Mort's Strange Aeons (Inactive)

Game Master Just a Mort

Strange Aeons Map

Dreamlands excursion ritual

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Half-Elf Investigator (Bonded) 9 / Magus (VMC); HP 81/81, Init +1, Perception +18+1d8, +4 vs traps; Vorq Perception +15+1d8; AC 18/FF 16/T 12, +3 vs traps; Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8, +3 vs traps; CMB +11, CMD 22; Inspiration (1d8+2) 8/8; Arcane Pool (+2) 8/8;

I don't know about you but I can sleep through anything lol.

I do think we should try turning in the quest then do the healing. Leonard, I feel it would be better to have you there guided by Vorq and have a 50% miss chance than not have you there and have a 100% miss chance.

Mort the check is at the end of the week. I can use inspiration on ability checks (intelligence), and Vorq can use bit of luck on me to roll twice take the best. So 95% chance I'd pass with 1d20+6+1d8 rolled twice.

It doesn't say anything about making checks every day, hour, or round. You make one ability check, at the end of a week. Inspiration applies to ability checks, therefore it would apply to that one too.

"At the end of the rest period, the ally can attempt a Wisdom or Intelligence check"

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

My mom sleeps like a cat. If I cough at night she gets up. I.. Well sleep like a log(usually). But since I've been coughing for the last 2 weeks, it's woken me up at night, so I won't say I can sleep through anything.

Me = Leonard has the right of saying he doesn't want to go for any Dreamlands rituals because if he gets another madness - this may happen:

If a character becomes afflicted with a form of madness from which he is already suffering (even if it takes a slightly different form, such as phobias of different objects), the current DC of that madness increases by 5.

And of course, it's character freedom of choice, which is the reason why I have rolled out options.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

At the end - which is the sum of all your effort through the week. It's about as good as asking for inspiration check for crafting, since you also make a skill check at the end of every day.So you add your inspiration check at the end of the day. Yeah right.

Inspiration, unless you can keep it running through all the hours of treating madness - cannot be used.

Half-Elf Investigator (Bonded) 9 / Magus (VMC); HP 81/81, Init +1, Perception +18+1d8, +4 vs traps; Vorq Perception +15+1d8; AC 18/FF 16/T 12, +3 vs traps; Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8, +3 vs traps; CMB +11, CMD 22; Inspiration (1d8+2) 8/8; Arcane Pool (+2) 8/8;

Well I vote we just continue. Leonard prep lots of mirror images and stay behind Claude or me. Angliliath can tell you where to move and hit you just have a miss chance. I'll tell you telepathically via Vorq if we need to run aka leave dreamlands, concentration check won't be affected by blindness either.

Retired to Taldor?

two separate things, I sleep like a log and Seamus doesn't care which we do... he will be willing to hide behind Leonard, sight or not, but he does promise to try and keep the lights on...

Half-Elf Investigator (Bonded) 9 / Magus (VMC); HP 81/81, Init +1, Perception +18+1d8, +4 vs traps; Vorq Perception +15+1d8; AC 18/FF 16/T 12, +3 vs traps; Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8, +3 vs traps; CMB +11, CMD 22; Inspiration (1d8+2) 8/8; Arcane Pool (+2) 8/8;

You can use inspiration on craft. It's a skill check. It doesn't say the check cannot be boosted by any means. Where do you get that from? Neither the madness nor inspiration say that.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Please see how Inspire competence works with crafting. Inspire competence, like inspiration is a limited resource.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Leonard also made his wishes clear. I respect them.

Leonard can't see if the lights are on, anyway.

The inspiration bonus doesn't have a duration. It is used as part of a check. It doesn't matter whether the check is an immediate action or takes 6 days, you only use inspiration once (whether or not it is free to use with that skill).

And it can obviously be used on profession and craft. There's even a talent to make it free on profession. You could take another talent to make it free on craft if you wanted also.

If it didn't work on some ability or skill checks it would say so. It works on any of them, though. That's just the way it is.

At the very least don't use a rounds per level booster to compare something that helps "once per check or roll", which would be defined by whatever the check or roll uses.

