Minitour Barbarian w / Giant Instinct

Rules Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Hello. I have a minitour (large character) barbarian who has the giant instinct. If I have the Titan Mauler feat, which comes with Giant Instinct, what damage would a Greataxe do? Thank you.

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Weapon Size no longer changes damage dice in 2e. So your Minotaur's Greataxe would do d12+Strength damage; or d12+Strength+6 when you're raging, same as a Medium one.

Liberty's Edge

TheFinish wrote:
Weapon Size no longer changes damage dice in 2e. So your Minotaur's Greataxe would do d12+Strength damage; or d12+Strength+6 when you're raging, same as a Medium one.

Thank you for the answer. Giant Instinct is no longer a viable option.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cyrus007 wrote:
TheFinish wrote:
Weapon Size no longer changes damage dice in 2e. So your Minotaur's Greataxe would do d12+Strength damage; or d12+Strength+6 when you're raging, same as a Medium one.
Thank you for the answer. Giant Instinct is no longer a viable option.

If it's raw damage you're after, I doubt you're going to do much better than a giant instinct barbarian. Maybe try a fighter or a ruffian rogue if that's what you're after; they do excellent damage and you can describe it as coming from your overly large weapon or whatever other concept your reaching for.

Or is there something else that's put you off of the giant instinct barbarian?

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Giant Barbarian is a bad choice for the minotaur since the Giant's Stature feat (which is a prerequisite for Titan's Stature) itself has the requirement "you are medium sized or smaller"

So if you're going to be a Giant Barbarian who is a minotaur, you will want the Littlehorn Minotaur heritage so you can be medium.

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Cyrus007 wrote:
Thank you for the answer. Giant Instinct is no longer a viable option.

No longer a viable option?

PF1 player coming to PF2? Because Giant Barbarian is perfectly viable. But if you expect cheese like the one you can find in PF1 you'll be rather disappointed.

Not every option has to be equally good for all PCs. Giant Instinct doesn't really do much for a creature that is already large. That's ok. There are plenty of other options that work just fine for them.

I do wish Titan's stature had an exception carved out to allow characters who are naturally large to take the feat without needing Giant's stature.

But all the extra damage from your oversized weapon is still quite good, and you can always just take other feats instead. And huge weapons will often be bigger than small characters, which is just funny.

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Cyrus007 wrote:
TheFinish wrote:
Weapon Size no longer changes damage dice in 2e. So your Minotaur's Greataxe would do d12+Strength damage; or d12+Strength+6 when you're raging, same as a Medium one.
Thank you for the answer. Giant Instinct is no longer a viable option.

That's funny, considering it's probably one of the best barbarian instincts. My opinion is that it and Dragon instinct are the best options.


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Cyrus007 wrote:
TheFinish wrote:
Weapon Size no longer changes damage dice in 2e. So your Minotaur's Greataxe would do d12+Strength damage; or d12+Strength+6 when you're raging, same as a Medium one.
Thank you for the answer. Giant Instinct is no longer a viable option.

Coughed on my drink reading this, tbh. Weirdness with playing a large creature aside, it's very strong. D12+Strength+6 is a massive amount of damage, especially for the first few levels. Not really sure what more you'd want out of it, aside from the PF1 thing where the damage die keeps scaling with size, which, well. Maybe that wouldn't be the best idea here.

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Like one thing that the Giant Barbarian wants to do is "play reach games" once you get reactive strike. One benefit of being a (littlehorn) minotaur with the Giant Instinct is that you can get the effect of Giant's Lunge (nominally a level 12 class feat) with a level 5 ancestry feat (Stretching Reach, which does not require a large heritage). It just doesn't have the Rage trait so you need to spend an extra action turning it on.

So at around 8th level you will be large, with reactive strike, and with a 15' reach with a d12 weapon.

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PossibleCabbage wrote:

Like one thing that the Giant Barbarian wants to do is "play reach games" once you get reactive strike. One benefit of being a (littlehorn) minotaur with the Giant Instinct is that you can get the effect of Giant's Lunge (nominally a level 12 class feat) with a level 5 ancestry feat (Stretching Reach, which does not require a large heritage). It just doesn't have the Rage trait so you need to spend an extra action turning it on.

So at around 8th level you will be large, with reactive strike, and with a 15' reach with a d12 weapon.

