DM Mittean's Eberron Rise of the Runelord's AE (Inactive)

Game Master mittean

Welcome to my telling of the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition, set in Keith Baker's Eberron. This is a highly cinematic, character driven, pulpy post-war story in an Eldritch-powered world with complex motivations and morals. Our Facebook page is HERE, come check us out!

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Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Alright, and XP for Discussion 150-200:

I do keep track of all of the XP on the campaign page, but post it here for a record, and so you guys know.

Satinder - 2
Watches-Shadow-Behind-You - 2
Engineer #3 - 2
Daxur - 8
Khravos - 6
Garrick - 20

Male Kalashtar Psychic Warrior (Pathwalker)/1 HP: 30/30 RHP: 5/30 Power Points: 4/5

I know you said a paragraph, but I kinda kept filling in details. I didn't want to be too cursory in the circumstances, and I still felt like I breezed over it too vaguely. I have added it to my profile.

Also, I can't get to FB from work, but other than that, I'm OK with it. Or a G+ group, or an email distro. I can get email from work.

ETA: And I'm ready.

Male Warforged Shaper 1 / AC 11 T11 FF 10; DR 3/- HP 38; PP 14; F+3 R+4 W+3
38/38 Current HP, 14/14 Current PP

Engineer should be all set for play.

RHP 36 / HP 36

Email distro could be good. I check that often

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Alright, if e-mail would be better, then if everyone would PM me their e-mail, I'll make an e-mail chain.

I still will likely store pictures and stuff on a Facebook, but I don't think you'd have to sign in to see them. We'll see how it goes.

Male Goblin Wizard 1 HP:17 /17 AC:16 F+4 R+6 W +5 Perception:+3

email address sent :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Halfling Shaman 1
mittean wrote:
The first time as a young (or old) halfling that the spirits spoke to you.


I awoke to the sound of chewing. We were in our tent, my wife and I. Our young son lay sleeping between us on the bed of leaves, grass, and skins. Our small pet compsognathus lay curled up at our feet--sound asleep as the rest of the family. All around was the sound of thousands of tiny mouths masticating crunchy meals. I stood up in a start and looked frantically around. I could see nothing.

Outside the flap of the tent, a shadow moved. I grabbed my staff and charged outside to confront this thing. All was still. The sound of the chewing mouths had quieted. I held my staff high and my feet moved as silent as a cat hunting. My eyes roamed through the the moonlight. I saw the tents of the rest of tribe casting long silhouettes. Water churned around the river’s bank as it bent nearby. Long grasses bowed slowly in the breeze to the east. Dinosaurs were tied up with ropes made of braided hair in the center of the tents. Sometimes, they growled as they breathed in and out. There were no other sounds.

One of the sleeping dinosaurs turned over and went back to sleep. The shadow on the other side of it turned too--but then turned once more. I chased it. Chewing could be heard again, but it was softer and quieter this time. I could not place where the sound came from. Everywhere I turned, it sounded the same. I saw the shadow behind my neighbor’s tent, and then it darted out again on the far side of the tent next to it. I chased now on my toes, no longer being stealthy but quick. Again, I saw the shadow and again I chased. I could not tell what shape it was. It was only a glimpse of a thing and never still long enough to have a form. It passed by the rack of drying skins, and then passed the remains of the bonfire on the edge of the camp.

Should I call out? I wondered for naught but the butterfly's wing beat, for every time I was about to call or thought I had lost the umbral visitor, it appeared and I was off again, chasing after it.

I ran into the long grasses now, breathing like a dinosaur on a hunt. Grasses waved more heavily as the breeze from the south quickened. Where had it gone? Had I only imagined it from the beginning? My skin tingled as the wind grew cold. Wait. . . was that the shadow again? I chased it far into grasses taller than myself. All around me, small lights bubbled up from the grasses and swirled around. Still the shadow moved and still I followed.

It was when I had lost sight of it that I paused to admire the beauty of the fireflies swirling around me. I forgot my quarry in the wondrous sight. I held out my hand to catch one. Then I saw to my surprise, not a firefly but a tiny glowing girl with wings. They were fairies--spirits of the wild. All of them. All around me. I suddenly could see them for what they really were.

She spoke, but her words came to me as rustling grass and crickets. She repeated her strange message again and again but I could not understand. Then, I looked behind her and saw the shadow pour itself like water into the shape of an owl.

“What are you?” I asked.

“Who,” it replied.

“Are we friends?” I continued. I felt that it should understand me and I should understand it.

“Who,” the owl said unfurling its wings.

“Are we enemies?” I said with my staff raised in a menacing way.

“Who,” it said again as it folded its wing back calmly in place.

