Mort's Strange Aeons (Inactive)

Game Master Just a Mort

Strange Aeons Map

Dreamlands excursion ritual

Current Characters

The Exchange Just a Mort

Complain about the new boards here!
(9,686 posts)
Dwarf Spell
Robert Henry

(4,168 posts)
Dakash Rami Mindu

NG Male Samsaran Magus 3 | hp 24/24 | AC 14, t11 f13 | Fort: +3 Ref: +2 Will: +4 | Perception +6 | Arcane Pool: 4/5 | Conditions: none

played by KingOfAnything (99 posts)
Augmented Gearsman
GM BOT 101

played by Just a Mort (40 posts)
GM Mort

Strange Aeons Grp 2 |

played by Just a Mort (16,733 posts)
Dr Davaulus
Dark Archive Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Male Human Conjuror (Spirit Binder) / Summoner (Synthesist) 17 (HP 173+123.5/173+123.5) (AC 52/15/47) (CMD 39) (Fort +22, Ref +23, Will +24 (+32 Vs Enchantment; additional +3 Vs Mind-affecting) (Init +17) (Perception +42)

played by Luke_Parry (2,075 posts)
Leonard Giles Neithan

1st Intensified Shocking Grasp (cast), Blade Lash, Frostbite, True Strike, Magic Missile 2nd Web, Mirror Image x2, Defending Bone (Cast), Scorching Ray, 3rd Haste x2 (1 cast), Sleet Storm
Passive stats:
HP 57/57 {65/65} | AC 21{26}/T14{15}/FF18{22} | F+10/R+7/W+8 | CMB +6 | CMD 21 | init +4 | Perception +6 {+8} |
Active effects/ Limited Use abilities:
Active effects: Shield (4 round), Defending bone 40/40, Mirror Image 6/6, Haste (3 round), Flight | Arcane Pool 8/9 | Black Blade Pool 1/2 | Maximize Spell 1/1 | Empowered Spell 1/1 | Reach 0/1

played by Gaurwaith (346 posts)
Leonard Neithan

1st Intensified Shocking Grasp x2, Devion's Parry, Blade Lash, True Strike, Magic Missile 2nd Web, Mirror Image x2, Defending Bone (cast), Scorching Ray, 3rd Haste x2, Sleet Storm, Heroism (cast)
Passive stats:
HP 63/63 {72/72} | AC 21{25}/T14/FF18{22} | F+10/R+7/W+8 {+2 from heroism}| CMB +6 | CMD 21 | init +4 | Perception +6 {+8} |
Active effects/Limited use abilities:
Active effects: Defending Bone 45/45, Heroism 90 minutes Arcane Pool 10/10 | Black Blade Pool 3/3 | Maximize Spell 1/1 | Empowered Spell 1/1 | Reach 1/1

played by Turumarth (62 posts)
Spell Sovereign
Seamus Passeri

Retired to Taldor?

played by Robert Henry (3,095 posts)
Blue Dragon

Hydrahead Monk (Master of Many Styles) 2 Fighter (Brawler) 4 Slayer 2; Initiative +0; Perception +12, HP 16/61 RAGE HP 32/77; AC 24, T 11, FF 24; Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +7; Stunning Head 3/3

played by Gaurwaith (614 posts)

Previous Characters

Ghostly Guard

(119 posts)
Member of Church of Razmir
Vincent Arazeiros

Half-Elf Investigator (Bonded) 9 / Magus (VMC); HP 81/81, Init +1, Perception +18+1d8, +4 vs traps; Vorq Perception +15+1d8; AC 18/FF 16/T 12, +3 vs traps; Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8, +3 vs traps; CMB +11, CMD 22; Inspiration (1d8+2) 8/8; Arcane Pool (+2) 8/8;

played by evandariel (768 posts)