GM Chyro [PFS] Season 1 run. (Inactive)

Game Master Chyrone

Season 1 run with a few others mixed in.
Let's get it on, lvl 1 to lvl 12.

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Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

Torch doesn't look amused, and his very bulky guards even less so.
Their muscles exceed Brallenera's already impressive biceps.

None of them look impressed, either.

Grand Lodge

Male N Aasimar Oracle 4 / Barbarian 2 | HP 47/47 | AC 24 T 12 FF 23 | CMB +10, CMD 21 | F: +6, R: +3, W: +6 | Init: +1 | Perc: +9, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Rage: 7/7, Martial Flexibility: 5/5 | Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 4/4 | Active conditions: None.

Right, because fighting him is a great idea. Carr certainly has that sort of income in a disposable fashion, but isn't about to do it for the society and their aims. "Certainly we can come to some sort of arrangement where we all leave more or less pleased and no one comes to any harm?" Much though I would enjoy slicing your price-gouging throat, he considers. "Or I could literally go buy a scroll, should only cost me around four hundred and I can just ask the man myself." He raises an eyebrow, hoping that his counter offer and the fact he can literally get the answer cheaper will do something to persuade Torch.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

"Ah, you could try, but i have many friends. My eyes and ears are everywhere i need them to be."

He seems somewhat pleased with Carr being 'polite'.

I'll let Ting and J decide their things, before going further. :)

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Slayer 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22/T15/FF18 | F+7/R+10/W+4 | BA+6/CMB+10/CMD24 | init+4 | Perc+13/+16 (traps) | Dis. Dev. +22/+25 traps

Ting, cocks his head and stands on one foot watching the interplay between the mammals, eventually shrugging his shoulders. "I's'l not pay fer information 'at I's was gonna get fer free, wroight. We's can takes tha bloody corpse an' buys a scroll fer a few hundred or we's can beat tha stuffins out'a yer pea-brained protectors an' get tha information from you's or we can work out some other sort of deal, it's up ta you's. It don't make no nevermind ta me, wroight" As he finishes speaking he slides his left talon into the pouch that his chakrams are in.

how far away are the two body guards? or is there a map?

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Torch gives a sly grin.

"You're out of your league here.
Besides, you would risk your freedom, and the pathfinder society's reputation, by attacking a law abiding business man in a public establishment?
There are so many witnesses, as you can see."

Things could derail, if you really want to attack him.
That's entirely up to you, though.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Slayer 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22/T15/FF18 | F+7/R+10/W+4 | BA+6/CMB+10/CMD24 | init+4 | Perc+13/+16 (traps) | Dis. Dev. +22/+25 traps

what does he have in mind, other than a ridiculous amount of gold? Ting did say we could work out some other sort of deal...

Grand Lodge

Male N Aasimar Oracle 4 / Barbarian 2 | HP 47/47 | AC 24 T 12 FF 23 | CMB +10, CMD 21 | F: +6, R: +3, W: +6 | Init: +1 | Perc: +9, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Rage: 7/7, Martial Flexibility: 5/5 | Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 4/4 | Active conditions: None.

"Now now, gentle...folk." I think the bird is a man, but do they make that distinction? "While you are both capable individuals, I think you are missing the point. We can either continue arguing or we can start a bloody fight, and neither of those outcomes actually accomplishes what his most esteemed ventureness has sent us here to do. To wit, we must find the statues and retrieve them. Torch, may I call you Torch?" He continues without pause, "Torch, we need to know this and your price is ludicrous. If you insist on this, we'll drag the body out of here and have a cleric deal with him. Your price is extortionate, and frankly is not in keeping a good working relationship between us." Wish this was the character with the Shadow Lodge signet ring...

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

Yes, but that was before you boasted you could take his guards, after insulting them too, and him. :)
I was worried i'd come home to one of the two starting a fight. ^^

Torch's gaze is sharp, and his demanor more business like, now that Carr is talking with reason.

"Torch is too familiar a tone for a stranger.
Let's make a different deal. I will tell you the identities of the individuals the statues have been pawned off to, and in return i am owed an yet uncalled favor from the Pathfinder Society, a debt, if you will."

The half-orcs keep their eyes on you and your weapons, silently.

