DM Salsa's Curse of the Crimson Throne (Inactive)

Game Master AdamWarnock

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Hello there, I'm looking to start a Curse of the Crimson Throne game here on the boards. First thing you'll need is to grab a copy of the Player's Guide. Second thing you'll need is a character.

Character Creation Guidelines:

-1st level
-Heroic Array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8)
-Average starting wealth
-Two traits (One of them must be a Campaign Trait)
-No evil alignments (Sorry, I'm looking for heroes for this campaign)
-No Gunslingers or Summoners (The former doesn't really fit, the latter I'm not comfortable enough with to be confident that I can determine if a character follows the rules properly.)
-Core races are in, all other races are a case by case basis.
-Characters who have proficiency in longswords, shortswords, and greatswords get proficiency in bastard swords (or hald-and-a-half swords if you prefer) for free. (Get Exotic Weapon Proficiency [Bastard Sword] as a free feat)

Notes on Alignment:

These are my interpretations on alignment. Disagreeing or agreeing with me is not going to affect your chances of getting in. This is here to help you plan your character.

Lawful Good - Characters of this alignment exhaust all legal options before resorting to breaking the law to right wrongs and help the weak and defenseless. They honor their word and never break a promise willingly. These characters do not take kindly to those who openly break the law or bend the law to their own ends instead of upholding the spirit of the law. (A knight in shining armor)

Neutral Good - Characters of this alignment are more pragmatic in pursuing the cause of the greater good. They will honor their word as long as it does not harm the innocent. They see the law as a means of maintaining order, but willing break it if the legal way of doing the right thing either takes to long or is too complex to tackle with ease. (A hero who overthrows evil regimes and upholds righteous ones)

Chaotic Good - Characters of this alignment openly defy authority as they aid those in need of help. They will lie if it is necessary, and will offer false promises to lure those who further the cause of evil into traps. The see the law as oppressive and necessary evil in most cases, but openly defy if they feel that it is harming those that follow it. (Robin Hood)

Lawful Neutral - Characters of this alignment follow the letter of the law, but question it if the law seems to cause more harm than good, unlike LG characters who follow the letter and the spirit of the law until the letter and/or spirit conflicts with their morals. They are as trustworthy, but are more likely to be impartial than a LG character. (A judge)

True Neutral - Characters of this alignment follow a philosophy of pragmatism. They follow the crowd and try to look after themselves and their own. The see the law as a means of keeping order, but circumvent it if it is more convenient. (A pragmatist)

Chaotic Neutral - Characters of this alignment follow their whims. They follow the law only to keep themselves out of trouble, but are not afraid to break it to get what they want. They lie and cheat, but do not delight in tormenting others, just the wealth or status they acquire.

A Note on Paladins
They will need to follow a code, but I will discuss that with the players that get picked. This isn't really important right now, just something to be aware of.

Character Submission Guidelines:

I will need the following for a submission
-Name, race, class, and alignment.
-Your interpretation on your character's alignment and any personal codes they may have.
-basic stats (Ability scores, saves, traits, feats, and main pieces of equipment[e.g. main weapon and armor])
-A background that incorporates your campaign trait and puts you in Korvosa.
-Answers to the following questions:
1. What does your character look like?
2. What is your character's personality like?
3. How bitter is your character toward Lamm?
4. How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant.
5. How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole?
6. How does your character feel about the King? The Queen?
7. Does your character have any strange quirks?

(Feel free to answer in character)

Have fun and listen to this if you need a little help getting into a heroic mindset.

Also note, if you make changes after submitting, you will need to resubmit the whole submission again. This will help me when I choose the final group and also help you catch any mistakes or discrepancies that pop up after making those changes.

I'll hold recruitment open at least a week and then post the final group a couple of days after that. I will be taking a maximum of five players, and will probably stick to four.

Oh I'm interested. Hope you like. I'll have the fluffy stuff like background done tommorrow.

"Waydon Cordus, a good man if you ask me. There he goes now, still looking for that little boy of his. Its a real shame what happened to them folks. Oh you never heard of him? Well let me tell you what I heard and also what I saw.
You know me, I've been on these docks my whole life. I remember when I first saw Lucius carrying his little boy Waydon on the docks. The named him after Waydon Endrin of course. That Cordus family has got the looks I tell ya. They're old blood, noble and all that, but somewhere way back someone backed the wrong horse if you catch my drift. Got no money now and no real claim to anything. Still that didn't stop Waydon's father Lucius from being a good man, an upstanding Korvosan Guard, the kind you trust to interrupt the law the way the common man sees it. Well with a father like that you can imagine the man that Waydon grew into. Just like his father he went on to be a guardsman too, and with his smooth voice and his clean looks he netted himself a right pretty wife he did. Unfortunately that's where the story turns sour. Like so many stories round here do. His pretty wife was out with their child Titus. That boy weren't much more than 7 years old then. Well she was haggling for some apples with her child behind her and like something straight from a nightmare her little boy wasn't there when she turned around. She looked everywhere, got Waydon to help and between them and some old guard buddies they couldn't find so much as a trace of their little boy. His wife went crazy with grief, hung herself. Waydon resigned from the Korvosan Guard. And there he goes now, still looking."

Off in the distance a tall man in dented scale mail leads a horse down the street. His hair is short cropped but its golden shine and subtle curls still show. He has an honest face save for sad look in his eyes. His jaw twitches ever so slightly as he approaches a local washerwoman. In clear, well enunciated Common he says, "Heard anything about my boy lately?" The washerwoman keeps her eyes low and nods her head side to side.
Moving on Waydon adjusts the bastard sword in his scabbard and moves the wooden shield on his back into a more favorable position.

Waydon Cordus, Human, Cavalier: Honor Guard, Strategist, Order of the Shield
Neutral Good: A former guardsmen who prefers a clear interpretation of the law so longs as it doesn't come down to hard on the weak. He'd look the other way if a hungry child stole some food and he might chastise a local for a crime instead of putting them through the courts.

Str 17, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 15
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Sword, Bastard, Power Attack -1/+2, Shake It Off, Shield Focus
Traits Armor Expert, Missing Child (Son or Daughter)
Skills Acrobatics -4, Climb -2, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist -4, Fly -4, Heal +3, Intimidate +6, Knowledge
(Local) +4, Profession (Soldier) +3, Ride -4, Sense Motive +3, Stealth -4, Swim -2 Modifiers +5 Ride
while riding your bonded mount., Shield's Skills
Languages Common
SQ Animal Companion Link (Ex), Earplugs, Sworn Defense (Ex), Tactician (Shake It Off) 3 rds (1/day)
(Ex), Weapon Cord
Combat Gear Javelin (3), Scale Mail, Shield, Heavy Wooden, Sword, Bastard; Other Gear Backpack (4
@ 11 lbs), Earplugs, Grappling hook, Manacles, Rope, silk (50 ft.), Weapon Cord

He's looking for his missing son.

-Answers to the following questions:
1. What does your character look like?
Tall, well-built with short curly golden hair.
2. What is your character's personality like?
Very honest and likable. He's a mediator and a problem solver. A bit of a boy scout.
3. How bitter is your character toward Lamm?
He suspects Lamm may have his boy, but since he can't confirm that he simply sees him as typical criminal scum. If he could confirm that Lamm has his child he would almost certainly desire the death of Lamm.
4. How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant.
It really depends on the fate of his child. He would not be interested in slowing things down in the courts. That being said, Waydon is not a torturer. He would kill Lamm.
5. How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole?
Korvosa is his city of birth and a city he once swore to protect. All of the people he has ever known reside within Korvosa.
6. How does your character feel about the King? The Queen?
Waydon is an Arabasti man all the way. He appreciates the good works he's done for the common man. The queen is another creature altogether. The word on the street isn't very favorable for the queen and although Waydon isn't very interested in gossip, he certainly doesn't have any particular fondness for the queen.
7. Does your character have any strange quirks?
He likes milk. He really thinks it does a body good.

Dotting for interest.

Thinking of going with a Half Orc Paladin (Redeemer archtype)- will think about Code...

Will pull something together for you later today.

*emerges from the shadows, a translucent slithering shape waving its tentacles beside him*
Ah, I see my ilk is not welcome here. Shame. Looks like Gaedren Lamm may live another day, after all.
*goes back to sulking in the urban underbelly*

I see a lot of water/wetlands on the map. Are lizardfolk citizens of the realm, under royal rule?

Maybe work for Waydon. Parade armor?

I'm thinking of putting together a Fetchling Oracle with the Spellscar mystery. I'll put together a formal application later on.

1. What does your character look like?
Like all Fetchlings, Amerion looks like a washed-out Human. He's slender, almost to the point of skeletal and yet there is a powerful sense of presence around him. Since being unceremoniously ejected from the Church of Iomedae, Amerion has devoted himself to bringing about Lamm's downfall and subsequent trial. He will see all the harm that the man has done erased.

2. What is your character's personality like?
Amerion has a forceful personality but not in a negative way. A common misconception is that Amerion is a shady character, due mostly to his racial heritage. However, Amerion tries to elevate the people around him to do better as that can bring about positive change.

