Zombie Apocalypse - The New Beginning (Inactive)

Game Master BloodWolven

It was a perfect day for most, nothing really happening until there came a banging at the gate. Then the unreal happened people were eating people. Chaos spread quickly will you survive this horror?

Now we are getting serious here comes the gym.


New combat map with current wing.

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Luckily most of the group is together in one of two spots. Dominique is still covering the door. Matthew, Hino, Electra, and Quinn are in the garage. Elly and Devin are waiting by the door you entered with Hitomi near them. Hitomi pulls on the box and fails to recover the axe. Smashing the glass in his anger he gets the axe out but it also sets off the fire alarm in your building.

You each have two rounds of actions before the horns attract the unwanted attention.

Hitomi takes the axe and gets to Devin and Elly. He grabs the containers and duffels after securing the axe onto the box with duct tape. Elly and Devin pick up their weapons looking for where they should go.

Hino covers her ears still sitting on the ground.

HP: 6/6, AC: 14 _ T: 13 _ FF: 11 _ Perception +11, Sense Mo +7, Initiative: +2, Fort 1 _ Ref +2 _ Will +5 , CMB: +1, CMD: 13, Speed: 30
Acro +1, Bluff +3, Climb -1, Dip +3, Drive +1, Escape +1, Heal +15, Inti +4, K (Tech) +7, Ling +4, Ride +1, Stealth +1, Surv +7, Swim -1

Round 1

Matthew forgets searching for anything else and gets to the cart with all they had collected.

The items still on the cart are protective clothing such as work gloves, welding visors, leather aprons, thick leather gloves, the battery operated drill with all sorts of attachments, some magazines, a pipe that is five feet long and an inch wide and plenty of spare parts.

Matthew grabbed a bottle of water, an exacto knife, and a pair of old bolt cutters. Putting the first two in his backpack and securing the bolt cutters to the side strap of his backpack.

Round 2

He gets his backpack on then goes over to Hino and pulls her to her feet. Unless someone had done that, then he leaves the room and begins to head to the gear left at the door they first came into the building.

HP: 11/11, Defense: 16_Touch: 16_ Flat: 11, Perception+6, Initiative+4, Fort +0, Ref+6, Will+1
Acrobatics +10, Climb +7, ComputerUse +7 Drive +4, Escape Artist +8, Jump +7, SleightofHand +8, Stealth +8, K:Current Events+4, K:Tactics+8,Perception+6
Active conditions: None

Round 1
Dom waits to see what Quinn does. He does yell, "RUN OR HIDE?"

With an answer he quickly enters the room, dropping the new knives on the cart to pick up the five foot pipe.

Round 2
He then runs over to the next room over.
He begins to bash in the glass of the bow and arrow case with the pipe and his new leather gloves likely protecting him from the vibrations.

damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Dark Archive

Neutral Good Human Witch/1

Round 1:
Quinn is surprised by Hitomi's actions. "%$#&! Shut the garage door!" (free action) Quinn picks up the two duffel bags (standard action) and awkwardly runs into the next room behind Dominique. (move action)

Round 2:
Quinn doesn't wear gloves but she still has on her sweatshirt, protective goggles, and mask. By the end of Round 2, Quinn is inside the room with Dominique. (move action) "Hurry and break it," Quinn encourages. (free action) Quinn drops the duffel bags and upzips the orange one to pull out the nail gun and a coil of nails. Maybe a nail will crack the glass. (standard action)

Round 3

Windows break and doors bulge as zombies begin to charge the building.

Quinn and Dom's room have 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1 zombies trying to get in,
1d6 - 2 ⇒ (6) - 2 = 4 zombies into the garage,
and 1d8 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2 zombies coming in behind Hitomi, Elly, and Devin.
With the horns still blazing there is likely other zombies entering the building but there is no way to hear them coming.

I am going to have you go first, so feel free to take your round 3 and 4 actions.

Dom hits the glass case and it splinters, a small chunk about the size of your pinky is gone where he impacted the case.

Round 3
Hitomi finishes putting on all the bags and begins to move toward the rest of the group. Elly and Devin both swing at the zombies that broke through the windows.

1d20 ⇒ 3

Round 4
Hitomi reaches the display room where Dom and Quinn are and leans against the wall to catch his breath. Elly and Devin are both running down the hallway towards the group. Unless hindered the four zombies trying to get in the garage get in as does the zombie attempting to get into the display room.