"Let me tell you something else for free, though.
When talking business, where ever or whenever, do not expect to get far with insults and boasting.
Oh...and by the way, that guy would have to be willing to speak to you, if it were to work."

A faint satisfied smile is on his face, partly obscured by the rising steam.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Slayer 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22/T15/FF18 | F+7/R+10/W+4 | BA+6/CMB+10/CMD24 | init+4 | Perc+13/+16 (traps) | Dis. Dev. +22/+25 traps

ting looks from his fellow pathfinders to the man laying in the water, shaking his head. "I ain't willin' ta promise fer tha' pathy-finers, I's'l only promise fer here's and nows. You's give us tha information, I's'l," nodding to the others on the team, "or we's'l owe ya's a favor." Watching the man in the tub, lulling his tongue in his tengu smile, "O' course nothin' bloody illegal's now. 'At would be unhoird of by such a fine upstandin' business man loike yourself, wroight."

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

I think that translates as : no deal, talk or we rough you up...roight?

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Slayer 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22/T15/FF18 | F+7/R+10/W+4 | BA+6/CMB+10/CMD24 | init+4 | Perc+13/+16 (traps) | Dis. Dev. +22/+25 traps

no, he's willing to make the deal, just as a promise from him and hopefully the group, that he or they will owe a favor, not "The pathfinders" and he won't do anything illegal. since I'm breaking up the English really bad I will try and paraphrase in ooc. So deal, debt is theirs not pathfinders and no illegal stuff.

Edit: unless were supposed to "throw down" ;)

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"Hahaha....maybe you didn't catch my words, you're making a deal that involves the Society Organization. You get sent in small teams anyway, so unless it's you again, you won't even know what or when i'll call a favor.
I do something for them, they do something for me, no negotiating about that. That's business."

Edit: Duel :D

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Slayer 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22/T15/FF18 | F+7/R+10/W+4 | BA+6/CMB+10/CMD24 | init+4 | Perc+13/+16 (traps) | Dis. Dev. +22/+25 traps

your edit is awesome, lets wait and see if anyone else wants to commit the pathfinders to this megalomaniacs wishes, ting will go along but he isn't going to make the promise...

Grand Lodge

Male N Aasimar Oracle 4 / Barbarian 2 | HP 47/47 | AC 24 T 12 FF 23 | CMB +10, CMD 21 | F: +6, R: +3, W: +6 | Init: +1 | Perc: +9, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Rage: 7/7, Martial Flexibility: 5/5 | Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 4/4 | Active conditions: None.

"I am loathe to allow such an open-ended arrangement. Will you accept the caveat that the task must be commensurate with the favor you are lending. No 'help me access the starstone' or 'convert Cheliax to Iomedae.' The task you set must be achievable by persons of our capability in a reasonable amount of time." He seems a bit testy, more at the time this is taking than the actual bargain being made, though that also is annoying.

Silver Crusade

Female Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 10 I HP 78 (Rage:98)/122 I AC 23 T12 FF22 Fort+13 Ref+6 Wi+6 Ini +1 Per +8 spd 30 DR4/- CLW Wand 50/50 RAGE! used 0/24

Awww... I'm sorry, maybe I don't understand something-or maybe I understand it too well: we were pursuing this man. Your goon here killed him quickly. You say you know the names of people having the statues in their possession. This one

She shows the cadaver

didn't have time to tell you these names before we arrived in hot pursuit. So that mean you knew the names BEFORE you killed him. And so I'm supposing you killed him not to learn the names, but to silence him so you are the only one having this information, and you can exchange it for money or favors from the Society.

did I get it right? Not sure as I was off a few days... If it's true, it's a strange way to start an adventure.

I don't want to talk for the other, but I don't want to get a deal with a cold blooded murderer. I don't want to put the name of the Pathfinders, and from my Silver Crusaders colleagues especially, in shame.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Slayer 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22/T15/FF18 | F+7/R+10/W+4 | BA+6/CMB+10/CMD24 | init+4 | Perc+13/+16 (traps) | Dis. Dev. +22/+25 traps

at'a girl Brallenera

Ting stands silently on one foot and nods his head in agreement with the 'Mistress of Mayhem.'