3. How bitter is your character toward Lamm?
Amerion resents what Lamm has done to him, but not to the point of violence. Amerion is still able to serve Iomedae, but in a different way than he had expected.

4. How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant.
He'd call the guards and get Lamm prosecuted, once he had ransacked Lamm's hideaway and obtained irrefutable proof of his illicit dealings.

5. How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole?
Amerion is not a native of Korvosa, but feels that the city needs healing. Amerion wants to be involved in that healing.

6. How does your character feel about the King? The Queen?
Not knowing either personally, Amerion is largely neutral on the King and Queen. He has heard the local gossip but puts little stock in the ramblings on the locals. From what he can gather, the King has been good enough to his people.

7. Does your character have any strange quirks?
Due in part to his heritage as a Fetchling, Amerion prefers to do good from the shadows. He feels at home not standing in direct light of any kind. This probably didn't aid his case when Lamm accused him of murder.

An alias will follow with pertinent details.

I am very interested, too. Some points to consider for the DM:

* I´m German. English is not my native language, so maybe sometimes I might confuse some words and because of time difference my posts might come on unusual times (but regularly, of course).
* I never played pbp before, so I may need a few explanations in the beginning

I hope getting a chance nevertheless. I´d like to play an arcane spellcaster, don´t know if it will be a sorcerer, wizard or witch. I will figure it out in the next hours.

Okay, here is my background. I hope, you will like it:

Terreno was born twenty years ago. A son of a simple but good-hearted baker and his wife, he was taught to be honest and just. At the early age of sixteen, Terreno fell in love with Miriam, a clever and beautiful girl working as a novice at the local temple of Abadar.
The two got married when Terreno was nineteen and right as they thought, their luck could not be bigger, Miriam got pregnant. Terreno was happy as a man could possibly be. He bought a small cottage and made it ready for his little family.
But fate strikes, when one expects it the least...
Miriam was responsible for bookkeeping and accountancy in the temple. In her daily work, she stumbled across some money-laundering-affair of Gaedren and his dangerous gang. She gave notive to her headmaster and Gaedrens account was confiscated by officials of the city of Korvosa.
Gaedren caught word of this and had Miriam and thereby also her unborn child killed by one of his flunkies.
Terreno was so horribly sad, that he could think of nothing else but revenge. But what could a little baker-boy do against a notorious criminal? Looking for weapons, Terreno stumbled across a strange, multi-colored sphere, which was hidden on his grandmother´s attic.
As he touched the mysterious thing, an amorphous creature seemingly made of a green mist appeared to him. Terreno didn´t know, what the creature´s intent was (maybe that´s for the DM to use as he deems appropriate), but in the following nights, his mind and body underwent... changes...
Armed with this strange new alliance and a few disturbing powers, Terreno aims right for Gaedren´s black heart...

Statistics and answers on your questions will follow.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Since the summoners are not welcome, I'll come up with another concept. An NG Human Urban Ranger/Skirmisher, Ex-Korvosan Guard, kicked out of it during the investigation of the Shiver trade in the city. This was especially important to him as his childhood friend got addicted, committed several crimes and eventually died. He learned that Gaedrenn Lamm was behind his dealers, but his superiors refused to follow this lead. Overwhelmed by rage, he accused them of corruption, while not having concrete proof to back it up, and got kicked out. Now he does his job as a bouncer in a tavern, using this position to gather information about Lamm from all sorts of shady patrons.

1. What does your character look like?
Above average height, muscular, short brown hair. He permanently has a surly, tired look. His clothes are worn-out and not too clean, but the straight posture and calm demeanor betray someone who has recently fallen from grace.
2. What is your character's personality like?
Gruff, sarcastic, and to-the-point, he is never needlessly rude or easily flared up. He keeps his cool in tough situations and cares about protecting those weaker than him. He is merciless towards those he perceives as evil, especially drug dealers and their patrons.
3. How bitter is your character toward Lamm?
Pretty bitter since Lamm is like an escaped prey for him. He wants vengeance for his friend, but is also driven by the desire of doing greater good, potentially saving dozens of other people from the addiction. He would like to see all drug dealers hanged, but Lamm will have the highest gallow.
4. How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant.
He would question him about proof of his crimes and any ties with the Korvosan higher-ups he has, resorting to harsh violence if necessary, but stopping short of actual sadistic torture. If after that he saw that justice could be served, he would beat him senseless and hand him in. Otherwise he would proceed to murder him and give in for trial himself.
5. How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole?
Korvosa is his home and he cares deeply for it. There are many things wrong with this city, and he wants to set at least some of them right. He believes the city and its people deserve better.
6. How does your character feel about the King? The Queen?
He sympathizes the current King Eodred, but feels that the monarch is too tied up in the power balance between numerous factions to do any real good to the city. He does not have a special opinion of the Queen Ileosa, as he considers her too inexperienced and insignificant to actually follow up on any of her ambitious plans.
7. Does your character have any strange quirks?
If he is in a conflict with someone, he tends to call his opponent 'buddy' or 'partner' right before punching him out. He also pays little regard to personal hygiene and mundane details of life, which is why he never got married. This has led to him being slightly misogynistic, treating women as inherently weaker at "men's jobs".

Dark Archive

I'll post up the Stats on a Rogue-ish Type here in a Few.

Terreno, human sorcerer (aberrant), lawful good
Some moral standards:
At the beginning of the campaign, Terreno is vengeful and tries everything in his power to kill Gaedren Lamm. Normally, he is a pleasant, simple guy. He thinks, that hard work is more honorable than making it through sheer talent and often thinks of justice on an "eye-for-an-eye-basis". He is generous and thinks, that the best one can do in his life is to care for his family. He is courageous and steps in for those who can´t help themselves even against overwhelming odds.
Str 13 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 8 Wis 10 Cha 17
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2
Traits: Love lost (widowed), resilient
Feats: Toughness, Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Major Equipment: Spear, no armor
Skills: Intimidate +9, Profession (baker) +4
Spells Known: 0 - Dancing Lights, Daze, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand 1 - Grease, Silent Image

1. What does your character look like?
Terreno is broad-shouldered, has a few pounds to much and often traces of flour in his hair. He wears simple clothing, often typical for a baker (black and white plaid pants, white shirt, white cap) when he comes right from work.
2. What is your character's personality like?
Normally, Terreno is a rough but cordial man who solves most conflicts by shouting and being angry with somebody. He says what he thinks and has not the best manners. On the other hand he is always concerned about what people might think about him and tries not to make any "social errors".
But at the moment, Terreno is sullen and longs for nothing more than executing what he thinks is justice on Gaedren Lamm.
3. How bitter is your character toward Lamm?
"If I ever catch him, I will tie him up on his ankles until he rotts off! Gaedren deserves death and the world will be a much better place without this old bastard!"
4. How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant.
see above.
5. How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole?
"It is my city, my homeland. I am proud being a part of it. But I think, the king as an egoistical fop, who makes one wrong decision after another. I don´t like the Varisians and the Shoanti here, they are just to many. Although some of them are honest and hard-working, I´m sure."
6. How does your character feel about the King? The Queen?
"The King has not married the Queen because of her high intelligence and she has not taken him because he is so beautiful - that´s for sure. I think, they don´t love one another."
7. Does your character have any strange quirks?
Terreno snores like hell. He nearly always tries to solve conflicts by shouting or threatening somebody first (though his threats are never really evils things - he might threaten the bank-clerk to withdraw all his money or he might threaten the butcher to buy his meat elsewhere).

DM Salsa - putting the final touches to my submission; Mercy Quaalearn - a female Half Orc Paladin (Redeemer archtype)

Wee question which will affect some of her responses to the questions;

Is Additional Traits okay as a starting feat?

First of all, thanks for offering to run the AP.

I am very much interested, having tried to get into a lasting CotCT game on a number of occasions.

I will have to a bit of work on her in terms of background to switch it back to a CotCT background, but what I will be submitting is a Varisian Human Witch. If she should happen to live long enough to do so, I would hope to have her make her way into the Harrower prestige class.

I will update Arianna later today and answer the Submission Questions.

Dotting for interest. I will probably submit an investigator rogue. He's Part of the Korvosan guard, but a detective, with general freedom in his time. He focuses on getting beyond the front-line thugs to get to the bosses behind them. Lamm is both a personal and professional angst, as he's hurt several people him portably to him, and he's never been able to get to him.

More stuff later.

Dark Archive

-Name, race, class, and alignment/
Krieyna, Female Half-Elf Sanctified Rogue(Arctype,UC), CG
-Your interpretation on your character's alignment and any personal codes they may have.
Based on her Background and History, Shes always looking out for those in need, She wants to help those who cannot help themselves, or those who ahve been Wronged. However, She has Sworn Vengance on Lamm for what he did to her, and what he planned on Doing.

