EltonJ |
Just checking to see who will be interested in footing step into the Realms, again. This time, the game will not involve time travel. However, the game will be set around the Shaar and the Lake of Steam, I think (Border Kingdoms). This might be a good game to get into if you are not chosen for the Curse of the Crimson Throne.
The adventuring party will consist of 4 to 6 players. Note, the Forgotten Realms is different than Golarion, so if you come in expecting the world to be like Golarion, you are mistaken. Remember, Golarion was created in response to the perceived problems of the Forgotten Realms.
Now that's out of the way, lets talk about what you'll need to apply.
What you'll need:
1. The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, first edition by Paizo. Yep, I made sure this was needed.
2. The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting for 3e by Wizards of the Coast.
3. Possibly Faiths and Pantheons for 3e depending if you want to play a cleric. The last two are available on Drivethru.
Character Creation Guidelines:
* Ability Scores: We will use point buy. For a Forgotten Realms campaign, we will use 25 points.
* Race: the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting has details on the race you can choose for your character.
* Character Class: You may choose any character class from the PFRPG. The FRCS has details on how they work. Naturally, you may choose a class or archetype from the following books: APG, UC, UM, ACG, UI, or UW. Just note that the FRCS does not have any details on how the new classes work.
* Character Feats: We are not using the Elephant in the Room feat tax rules.
* Character Traits: You may select two traits. Certain feats in the FRCS actually work as traits (the regional feats, I believe).
* Character level: We will start at first level.
* Character Wealth: as said before, first level starting wealth. Roll for it.
* Character Hit Points: Full at first level. Average as you level.
Note: You may not play a Bhaal-spawn. That campaign is done and over with.
EltonJ |
I'm definitely interested in playing this, but how would level adjustment work exactly? Are we simply not allowed to play something like a Fire Gensai, or should we use the Ifrit stats instead?
I'm allowing the full range of races discussed in the FRCS. That being said, I knew someone would ask the questions you put forth. So, I'm prepared.
You may use the corresponding racial stats in PFRPG (like Ifrits for fire Gensai) for the FR equivalents. Although I'm hoping it won't be a too big of a headache for both player and Storyteller. :)
Obviously doesn't immediately apply but are FRCS Prestige Classes likely to be possibilities in the future? Suitably altered for PFRPG of course.
And are you expecting the normal goodish cooperating group of PCs? FR has lots of cool evil dieties so I thought I should ask.
Yes, as long as they are altered for the PFRPG. As for evil characters, yes I'll be allowing them.
Soren Flareheart |
Alrighty, here's my character. Just the stats, background will probably come tomorrow but the basics is, Family moved from Calimshan to Mintar before Teldorn Darkhope took over the city. They were magic item crafters, didn't bow to Bane, were sacrificed, and Soren abandoned the city after his parents' death to head down to the Border Kingdoms.
Kafka Komedy |
I'm not super sure how often you'd really be using the traps unless the campaign was based around defending specific places as opposed to exploring/conquering them. Unchained Rogue seems like a safer bet, but PA Hunter could be more fun if you were able to actually use your traps relatively frequently.
Kafka Komedy |
And things were good for the Flareheart family. Soren wanted for little, and with a quick wit and ample passion, he had made fast friends with a fair few folks. However, few could expect what would come next. The church of Xvim marched on Mintar, and in a short manner of time controlled the entire city, ruling with an iron fist. The Flarehearts were a stubborn sort, unwilling to abandon what they had built to flee for Saelmur like many others. In staying, those of the Flareheart clan were given an ultimatum; serve Bane in creating magical items for his armies, or serve as a sacrifice for his glory. For a time, the Flarehearts played along. The gold they were paid got smaller and smaller, the orders they needed to fill larger and larger, but they stayed, secretly training Soren in not just The Art, but swordplay that he might one day be able to defend them. However, after the construction of the Scepter of the Tyrant's Eye, the head of the family, Flint, could bear it no longer. He said the Flarehearts would refuse to provide anything else to Darkhope.
The retribution was swift, and sad. Soren's father, his mother, his aunts, his uncles... they were all flayed, then left to freeze to death without their skin. Soren and his kin were made to watch. In that moment he realized he had no interest in revenge, or heroism, or destiny. He just felt pain, and he needed to flee it as fast as possible. The next day, Soren fled the city with what little he could gather, and forded the Steam Lake down south to the Border Kingdoms.