Quinn and Dom's room have 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (6) - 2 = 4 more zombies trying to get in,
1d6 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1 more zombies into the garage,
and 1d8 - 2 ⇒ (6) - 2 = 4 more zombies coming in behind Hitomi, Elly, and Devin.
1d20 ⇒ 12
Map will be up today sometime.

Dark Archive

Neutral Good Human Witch/1

Round 3:

GM Wolf wrote:
Quinn and Dom's room have 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1 zombies trying to get in

Seeing an immediate threat, Quinn decides not to attack the display case. Instead, Quinn approaches the window as the first zombie starts to hoist themselves through the broken glass. (move action) Quinn holds the nailgun to the zombie’s forehead as it climbs in through the window. KA-CHACK! (standard action) Quinn yells over the alarm: ”Dom, you get the arrows yet?” (free action) I hope Matthew is alive.

Round 4:

GM Wolf wrote:
Quinn and Dom's room have 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (6) - 2 = 4 more zombies trying to get in

Quinn is relieved when she sees Hitomi make it into the Engineering room. She yells over the alarm: ”Hitomi! Drop the stuff and swing that axe.” (free action) As one of the four zombies heaves itself through the broken window, Quinn holds the nailgun to its forehead and staples. KA-CHACK! (standard action) The zombies crawl over one another, unperturbed about the buildup of bodies forming at the window. Did Matthew and Hino leave the building already?

48/50 nails. Can't wait for a map!

Did you mean to swap Hino and Elly?

Round 4

The first and second zombies taken care of Quinn make it even more of an obstacle for the other zombies to get into room. Though if nothing is done one will get into the room.

Meanwhile in the other rooms more problems are likely happening.

No Hino is with Matthew and Electra, Elly is with Devin and Hitomi.

HP: 11/11, Defense: 16_Touch: 16_ Flat: 11, Perception+6, Initiative+4, Fort +0, Ref+6, Will+1
Acrobatics +10, Climb +7, ComputerUse +7 Drive +4, Escape Artist +8, Jump +7, SleightofHand +8, Stealth +8, K:Current Events+4, K:Tactics+8,Perception+6
Active conditions: None

Round 3

He continiues to swing the pipe until the case is open enough to get the quiver out. With a massive swing he breaks through a large chunk of the glass.

damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Round 4
He then moves over to the display with the swords and swings his pipe, leaving a large dent in the glass but not big enough to get the swords out.

damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

female German (Bavarian)
HP: 13/13 // Ac 13 FF10 T13//F+2/R+3/W+3 Ini +3
Smart Hero (Student/Athlete) 2

Seeing the zombie enter the garage Electra moves back and holds her weapon should the zombie come closer."Enemy close!"
As soon as the zombie is distracted she will charge in and club it herself.

female German (Bavarian)
HP: 13/13 // Ac 13 FF10 T13//F+2/R+3/W+3 Ini +3
Smart Hero (Student/Athlete) 2

Round 1
Cursing silently for two moments before composing herself Electra packs all the light items in her backpack.
Round 2
Strapping her backpack to her back she prepares for fight or flee.
In round 3 see post above
which map is valid

Hands On wing/Current wing, is the current map. It has been updated to Round 4 for the zombies.

HP: 6/6, AC: 14 _ T: 13 _ FF: 11 _ Perception +11, Sense Mo +7, Initiative: +2, Fort 1 _ Ref +2 _ Will +5 , CMB: +1, CMD: 13, Speed: 30
Acro +1, Bluff +3, Climb -1, Dip +3, Drive +1, Escape +1, Heal +15, Inti +4, K (Tech) +7, Ling +4, Ride +1, Stealth +1, Surv +7, Swim -1

Round 3

Matthew leaves the room in a rush as the zombies break through the door and window pulling Hino behind him.

Round 4

Entering the display room/Engineering room he looks for what to do, ready to close the door after Electra gets into the room. REadied action.

female German (Bavarian)
HP: 13/13 // Ac 13 FF10 T13//F+2/R+3/W+3 Ini +3
Smart Hero (Student/Athlete) 2

Ok thanks now I know what to do.
Round 3 EDIT
Electra takes a few steps and closes the doors, trying to jam it shut with a flat item of spare parts.
Round 4
Then she moves to the others and quickly speaks.
"Garage is overrun, and they also come from the south. What shall we do?"