-basic stats (Ability scores, saves, traits, feats, and main pieces of equipment[e.g. main weapon and armor])

Krieyna's Stats:

Sanctified Rogue1
CG Medium humanoid (Half-Elf)
Init +2; Senses Perception +6
AC 15, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 12
(+2 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee ShortSword +3 1d6+1, 19-20x2)
Ranged +3 Dagger(1d4+1)
Base Atk +0 CMB +1 CMD 14
Traits:Orphaned (+2 Perform Dance), Indomitable Faith
Feats Skill Focus(Stealth), Weapon Finess
Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +6, Disable Device +7, Disguise +2, Knowledge (local) +3, Perception +6, Perform (Dance) +6, Sleight of Hand +7 Stealth +10
Languages Common
Gear: Whip, ShortSword, Dagger, leather Armor, Entertainer's outfit, Backback (Theives tools, Disguise kit), Belt Pouch (Caltrops)
Gold 29G

-A background that incorporates your campaign trait and puts you in Korvosa.
"My mother was a local working girl, who got Knocked up by some Dandy from a boat. After she was finished cooking me up, she Dumped me off with Old Lammy, and Ran off with the scally wag. I grew up thinking I was a a human lass, I looked the same, although I always felt different Somehow. When I turned 16, my ears started to grow to a Point. So not only was my Pa a Dandy, he was a bloody Elf too! Thats when Lammy hatched some lame-Brained Scheme to pull on a Local Brothel, He was going to "trim" My Ears, and pass me off as a hearld of Calistria herself! The eternal youth, he called me, was going to make a ton of Coin. Well, thats what he thought anyway.. So I Made my plans, and when he Sent me off to "Forage" as he called it. I skipped out, and never turned. I had decided to Check out the Temple to Calistria, and joined their worships for a while. Her teachings are intresting you know? all that revenge when someones wronged you.. So I made a list of people, who will get whats commin to em' "

1. What does your character look like?
She is about 5'5, 22 years old now (but she looks 17), a Mix betwene Slender and Curvy, Light red Hair, Green eyes, Crooked Grin
2. What is your character's personality like?
Mostly Cheerful, She likes to make jokes, and gets along with almost everyone. Unless they have done something to cross her, then its all business. Shes not Slow, or Stupid, But she lacks a Formal Education. While she can read and do basic match (counting Coins), She couldn't tell you how a ship works, or tell you her Histories etc.
3. How bitter is your character toward Lamm?
Very Bitter, She resents that he tried to sell her to the Brothel, and that he wanted to Cut her ears up. (Shes very Fond of her Ears)
4. How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant.
She would Prob read him his List of Wrongs before she Savored the Sting of her Dagger into his Heart. (her Ali is CG, but she might be Leaning to CN, or Even CE in this Matter, While she doesn't want to murder everyone, She feels Lamm Deserves it more than anyone)

5. How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole?
Now that shes free and out on her own, Its a Wonderful place. Losts of Sights to see, and people to meet.
6. How does your character feel about the King? The Queen?
Neutral. She doesn't pay much attention to the "upper-Workins" She is Too busy trying to feed/ Make a name for herself.
7. Does your character have any strange quirks?
She Likes to Dance, something she picked up as a child, She would stand for hours and watch the local Gypsies dance and sing, which usually ended up getting her Beat for not bring home enough coin for Lamm. She also has a very foul mouth, when shes frustrated, or angry.

I would like to submit.

General character concept will not change. Will have to tailor stats and campaign trait.

Alignment: True Neutral: a born and bred pragmatist

1. I look exactly like my avatar
2. A biter and condescending man: I was a respected scholor and minor noble before being framed my Lamm.
3. Lamm destroyed my professional and social reputations. My bitterness is near obsessive.
4. We would have a very long and detailed conversation regarding his upcoming confessions to the city guard. A modest usage of magic may be involved in the discussion.
5. Korvosa is my home. Despite my recent difficulties I have never considered leaving.
6. My liege is a respectable if somewhat foolish man. The queen, on the other hand, is not deserving of her position or the kings affections.
7. Gundahar always carries an assortment of tome with him, which he will frequently reference. He is also prone to quoting references in idle conversation.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Dotting for interest

Whoo boy, I can see I've got a lot to go through and I don't have the time to go through all of them right now.

@Lictor: Could you tell me how a Fletchling came into Iomodae's service?

@Tim: Neither of those should be a problem. If something's unclear then I'll ask some questions, but that's not too much of a hassle.

@Black Dow: Yep.

@Gundahar: Define "moderate".

DM-Salsa wrote:

@Tim: Neither of those should be a problem. If something's unclear then I'll ask some questions, but that's not too much of a hassle.

Thanks a lot! I´ll try to make it up by entertaining roleplay, if Terreno gets picked to exact vengeance on Gaedren Lamm! :-)

I offer Theanna Lyonsbold, CG Human Oracle of the Heavens, for consideration.

Interpretation of your alignment:
Thea is just as likely to buck the trend as she is to fight for it - she sees value in both the law and how it keeps society intact and yet understands that not everything is as black and white as it's advertised. She's a just and good person, willing to help others and strive for justice, yet she's just as likely to do it within or outside of what society calls "normal".

Basic stats:
How about a Character Sheet? :)

Theanna Lyonsbold was born the second daughter of an Abadarian Lawyer and his secretary. Despite most stories that start this way, the couple was married and has been since the birth of their first son. When Theanna was young, she was given quite a few luxuries and allotted the ability to be taught the ways of the world and to explore. When she was about 13, Theanna got herself involved in the drug ring of Korvosa and purchased some shiver from a man by the name of Gaedren Lamm. The addictive drug brought her back for more and more for the next two years - that is until Thea lost her sight.

While completely high on the drug, her brother happened along her and having kept her secret from their parents of her addiction (knowing they'd feel obligated to prosecute for breaking the law), Nicholas thought it funny to give his baby sister another dose, not knowing how much she had taken herself. Now, overdosed, Theanna spiraled and the shiver reacted poorly and rendered her with clouded eyes and a reduced sense of sight. She could have been dead, and for that little fact that she wasn't she's thankful, and yet she hates herself for her addiction and what it did to her.

With no other option or way to hide the change in her eyes, she told her parents of her overdose, not knowing her bother's involvement. Her parents took her to every healer imaginable and yet the curse was not able to be lifted. That was when Thea started seeing the stars for the first time as she dreamed; the heavens seemed to open to her. Thea manifested raw, untaught divine magic by her 17th year of age and has devoted herself to the study of the heavens since.

Answers to the following questions

1. What does your character look like?:
A short girl by many means, Thea stands a mere five feet from the ground and sport a thin, wiry frame. She looks as if a good, stiff wind might knock her over and yet the lithe frame packs a punch if ever angered. Her blond hair is a mess, naturally curly and worn up and out of her face. The most distinguishable feature of Thea are her eyes: blue as the Jeggare river itself yet clouded over and pale in their color. It's a miracle she can see at all, and how she lost her sight... not that's a story in and of itself.


2. What is your character's personality like?:
A firebrand is the best way to describe Thea: she speaks her mind, makes her opinion heard and has a short fuse to set her off. She's a caring creature that has her own ideals and yet holds herself to a higher standard then one might expect. She loves a good time, and understands the limits of her own body.

3. How bitter is your character toward Lamm?:
Bitter is a good way to put her feelings. She wishes he understood what his actions did to others, though of her understanding of the man he simply does not care. She wishes to put him and his drug cartel under, and yet does not wish herself to be caught up in it either.

4. How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant. :
Interestingly, like justice has been serviced. She'd turn him over to the guard and be done with it so that she can simply watch him be convicted and be marche doff to rot in prison. It'd be a chapter of her life done and over with and something else she can put behind her.

5. How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole?:
Thea loves Korvosa on a whole, especially around the pseudodragon festival time. She's lived in the city the entirety of her life and has been privileged enough to not live in the slums of the city. Just like any city, there's always room for improvement but Thea enjoys the city on a whole and would not consider moving.

6. How does your character feel about the King? The Queen?:
Not that she's met either, but she believes the king is fair enough, and with his old age expects another to take his place soon - though who begs an interesting question. As for the Queen, Thea admires her youthfulness and status, thinking the young queen an idol of sorts.

7. Does your character have any strange quirks?:
She does not drink alcohol of any sort, only water.

My pitch...

Mercy Quaallearn

Half Orc Paladin of Sarenrae (Redeemer Archtype) AL: LG

Mercy's Stats & Racial Traits:

STR: 15 DEX: 08 CON: 13 INT: 10 WIS: 12 CHA: 14

Racial Traits:
City Raised (replaces Weapon Familiarity)
Scavenger (replaces Intimidating)
Orc Ferocity

Mercy's Feats & Traits (bound into her background):

Starting Feat: Additional Traits (see below)

Campaign Trait: Unhappy Childhood
Religion Trait: Blade of Mercy
Faith Trait: Child of the Temple
Combat Trait: Courageous

Answers to the questions

1. What does your character look like?
Mercy is a tall and lean muscled woman. She still bears the scars of a hostile childhood; whilst her small tusks, tinged skin and heavy features belie her orcish ancestory…

2. What is your character's personality like?
I was the weak, now I am strong. Now I protect those weak… lend them my strength of arm and strength of faith.

I was the orphan; cold and hungry, now I am found; with fire in my heart. So I liberate the bonded, offer them the warmth of the Healing

I was the monster, yet she showed me clemency. I offer redemption to those the world shuns, but will tarry not in dispatching the unrepentant.