“Why were you in our camp?” I asked.

“Who are you?” The fairy in front of the shadow asked.

“I am he that watches the shadow behind you,” I replied. Of course! I could understand if only I take the time to listen.

“Who,” said the shadow that is an owl.

“Why did you lead me here?” I asked angrily of the shadow.


I lowered my staff. “Is it because there is something I need to see?”


“Something I need to do?” I said, feeling foolish that I could not understand.


“I must do what I can to help.”


“I need to guide my tribe.”


“I need to be wise.”


“I need to protect my family.”


My eyes hurt like I was staring into the dawning sun. As I shut them, I could hear the chewing again and . . .

“I need to listen,” I said.

“Who.” The owl said and bobbed its head.

Filling the space all around me was the awful chewing sound, but now I could hear the screams. Voices of the Earth, the trees, the tent, and the animals of the fields all shouted at me. Now I understood. I opened my eyes and the owl was right before me.

“Go! Watches-Shadow-Behind-You, for there is little time and you must be wise,” it said.

I awoke.

I was back on the bed of grass and leaves with my wife and son. Darkness had not yet completely pulled its veil over the land.

“Leave! We must leave?” I shouted.

“What is it, husband?” My wife said.

“Wake every one! We must all go!” I insisted. It took some convincing but my conviction was such that I convinced the entire tribe to break camp and move far east into the tall grasses. It was late that night when we saw the hungry beasts.

Legions upon legions of army ants scurried through the spot by the river we had been just hours before, eating everything in their path. If we had been there, we would have been eaten alive. There was a great feast in my honor.

From then on, I was shaman and I listened.

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

I am right in the middle of Sundance film Festival. It will keep me busy for two or three days, and then I'm back, and will start us up.

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Sundance is going well. Spent the afternoon with a producer from Brick, and my friend Matt Ross from...everything, lol. Going from 8 am to 3 am with open bars the whole time for two days straight and an hour commute each way...I'm feeling it.

It slows down a lot after this weekend.

Male Warforged Shaper 1 / AC 11 T11 FF 10; DR 3/- HP 38; PP 14; F+3 R+4 W+3
38/38 Current HP, 14/14 Current PP

Dude, Brick was the bomb!

Hella good flick, total sleeper.

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Very much so. She was super nice. My wife and I are big, big fans of Ryan (the director). If you have not seen Brothers Bloom stop what you're doing, and watch it. Better than Brick.

Spent the evening in a house that was worth roughly the GDP of the Republic of Benin. Absolutely insane. He had a bouncy castle in the front room, lol. A BIG bouncy castle. Two showers that could hole 15 people comfortably, each. It had a secret room, on an electrical switch, guarded by Dan the laptop man (in the flesh, lol), that led to Hogwarts. No joke. Two story wine room made out of like mahogany, a fireplace and sitting corner for cigars, (it works, I tested it), spiral staircase, an upper room for your...really expensive trophy whatevers, with another secret room off that. And inside? Yeah. James Cameron's Golden Globe award for Titanic Best Picture. Like The. Oh, and a bloody enigma machine. An actual, functioning, Enigma machine. When they showed us, and asked us if we knew what it was, my hands started shaking. If you don't know what that is, go look up The Imitation Game, and Allan Turing. It's one of the only things that can outshine James's Golden Globe, lol.

Tomorrow I have a couple of meetings with my publicist and my lawyer who both flew in, and a few events. I think that should be it. My goal is a starter post by no later than Monday, but tomorrow night if I can swing it. We'll see how the free Scotch treats me. (Usually quite well.)

M Humanborn

crazy haha

Male Goblin Wizard 1 HP:17 /17 AC:16 F+4 R+6 W +5 Perception:+3

Nice...loved the brothers bloom. ...can't wait to see what he has in store with starwars

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Okay. Officially recovering. Had extra days tacked on. Got to see a great film today, and go tour the new studio, and hear about a CBS pilot that might come our way. My legs ache, I'm dehydrated, I don't have a voice and I haven't slept since...Monday night, by my calculations.

When I wake up on the non I'll put up the intros. Thanks for your patience. Aside from productions, Sundance is always my smash time, even bigger than AFM, and I don't do Cannes. Yet.

If you've not answered this weeks question should probably...go...and...

I never asked a question Sunday. I meant to. Lol. Man I'm tired.

Question for Sunday! Link a picture from our there of your character, and what they look like.

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Watches-Shadow-Behind-You, that was a brilliant memory, and brilliantly written. Well done. Please award yourself 100 XP.

