Liz Courts wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
Can you dual-wield Almiraj?
Only if they have armor spikes on them.

And suddenly Jason found one more page near the beginning of the book to fill with a monster.

Muted grumblings of "cursed Armorspikelmiraj" were heard in the distance, as a newly lit flame burned higher...

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

In one paragraph, it says, "Any living creature slain by an almiraj's gore attack immediately turns to stone..." then in the next paragraph it says, "The horn's unique magical properties have the gruesome side effect of forcing the almiraj to consume its prey while it still lives, before it turns to stone."

Should it say "struck by an almiraj's gore" instead?

Otherwise a cool revamp of the old AD&D 1e Fiend Folio al-miraj.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gancanagh wrote:



Now its just another weak Jackalope, Al-mi'raj should be much higher CR as its myth said...

I'm still happy Al-mi'raj made it in, but CR 1 is a bit too low..

This just proves what a special critter the Aurumvorax is... one of the only creatures that is small and high CR...

I dare you to find a jackalope in one of our products--even a mention.

(I equally dare you to find mention of CR in any myth.) :P

That said, small and deadly, not something you're going to want for after getting your hands on B4. ;)

(Edit: Hold on, Aurumvoraxes are CR 9! High CR indeed.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tivilio wrote:

In one paragraph, it says, "Any living creature slain by an almiraj's gore attack immediately turns to stone..." then in the next paragraph it says, "The horn's unique magical properties have the gruesome side effect of forcing the almiraj to consume its prey while it still lives, before it turns to stone."

Should it say "struck by an almiraj's gore" instead?

Why would it? As currently written almiraj's victim turns to stone after death. Which means that to feed, the almiraj has to eat his fill without killing the victim in the first place.


Tivilio wrote:
Otherwise a cool revamp of the old AD&D 1e Fiend Folio al-miraj.

Now you're getting it. :)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

14 people marked this as a favorite.

Little Bunny Fu Fu
Hopping through the forest
Picking up the field mice
And impaling them with his head.

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:

I dare you to find a jackalope in one of our products--even a mention.

(I equally dare you to find mention of CR in any myth.) :P

That said, small and deadly, not something you're going to want for after getting your hands on B4. ;)

(Edit: Hold on, Aurumvoraxes are CR 9! High CR indeed.)

Hehe, but that's why I gave Jackalope as an example, I know how you and JJ feel about that creature ;-)

I love the description and abilities of the Almiraj, the only thing I don't like is its CR, wish it was around 3 or 4 because in the myth it says that it preys on big animals much bigger than itself, something of CR 1 can not even beat a Peasant with ease... :-p

But then again, i'm just a sucker for small creatures that stand their ground and which are powerfull and high cr (such as the Raiju and Aurumvorax)

Now I cross my fingers for the Kamaitachi (another small but powerfull creature) being in Bestiary 4 + being of high CR.

It's a lot easier to scale up monsters with templates than it is to scale down.

Ok, that'll be a fun conversation. What templates would you add to this cute little fluffy guy?

Cheapy wrote:

It's a lot easier to scale up monsters with templates than it is to scale down.

Ok, that'll be a fun conversation. What templates would you add to this cute little fluffy guy?

Giant Advanced Half-fiend Half-dragon Ghost (wanted to use Vampire/Graveknight but both requires 5 HD on the creature before applying...)

Cheapy wrote:

It's a lot easier to scale up monsters with templates than it is to scale down.

Ok, that'll be a fun conversation. What templates would you add to this cute little fluffy guy?

I know, but for people wanting to face CR 1 bunnies there are Skvaders and Wolpertingers, that's why I hoped the Almiraj would be a higher cr bunny monster as there are two lowlevel bunny monsters already.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cheapy wrote:
Can you dual-wield Almiraj?

It didn't take long...

Gancanagh wrote:
Cheapy wrote:

It's a lot easier to scale up monsters with templates than it is to scale down.

Ok, that'll be a fun conversation. What templates would you add to this cute little fluffy guy?

I know, but for people wanting to face CR 1 bunnies there are Skvaders and Wolpertingers, that's why I hoped the Almiraj would be a higher cr bunny monster as there are two lowlevel bunny monsters already.

I love wolpertingers...maybe jackalopes are wingless versions... >.>

Gancanagh wrote:



Now its just another weak Jackalope, Al-mi'raj should be much higher CR as its myth said...

Looking up "A-mi'raj".


People are weird.


Looking up "A-mi'raj".


People are weird.

from wiki


Al-mi'raj is a mythical beast from Islamic poetry said to live on a mysterious island called Jezîrat al-Tennyn within the confines of the Indian Ocean.[1] Its name can be broken up several different ways, though is generally seen truncated as Mi'raj, Mir'aj or just Miraj. Its name is also synonymous with Muhammad's ascent into heaven.

Al-mi'raj is a large, harmless-looking yellow rabbit with a single, 2-foot-long (0.61 m), black, spiraling horn protruding from its forehead, much like that of a unicorn.

Despite its docile appearance, Al-Mir'aj is actually a ferociously territorial predator known to be able to kill animals and people many times their own size with a few stabs of its horn. It also has an immense appetite and can devour other living things several times its size without effort. Al-Mir'aj frightens other animals and they will always flee from its presence due to this.

The people of the island were so terrified of Al-Mi'raj eating them and their livestock that they would turn to witches to ward them away as soon as the rumor of a Miraj met their ears. (something they wouldn't do as a CR 1 zombie came) It was reported that only a true witch would charm the Miraj, rendering it harmless so the people could remove the Miraj from the area.

Doesn't sound like Zombie/Giant Ant CR niveau to me... Could be wrong.

A first level commoner is going to have a lower CR than 1, so I think it's fine. It's still going to be tough enough that they might call on heroes to take it out.