3. How bitter is your character toward Lamm?
Lamm is the ghoul under my bed; the scars on my back and the shadow in the street. He will always be in my nightmares, but Sarenrae teaches us all to face our fears… and so too I shall face Lamm to unfetter him of his guilt or his life…

4. How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant.
Wear I to have Lamm at my mercy… I would judge if he is truly worthy of clemency... Yet his final fate and punishment would not mine to decide, but those who he has scarred and ruined. They would be his jury… and if need be his executioners… while I… I would give counsel to all and pass sentence…

5. How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole?
The place I call home exists in every temple of the Dawnflower. I have learned that city walls and nations flags mean little to me, for my faith is my flag and I bend my knee to the Sun alone.

6. How does your character feel about the King? The Queen?
The King is an old man in a seat of power, and in my short life such men do little good and more ruin. The Queen who sits by his side, is young but is privy to his deeds and as such is no more, or less guilty than him. However they represent both nobility and the law and as a result must be respected at the very least.

7. Does your character have any strange quirks?
Mercy loves a good Katapeshi cigar. As a street child she enjoyed the scent from a Katapesh Tobacco den and would spend too long, much to Lamm’s ire, savoring the musky smoke. Now as an occasional vice while studying the Book of Light and Truth.

I am interested in doing a Sable Company Marine (Ranger). CotCT is one of my favorite APs, while I have ran the modules before (and currently took some things out of them for my Kingmaker game) I do not remember things well unless I have them in front of me, and I do not meta-game.

If that will not be a problem I will put a character forth.

Dot. Goblin Rogue if allowed. Kept as a pet/jester of Lamm. Hates Lam he does!

Dotting for interest with this character.

I will update him and answer the questions later, he was in a DragonLance game that didn't get far.

He is a drunk, whose experimentation with alcohol makes highly volatile substances, which he tends to end up throwing or drinking based on the situation. (Bomb-focused Gnome Alchemist)

EDIT: Full disclosure, I am both running a CoCT PbP, and playing in a REAL SLOW one on the forums here. I joined it at the start of the second book, and we have done only the first two events.

@DM Salsa: This is crazy but I was just thinking today that you never see a Crimson Throne AP recruitment, and its one of the adventure paths I have wanted to play in for years! So first off... EPIC song! I am currently reworking Eydan for your campaign, I envision Eydan as an Acadamae student that was forced to drop out when he was accused of a murder that was actually committed by Gaedren Lamm. Currently Eydan is a Sylph Magus. Thoughts on using a non standard race?

Here is a character I made for another Crimson Throne recruitment.

As to the questions:

1. What does your character look like?
Fenkar is a small, slim man with a soft face, nasal voice and sometimes effeminate mannerisms. To his chagrin, he is sometimes mistaken for a woman when seen at a distance.
2. What is your character's personality like?
He is a bitter and self-centered person but he manages to present a reasonable image to anyone who he has to interact with.
3. How bitter is your character toward Lamm?
The humiliation of being left on the Acadame steps, tied up and dressed in the clothes of a dead prostitute consumes Fenkar. Ever jibe or catcall still reaches his ears and no point or laughing face escapes his notice. This burns all the more when he reflects on his expulsion from the Acadamae.
4. How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant.
Lamm must know public humiliation before imprisonment, death would be too quick of a release. Fenkar wants Lamm to suffer. If he can arrange it, Fenkar would parade him to prison in broad daylight tarred and feathered and subject to the mockery of the crowds. More than anything, Fenkar wants to hear Lamm beg for mercy.
5. How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole?
Before his humiliation Fenkar enjoyed Korvosa for the potential he saw in it. It was a delight for a clever young man who wanted to enjoy the finest that life has to offer. Now it serves as a reminder of how low he has fallen and how far he has to climb in order to be proud of himself again.
6. How does your character feel about the King? The Queen?
The King is old and in failing health. While the Queen is a foreignor she is a forceful and vivacious woman who carries herself in an impressive manner. He looks up to those who command social respect and approval but feels the Queen is disparaged out of jealousy by those who resent her position.
7. Does your character have any strange quirks?
He is fastidious and consumed with striking a dignified manner. He also shows marked discomfort around small children, often flinching if one comes to close to him. He remember the Little Lamms and how they lured him into a trap.

Name, race, class, and alignment.:

Eydan Windcaller, Sylph Magus, CG

Your interpretation on your character's alignment and any personal codes they may have.:

Eydan is a Rebel. He has been on the wrong side of the law before when he was accused of Murder and he doesn’t trust the system, when it can unjustly accuse a good man of a crime he didn’t commit. Eydan follows his conscience with little regard for what others expect of him. He makes his own way, but he’s Kind and benevolent. Eydan believes in goodness and doing the right thing, but he has little use for laws and regulations. Eydan hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass which, although good, does not always agree with that of society. Eydan has a good heart and is a free spirit.

basic stats (Ability scores, saves, traits, feats, and main pieces of equipment:

Eydan Windcaller CR 1/2
Male Sylph Magus 1
CG Medium Outsider (native)
Init +3; Perception +0; Darkvision 60'


AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15. . (+4 Dex, +4 Armor, +1 Shield)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2
Electricity Resistance 5


Spd 30 ft.
Melee Scimitar +3 (1d6+1/18-20/x2) and
Ranged Sling +4 (1d4+1/20/x2)


Str 13, Dex 17 (15 + 2 Racial), Con 12 (14 -2 Racial), Int 14 (12 + 2 Racial), Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 15

Feats Armor Proficency (Light), Martial Weapon Proficiency, Shield Proficency, Weapon Finesse

Traits Framed (Dropout) (Campaign), Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp) (Magic)

Fly +5 (+1 Rank, +3 Stat, +3 Class, -3 Armor)
Knowledge (Arcana) +6 (+1 Rank, +2 Stat, +3 Class,)
Perform (Dance) -1 0+1 Rank, -1 Stat)
Ride +0 (+3 Stat, -3 Armor)
Spellcraft +8 (+1 Rank, +2 Stat, +3 Class, +2 Trait)

Languages Auran, Common, Elven, Dwarven

Combat Gear:
Scimitar - 15 Gold
Sling - Free
Sling Bullet x50 - 5 Silver
Chain Shirt - 100 Gold
Buckler - 5 Gold

Other Gear:
Explorer's Outfit - Free
Spell Component Pouch - 5 Gold
Spell Book - Free
Shocking Grasp, Grease, Color Spray, Windy Escape, Shield
Adventureing Gear - 12 Gold
Backpack, Bedroll, Belt pouch, Clay mug, Dagger, 2 Fish hooks, Flint+Steel, Sewing Needle, Signal Whistle, 50ft String, 50ft Thread, Waterskin, 1 Week of rations, Whetstone

Gold on hand: 3 Gold


Favored Class (Magus): +1 hit points
Racial Spell-Like Ability: Sylph's can case Feather Fall 1/day (caster level equals the sylph's total level).
Racial Trait, Breeze-Kissed (Su): A sylph surrounds himself with swirling winds, gaining a +2 racial bonus to AC against nonmagical ranged attacks. The sylph can calm or renew these winds as a swift action. Once per day, the sylph can channel this wind into a single gust, making a bull rush or trip combat maneuver attempt against one creature within 30 feet. Whether or not the attempt succeeds, the winds are exhausted and
no longer provide a bonus to the sylph’s AC for 24 hours.
This is a supernatural ability. This racial trait replaces
air affinity.
Framed (Dropout): You gain a +2 bonus on Spellcraft checks.
Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp): Pick one spell when you choose this trait. When you apply metamagic feats to this spell, treat its actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell’s final adjusted level.
Cantrips: Can cast any prepared cantrips at will.
Spellbooks: A magus must study his spellbook each day to prepare his spells.
Arcane Pool (Su): A magus can expend 1 point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant any weapon he is holding a +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute. 3/day
Spell Combat (Ex): A magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a spell that is being cast. To use this ability, the magus must have one hand free (even if the spell being cast does not have somatic components), while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand. As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action (any attack roll made as part of this spell also takes this penalty). If he casts this spell defensively, he can decide to take an additional penalty on his attack rolls, up to his Intelligence bonus, and add the same amount as a circumstance bonus on his concentration check. If the check fails, the spell is wasted, but the attacks still take the penalty. A magus can choose to cast the spell first or make the weapon attacks first, but if he has more than one attack, he cannot cast the spell between weapon attacks.


Cantrips: DC 12
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Arcane Mark
Ray of Frost

1st Level Spells: DC 13
Shocking Grasp
Windy Escape

A background that incorporates your campaign trait and puts you in Korvosa.:

”It’s sad you know… for some people a single event, a single moment will define the rest of their lives.” Sigh

“I wish my tale was unique but sadly that’s not the case. Many can lay their misery at the feet of that the bastard known as Gaedren Lamm. Growing up I have a relatively easy life. I had loving parents, and they didn’t care I was born “unique”. I had my freedom as a child with the chance to explore my talents and was given the best education that money could provide. My parents were both professors at the Acadame, and I was guaranteed an enrollment when I came of age. Sadly things changed on my 16th year when my parents died. The other professors at the Acadame never told me what happened; all I could ever find out was that there was an “accident” during the casting of an experimental spell. Still, my parents had enough foresight to leave me with an inheritance that insured that my tuition would be paid for and I had enough to live on until I came of age.