Leonard can decide for himself. I am going to finish dreamlands. I'd rather he go than not but I'm going either way. After we rest.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

If it is free - by all means. If you are doing it for craft with the talent that makes it free, by all means. Else why would there be a talent that makes it free?

Bottom line:Unless you can put it on for 8 hours of skill checks worth, no. Neither will bit of luck work.

Nor will you be given the time to do so.

Sure. Going without Leonard is a valid choice too.

Half-Elf Investigator (Bonded) 9 / Magus (VMC); HP 81/81, Init +1, Perception +18+1d8, +4 vs traps; Vorq Perception +15+1d8; AC 18/FF 16/T 12, +3 vs traps; Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8, +3 vs traps; CMB +11, CMD 22; Inspiration (1d8+2) 8/8; Arcane Pool (+2) 8/8;

It's not 8 hours of skill checks. It's one ability check. Which inspiration works on.

Why is there a talent to make it free? So you can use it on another attack or skill that isn't free, obviously....

Let me ask another way, based on the text of inspiration, where does it say in the rules that it doesn't work on craft or heal or other types of checks?

"An investigator is beyond knowledgeable and skilled—he also possesses keen powers of observation and deduction that far surpass the abilities of others. An investigator typically uses these powers to aid in their investigations, but can also use these flashes of inspiration in other situations.

An investigator has the ability to augment skill checks and ability checks through his brilliant inspiration. The investigator has an inspiration pool equal to 1/2 his investigator level + his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). An investigator's inspiration pool refreshes each day, typically after he gets a restful night's sleep. As a free action, he can expend one use of inspiration from his pool to add 1d6 to the result of that check, including any on which he takes 10 or 20. This choice is made after the check is rolled and before the results are revealed. An investigator can only use inspiration once per check or roll. The investigator can use inspiration on any Knowledge, Linguistics, or Spellcraft skill checks without expending a use of inspiration, provided he's trained in the skill.

Inspiration can also be used on attack rolls and saving throws, at the cost of expending two uses of inspiration each time from the investigator's pool. In the case of saving throws, using inspiration is an immediate action rather than a free action."

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

No. The 8 hours functions the same way as crafting where you're constant doing it. You may search forums - there are no rulings on it. This is how I interpret treating of madness to work, so that's that.

Half-Elf Investigator (Bonded) 9 / Magus (VMC); HP 81/81, Init +1, Perception +18+1d8, +4 vs traps; Vorq Perception +15+1d8; AC 18/FF 16/T 12, +3 vs traps; Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8, +3 vs traps; CMB +11, CMD 22; Inspiration (1d8+2) 8/8; Arcane Pool (+2) 8/8;

That is a house rule and not RAW, and I think it's a horrible interpretation.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

You'll insist on how it's supposed to be interpreted, I'll insist on my interpretation and since we both can't reconcile it, we'll get nowhere and there's no point even talking about it since I said you weren't going to be given any time for a week's uninterrupted rest.

Precedent is using how inspire competence interacts with craft checks.

I will not reply to anything more on this subject.

I'm not interpreting anything. It's very simple. Your interpretation is based on a spell that affects for for X rounds. Inspiration is part of the skill or ability check, not a temporary boost. It has no time limit other than once per check. You compare apples to oranges and then say it's a valid interpretation which is not RAI or RAW, it's just trying to justify an unwarranted nerf on something that you don't want to happen.

It'd be one thing if you said, "new houserule that your main class ability doesn't work as written", instead of trying to say it's written or interpreted in some way contrary to what is actually there.

And apparently there's another house rule about uninterrupted rest requiring nothing happening at all around you even if it doesn't involve you. Which is beyond bizarre and seems like you just want to flat out disallow the recovery mechanic without outright saying it.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

If you really want to see the results of inspiration:

Inspiration: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 + 18
Inspiration: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 + 19
Inspiration: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 + 9
Inspiration: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 + 12
Inspiration: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 + 11
Inspiration: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 + 18
Inspiration: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 + 18
Inspiration: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 + 6
Inspiration: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 + 9

I realized I gave Leonard one more save then he should have, so the base DC is 13.

You'd still miss it by 3 after full subtraction.