Yep, it's a pretty sweet setup. Giant Instinct barbarians should definitely build around using their reactive strike with their bigger than average reach to control the battlefield/inflict pain, on top of dealing the most damage with a single (non-crit) strike (do not conflate with having the highest DPR, fighter still wins because of better to hit chance).

With equivalent weapons, the giant Barbarian outdamages the Fighter. But by a negligible margin (less than 2%).
Dragon Barbarians roughly deal Fighter damage.

I thought that was dependent on the Barbarian getting a reactive strike each turn, but saying the fighter didn't.

But I can't remember all the numbers exactly, it's been quite a while since I've looked at it, and the problem (obviously) with white room DPR calculations is that they never match up to the exact conditions of play.

I'm not speaking of DPR calculations, I'm speaking of average damage (math is not white room, it's just math). A Giant Barbarian will outdamage, on average, a Fighter with the same weapon. The only situations where the Fighter can beat the Barbarian is if you face high AC enemies (without to hit bonus to compensate, obviously).

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

The fighter can pull ahead when Combat Reflexes multiple reaction Strike spam actually happens (but that doesn't exactly happen every round).

The barbarian usually pulls further ahead, in a party that likes winning fights, because teamwork can do more to boost accuracy than to boost damage per hit, and accuracy buffs/target AC debuffs impact the average damage of the barbarian more than the average damage of the fighter.

The fighter DOES remain better at applying other on hit or on crit rider effects, though. There's some texture to that simple comparison, if you're trying to make it well.

I'm just speaking of damage per attack. All the other things that can be added are conditional. I'm just speaking of the bland math.

HammerJack wrote:
The fighter can pull ahead when Combat Reflexes multiple reaction Strike spam actually happens (but that doesn't exactly happen every round).

It changed a bit in the remaster. The action tax for rage got largely removed. Plus mighty rage (level 11) provides some sort of compensation for not getting a second reaction via combat reflexes.

SuperBidi wrote:
I'm just speaking of damage per attack. All the other things that can be added are conditional. I'm just speaking of the bland math.

I mean, if you just looking at only how much damage a hit will do, then for sure the barbarian deals more damage per hit.

I was talking about damage per round, and usually in the calculations I've seen the fighter pulls ahead of other martials due to high crit chance (due to higher to hit value). But is is dependent to an extent on what your attacking (the relative difference between to hit and target AC), so you're right about that.

Claxon wrote:
I mean, if you just looking at only how much damage a hit will do, then for sure the barbarian deals more damage per hit.

No, I'm not stupid (and I'd love if people could stop thinking that...). I compare your average damage for the same sequence of actions. So if you attack twice, the Giant Barbarian outdamages the Fighter.

But I don't consider potential extra attacks through reactions or other conditional abilities that can impact your damage because these ones are build dependent, GM dependent and extremely hard to calculate without entering the realm of white room.

SuperBidi wrote:
Claxon wrote:
I mean, if you just looking at only how much damage a hit will do, then for sure the barbarian deals more damage per hit.

No, I'm not stupid (and I'd love if people could stop thinking that...). I compare your average damage for the same sequence of actions. So if you attack twice, the Giant Barbarian outdamages the Fighter.

But I don't consider potential extra attacks through reactions or other conditional abilities that can impact your damage because these ones are build dependent, GM dependent and extremely hard to calculate without entering the realm of white room.

Sorry, I'm not saying, and didn't intend to imply you are stupid, I'm just not following 100% what you're saying. Or rather your statement runs contrary to what I recall reading the last time I read a DPR thread.

Claxon wrote:
Sorry, I'm not saying, and didn't intend to imply you are stupid, I'm just not following 100% what you're saying. Or rather your statement runs contrary to what I recall reading the last time I read a DPR thread.

It's not really about you, it's been a few times someone reads my posts in the most simplistic way.

Simple comparison

There's a bit of an obsession around the Fighter making it much more than what it is. It's definitely an excellent class, but it's still balanced with the rest of the game.

I just realized a big caveat to your statements that didn't occur to me, you stipulated using the same weapon.

In my mind I was comparing a giant instinct barbarian (with a reach weapon, and therefore d10) weapon, vs a fighter with a d12 weapon. I understand that's not an apples to apples comparison.

And more likely it should be a d10 reach weapon on each. Which I think will make the difference even more negligible.

No, if you reduce the damage dice, it increases the difference (as the Fighter is highly dependent on their damage dice when the Barbarian has lots of extra damage).

The change is still rather negligible

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