Then came the night I meet Lamm. I was walking home along the Jeggare River when I came up on a man on his knees in the street with, who I later found out to be, Lamm standing over him brandishing a dagger. I assumed it had to be a mugging and I called out for the guards. Lamm fled and I ran to help the man. When I got there he was already bleeding. The guards arrived shortly after, and when they did all they found was a dead man, me covered in blood and a fisherman who “claimed” he saw me kill the man. I was expelled from the Acadame shortly after with my tuition forfeit. My family’s inheritance I spent clearing my name and in the end I was left with only my freedom, some family heirlooms from their adventuring days and a burning hatred for Gaedren Lamm.
Framed (Dropout)

Answers to required questions:

What does your character look like?

Eydan is waifish man with crackling blue eyes. His long hair waves in a nonexistent breeze and he looks as if he might fade away into mist entirely at any minute.

What is your character's personality like?

To quote my alignment: Eydan believes in goodness and doing the right thing, but he has little use for laws and regulations. Eydan hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. He follows his own moral compass which, although good, does not always agree with that of society. Eydan has a good heart and is a free spirit.

How bitter is your character toward Lamm?

”Lamm? I hate the bastard, he cost me everything I ever held to be important in my life.”

How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant.

“Death is too good for you Lamm! I would turn you over to the Guards, but I saw what happened once already. Still you have to pay for what you have done. I’m a better man then you Lamm… I’ll make it quick. Just like putting down a rabid dog.”

How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole?

”Korvosa? She’s my homeland, where I was born and raise. No finer city in all of Varisia. Where else can you find the history, the knowledge and all of the sights and sounds? I could spend all of my life here and never see all there is to this grand city.”

How does your character feel about the King? The Queen?

”From what I know of Arabasti, he’s a good man. He had done a lot for our city, he dosen’t over tax and he’s fair. The Queen? What can I saw about her that hasn’t already been said? She a third of the age of the king and the rumors are that she hates Varsian’s I don’t know why the King married her in the first place aside from her looks."

Does your character have any strange quirks?

Eydan is constantly surrounded by lightly blowing winds and an aura of static electricity. It’s not uncommon to get a strong, (but not damaging) shock the first time he touches you.



Interpretation of alignment and codes
Manny is mostly out for himself and steals whatever he needs(Mostly food and whatever catches his eye) Noble deeds don't interest him, just a promise of food,equipment or money. He does have a sense of comradery with those who suffered at Lamm's hands and will stick with them. Those who let him hang around will also find him tagging along.


Name: Manny
Clas: Rogue (Favored-Skilled)
HP: 10
Align: CN(G)
Init: +4
Fort:+3 Ref:+7 Will:+1
Spd: 30 ft
AC: 17 FF:12 Touch:15
Str 8(-1) Dex 19(+4) Con 14(+2) Int 12(+1) Wis 13(+1) Cha 6(-2)

Sm.Short Sword +5 1d4-1 19-20/x2
Sm.Sling +5 1d3 50 ft.

Perform(Comedy) (1-2+3)2
Acrobatics (1+4+3)8
Stealth (1+4+4+4)13
Perception (1+1+3) 5
Disable Device (1+4+3) 8
Know-Local (1+1+3) 5
Escape Artist (1+3+4) 8
Sleight of Hand (1+3+4) 8
Bluff (1-2+3) 2
Climb (1-1+3) 3

Feats: Weapon Finese

Special Abilities
Sneak attack +1d6
Small size +1 AC +1 attack -1 CMB/CMD +4 Stealth
Darkvision 60 ft
Fast movement 30' move speed
+4 Ride/Stealth racial

Tortured (+1 Reflex saves)
Resilient (+1 Fort save)

Small Short Sword 10 gp
Small sling
20 Bullets 2 sp
Leather armor 10 gp
Thieve's tools 30 gp
Backpack 2 gp
Caltrops 1 gp
Hunk of cheese 1 sp
gallon of ale 2 sp
Blanket 5 sp
Sack 1 sp
Flint&Steel 1 gp
2 Alchemist fire 40 gp
Jester hat

54 gp 6 sp


Manny always lived in this city, pretty much always in the alleys and sewers. Manny stole and hid. Lots of stuff longshanks toss that can taste yummy. Silly Longshanks, waste so much. Life was ok.
Then Lamm found me*Spit*
Lamm said me was good sneaker, said he would pay for me to steal stuff for him. Give me bed and food. So me thought..Eh, why not? Lamm gave me spot alright. Was ok for a bit, then Lamm wanted me to sing goblin songs and tell jokes. Me know some, sure. me goblin! But me ran out of songs, tried telling jokes. Lamm gave me this hat, called me his fool. Me ran out of jokes and then Lamm had his men beat me hard. *growl*
Woke up in trash with hat stuffed in mouth. Manny survive! Manny find Lamm and make him the joke! HAHAHA!

Answers to the following questions

1. What does your character look like?
Manny is a goblin with greya skin that is criss-crossed with scars and bumps. He is bald and wears a bandanna over his head. His eyes are red.
2. What is your character's personality like?
Quiet and sort of grouchy. He likes having a quiet time with his ale and pipe. Has a kind of grumbling loyalty to friends
3. How bitter is your character toward Lamm?
Hate him! Lamm think he so great. Lamm just filthy old man who should have died long ago!
4. How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant.
Manny looks at you with a 'Are you serious?' look and pulls his sword. 'Chop him down! Make him know it was me though. Stuff Hat in his mouth and make him the joke!'
5. How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole?[b]
'Eh. It ok. Shingles good place to hide and find stuff.'
6. [b]How does your character feel about the King? The Queen?

'Don't matter to me. Don't know their names or see their faces. Pff'
7. Does your character have any strange quirks?
Manny likes his pipe and ale. He is currently trying to go to the pipe store and see if he can steal some tobacco.

Talomyr checking in with a submission.

Name, race, class, and alignment:

Arianna Sirmikova, Varisian Human Witch, Chaotic Neutral with Good leanings.

Interpretation of alignment and any personal codes they may have.:

Arianna has little to do with formal laws, but does abide by them just enough keep herself out of trouble for the most, but are not afraid to break it to get what she wants/needs as is commonplace for her people. She is not cruel by any stretch of the imagination, but fully believes in the concept of reaping what one sews.[/spoiler

[spoiler=Basic stats]
Character Sheet Skills still incomplete but does still have the information you have requested


Arianna was always close with her family, but especially with her grandmother, Mirela and her brother Mikhal. Arianna and Mikhal were orphaned after the death of her mother, and as a result Arianna spent a great deal of her time with her grandmother. Another unfortunate side effect of the death of Arianna's mother was that Mikhal had to spend a significant amount of time keeping unwanted attention away from his sister, who had flowered, but was not interested in a husband.

Arianna's grandmother was the caravan's mystic, taught her to read the Harrow shortly after the death of the child's mother. After years of learning the Harrow, most of the rest of the caravan expects that Arianna will take over as the caravan's mystic after her grandmother passes on to the Great Beyond.

When she was not able to spend time with her grandmother, Arianna would draw and paint the images she had seen on her grandmother's Harrow deck.

Korvosa has always been part of the caravan's route, but the caravan's most recent stop in Korvosa proved to be costly. Mikhal was in the wrong place at the wrong time and an easy man to pin a crime on that was proving to be too difficult for the local constabulary to solve. The truly guilty party, Gaedren Lamm arranged though a series of bribes and blackmail was able to pin the crime to Mikhal. The "trial" was as quick as it was rigged and as a result, Mikhal was taken to the gallows that afternoon. The corrupt constables were more than happy to have the crime "solved" and honestly, who would really miss a member of one of the traveling caravans, yes it would be inconvenient in the short term but they would leave soon enough. Well that was partly true, the caravan did leave, but Arianna chose to stay behind to avenge her brother.

Notes on her familiar:

Kashki has been around as long as Arianna can remember. Some of her earliest memories are of her Grandmother, Mirela, providing readings of fellow members of the caravan with this small red furred fox winding in and out between the legs of her grandmother and whomever she was providing a reading for.

Shortly after Arianna's mother's death, Mirela had taken ill and turned over a great many of her duties to Arianna. Mirela had given her Harrow deck to Arianna, and with the deck came the constant companionship of Kashki. A short time later Arianna seemed able to read the fox's feelings, and fox Arianna's. Finally, one night, as Arianna was reading a Harrow spread for herself, the fox locked eyes with the young woman and the link was complete. Arianna knew from that point forward her destiny was to become one of the carvan mystics, and she understood why the small fox had always been around.

What does your character look like?:

You see an attractive raven haired woman of obvious Varisian heritage. Dressed in a typical Varisian dress and wearing a sizable amount of gaudy jewelry and and a number of primarily red scarves.

[spoiler=What is your character's personality like?]
Arianna is friendly and generally pleasant to be around, but can have a bit of a fiery streak if her or her family's reputation is falsely besmirched. The young woman is gregarious, as is common place for her people, but become especially excited if given the opportunity to provide a Harrow reading for someone. (For a small fee of course.)

