Minitour Barbarian w / Giant Instinct

Rules Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Hello. I have a minitour (large character) barbarian who has the giant instinct. If I have the Titan Mauler feat, which comes with Giant Instinct, what damage would a Greataxe do? Thank you.

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Weapon Size no longer changes damage dice in 2e. So your Minotaur's Greataxe would do d12+Strength damage; or d12+Strength+6 when you're raging, same as a Medium one.

Liberty's Edge

TheFinish wrote:
Weapon Size no longer changes damage dice in 2e. So your Minotaur's Greataxe would do d12+Strength damage; or d12+Strength+6 when you're raging, same as a Medium one.

Thank you for the answer. Giant Instinct is no longer a viable option.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cyrus007 wrote:
TheFinish wrote:
Weapon Size no longer changes damage dice in 2e. So your Minotaur's Greataxe would do d12+Strength damage; or d12+Strength+6 when you're raging, same as a Medium one.
Thank you for the answer. Giant Instinct is no longer a viable option.

If it's raw damage you're after, I doubt you're going to do much better than a giant instinct barbarian. Maybe try a fighter or a ruffian rogue if that's what you're after; they do excellent damage and you can describe it as coming from your overly large weapon or whatever other concept your reaching for.

Or is there something else that's put you off of the giant instinct barbarian?

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Giant Barbarian is a bad choice for the minotaur since the Giant's Stature feat (which is a prerequisite for Titan's Stature) itself has the requirement "you are medium sized or smaller"

So if you're going to be a Giant Barbarian who is a minotaur, you will want the Littlehorn Minotaur heritage so you can be medium.

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Cyrus007 wrote:
Thank you for the answer. Giant Instinct is no longer a viable option.

No longer a viable option?

PF1 player coming to PF2? Because Giant Barbarian is perfectly viable. But if you expect cheese like the one you can find in PF1 you'll be rather disappointed.

Not every option has to be equally good for all PCs. Giant Instinct doesn't really do much for a creature that is already large. That's ok. There are plenty of other options that work just fine for them.

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