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

That sounds like:
Brallenera: outright NO.
Carr: Doesn't want a deal either, but testing the extend of the bargaining.
Ting : doesn't want the deal, but goes along with majority.
J/J's not voting, as he is absent due to sickness.

To Carr:
"When the time comes, one of your Venture Captains will know, and i'm well aware they have capable agents for specific jobs. It is nothing of such an absurd scale."

To Brallenera:
"You seem to misunderstand, miss.
My employee here didn't kill to prevent anything, except for some hasty individual from running into my private bathing space. For all i know he came in here to kill me. This is a friends & enemies' world we all live in.
The names, i knew them before seeing this man."

Sliding his gaze over you all again.
"....yet i see three of you are not into the whole favor for a favor deals.
I've named the price for my information, with which you can complete your own business.
So unless you change your mind and manners, i request you to leave."

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Slayer 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22/T15/FF18 | F+7/R+10/W+4 | BA+6/CMB+10/CMD24 | init+4 | Perc+13/+16 (traps) | Dis. Dev. +22/+25 traps

so is there a map and are we rolling init.?

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

No distance specified, but probably within one move distance.
A reminder that part of the public can and would see what you do, as he is a faction head we're talking about.
I'm just awaiting PC responses on his replies.

Grand Lodge

Male N Aasimar Oracle 4 / Barbarian 2 | HP 47/47 | AC 24 T 12 FF 23 | CMB +10, CMD 21 | F: +6, R: +3, W: +6 | Init: +1 | Perc: +9, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Rage: 7/7, Martial Flexibility: 5/5 | Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 4/4 | Active conditions: None.

Carr will not be wantonly slaughtering these people at this time.

"I believe we are at an impasse. Lady and gentlemen, I think we shall take our leave of this establishment?" Carr was not about to be starting a fight where he didn't know without a doubt he was in the right and likely to come out on top. As a duly appointed representative of the Grand Lodge of Absalom, he was not about to do anything to bring disrepute on himself. If the bird wanted to get into a tussle, Carr would do his best to make sure he didn't die, but fighting an individual of this sort was not something in the cards until it has to be.

Silver Crusade

Female Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 10 I HP 78 (Rage:98)/122 I AC 23 T12 FF22 Fort+13 Ref+6 Wi+6 Ini +1 Per +8 spd 30 DR4/- CLW Wand 50/50 RAGE! used 0/24 convenient you knew the names before. Give us a few minutes to talk together.

Brallenera calls her partners, so they can speak without being heard

Awww, what do you think? If we really must to get the informations, I'd rather pay Torch his gold pieces than give him any favvor. Gold comes and go, but once honor is lost, it's lost forever.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Slayer 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22/T15/FF18 | F+7/R+10/W+4 | BA+6/CMB+10/CMD24 | init+4 | Perc+13/+16 (traps) | Dis. Dev. +22/+25 traps

Ting looks from the hulking half-orcs and the grinning man in the water to his friend Brallenera. Following her back a ways, he keeps one eye on the bather, as he listens to what his fellow pathfinders have to say.

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

Which happens to be....?

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Slayer 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22/T15/FF18 | F+7/R+10/W+4 | BA+6/CMB+10/CMD24 | init+4 | Perc+13/+16 (traps) | Dis. Dev. +22/+25 traps

patience dear GM Chyro, Patience ;)

Leaning in, cocking his head, Ting lowers his scratchy caw-like voice and whispers "I say we's jus' make 'em tha promise an' get on wit tha thingy, wroight. We's can always find 'em an' beat tha stuffins out of 'em if we's want's ta."

translation: promise a favor, get on with the business at hand

Grand Lodge

Male N Aasimar Oracle 4 / Barbarian 2 | HP 47/47 | AC 24 T 12 FF 23 | CMB +10, CMD 21 | F: +6, R: +3, W: +6 | Init: +1 | Perc: +9, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Rage: 7/7, Martial Flexibility: 5/5 | Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 4/4 | Active conditions: None.