[spoiler=How bitter is your character toward Lamm?]
Incredibly bitter toward the man responsible for her brother’s unjustified imprisonment and eventual execution. Certainly more than willing to seek revenge if possible.

How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant.:

Her first reaction would be to gather what she feels is owed. Lamm’s actions cost the life of her brother, she would pay him back in kind. Certainly not a long, torturous, drawn out death, but a quick ending to the man – a simple fulfillment of a debt.

How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole?:

She does not have any strong feelings about Korvosa itself, only choosing to stay initially because of her brother. She is rather untrusting of the constabulary forces of the city though. The city, outside of Lamm, is nice enough and she could certainly see herself staying for a while to make a bit of money off of the locals.

How does your character feel about the King? The Queen?:

She has not been in Korvosa long enough to have any strong opinions about the King and Queen.

Does your character have any strange quirks?:
The difficulties she has seen in her life have led to an interesting dichotomy in Arianna's personality, often switching between child like wonder and innocence and world-weary jadedness.

Okay, Finally got through all of the submissions so far, just some amendments to my original post.

-Even though races beyond the core seven are on a case by case basis, races that most would consider monstrous, like goblinoids and reptilians, are going to have more work ahead of them. I will say no if it seems too implausible or if it just doesn't work in my mind. I know that this is extremely subjective, but those are the limits I placed in my mind. Consider yourselves warned if you submit a goblin or a troglodyte.

-For everyone, if you haven't done so yet, get all of your character submission in one post, this makes it easier for me and allows me to link to one place so others can see what you have submitted. You can also create an alias and put the submission info in the profile and link to it. just copy the URL in the address bar and put it in a link like this [@@url=[Character-Name]][Character Name][/url], just remove the @@ and replace the placeholders with the appropriate info.

-If you are playing, running, have played, or have run this, you can still apply.

@ Andreal: Goblins are notorious in Golarion for being voracious pyromaniacs that will just as soon gnaw your arm off as stab you or set you on fire. How did he survive Lamm and the aftermath?

@ Eydran: Looks good, and I have no problem with the Sylph.

@ Fenkar: Looks good, I was confused about the thrush for a bit. I always associated it with Shelyn.

@ Rumal: Love the personality, can't wait to see it completed.

@ Arkcmagik: I'm not positive, but I believe that is a prestige class. If it's just an archetype, that's fine, but otherwise you'll need to qualify for it before taking it.

@ Black Dow: Methinks your missing one background my friend. Other than that, it's shaping up to be a pretty good character.

@ Sweetcharity: Looks good. How do Thea's parents feel about their wild daughter?

@ Gudahar: can you expand your background some? As it is now, it's a little too terse.

@ Josh Shrader: Can you post Krieyna's ability stats? Other than that it's good.

@ Talomyr: Interesting, just remember that you need to answer the questions and get a background up. Nevermind your good.

@ Tim: Looks good.

@ Hassan: Most of the marshes and wetlands are inhabited by goblins I believe. No lizardfolk as far as I know.

@ Meditation: Looks good.

If you asked me a question and I missed it, let me know so I can fix that. Also, don't be afraid to roleplay some in the thread. It helps me get a better feel for your characters and your styles. I'll even help you out a little bit.


A puny fire flickers among the ash choked coals in a fireplace likely older than the town itself. A grizzled dwarf with a milky-white eye in a scarred socket is locked straight ahead while his good blue eye looks out across the bridge of his wide nose at you. a voice that sounds like gravel being ground to dust comes from a thick tangle of gray beard.

"What'll it be? Thae ain't nae room fer yae if yae ain't payin' a'least a few coppers."

Lamm considered him to be a pet. Thinking goblins were indeed nasty but much like a pit bull can be nasty, they can also be trained. Lamm got bored of Manny when the jokes ran dry and songs were sung too often and not enough trinkets were brought in and decided to 'put him down.'

Manny knows many people don't like goblins and avoids the more 'normal' parts of the city. The Shingles are perfect for him to stay, since that is where the other poor/rejects live. When he has to go out, he wears a sack with eyeholes over his head and goes around with a crutch and 'alms for the sick' sign. Pretending to be a afflicted halfling/gnome. I can tweak my sheet so he speaks halfling if need be.

Perhaps we can have him working for a thief guild who gives no darns as long as Manny pays his dues and pulls his weight.

Manny thumps in with his can, wheezing under his sack mask. Gazing at the half-blind proprieter, Manny pulls out some coppers.

I have some coppers, good sir. Just a quiet spot for ale. I don't have anything that is catchin good sir, just a bunch of ugly after the sick got me.

Tweaked sheet for halfling language:

Name: Manny
Clas: Rogue (Favored-Skilled)
HP: 10
Align: CN(G)
Init: +4
Fort:+3 Ref:+7 Will:+1
Spd: 30 ft
AC: 17 FF:12 Touch:15
Str 8(-1) Dex 19(+4) Con 14(+2) Int 12(+1) Wis 13(+1) Cha 6(-2)

Sm.Short Sword +5 1d4-1 19-20/x2
Sm.Sling +5 1d3 50 ft.

Perform(Comedy) (1-2+3)2
Acrobatics (1+4+3)8
Stealth (1+4+4+4)13
Perception (1+1+3) 5
Disable Device (1+4+3) 8
Know-Local (1+1+3) 5
Escape Artist (1+3+4) 8
Sleight of Hand (1+3+4) 8
Bluff (1-2+3) 2

Feats: Weapon Finese

Special Abilities
Sneak attack +1d6
Small size +1 AC +1 attack -1 CMB/CMD +4 Stealth
Darkvision 60 ft
Fast movement 30' move speed
+4 Ride/Stealth racial

Tortured (+1 Reflex saves)
Resilient (+1 Fort save)

Small Short Sword 10 gp
Small sling
20 Bullets 2 sp
Leather armor 10 gp
Thieve's tools 30 gp
Backpack 2 gp
Caltrops 1 gp
Hunk of cheese 1 sp
gallon of ale 2 sp
Blanket 5 sp
Sack 1 sp
Flint&Steel 1 gp
2 Alchemist fire 40 gp
Jester hat

54 gp 6 sp

Halfast Proudfoot throws his hat into the ring. All details are in his profile.

Or I could always claim that Lamm cursed me into looking like a goblins. After all, who believes goblins are smart enough to know about magic and claim to be a halfling that is acutally a goblin that is pretending to be a cursed halfing? ;)

Flykiller here, having made my submission into an alias. The answers to the questions are posted under the Background spoiler.

Official Submission:

Rumal (ROO-mull)
True Neutral Gnome Alchemist (Mindchemist)

His Alignment:
Rumal never paid much mind to the struggle of heroes doing good deeds, or the machinations of evil men. He knows what's right and wrong, and he knows what is or isn't against the law. All he's really concerned with is him and his own, job, family, friends... back when it was much simpler before the incident.

Str: 10
Dex: 14
Con: 10
Int: 15
Wis: 13
Chr: 12

F: +2
R: +4
W: +2

Traits: Brastlewark Businessman, Missing Child (son)
Feats: PB Shot, Throw Anything, Brew Potion
Gear: Club, Lt. X-bow, St Leather, and of course Bombs.

Rumal is originally from the Brastlewark region, and had grown up in a large gnomish community. His family are all brewers, and as part of his growing education he attended formal training on brewing. In Brastlewark this included incorporating the magical processes involved, but it wasn't a focus for him as much as the ale-crafting methods. During his education, he met a young woman, and the two were married shortly after he finished his formal training. With the gift of a little seed money for his graduation, and what she brought with her dowry, they had enough to begin setting up the groundwork of a business for themselves. Taking a gamble, they agreed to try and begin somewhere fresh, as they would be hard pressed to compete with his own family as well as the other local brewers. The two of them settled on going to Korvosa, being better than any of the Cheliax capitals for sure, and thinking that they just may be somewhat original in the predominantly human town.

It didn't take long after they arrived before they had set up shop, and he began brewing steadily. Soon after they were with child, and had a good decade of success. Sadly, it went all downhill from there. He had decided, against his wife's wishes, to take his young son with him to market to get a few of the ingredients he would need for some of his special brew. From there it all happened so fast, he was haggling prices with the shopkeep, and from one second to the next, his child was gone. He struck out in a panic, calling the boy's name, but given his size and the busy city streets, no one paid him any mind. He wandered the market for hours, searching high and low, only mildly getting the aid of the Korvosan Guard before they moved on to 'more important matters than a misplaced child'. He reluctantlty returned home after it had grown dark, and his wife was in a panic wondering what had taken them so long. It was a tense evening.

Over the next few months they tried to work with the Guard, and local businessowners, enlisting the aid of the few friends they had made since they had arrived in the city. Their lack of success led to late nights of anger, resentment, and arguments. His work suffered, and he began to drink more and more. She had attempted suicide, but he just managed to prevent it. Finally, after a very rough year since the dissappearance, she left him to return home to her family. Before long, without her to try and keep him straight, the business failed completely. He spent much of his time drinking, laying passed out in the streets, and rambling about looking for his boy. Any that knew him could only pity him, but he still had the ounce of pride in him that kept him from losing the last of his few possessions, namely his recipes, and the key minor ingredients needed for them. He also kept some armor and weapons about him for protection on the dangerous streets, a barkeep's go to tools, of a club and crossbow.