Bit of luck really says next round.

1st Intensified Shocking Grasp x2, Devion's Parry, Blade Lash, True Strike, Magic Missile 2nd Web, Mirror Image x2, Defending Bone (cast), Scorching Ray, 3rd Haste x2, Sleet Storm, Heroism (cast)
Passive stats:
HP 63/63 {72/72} | AC 21{25}/T14/FF18{22} | F+10/R+7/W+8 {+2 from heroism}| CMB +6 | CMD 21 | init +4 | Perception +6 {+8} |
Active effects/Limited use abilities:
Active effects: Defending Bone 45/45, Heroism 90 minutes Arcane Pool 10/10 | Black Blade Pool 3/3 | Maximize Spell 1/1 | Empowered Spell 1/1 | Reach 1/1

My earlier statement was assuming it was going to be as easy to cure me as it was to cure Seamus, if it's not, I'd rather try to contribute.

I'm not really sure how inspiration is supposed to work with such checks, but it seems like it would to me. It definitely doesn't work in this game, though.

Let's see...Magic Missile x6, Mirror Image x3, Web, Haste x3? Haste saves Seamus spells and actions, and I think web is probably better than a fourth mirror image. Magic Missile doesn't require an attack roll, just a target, so I'm not sure if I can use it. 5d4+5 is like 17 damage, and I can even recover it with pearls of power, or maximize/empower it with class features. I've also got access to heroism, vanish, and long arm, so if someone really wants me to cast those, I can do that.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Don't bother about magic missile. You need to see a target in order to target the spell(magic missile). Things like communal resist energy say creature touched so even if you can't see you can just grope for your friends and do it. Haste may be possible if your friends are next to you.

As per this thread

Things like burning hands, where you just flame things in front of you work fine.

Web is a little iffy since you need to point out where the web is and you can't see.

Longarm is personal only, so it only works on yourself. You cannot use it on another.

5d4 average is 10, so how you're getting 5d4+5=17 average, I have no idea. Have you had too much to drink?

Male Human Mature Adult 69, Charming Idiot 1

1d4 averages to 2.5, 2.5*5=12.5, 12.5+5=17.5

Although to be honest I didn't actually add it up, 17 just looked kindof right. I don't normally drink if I have class the next day.

I was thinking of vanish when I said long arm, actually, but the point stands.

Can I make ranged attacks? I feel like web is pretty similar to that, but it's up to you.

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)


So, the consensus seems to be:

Leonard is willing to push on with what we have (at least in terms of doing the Dreamlands quests).

In terms of stuff we run into in the real world, I guess we will be leaving him behind (or resolutely keeping him adjacent to Howard, so I can Dimension Door away with him, if necessary)...?

@GM Mort: Since it is psychosomatic, does that mean the 'madness' doesn't exist in the Dreamlands? :-)

I agree, stuff like Guidance would not work. All day buffs that boosted ability checks, however, would work. RAW, inspiration would (as much as I hate to admit it) probably work, since it just mention that you can use it 'when making a check'.

Either way, though, it is going to be a long, slow road to recovery.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

I always thought 1d4 average is 2,but maybe there's some Maths I don't understand about

For shooting, it's fine as long as someone tells you which square to aim stuff at - you roll 50% concealment as per normal.

Web I guess you could argue the same too, which is why I said iffy business.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

The madness will still be present in Dreamlands. It's all in the mind. Unfortunately. So Leonard is still blind in the Dreamlands.

1st Intensified Shocking Grasp x2, Devion's Parry, Blade Lash, True Strike, Magic Missile 2nd Web, Mirror Image x2, Defending Bone (cast), Scorching Ray, 3rd Haste x2, Sleet Storm, Heroism (cast)
Passive stats:
HP 63/63 {72/72} | AC 21{25}/T14/FF18{22} | F+10/R+7/W+8 {+2 from heroism}| CMB +6 | CMD 21 | init +4 | Perception +6 {+8} |
Active effects/Limited use abilities:
Active effects: Defending Bone 45/45, Heroism 90 minutes Arcane Pool 10/10 | Black Blade Pool 3/3 | Maximize Spell 1/1 | Empowered Spell 1/1 | Reach 1/1

Why did they name it psychosomatic and not psychosensory? Anyway, I'm pretty sure that means my occipital lobe isn't working right, not that my eyes are having problems.