Carr addresses Torch, a distinctly displeased look on his face. "Very well. While we do not like it, or you, you have us at a distinct disadvantage. We accept your terms within the limitations I've already named. A favor for a commensurate favor." He almost looks as though he would extend a hand, then reconsiders.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Slayer 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22/T15/FF18 | F+7/R+10/W+4 | BA+6/CMB+10/CMD24 | init+4 | Perc+13/+16 (traps) | Dis. Dev. +22/+25 traps

Ting, lulls his tongue in a tengu smile, nodding in agreement, "Yea' shore we's do, but you's don't mind if I's checks tha body anyway's wroight." Ting sheaths his sword, and draws his talon out of his chakram pouch. He then approaches the dead Chaims, keeping an eye on the half-orcs, he then carefully checks the body.

ting will take 20(30) on perception checking Chaim's body for anything of use.

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Ting finds nothing of interest on Chaim's body, after 2 minutes of searching.

Torch shows a content look on his face.

"Hmmm....glad to see we've come to an agreement.
Now, for the names. The people you are looking for are Nasir Tandir, Viraj Arpani, Buri Buri-Ban, and Saldin Marafi."

You can get a bit more infor on them with a DC 15 diplomacy.

Silver Crusade

Female Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 10 I HP 78 (Rage:98)/122 I AC 23 T12 FF22 Fort+13 Ref+6 Wi+6 Ini +1 Per +8 spd 30 DR4/- CLW Wand 50/50 RAGE! used 0/24

Brallenera refuse to talk to Torch, and glares at him.

Grand Lodge

Male N Aasimar Oracle 4 / Barbarian 2 | HP 47/47 | AC 24 T 12 FF 23 | CMB +10, CMD 21 | F: +6, R: +3, W: +6 | Init: +1 | Perc: +9, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Rage: 7/7, Martial Flexibility: 5/5 | Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 4/4 | Active conditions: None.

Hoping now to appeal to Torch's ego, Car lays on some flattery. It's factually accurate, if not particularly nice. [B]"Surely you know more than that. You're a famous information broker, and you've been promised a favor by THE Carrsoth Van Beldenar. These two facts merit all the aid you can render. After all, if you begin to get cheap, people will find other sources." He never claimed to be that good at talking to people he disliked.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

And apparently his dislike outweighs his need for more information.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Slayer 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22/T15/FF18 | F+7/R+10/W+4 | BA+6/CMB+10/CMD24 | init+4 | Perc+13/+16 (traps) | Dis. Dev. +22/+25 traps

After searching the body, Ting, realizing that Carr is trying to butter up Torch to get more information, smiling his tengu smile, he attempts to help. "Ya, you's don't want ta be on tha cheaps, wroight"

aid another: diplomacy: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (20) - 2 = 18

Come on Brallenera, smile at the man, show him a little leg, roll the diplomacy dice ;)

Silver Crusade

Female Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 10 I HP 78 (Rage:98)/122 I AC 23 T12 FF22 Fort+13 Ref+6 Wi+6 Ini +1 Per +8 spd 30 DR4/- CLW Wand 50/50 RAGE! used 0/24

The stubborn dwarfess refuses to talk to Torch

Besides, SongBird would be better for that.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Slayer 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22/T15/FF18 | F+7/R+10/W+4 | BA+6/CMB+10/CMD24 | init+4 | Perc+13/+16 (traps) | Dis. Dev. +22/+25 traps

so who is going to roll for J/J?

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I guess i would.

Julia gives the wheel back to a groggy feeling Joseph.
That'll teach you not to indulge in the wine too much, foolish boy.

Joseph does some sweet talking, of which you are quite aware is half assed flattery. Most likely Torch knows this as well.

Aid diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Torch shows a faint smile.
Ok, a little info on those four."

"Nasir Tandir is a jowly fellow who runs a warehouse in the Overmarket near Candlewood and Zephyr.
Viraj Arpani tends to hang around the Overmarket too—he’s new in town, but he’s unmistakeable. He’s Vudran and covered with little bells.
Buri Buri-Ban’s a Garundi fellow— pretty beefy. His favorite café fronts on Sengali square.
Saldin Marafi has a shop in the Secure Market. It’s toward the back in one of the more secure nooks. Good luck getting in there."

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

Who are you going after first?

Grand Lodge

Male N Aasimar Oracle 4 / Barbarian 2 | HP 47/47 | AC 24 T 12 FF 23 | CMB +10, CMD 21 | F: +6, R: +3, W: +6 | Init: +1 | Perc: +9, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Rage: 7/7, Martial Flexibility: 5/5 | Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 4/4 | Active conditions: None.