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

All right, first post is up. This one is for Watches-Shadow-Behind-You, as I have him separate for a moment, and have some things setting up with him first that the others fill in later, so I needed his to start. I'll have the other two posts up soon. (I am starting you guys in two groups first).

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Second post is up, with Three, Daxur and Khravos!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Oops. Accidentally posted under my real name, making myself a character in the game. :D

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Doesn't matter. You caught it and switched for the actual post. The "players" and "characters" tabs are a little odd and rarely used anyway, lol.

Male Halfling Shaman 1

What is a Lath?

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

A Lath is a tribal leader of the Halflings of the Talenta Planes. You can see a little writing on it here. :)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Can you describe the npc cart driver and the actress? Age, race, accent, etc.?

Male Halfling Shaman 1


  • Dr. Brooke Madrigal, Archaeologist (Bard with Archaeologist archetype)
    Brooke is a frizzy-haired globe-trotting archaeologist. She is adept at rescuing artifacts from would be tomb raiders to be returned to the rightful owners or museums. She will often help herself to the non-artifact wealth of tomb raiders, evil despots, or malevolent villains to help finance her studies. She visited the Talenta Plains on a dig and encountered Watches-Shadow-Behind-You there.

  • Barnaby Collins, Lightning Train porter (Expert)
    Barnaby is a friendly porter on the Lightning Rail lines. He met Watches-Shadow-Behind-You when he first rode the train from the Talenta Plain looking for his son and granddaughter. Barnaby has ridden the rails ever since he was a small boy. He was the son of a blacksmith and had hoped to take over his father’s shop when he grew up. But the shop burned down and his father, having no other means to support them, found apprenticeships for him and his brothers and sisters. Barnaby is extremely observant and has a good memory for the faces of the passengers he comes across. He has a strong back and arms from handling heavy luggage.

  • Dusty Leadbutter, Prospector & Adventurer (Investigator/Gunslinger)
    He actually has “Dusty Leadbutter, Prospector & Adventurer. Have pickaxe. Have gun. Will Travel.” on his business cards. Dusty’s searches all of Eberron for mining opportunities. He has a fondness for silver especially. An infectious grin and almost comically long beard hide a keen mind. Dusty encountered Watches-Shadow-Behind-You on one of his trips to Breland to enter a claim on silver deposits.

  • Sister LIddia Labrinotta, Healing & Confessions (Cleric)
    Sister Liddia is a nun from the Breland Covenant of the Silver Flame. She is a foul-mouthed, brutally honest, and often angry at those who are selfish and evil. Underneath her gruff exterior is a genuine caring soul who has a soft spot for those in need. Like Watches-Shadow-Behind-You, she is a healer. Desperate families will often call for all the healers in the area to cure their relatives, in case one fails or does not show up. More than a few times, both Sister Liddia and Watches-Shadow-Behind-You have shown up on a case.

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Great job, Watches-Shadow-Behind-You! Put those under a link for your NPC's on your page!

Ven is in his late forties. You can see him here.

Alledhanda is here. She is younger.

Male Halfling Shaman 1
Satinder Hawkes wrote:

"I can hardly contain my excitement," Satinder mutters as he scans the documents. "Words with the Captain. Be still, my beating heart."

Your icon reminds me so much of Nicholas Cage, I am reading your dialog in his voice. :)

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

That makes two of us, now. Lol.

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Boom. I just lit a match. :)

Male Kalashtar Psychic Warrior (Pathwalker)/1 HP: 30/30 RHP: 5/30 Power Points: 4/5

I need some information about the wagon. Is it obvious what kind of goods it's carrying? How many horses are pulling it? And to be clear, the goblins are between us and Sandpoint, correct?

Also, I can't get to FB from work, just FYI.

I'm operating under the assumption that Khravos maintains psionic focus at all times until he expends it, but that he must take a standard action to put on his scizore.

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

The wagon has fireworks. It is drawn by one horse. And yes, the goblins are between you and Sandpoint. :)

And that works for your psionic focus. :)

Male Goblin Wizard 1 HP:17 /17 AC:16 F+4 R+6 W +5 Perception:+3

Hey guys, just a suggestion. Let's spoiler-ize all of the separate areas of action, else this could get really confusing really quick. :)

Post from Daxur coming later....

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Alright, here is last Sunday's question of the week for everyone's characters, as well as this Sundays. Remember, each question is worth 100 XP. They can be answered for up to a month after I ask them, and still receive 1/2 XP. (So 100 XP if answered the week of, 50 XP if answered over the next three weeks, only 10 XP after that.)

- Write a memory (Details of what memory I am interested in for each character are in the discussion thread.) (Three, Khravos, Watches-Shadow-Behind-You have answered.)
- Link a picture of your character on your sheet.
1/30/2016 - What is your characters personal plans for the next week?
2/7/2016 - What is your characters personal plans for the next month?