Oddly, blind people who could see at one point in their lives often have dreams in which they can see. In fact, it's even quite common for blind people whose eyes still work (like Leonard) to still be able to see and simply not have conscious access to the visual information. That's how I'll choose to interpret this.

To average the result of rolling a 1d4, add all possible results together and divide by the number of possible results. E.g. 1+2+3+4=10, 10/4=2.5

The Exchange

Complain about the new boards here!

Maths eats the thoughts out of my head!

*Yowls and climbs up a tree!*

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

First, each time the PCs enter the Dreamlands, they manifest dream bodies that resemble their waking bodies. These lucid bodies have all the same spells prepared and all their usual gear, but spells and items used in the dream world are not expended in reality.

If it's a resemblance of your waking body, it manifests you, with the madness there too.

And don't ask me why the devs named the stuff the way they did. I have no clue, since I don't study medicine and frankly I don't care.

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Also, I know it is what the module says, but really?

Two random encounters per day?

I am amazed that any boat manages to survive traveling down this river, if that is the case, since I doubt most merchant vessels have adventurers on board...

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

I dunno lol. Some of the random encounters are BS, like giant flies. But that's what the mod said.

And of course I'll just say that's what the mod said because I be a robot cat and I have no creativity =)

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Vincent - may I ask how Vorq has 18 int?

According to familiar rules he should have 10 int. The base imp has 13 int, and there's nothing saying an imp consular has higher int. Emissiary archetype does not increase int either.

Mind you, I don't mind letting you take higher int of base creature or familiar int, but still that's a max of 13 at this level.

Please explain.

1st Intensified Shocking Grasp x2, Devion's Parry, Blade Lash, True Strike, Magic Missile 2nd Web, Mirror Image x2, Defending Bone (cast), Scorching Ray, 3rd Haste x2, Sleet Storm, Heroism (cast)
Passive stats:
HP 63/63 {72/72} | AC 21{25}/T14/FF18{22} | F+10/R+7/W+8 {+2 from heroism}| CMB +6 | CMD 21 | init +4 | Perception +6 {+8} |
Active effects/Limited use abilities:
Active effects: Defending Bone 45/45, Heroism 90 minutes Arcane Pool 10/10 | Black Blade Pool 3/3 | Maximize Spell 1/1 | Empowered Spell 1/1 | Reach 1/1

I bet you've got creativity, I mean, you're uh...never mind.

I was going to make a comment about humans.

Half-Elf Investigator (Bonded) 9 / Magus (VMC); HP 81/81, Init +1, Perception +18+1d8, +4 vs traps; Vorq Perception +15+1d8; AC 18/FF 16/T 12, +3 vs traps; Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8, +3 vs traps; CMB +11, CMD 22; Inspiration (1d8+2) 8/8; Arcane Pool (+2) 8/8;

Well the familiar table implies that the familiars int increases every two levels. Mine just starts at 13 instead of 6. It was written for familiars with animal intelligence.

That's my "interpretation" anyway...

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

No - allowing you to use the better of the two numbers is already generous.

There is a school of thought that you should just use the familiar table.

Like here

Half-Elf Investigator (Bonded) 9 / Magus (VMC); HP 81/81, Init +1, Perception +18+1d8, +4 vs traps; Vorq Perception +15+1d8; AC 18/FF 16/T 12, +3 vs traps; Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8, +3 vs traps; CMB +11, CMD 22; Inspiration (1d8+2) 8/8; Arcane Pool (+2) 8/8;

Ok. That's pretty stupid, that thread. An imp wouldn't get dumber by being a familiar. And it's obviously a chart generated for animals which all non-improved familiars are, which have int 1-2.

But hey I'll make note of that one right alongside the inspiration doesn't work on all checks and inspired familiars can't benefit from expanded inspiration.

Retired to Taldor?

So, ummm, not to interrupt, but what we doin' in-game?

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Don't feel like moving.


