Zombie Apocalypse - The New Beginning (Inactive)

Game Master BloodWolven

It was a perfect day for most, nothing really happening until there came a banging at the gate. Then the unreal happened people were eating people. Chaos spread quickly will you survive this horror?

Now we are getting serious here comes the gym.


New combat map with current wing.

High School image

Zombie horror survival game
High school of the dead beginning

FAQ v.1
1. When in the Zombie Outbreak will this game take place?
The game will start off as a regular school day. Someone will see the first exposure and soon over the intercom you hear someone get eaten.

2. Who will the characters be in the game?

High schoolers.
Last year for one reason or another, you need to choose why, your parents moved you to Japan to learn at a prestigious school.
Are you a sophomore, junior, or senior?

Pick your stereotype (you should pick one):
Band Geek
Tech Geek
Honor student/Study student, straight As
Mean girl

What are your focuses in school:

You may pick as many as you want (highest focus at beginning of list, least focus at the end, probably stick to 3):
Sports: which ones?
Glee club
Honor club
Musical instruments/band club
Good grades
Opposite sex

3. How many people are you interested in?
I am open to running this game with anywhere from 4-8 players.

4. Which game system will be used?
I am thinking D20 modern. With a transfer into pathfinder down the road as magic becomes real.

5. How will wealth work in this game?
Wealth will be a measure of how much stuff you had before the outbreak. At Character Generation spend wealth as normal. Bear in mind that you would also be packing light for school so I would expect two inventories of items. Things you own and things you have on you.

What would be the expected post rate of players?
I would anticipate post rate of about 1/day. Weekends are flexible.

How will the virus be transmitted mechanically?
By bite obviously. But thinking of a mechanic where the zombies must first grapple before biting. They can claw for damage without grapple but to bite would require a grapple first.

8. What is the players objective?
Overall game objective is to survive. With police and government focused on containment little help can be expected from them. Find/make weapons, find shelter, find food, then find families.
Additional individual objectives may vary but should be relayed to me by pm.

A hero’s allegiance can take the form of loyalty to a person, to an organization, to a belief system, to a nation, or to an ethical or moral philosophy. In general, a character can discard an allegiance at any time, but may only gain a new allegiance after attaining a new level. You may have 3 alliances.
http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/resources/systems/pennpaper/modern/ smack/allegiances.html

2nd level characters
Bonuses based on character but basic creation 4d6 six times for abilities. Only add the top three of each roll.
You may increase one ability score by 1 and decrease another by 1. Only once.

You may have two professions: student and another choice.

Yes, everyone starts with one feat besides those given by other sources.

Everyone think about how much you know of the others, who are your friends, enemies?
What is your goal in life at the moment?
Also if you had to use one word how would you descibe the other characters and/or how you relate to them. This is more for role playing and interactions for yourself.

Max thinks Kimarue is mean and he is jealous of how easy it is for her to be an athlete.
Max thinks Lizzy is stern and he has a crush on her.
Max thinks Electra is kind and shy, he has nightmares of bashing in her brains and then eating them. He would like to beat her smug face.
Max has problems but I hope that helps. Max is already turning!!! ;)

There will be objective XP rewards so if you pm me a personal objective than I assign an XP reward value to it. These rewards plus the swarms of undead should get you leveled pretty quickly.

Everything D20 Modern base is allowed except what is listed as No below. Other source books on case by case basis.
No Magic
No FXs
Human Characters only.
Late PL5 time frame
There will be limited material acceptable from D20 Future and Urban Arcana. That will be updated on the campaign info page as approved.