It's been five years, and now the only people that seems to recognize him are the local barkeeps, some of which don't always kick him out after he has passed out on the floor. It is his time in the bars that have led to his discovery, word of a fellow nabbing kids and using them as pickpockets by the name of Gaedren Lamm. He has worked from bar to bar, following up here and there, trying to stay sober enough to at least function in a way that will help him find his boy. When he finds this Lamm fellow, he is certain he will find his son.

What does your character look like?:
There's nothing particularly noticeable about Rumal, as far as gnomish features are concerned. He has hair the deep rust brown of autumn leaves, and his skin is a soft pink verging on almost being purple. Many no longer see that as his face is covered with filthy and unkempt facial hair, and his clothes are soiled and odorous.

What is your character's personality like?:
At one time Rumal was a fun-loving, and friendly gnome, fairly personable with a sharp but playful wit. Now he has become disconnected, and bitter. He is concerned mostly with finding his son, and his next drink, often mumbling to himself, slurring, and belching.

How bitter is your character toward Lamm?:
He blames Lamm, if that is the guilty one, for his life having toppled into shambles. He is not enraged by it, though, as he is more focused on getting answers and finding his son than he is on seeking vengeance.

How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant?:
He would see it as a golden opportunity to find what he seeks, and the man may be the only way. Especially since it is the only lead he's had in a long time.

How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole?:
He sees it as the city that took his child, but still thinks it is better than life in Cheliax. He can't go back to Brastlewark, since he is certain that everyone knows of his shame. He is stuck in Korvosa, and he will stay as long as his boy is there.

How does your character feel about the King? The Queen?:
"The King is dead! Long live the King!" To him, one is just as good or bad as the other, he is a little cynical about what he sees as the lack of compassion for the common man. Between King or Quenn, it won't make much of a difference.

Does your character have any strange quirks?:
Other than being a grating, smelly, abusive alcoholic, no. He can barely speak intelligibly, and he is a pain to be around when he isn't drunk enough to avoid a hangover. All that being said, he's still a nice guy at heart, and doesn't have much capacity for being intentionally mean.


"Hey! I gos coin ta *hic* shpen on dreese. Bargeep ser'me up.... Whoah! Wha' hhappen' t'yer eye? Tha... *hic*, thas.. *hic* thashs foul! Neewaze, I shrounzed up suh coin, an' I NEED a dring!" He staggers forward, and as he gets close to the bar steps a little too far forward stumbling into a stool and almost falling over. "Washit' misser, yew almus puzh me over." He berates the offending stool before plunking the coin down for an ale.

How would you prefer to handle it? It can just be an RP effect where he is always drinking, or if you want he can have the Moderate Addiction to alchohol, where he gets a -2 to Str and Con when he ISN'T drinking. I'm fine either way, as it could be a fun thing, or an RP building idea to sober him up, beat the addiction. It's up to you however you would prefer to run it.

Okay description and background are up dreqarsoriano. And the rest of the questions go as follows:

What is your character's personality like?

Moody, pre Vensi’s death, he was just overjoyed to show what he learned in his studies, play dueling with his siblings, and was as outgoing as any Catfolk. Any new talent learned was a talent he wanted to share. Post Vensi’s death he goes from depression, confusion, to outright rage at both Lamm and himself. Where he once studied to become a great Magus, he now studies just to get his mind off of Lamm, for long enough to function in day to day activities, he has also developed a bit of a dark humor, and short fuse if/when people bring up Lamm, or degrade Half Elves.

How bitter is your character toward Lamm?

It’s not just bitter, he hates Lamm, but he also wants to know why Vensi had to die? He has to know what motivated Lamm to do what he did to Vensi.

How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant.

He’d be tempted to just run him threw and be done with it. Depending on how Lamm answers for his crime, will really be the catalyst to whether Dreqar outright kills Lamm (and how) or turns him over to the authorities, or even someone else, so long as Lamm pays.

How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole?

Before he lost Vensi, he loved Korvosa, it was just the right mix of wild, and order. The Acadamae is his second home, a place he loves, that now feels a little cold without his love.

How does your character feel about the King? The Queen?

He really doesn’t care about them. He’d certainly treat them with respect in their presence, but he had never cared for politics as much as knowledge, and Vensi.

Does your character have any strange quirks?

Dreqar shadow fights a lot. If he is alone, he will draw his rapier and practice against imaginary opponents, making ‘practice’ spell gestures as well during these practice bouts. Many times he pictures Lamm on the other end. Other than that he hums Elven music when he reads his spell book.

Your interpretation on your character's alignment and any personal codes they may have.

Dreqar’s alignment reflects both his demeanor and his opinion of law. He loves magic, and had always wanted to share everything he could to others unlike most spellcasters. He believes in doing ‘what is right’ when put to task. Before Vensi died, it could be said he would follow laws, and has never been a rule breaker, but with his love gone, he sees chaos as a root for evil to take hold, and law something that only works when people have the mettle to back it. He'll do anything to get answers though, and though as to date he hasn't taken a life, he finds himself trying to rationalise it.

A burly human enters the taproom. His white shirt and his black and white pants are full of flour-stains. His hair is untidy and telling by the looks of his eyes he hasn´t slept much in the last few days. He carries a basket full of freshly baked bread and delivers it to the kitchen. Afterwards he sits down at a table and adresses the dwarf:
"Gimme sommthin... Dunn care what. Maybe y´can make it poisonous so I can think ´bout, if I use it meself or on that dirty son´o´a pig Lamm..."
Later, the sullen baker seems to mumble to himself:
"Should tie´m up at his *** until he rotts off and even that won´t be painful enough..."
As he finished half his drink, he puts a good tip on the table. With watery eyes, he slams his meaty fist on the table, shouts a loud curse and walks into the kitchen. A few minutes later, the sour man leaves the taproom with an empty breadbasket and a mind full of agony...

DM Salsa:
More information is in the final parts of the Character sheet in the Contacts/Friends section. A question for you: should the character be selected (and we make as far as the end of the campaign), would you be amenable to switching out the 18th level bonus spell for the Heavens Oracle form Meteor Swarm to Scintillating Pattern? Seems to me to fit the flavor of the Archetype much better.

Thea grabs for the bar at the bumbling gnome's entrance, then reaching for her tankard as it spills all over her dress. She curses under her breath, quite unladylike for such a petite girl. "Oaf," she condemns before she's able to stop herself. "Not all of us are so plastered that we're incoherent," she manages to the gnome, forgetting her tipped tankard now. "Another really a good idea?"

"Nuther rilly good uhdih, ind... *hic* ninde... *hic* indeed. We kin 'gree onnat." He jerks his thumb at the previously bumped seat, adding "Thiz fellir bodderin' yew too?" finishing his question with a hearty, wet belch. He moves to rudely elbow his way past the stool, but offsets himself the other direction, missing it entirely before stumbling over into the nearby table and deciding it's a good place to take a seat.

The halfling begger eyes the drunk gnome and shake shis head, wondering if he would make a good mark. Hmm..Wonder if he still has coin in his purse. I need more tobacco.

DM Salsa:

Dreqar matched the gaze of the one good eye the dwarf had pulled out a single gold piece and laid it on the bar's 'island' and took his clawed finger off of it leaving the gold coin standing on it's side. "How's that for a few coppers?" the catfolk smirks, revealing his shiny sabered tooth. "I'd like your best ale." He replied and moved to take a seat close to the fire, with a flick of his wrist and a few arcane gestures he brought the spark spell into contact with the coals, reviving some of the fire's life and warmth, as he waited.

Mercy's Background:

Mercy Quaalearn

Mercy was born into a poor family in Korvosa’s poorer Old Quarter. Her father was a an alleged half orc of ill repute, a sellsword and thug. Her mother a simple serving wench; whose family did little to tolerate the “monster” child born into their midst. She was never even named, merely becoming known by the first words she ever uttered... “Mercy” – as much a plead for the hurt to stop, as a name.

The young Mercy soon drifted into the wrong crowd, and the clutches of Gaedren Lamm. Her erstwhile family did little to find the missing child, glad that the hungry abomination was someone else’s problem. Lamm recognised the potential in any half orc, and through beatings and threats, attempted to bring out the worst in her nature... Mercy however was a resilient child, who innately knew right from wrong. Compounding this was her clumsy nature, making her a poor thief, and slow to dodge the kicks and slaps from Lamm and his men.

It was not until 6 summers ago that Mercy’s true path was revealed. As she trailed a group of pilgrims arrived from Katapesh, Mercy discovered a forgotten trinket – a tiny golden holy symbol depicting an angelic woman shrouded by a blazing sun. It was the most beautiful thing Mercy had ever seen in her short, ugly life.

Curious to discover its meaning she followed the pilgrims to the white marbled temple atop the city’s Citadel Hill. Pushing through the begging throngs, the Mercy-child easily found herself inside and would spend hours of “working time” listening to the songs and chants of the clergy within as the healing sun warmed her cold body.