I still need to see if any of the NPCs are informed about Leonard's condition because it will change dialogue.

Leonard said yes, inform, Howard said no, it's no use.

So I don't know what direction I should go to.

Even if NPCs are not informed, Darja will eventually start to wonder what happened to her latest student, and will eventually peek in to ask, dude, where have you been.

1st Intensified Shocking Grasp x2, Devion's Parry, Blade Lash, True Strike, Magic Missile 2nd Web, Mirror Image x2, Defending Bone (cast), Scorching Ray, 3rd Haste x2, Sleet Storm, Heroism (cast)
Passive stats:
HP 63/63 {72/72} | AC 21{25}/T14/FF18{22} | F+10/R+7/W+8 {+2 from heroism}| CMB +6 | CMD 21 | init +4 | Perception +6 {+8} |
Active effects/Limited use abilities:
Active effects: Defending Bone 45/45, Heroism 90 minutes Arcane Pool 10/10 | Black Blade Pool 3/3 | Maximize Spell 1/1 | Empowered Spell 1/1 | Reach 1/1

Leonard is going to go let the cook know, and potentially the captain, unless anyone objects.

Then I think we're about ready to head back out to the dreamlands. I actually have burning hands in addition to magic missile, so I can just use that instead.

Web you've said is iffy, can I get a ruling one way or another. Perhaps it works and I just have a miss chance? Up to you.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Anything that requires targeting will fail. So don't bother with magic missile. Area of effects since people can tell you where to aim, yes you can. You cannot use haste unless people are next to you as well,since other then touch you do not have any form of targeting.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Also Vincent - as you have donned the mantle of spell resistance in the Dreamlands which gives you SR 21,any beneficial spells other then your extracts will have to go through that spell resistance, except when you take a standard action to lower it. That includes all cure spells, haste, guidance from Vorq.

Vorq has a caster level of 6 as per imp entry.

Spell resistance

A creature can voluntarily lower its spell resistance. Doing so is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Once a creature lowers its resistance, it remains down until the creature’s next turn. At the beginning of the creature’s next turn, the creature’s spell resistance automatically returns unless the creature intentionally keeps it down (also a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity).

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

I'll say that I could get a sailor to spot that there's something wrong with Leonard, but I won't since technically there are no penalties for moving at half speed, and it's PCs having freedom of choice to keep their affairs to themselves.

Besides, I don't have blind friends, but if they don't bring along their walking sticks, can you distinguish if a person is blind or not?

Dark Archive

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

Well, in general, yes - for example, they don't make eye contact / there eyes don't track movement, and they have difficulty picking things up.

If you see them in the distance, you probably wouldn't notice, unless you watched them for a while, but if the crew spend any significant time with him, unless he makes an effort to *really* avoid notice, they will eventually work-out something is wrong.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Sorry. This is called GM does not have RL experience with working with blind people. I know even if I take off my glasses(yes, I have myopia, around 600 degrees ish), I can still function and have in fact opted to do so for Yoga classes since I worry my specs fall out.

So I have no idea what it's like to be completely blind, but have your sword telling you where to step, and how it'd look like to the outside world.

Half-Elf Investigator (Bonded) 9 / Magus (VMC); HP 81/81, Init +1, Perception +18+1d8, +4 vs traps; Vorq Perception +15+1d8; AC 18/FF 16/T 12, +3 vs traps; Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8, +3 vs traps; CMB +11, CMD 22; Inspiration (1d8+2) 8/8; Arcane Pool (+2) 8/8;

I know how SR works. Guidance is cl9, and bit of luck.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

12 or greater to land then. Please remember to tab it in unlike the last time

Half-Elf Investigator (Bonded) 9 / Magus (VMC); HP 81/81, Init +1, Perception +18+1d8, +4 vs traps; Vorq Perception +15+1d8; AC 18/FF 16/T 12, +3 vs traps; Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8, +3 vs traps; CMB +11, CMD 22; Inspiration (1d8+2) 8/8; Arcane Pool (+2) 8/8;

I actually do have share will with vorq, so better chance of success, maybe Leonard should use mantle while blind in case someone targets him.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Up to you all to decide. I'll default the Mantle on you until informed in a definite statement otherwise.