"Let us go to the Overmarket, there's two of them there and that should make it easier on us. Also saves what might be more difficult for later, and I prefer to save my energy." He offers, figuring that the other two are either fine with that or will speak up in proper time. He backs out of the room with Torch, never showing his back until he's out the door.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Slayer 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22/T15/FF18 | F+7/R+10/W+4 | BA+6/CMB+10/CMD24 | init+4 | Perc+13/+16 (traps) | Dis. Dev. +22/+25 traps

As they leave, Ting smiles his tengu smile at Joseph, he whispers under his breath. good job, Lordy Joey, You's was layin' it on thick, Wroight?"

Nodding his head in agreement with Carr. "'At sounds loike a good Idea's ta me's." Glaring at Torch as they leave the bath house, Ting, leaves with one talon resting on his chakram pouch the other on his bastard sword. Following Carr to the Market, he keeps a keen eye out for anything unusual.

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

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Which of the two will it be?

Silver Crusade

Female Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 10 I HP 78 (Rage:98)/122 I AC 23 T12 FF22 Fort+13 Ref+6 Wi+6 Ini +1 Per +8 spd 30 DR4/- CLW Wand 50/50 RAGE! used 0/24

Lets try Nasir

Awww, I don't like this Torch fellow. He's up to no good, I can feel it.

Grand Lodge

Male N Aasimar Oracle 4 / Barbarian 2 | HP 47/47 | AC 24 T 12 FF 23 | CMB +10, CMD 21 | F: +6, R: +3, W: +6 | Init: +1 | Perc: +9, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Rage: 7/7, Martial Flexibility: 5/5 | Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 4/4 | Active conditions: None.

Works for me.

"Nor do I," confides Carr, "but the situation necessitates his information, and unfortunately we must not fail in our mission... this could be a diplomatic nightmare should the statues not be recovered."

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

In the Overmarket, the streets are broader, the buildings farther apart, and the alleyways less dark.
The spice levels in the air are much more breathable as well. This is the middleclass portion of the Qalli—not as crowded as the Central Market where the poorest of the poor rub elbows with highpowered merchants.
The Overmarket almost has the feel of a residential neighborhood, albeit one with many more shops and stalls than houses and apartments.

Party perception:

C: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
B: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
T: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

Joseph can't hit the DC.

Nobody notices.

With Grandmaster Torch's directions, it takes little effort to get to the establishment of Nasir.

Directly inside the front door of Tandir’s low warehouse are two men in the middle of a heated discussion.
One, behind the low counter, is a fat, jowly man, looking wary but defiant. The man standing across from him is grizzled but menacing—his body lean but for a sizable paunch and his cheeks scraggly with halfgrown gray beard.

The fat man blusters, "I’ve already paid you what you’re owed, Belal. You told me protection would be ten a month, plus another five for the mucks. By those rates I’m paid up through the end of the year!"

Belal reaches across the counter and grabs the man by his collar. "Rates have changed, Tandir. I’ve told you that twice now. If you want my protection"—he jerks on the collar—"you’d better pay me the rest."

This fight is an utter joke :P. I wonder why the writer would think this a challenge for any decently equipped group of lvl 3-4.

Silver Crusade

Female Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 10 I HP 78 (Rage:98)/122 I AC 23 T12 FF22 Fort+13 Ref+6 Wi+6 Ini +1 Per +8 spd 30 DR4/- CLW Wand 50/50 RAGE! used 0/24

Awww... Sorry, but we need to talk to Nasir. Let's find out if the "protection" you are offering is worth the money he pays, Belal. I need some stress relief. It's not a good day for you, I guess

With that said, Brallenera readies her axe, and flexes her muscles.

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That's one opinion :)
Any subtle talking, from either Carr or Ting, or will this go straight to the mindless killing? :D

Belal looks at you with equal defiance.

"Mind your own business, dwarf.
This is between him and myself."