I don't take CR 1 serious as Giant Mosquito's are CR6... :-p

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Wow. What god-awful improved familiars!

Paizo Employee Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Luckily both the rules for the Pathfinder RPG and Arabic myth are available under license (or public domain) for fans to make their own versions of the almiraj (and even the jackalope) and share them to their hearts' content. I can't wait to see what you come up with for a proper almiraj, Gancanagh.

Yes, that is a challenge. Show me what you got.

These make great familiars, love the concept!

Mark Moreland wrote:

Luckily both the rules for the Pathfinder RPG and Arabic myth are available under license (or public domain) for fans to make their own versions of the almiraj (and even the jackalope) and share them to their hearts' content. I can't wait to see what you come up with for a proper almiraj, Gancanagh.

Yes, that is a challenge. Show me what you got.

Lol, I take it you're the creator of this Almiraj?

I like most things of this Almiraj really, wouldn't change much and I don't know much about all those AC Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0; –2 vs. witch hexes ect ect so I can't make my own versions of the monsters, if I could I would probably try and make an entire book of missing monsters myself.

The only things I would probably change are the CR and Strength of the creature, and I don't know what you have to change to get the CR up, but I would change that too.

The fluff is perfect, the abilities are perfect (i'm happy it lost the silly blink ability) and I like its intelligence 5, so really only the strength and CR I guess, just to create more small but dangerous high CR creatures.

Mosquitoes do con and bleed damage, which can be pretty brutal at low levels. Nothing in the Al Miraj's stats really strikes me as being that punishing.

My feeling is that you don't really know what CR is. Bumping strength and keeping everything the same still wouldn't make it the equivalent of a CR 6 animal. I think they did a fine job on adapting a folklore monster to Pathfinder

Paizo Employee Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gancanagh wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:

Luckily both the rules for the Pathfinder RPG and Arabic myth are available under license (or public domain) for fans to make their own versions of the almiraj (and even the jackalope) and share them to their hearts' content. I can't wait to see what you come up with for a proper almiraj, Gancanagh.

Yes, that is a challenge. Show me what you got.

Lol, I take it you're the creator of this Almiraj?

Nope, I don't have a rabbit in this race, other than to encourage someone who is both clearly versed in the traditional flavor of the creature and who has a clear vision for how that legend can be represented using the rules of the Pathfinder RPG to combine those two into a set of stats that works for them. I like to see people inspired by myth and legend transform those into monsters folks can use at their gaming tables. That is, after all, much of what we do when we make monsters for books like this.

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I'd give it the unnatural aura universal monster ability and a multiplier of x3 on criticals with its horn so that it could actually kill and petrify larger prey with a single blow, other then that I think its fine.

MMCJawa wrote:

Mosquitoes do con and bleed damage, which can be pretty brutal at low levels. Nothing in the Al Miraj's stats really strikes me as being that punishing.

My feeling is that you don't really know what CR is. Bumping strength and keeping everything the same still wouldn't make it the equivalent of a CR 6 animal. I think they did a fine job on adapting a folklore monster to Pathfinder

Then I would add the Giant Mosquito's Con and Bleed Damage to the Almiraj, would that make it a higher CR creature? ;-)

I always thought the CR was about the same thing as a creatures level, most creatures of pathfinder have a CR close to what I would give them in level, but some are strange, such as Giant Mosquito, Hydra, Quickwood, Nightmare, Quickling, the genies, all naga's and others, probably because I don't fully understand CR and its not a creatures level...

Ravingdork wrote:
Wow. What god-awful improved familiars!

Good thing no one is holding a gun to your head making you take it then...

*ponders witch concepts*

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
MMCJawa wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Wow. What god-awful improved familiars!
Good thing no one is holding a gun to your head making you take it then...

No, but the moment a fellow player wastes a feat on that thing, because it is "cute" or "different," the entire party is brought down a little bit as a result.

In short, a new newbie trap.

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not everything is about optimization

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

No, not optimization. SURVIVAL!!!


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It will undoubtedly increase the likelihood of dooming. A spellcaster player should have enough respect of his fellow players not to bring them down like that. (◕‿-)

A spellcaster is a spellcaster. Unless you think that taking this as a familiar makes any spellcaster as bad as a fighter, it's hardly much of an impact.

I thought for sure they would make it CR2-3 but at least it isn't stronger then a Chimera. Though I would add the advanced template and maybe some spell like abilities.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.



pant pant pant

In all seriousness, the look in that thing's eye is freaking scary. Mattias Fahlberg just accomplished what Night of the Lepus couldn't: Delivering a believably dangerous bunny monster.

Anyway i'm still very happy JJ and Wes changed their minds about the Al-mi'raj, I remember a conversation about the Almiraj in which one of them said the day we see Almiraj in pathfinder is very very far in the future.

Or time flies by very fast or they did change their minds and i'm happy about that!

Rabbit monsters are cool, well at least Wolpertinger and Almiraj, don't really care for the gentle ones such as Jackalope and Skvader.

What does "+1 gore +6" mean?
Is this an attack at +1 or at +6? Or is it two different attacks?
Or is "+1 gore" the name of the weapon (as in "+1 longsword")?

Shadow Lodge

bad news...Bestiary 4 has been pushed by by a full year

good news...each day, the blog will show one of the monsters from it

when the blog finishes the last monster, the book will be published

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Friendly Lich wrote:

What does "+1 gore +6" mean?

Is this an attack at +1 or at +6? Or is it two different attacks?
Or is "+1 gore" the name of the weapon (as in "+1 longsword")?

Based on the description of the horn and it's magical properties "+1 gore" is the name of the weapon/attack.

I would still like to see the rabbit from Monty Python's the Holy Grail stated up in pathfinder.

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