I personally feel that SR isn't meant for PCs, because generally what happens is that the monster CLs are that high they blow through the SR anyway, but you can't heal people with SR once they're down (unless by channel/healing hex) because SR gets in the way.

For SR really to be effective you want 15+character level and above. Most class/race features you get is 11+character level.

1st Intensified Shocking Grasp x2, Devion's Parry, Blade Lash, True Strike, Magic Missile 2nd Web, Mirror Image x2, Defending Bone (cast), Scorching Ray, 3rd Haste x2, Sleet Storm, Heroism (cast)
Passive stats:
HP 63/63 {72/72} | AC 21{25}/T14/FF18{22} | F+10/R+7/W+8 {+2 from heroism}| CMB +6 | CMD 21 | init +4 | Perception +6 {+8} |
Active effects/Limited use abilities:
Active effects: Defending Bone 45/45, Heroism 90 minutes Arcane Pool 10/10 | Black Blade Pool 3/3 | Maximize Spell 1/1 | Empowered Spell 1/1 | Reach 1/1

I don't think spell resistance is as good on me as it is on Vincent. If I die the long term consequences are worse, but if Vincent is disabled we have just Claude to stand in front. I suppose it does appear that we'll be inside for most of this next section, so Claude can take up space just fine by being large.

Hmm...I think targeting Leonard is generally a bad idea for our opponents, since I'm much less dangerous than Vincent. I think Vincent should get it.

Leonard would make an effort to walk bravely, but he's also not been blind long enough to know what he's doing. So he'd pause a lot, then move in a short burst with some confidence, then pause some more while Angiliath helped him out. You'd probably be able to tell even if you couldn't see his face, and if you could you'd pretty much instantly know that he's not using his eyes.

Mort wrote:
Anything that requires targeting will fail. So don't bother with magic missile.

I meant that I also have burning hands in my spellbook, and can therefore prep it instead of magic missile. It does something.

Haste is good on Seamus and reasonable on Claude, since a lot of the time whatever's near Claude is just dead anyway. It's pretty strong on Vincent, especially when he has long arm active. I don't think I can be adjacent to Vincent and Claude all the time, but it should be doable some of the time. Hmm...I've also got heroism, if that's any good, and fireball, which I think should work since it basically targets squares.

So I'm thinking Burning Hands x6, Mirror Image x3, Web, Haste x2, Fireball, unless anyone wants heroism.

Retired to Taldor?

ok, Seamus will at least escort Leonard to the cook, has Seamus met the cook yet?

Half-Elf Investigator (Bonded) 9 / Magus (VMC); HP 81/81, Init +1, Perception +18+1d8, +4 vs traps; Vorq Perception +15+1d8; AC 18/FF 16/T 12, +3 vs traps; Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8, +3 vs traps; CMB +11, CMD 22; Inspiration (1d8+2) 8/8; Arcane Pool (+2) 8/8;

Looks good to me leonard. I would prep one vanish in case things go to crap and say you fail concentrate.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Seamus has not met the cook yet. Actually the cook would be asleep at this time of the night. You could ask to wake Captain Skywind or the cook up though.

1st Intensified Shocking Grasp x2, Devion's Parry, Blade Lash, True Strike, Magic Missile 2nd Web, Mirror Image x2, Defending Bone (cast), Scorching Ray, 3rd Haste x2, Sleet Storm, Heroism (cast)
Passive stats:
HP 63/63 {72/72} | AC 21{25}/T14/FF18{22} | F+10/R+7/W+8 {+2 from heroism}| CMB +6 | CMD 21 | init +4 | Perception +6 {+8} |
Active effects/Limited use abilities:
Active effects: Defending Bone 45/45, Heroism 90 minutes Arcane Pool 10/10 | Black Blade Pool 3/3 | Maximize Spell 1/1 | Empowered Spell 1/1 | Reach 1/1

Let's just say I'll wait till the morning. There's no rush.

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

Shoot. Already ran conversation for night. Let's roll with it. The blonde haired guy with storm grey eyes is the deck swabbber for nights, and Akachi is also the guy in charge of the kitchen for night.

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