Oli Ironbar |
I'm looking for a deity for a disgruntled healer/fighter that wouldn't smite one of their own followers for calling all of the deities of all of the pantheons 'sky-wizards' or 'magical overlords' or 'specialized and stylized warriors of the highest level stuck in a small town setting'.
Alignments flexible, but character is definitely jaded or naturally cynical.
Azothath |
Searching AoN Deity List
there are a couple of thematically interesting choices; Azathoth(!), Riordia(attempt at zen, outlined in PFS Scenario), Gorum(only as they kill him off in PF2 as a token of change LoL), Ragathiel, several of the Eldest.
>> Deities (in order of overall benefit):
domains VarPlgrm (ᕀ; then better: Commᕀ, Liberᕀ, Luckᕀ, Nobilᕀ, Travelᕀ, Trickᕀ), Powerful(ᵠ).
>8 Elion CG, Dom: chaos, commᐩ, good, travelᐩᵠ, weather; Wpn: longbowᵠ.
>8 Chaldira NG, Dom: good, luckᐩᵠ, trickeryᐩ, war; Wpn: sht sword.
>8 Sinashakti CG, Dom: chaos, good, luckᐩᵠ, travelᐩᵠ; Wpn: shortbow.
>8 Sun Wukong CN, Dom: animal, chaos, liberationᐩ, travelᐩᵠ, trickeryᐩ; Wpn: qtrstaff.
>7 Groteus CN, Dom: chaosᵠ, darkness, destruction, madnessᐩ, voidᐩ; Wpn: hvy flail.
>6 Smiad LG, Dom: good, law, nobilityᐩ, war; Wpn: greatswordᵠ.
>6 Keltheald CG, Dom: chaosᵠ, good, sun, travelᐩᵠ; Wpn: halberd.
>6 Ssila'meshnik CN, Dom: chaos, knowledge, liberationᐩ, trickeryᐩ; Wpn: lgt hmmr.
>6 Calistria CN, Dom: chaos, charm, knowledge, luckᐩ, trickeryᐩ; Wpn: whip.
>5 Gorum CN, Dom: chaosᵠ, destruction, glory, strength, war; Wpn: greatswordᵠ.
>5 Feronia NN, Dom:destrctn, fire, liberᐩ, prot; Wpn: bastard swordᵠ.
>5 Shivaska CE, Dom: chaosᵠ, darkness, evil, madnessᐩ; Wpn: hvy flail.
>5 Vale NN, Dom: communityᵠ, knowledge, nobilityᐩ, repose; Wpn: hvy flail.
>5 Shelyn NG, Dom: art, charm, good, luckᐩᵠ, protection; Wpn: glaive.
>5 Erastil LG, Dom: communityᵠ, good, law, plant; Wpn: longbow(all bows)ᵠ.
>5 Cernunnos CG, Dom: animal, chaosᵠ, good, plant; Wpn: longbowᵠ.
>4 Bastet CN, Dom: animal, chaos, charm, protection, trickeryᐩ; Wpn: tekko-kagi.
>4 Ulon NE, Dom: charm, community, evil, knowledge, trickeryᐩ; Wpn: hand crossbow.
>4 Rovagug CE, Dom: chaosᵠ, destruction, evil, war, weatherᵠ; Wpn: grt axeᵠ.
I grok do u |
Irori (LN) is a good choice. He became a god on his own, so doesn't care all that much about other deities. He is all about self improvement and has fighting and healing in his portfolio.
I grok do u |
Clerics of Ng can do basically whatever they want so long as nobody is 100% sure what they're up to. Ng will never tell you if you're doing it right or not.
Yeah, as Azothath said, several of the Eldest are pretty laissez faire (or lazy fairy gods).
Also, the demon lords and daemons (Horsemen) are pretty much cool with dissing all the other deities. They certainly don't care much what you do as long as you swear your soul to them. Rovagug and Ahriman are straight nihilistic deities, so as long as you smash things, you're in their evil graces.
[https://www.aonprd.com/DeityDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Milani]Milani[/url] (CG) is all about rebellion and revolution (fighting for better, freer changes in society - you can't wait on the gods to do it for you), and she has healing in her portfolio as well. Although she is a "beacon of hope," it is easy to imagine a devotee struggling to maintain that faith while fighting for freedom in a despotic nation built upon slavery and cruelty. Bad mouthing the gods would probably be overlooked by Milani, as long as the PC is still trying to bring about changes that matches her ideals.
Claxon |
Can you clarify?
Are you looking for a deity that will support a character who simply doesn't care what others do or think?
Or does you character not care about their relationship with their deity. They're just kind of like "eh, whatever, guess I have these magical powers". Cause I struggle with the concept of a cleric doing that (but an oracle I don't).
If it's the first one, you just need to find a deity that focuses more inwardly that outwardly.
I think there a lot of deities that could fit it. So tell us a little more about what the character is interested in, besides minding their own business.
Bjørn Røyrvik |
IME religion in most D&D settings is interpreted a bit too much in light of modern Abrahamic religion, especially the focus on faith. When the gods actually do exist and can directly contact people and give them producible, testable miracles (even if not to absolutely everyone who asks), blind faith and absolute heartfelt submission/worship is less the order of the day than acknowledgement of those with more power and responsibiilty than you.
Faith in this context is more transactional than modern monotheistic religions. A cleric might wholeheartedly love and worship a certain god but they might also think of it as a job - you give me power and I work for you on this planet.
I'm not too familiar with Golarion gods but off hand I can't see why most of them wouldn't accept a competent follower who may be a bit mouthy but generally does what they are supposed to. Obviously a god would prefer someone who has drunk the kool-aid but maybe they keep a less than ideal servant around in case they have use for them. Maybe they want to reform the cleric, maybe they just need someone in their employ for a job right then and there, maybe they will use the cleric as an upcoming example to others about how they should do the right thing.
At the end of the day, this character concept requires the cleric to go along with the patron's wishes in most cases. Someone who absolutely refuses to do what they are told will not make it as a servant of the god. The cleric might not be an ideal employee but they should do the job well enough to not get fired if you want this concept to work.
Most importantly, I don't see why someone whould be expected to smite someone for mouthing off against the gods. They really do have bigger things to worry about than harming one mewling mortal who doesn't know what they're on about. Toss them out of the club (congregation) at worst.
Mysterious Stranger |
Does the character have to be a cleric? As Claxon mentioned an oracle may be a better fit for the concept. A cleric always serves the deity, but an oracle does not even have to worship or even support the deity granting them power.
You could have a cleric that serves his deity, but disdains all others. This is actually not that uncommon and nearly any deity could fit for that type of character.