Dark Archive

Neutral Good Human Witch/1

Round 3:
Quinn approaches the other window as a third zombie starts to climb into the room. (move action) Quinn holds the nailgun to the zombie’s forehead. KA-CHACK! (standard action)

Round 4:
”I just wanted arrows. What a terrible situation.” (free action) As another zombies heaves itself through the broken window, Quinn holds the nailgun to its forehead and pulls the trigger. KA-CHACK! (standard action) Quinn observes the other window with two super dead zombies hanging from it. More incoming?

End of Round 4

The whole group with most of the items they recovered is with you. A large hole is in the glass case with the bow and arrows. A small hole in the case with the swords. One zombie is halfway into the room by the window.

Round 5

Hitomi takes the round to put all the bags down to not break anything. Hino crumples into one corner of the room. Elly and Devin drop the bags they have and come at the zombies trying to get into the room by the windows. They don't do the best of job and miss when they attack.

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

HP: 11/11, Defense: 16_Touch: 16_ Flat: 11, Perception+6, Initiative+4, Fort +0, Ref+6, Will+1
Acrobatics +10, Climb +7, ComputerUse +7 Drive +4, Escape Artist +8, Jump +7, SleightofHand +8, Stealth +8, K:Current Events+4, K:Tactics+8,Perception+6
Active conditions: None

Round 5

Dom continues to wail on the case to get better weapons for the group. This time he makes a great swing and takes off a huge chunk of the glass.

damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

HP: 6/6, AC: 14 _ T: 13 _ FF: 11 _ Perception +11, Sense Mo +7, Initiative: +2, Fort 1 _ Ref +2 _ Will +5 , CMB: +1, CMD: 13, Speed: 30
Acro +1, Bluff +3, Climb -1, Dip +3, Drive +1, Escape +1, Heal +15, Inti +4, K (Tech) +7, Ling +4, Ride +1, Stealth +1, Surv +7, Swim -1

Round 5

Not sure what to do he first looks to Electra and asks, "Where are the keys?!" Likely she cannot hear him and he goes to assist Elly.

Dark Archive

Neutral Good Human Witch/1

Round 5:

Standard Action: Quinn backs away from the window to approach the glass case containing the quiver.

Move Action: With her free hand, Quinn reaches into the display case and pulls out the quiver of arrows.

Free Action: Quinn smiles at the ammo, "Nice going Dominique."


Round 6:

Move Action: Quinn crouches down and detaches the nails. She puts the nailgun and nails in the orange duffel bag, zipping it closed.

Standard Action: Still crouched, Quinn takes off her backpack.


Round 7:

Move Action: Quinn unbuttons her backpack and loosens the drawstring. She hastily shoves the new quiver on the opposite side of the new one.

Standard Action: Quinn tightens the drawstrings of her backpack and fastens the top flap with the button. She threads her arms through her backpack.

Free Action: Quinn yells, Ready to leave?"

Hopefully nothing attacks Quinn during Rounds 5-7 (or Devin and Elly are holding the undead horde off.)

female German (Bavarian)
HP: 13/13 // Ac 13 FF10 T13//F+2/R+3/W+3 Ini +3
Smart Hero (Student/Athlete) 2

Round 5
Helping Dominique with the swords Electra and grabs a wakazahshi after the glass is shattered.
Move ActionMove to Dominique
Standard Action Take the Wakazashis
Round 6
Putting the sheath inside her waistband Electra draws the weapon."I have them here in my left hand. What now?"
Move Action secure the sheath
Standard Action Draw the weapon
Round 7
Moving next to Quinn, holding the wakazashi in her right hand and the key in her left nods to her."I am ready!"
Standard&MoveFollow the others toward the enemy.

Round 5
The first zombie gets into the room as the next begins to squeeze through the window.

Round 6
Elly does her best to keep the bodies in the window keeping it blocked, holding them with the end of her badminton racket and baseball bat. She is successful and smiles at Matthew comes to help. Dom takes the pipe with him and goes to help Devin, between the two of them they take out the zombie inside and at the window. Hitomi holds the axe ready to help if there is room but not yet.

Round 7
The next zombie continues to try to push the bodies in near Elly and Matt, the bodies crush and move to the side. Three other zombies come and try to get in the windows. Many misses from the teenagers. Hitomi shouts as the fire alarms is still blaring, "Should I get the bags again?" You can see him grab two ear plugs from his pocket and put the in his ears.