More and more she would spend time at the temple, collecting her golden keepsake from a hidden brick near her old home. She learned the value of both faith and forgiveness, and in her heart the spark of another calling...

When she forgot to remove her symbol, the beating Lamm administered sent her lurching, broken in body but not in resolve to the gates of the temple.

6 years on Mercy has been a child of the temple and grown into a sword-maid of Sarenrae. And the Dawnflower’s teachings of justice and redemption drive her to seek Lamm once again...

Have tried to get across Mercy's alignment within the question answers and background, rather than overtly stating her life philosophy etc - but if you need more let me know...

Also forgot to add the +2 Racial Mod, so her Stats now read:

S15 D8 C13 I12 W12 CHA14 (+2 Int)

Dark Archive

Doh! sorry i missed that w/ the sheet.

Str 12
Dex 17
Con 13
Int 8
Wis 10
Cha 14

A young Varisian woman looks at the drunken gnome in curiosity, thinking to herself Why would anyone let themselves get into that state of their own doing? before turning her attention back to the dwarven barkeep.

"Watered wine please. Just something to take the edge off of my thirst." she says hand a couple of copper coins to the dwarf.

After acquiring her drink, she moves over to a table and begins to lay out a spread of cards. How can I find this Gaedren Lamm? she silently asks the cards, losing herself in thought.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Kishta Feathersmoke: Female Human (Shoanti) Bard (Arcane Duelist) Chaotic Good

What Chaotic Good means to Kishta:
People should take care of each other, but virtue cannot be coerced -- without freedom and personal autonomy there can be no good.

ST: 15 DX: 13 CN: 10 IQ: 12 WI: 8 CH: 16 (14+2)

Fort: +0 Ref: +4 Will: +1
Traits: Bred for War (+1 Intimidate, +1 CMB, must be at least 6' tall)
Unhappy Childhood -- Tortured (+1 Reflex save)
Feats: Cosmopolitan (2 Langs: Varisian & Vudrani; Heal & Survival are Class Skills)
Dodge (+1 Dodge bonus to AC)
Main Equipment: Leather Armor, Longsword, & Shortbow

Background :
Kishta's earliest memories are of giving trinkets to Gaedran Lamm. She is unmistakably a Shoanti, but who her family is or how she came to be a Lamb is unknown to her. When she was young she stole for him, and when she was older she fought for him (or more accurately: for her 'brothers' and 'sisters'), but when she was twelve and starting to reach her full growth he became too frightened to keep her around and so he beat her near to death and abandoned her.

She was found by a priest of Milani who nursed her back to health. Among his small congregation was an old Vudrani couple whose children were all grown. They bonded during her recovery and raised her as one of their own. She grew up with a love of freedom and an understanding of its price; she also clearly had talent with a story and a blade.

But the hunger that could not be satisfied was for knowledge of the people of her birth, of the Shoanti. She has, thus far, been too timid to approach them herself, but she has begun to shave her head in the Shoanti fashion, and sports a new tattoo on her upper arm -- a bear that appears to be in the Shoanti style, though to a true Shoanti it is clear it was done by a foreigner.

1) Description:
Kishta is a very striking woman. She is tall and wiry, standing 6'1" in her bare feet and weighing only 190 pounds. Her features are clearly Shoanti and she shaves her head in the Shoanti fashion, leaving only dark stubble. She wears sleeveless leather armor and keeps her arms bare -- proudly showing off her new Shoanti tattoo of a bear.

2) Personality:
Kishta is an imposing and memorable woman, and so she has learned to cultivate an aura of invincibility. She has a quick blade and a quick tongue, and can draw blood with either, though she prefers not to, unless pressed.

3) Attitude towards Lamm:
Kishta would greatly enjoy killing Lamm. But she'd say it was just to free any other children still under his control.

4) If Lamm were her Prisoner:
She would start by getting him talking. She would tell him stories of the evils he had done, and try to get him to show remorse. If he did, she might take pity on him, and let him die by his own hand. But if he refused, she would grow angrier and angrier, until she struck him down. She would never torture him or make him suffer, however -- her anger is hot, not cold.

5) Attitude towards Korvosa:
Korvosa is her home. She has great love for the people of Korvosa, but none at all for its government and nobility, who allow the people to suffer as they do. She dreams of exploring the land of the Shoanti, but her love of the Korvosans and her fear of leaving the only city she has ever known have so far kept her from doing so.

6) Attitude towards King & Queen:
Kishta has no love for the King -- who spends the City's money like water -- or the Queen -- who appears to be a spoiled princess. She doesn't hesitate to tell sarcastic stories of either.

7) Quirks:
Her only real quirk is her ignorant fascination with all things Shoanti. She really wants to explore that side of her heritage, but has no idea where to begin -- her attempts thus far are full of embarrassing missteps. I will mention here, since I haven't elsewhere, that her main Bardic talent is Oratory -- she is a storyteller, not a singer or musician.

Would it be possible to take the Heart of the Slums Alternative Racial Trait? You give up the Human extra skill point per level and gain a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand & Stealth, a +4 bonus to Survival in Urban & Underground settings, and get to roll two saves on any save vs disease.

Gave up on working a story I was comfortable with for an Undead Lord cleric, so went with a basic fighter instead. Currently using a Nodachi if eastern weapons from Ultimate Combat are allowed, will switch to Falchion if not.

Name, race, class, and alignment:
Tyldric, Human Fighter. Neutral Good.

Basic Stats:

Str: 17
Dex: 14
Con: 13
Int: 10
Wis: 12
Cha: 8

Init: +2

Fort: 3
Ref: 3
Will: 1


Studded Leather Armor

Wpn Focus: Nodachi
Power attack

Interpretation of alignment and any personal codes they may have.:
Tyldric knows he can't save everyone, but he does the best he can, when he can. Having been slave to Lamm, he takes a special interest in helping anyone against him.

Tyldric was orphaned as a young boy, his parents murdered by Lamm, who then took Tyldric in as one of his child slaves. Tyldric showed absolutely no aptitude for the thieving arts, so Lamm put him to work in the underground arenas, until the day Tyldric refused to deliver the killing blow on another arena slave who he had grown close to. He was forced to watch as Lamm slit his friends throat, and then beaten and tossed into the sea to feed Lamm's gator. Amazingly, Tyldric was ignored by the gator as it feasted on the remains of his friend, and he washed ashore where he was saved by a mercenary band. Having seen him fight in the arenas before, they took him in as one of their own. Now he works as a sword for hire, moonlighting as a bouncer whenever there's no work worth having.

What does your character look like?:
Approximately 6 foot tall, of stocky build with dark hair and green eyes. He wears a loose black tunic and cloak to cover his studded leather armor, with his nodachi slung across his back

What is your character's personality like?:
Blunt and withdrawn. More likely to respond to simple conversation with a stare, chuckle or grunt than with words.

How bitter is your character toward Lamm?:
Does everything in his power to thwart Lamm, and wouldn't mind seeing his head on a stake.

How would your character react to having Lamm tied up in front of them this instant.:
Having long since lost faith in the due process of law in Korvosa, Tyldric would most likely send his soul to Pharasma for the final judgement, but only because he has seen firsthand more evidence than is necessary to be certain of his guilt.

How does your character feel about Korvosa as a whole?:
It's the only city he has ever known. It's where his worst memories and greatest achievements are. Sure, it has its problems, but it's home.

How does your character feel about the King? The Queen?:
The king has tried to do well, even if he is prone to excess. The Queen, however, is a gold digger and will drive this city to the ground given the chance.

Does your character have any strange quirks?:
Has a keen dislike for gambling involving betting on the outcome of anything, be it sports or fighting. Has no issues with dice, cards or other "casino" type gambling. Often has nightmares of the night he was cast into the sea, but has overcome his fear of swimming, for the most part anyways.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

A striking Shoanti woman, tall and wiry with a shaved head, walks up behind the fortune teller and watches as she lays out the cards.

"I know this one," she says. "Play the Bear on the Idiot. Then you'll get to discard the Demon Lantern. That's not a card you want to keep."

When the fortune teller looks up at her, the Shoanti winks. "I'm Kishta. Haven't seen you in here before."

Hearing a voice behind her, the fortune teller quickly looks up, as if startled. Regaining the little bit of composure she had lost, she looks up at the Shoanti woman as she turns over the Big Sky card. Seeing the card, the fortune teller smiles.

"Pleased to meet you, Kishta. I am Arianna, the fuzz-ball hanging around your feet is Kashki." she says gesturing to the small silver-furred fox that does not seem to stray too far from Arianna's side.

"I do not believe I have visited this particular tavern before tonight. You see I haven't been in Korvosa all that long."

"Obviously, you are of Shoanti blood, but you do not seem to be nearly as gruff as your kinsmen that I have met before. Been here long yourself?"

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

"All my life. Well, not here of course. The food's not good enough to eat here that often. I'm sure even Kashki would agree."

Kishta frowns and shows her teeth. "There, is that better? I'd hate to be insufficiently gruff. I have an image to maintain."

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