Silver Crusade

Female Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 10 I HP 78 (Rage:98)/122 I AC 23 T12 FF22 Fort+13 Ref+6 Wi+6 Ini +1 Per +8 spd 30 DR4/- CLW Wand 50/50 RAGE! used 0/24

Awww please, let's go straight to the mindless killing! ^^

Grand Lodge

Male N Aasimar Oracle 4 / Barbarian 2 | HP 47/47 | AC 24 T 12 FF 23 | CMB +10, CMD 21 | F: +6, R: +3, W: +6 | Init: +1 | Perc: +9, SM: +4 | Speed 20ft | Rage: 7/7, Martial Flexibility: 5/5 | Spells: 1st 7/7, 2nd 4/4 | Active conditions: None.

"Ahem. You will be apologizing to the lady, and then you will be leaving. You may transact your business at a later time. I would advise you to take us up on this offer, which is a nice one, as the four of us have run completely out of patience." He tries his best to do things diplomatically.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Assuming of course that things will devolve into wonderful violence, Carr has a hand on his longsword and is ready to pull his shield as well. "It makes us no nevermind, I really think the lady could do with a few kneecaps." If there's no move on the thug's part, we'll go about our business, otherwise it'll be clobbering time.

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Sounds like Intimacy Diplomidate to me, though. ^^

Belal had let go of Nasir's collar.
"Who do you think you are, trying to give me orders, huh?
I ain't going anywhere just yet."

He motions at Nasir with a thumb.
"You can talk to the man, but i'm not leaving yet."

Belal moves back a bit, and leans against a bunch of crates.

Perception 10:

There's a few other individuals in the warehouse as well, seemingly looking at this conversation. Unsavory types, but they've not shown actions thus far.

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Slayer 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22/T15/FF18 | F+7/R+10/W+4 | BA+6/CMB+10/CMD24 | init+4 | Perc+13/+16 (traps) | Dis. Dev. +22/+25 traps

perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

Noticing the unsavory types in the warehouse. Ting casually walks past the loitering Belal, lulling his tongue in his Tengu smile, intentionally brushing against the bully with his elbow as he takes the long way around the merchant booth. Stopping just past Belal within 5 ft. ;) turning to the merchant Nasir he cocks his head and stands relaxed on one foot, one talon still on his bastard sword, the other resting on his chakram pouch. "Fifteen quid a month is what you's is payin' 'is bloke? Sounds ta me loikes you's 'as a problem we's can 'elp ya wit'. Assumin' you's 'elps us wit a problems we's 'as, wroight."

ting is offering the traditional "you help us, we'll help you"

Silver Crusade

Female Dwarf Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 10 I HP 78 (Rage:98)/122 I AC 23 T12 FF22 Fort+13 Ref+6 Wi+6 Ini +1 Per +8 spd 30 DR4/- CLW Wand 50/50 RAGE! used 0/24

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Brallenera sees the other thugs in the room.
Anger is building in her body, and her lovely blue eyes are burning with a cold rage.
She threaten them with her big axe

Awww,get out now, alive and on your feet, or get out in a few minutes, dead and on your back. Your choice.

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When Ting brushes against Belal, he quickly gets one back, albeit slightly more firmly.

Belal and the other men are not flinching to Brallenera's words.
The man nearly says:

"You severely hurt one of us, one of yours ends up in the hospital.
Even if it isn't - us - who does it. Now get to your talking with him."

Nasir then looks at you, as her straightens his collar.
"Please miss, this is something you needn't concern yourselves with.
Instead, what can i help you with. Do you need something stored, are you looking to transport your goods perhaps?"

Liberty's Edge

Male Tengu Slayer 7 | HP 67/67 | AC 22/T15/FF18 | F+7/R+10/W+4 | BA+6/CMB+10/CMD24 | init+4 | Perc+13/+16 (traps) | Dis. Dev. +22/+25 traps

more firmly? Ting has a strength of 18, how big is this fella ;)

Ting blinks his goggle encased eyes and smiling his tengu smile responding; "Well 'en down to's it. We's is 'ear ta make inquiries about a bloody stature sold ta you's by tha now deceased smuggler name o' Matzal Chaim's. We's is come ta collect it back, so's ta speak, wroight."

you bought a statue we want it back ;)

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

I understand that, don't worry. ;)

Nasir's expression turns neutral.
" are?
And i suppose you will reimburse my spent coin too?
Otherwise you're practically robbing me."

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