Round 8
Dom yells back, "We are ready whenever you are, just let us know. Keeping uglies at bay until we leave. Remember there are likely zombies out there as well!" The boys are able to kill their zombie as Devin does a devastating blow with his baseball bat and the girls are able to keep theirs at bay, no progress on its end.

DM notes:

[b]Round 5[b]
1d6 - 4 ⇒ (1) - 4 = -3

[b]Round 6[b]
1d6 - 3 ⇒ (3) - 3 = 0
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

[b]Round 7[b]
1d6 - 2 ⇒ (5) - 2 = 3
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

[b]Round 8[b]
1d6 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

[b]Round 9[b]
1d6 - 2 ⇒ (6) - 2 = 4
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

[b]Round 10[b]
1d6 - 2 ⇒ (6) - 2 = 4
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Dark Archive

Neutral Good Human Witch/1

Round 8:

Standard Action: Quinn picks up the two duffel bags and lugs them over her shoulders. Wordlessly, she nods to Hitomi’s question.

Move Action: Quinn moves to the door that leads to the hallway. She looks back at the others to see if they are ready to move.


Round 9(?) or When Everyone is Ready:

Quinn will wait until everyone is ready before opening the door to the hallway. Quinn opens the door slowly and peeks out from around the door.

Stealth (open door): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

female German (Bavarian)
HP: 13/13 // Ac 13 FF10 T13//F+2/R+3/W+3 Ini +3
Smart Hero (Student/Athlete) 2

Round 8
Move Action
Moving close to Quinn holding her short blade in her hand Electra nods to Quinn and prepares for the mad dash.
Standard Action
Make sure all straps are in place, that the backpack is secured on her back and that her bootlaces are tight!

Round 9

Quinn opens the door and sees that a quick jump could have been disastrous into the hallway. One zombie is at the door but it is aimlessly moving around. Waiting a few moments as it leaves in search of the target of the sounds. Other zombies are aimlessly slamming into lockers and moving about. There are about a dozen zombies in the hallway spread out and even attacking each other.

More zombies show up outside wanting to get into your room but the four of them are able to keep them out or at least in the squeeze of the window.

The group seems to be in different levels of ability. Hitomi collects the bags and plastic crates, one with an axe secured to the side again. Hino just sits in the corner more and more in shock. Dom breaks off from the fight and drops the pipe as he heads to the sword display. Devin, Matthew, and Elly continue to fight off the threat but nothing compared to a zombie in the room.

Dark Archive

Neutral Good Human Witch/1

Round 10:

Holding the two duffel bags slugged over her shoulders, Quinn begins to move down the hallway. (With her backpack on and her bow holstered to her back.)

Quinn slowly moves 15 feet South, attempting to stay out of the way of fighting zombies and remain unnoticed. (See map.)

Stealth: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

Round 10, 11, and 12

Devin, Elly, Matthew, and Dom all leave the windows collecting their gear heading out of the door following Quinn. Hitomi follows Quinn holding the bags and crates ready to swat any zombies that come his way. Hino stays in the corner of the room seemingly forgotten.

Stealth is not really needed anymore. Most of the zombies only react to sound and with the alarms going off, sound is everywhere and attracting the zombies indiscriminately. Everyone do 2 reflex saves, DC 12 to avoid flailing zombies.

Devin and Elly ref saves: 4d20 ⇒ (4, 20, 3, 5) = 32 +2
Hitomi ref saves: 2d20 ⇒ (8, 9) = 17 +2

Down the hallway Devin, Hitomi and Elly are not so lucky as they each get slammed by a zombie on their way down. [ooc]After you make your saves you can make it to the end of the hallway without incident or can help those who have become entangled with zombies.

HP: 11/11, Defense: 16_Touch: 16_ Flat: 11, Perception+6, Initiative+4, Fort +0, Ref+6, Will+1
Acrobatics +10, Climb +7, ComputerUse +7 Drive +4, Escape Artist +8, Jump +7, SleightofHand +8, Stealth +8, K:Current Events+4, K:Tactics+8,Perception+6
Active conditions: None

Round 10, 11, 12

reflex save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
reflex save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Coming up third, unless Electra beats him to it, he dodges the lunging zombies with effort. Once one begins to go after Hitomi he pulls out the sword and swings it with some efficiency.

short sword: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 Electra did you take the longer or shorter of swords?

short sword: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16 damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

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