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Three, I still need your e-mail, I believe. :) PM me, and I'll add you to the list.

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

By the by, ladies and gentlemen, we officially crossed 1 month since we started this. (At least the discussion thread). Congrats! Everyone gets 31 XP! Lol.

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Can I tell you...I keep having to re-translate my notes back into the Imperial system. When I describe things, I think in meters and kilograms, etc. But the damn system is not set up that way. I've almost posted the wrong thing several times. Sigh. #FirstWorldProblems #ImperialSystemSucks

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Should we give our round's actions at any time, or do we wait until those who go before us in initiative order have posted?

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

All players can go right now. All the players act together, In any order. Then the baddies will go. So go ahead and post. ;)

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Thanks for the e-mail, Engineer #3!

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Thanks for the memory, picture of your character, and plans for your character, Garrick! Add 300 XP!

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Watches-Shadow=Behind-You, can you put your NPC's on your page, under a spoiler? And put your familiar under a spoiler as well, if you would. :)

Male Halfling Shaman 1
mittean wrote:
Watches-Shadow=Behind-You, can you put your NPC's on your page, under a spoiler? And put your familiar under a spoiler as well, if you would. :)

Like that?

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Exactly like that! Perfect. Thank you. Add 50 XP for your character. :)

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Alright, XP for Gameplay 1-50:

Watches-Shadow-Behind-You 90
Satinder 70
Engineer #3 120
Garrick 110
Daxur 100
Khravos 100

Great job everyone!

Male Human

Hey all! A few things from Satinder:

First, while the Nic Cage connection was funny, it's not how I see Satinder at all, so I changed his avatar and this is what Satinder looks like.

Additionally, Denala Hawkes, though she doesn't generally bother with hats, and Victor Saint-Demain, Satinder's mentor in Sharn.

Satinder's Memory:

The last thing Satinder did with his father was read.

It was a story for children, which was appropriate as Satinder certainly was a child. No matter how hard he has tried, Satinder can't remember what the story was. He remembers his father's warmth as they sit side by side on the floor near a fire, and he remembers the sonorous and slightly nasal sound of his father's voice. He remembers how soft his father's shirt was as he rested his cheek against it, and he remembers waking briefly in his father's arms as he was carried to bed, and feeling safe and warm and content.

The next thing he remembers is waking in a carriage on the way to the lightning rail station with his mother. They are going on a trip, she tells him, and even now he remembers how well she hid her pain from a small child to keep him calm, to keep him from realizing that he would never again feel safe and warm in his father's arms.

Satinder's Short-Term Plans:

The Festival of Dreams is just around the corner, and Satinder knows exactly who his dreams are about: the vivacious, sassy, and completely unatainable owner of the Rusty Dragon, Ameiko Kaijitsu. Satinder's feelings for the beautiful Tian woman have been on the rise since his ignominious return to Sandpoint, and he's been working himself to doing something to get her attention soon. He's certain that the Festival is the right time to make his move.

Satinder's Mid-Term Plans:

Unfortunately, while Satinder's affection for Ameiko is genuine, it is hardly pure. Satinder liked the bartender before he knew her parentage--almost as soon as he met her, in fact--but as soon as he that her father was the illustrious Lonjiku Kaijitsu, the wheels in his mind began to turn. He holds a tiny shred of hope that if he can gain Ameiko's affections, then he might also gain the respect of her father, and that could be his ticket back into Sharn society.

M Humanborn
Satinder Hawkes wrote:

Hey all! A few things from Satinder:

First, while the Nic Cage connection was funny, it's not how I see Satinder at all, so I changed his avatar and this is what Satinder looks like.

Elijah Wood!??! haha

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

I think it's fitting. I got to see him again several times during Sundance, and find it totally apropos. :) Well done, Satinder! 300 XP!

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

It's Deadpool time. :)

Male Warforged Shaper 1 / AC 11 T11 FF 10; DR 3/- HP 38; PP 14; F+3 R+4 W+3
38/38 Current HP, 14/14 Current PP


M Humanborn

i'll wait a few weeks to see it, i hate opening day crowds

Male Warforged Shaper 1 / AC 11 T11 FF 10; DR 3/- HP 38; PP 14; F+3 R+4 W+3
38/38 Current HP, 14/14 Current PP

1045 am this morning.

5$ and it was fantastic!

Male Human Film producer 3 Film director 2 Real estate investor 1

Yeah. Effing brilliant. Kiss kiss bang bang meets guardians of the Galaxy.

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