New class options you're really hoping to see?

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Why does the summoner need "unchaining?"

Unlike the broken-by-the-remaster wizard and magus, most people I know consider the summoner to be a very powerful and fun class as it stands.

Ravingdork wrote:

Why does the summoner need "unchaining?"

Unlike the broken-by-the-remaster wizard and magus, most people I know consider the summoner to be a very powerful and fun class as it stands.

The magus is a very powerful and fun class. It just needs a moderate errata pass to fix some quality of life things. Same with the wizard, but it probably needs more errata than the magus, although less errata than the pre remaster alchemist got.

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Squiggit wrote:
I'd like to see class archetypes for Summoner, one to support meld with eidolon/synthesist style gameplay in a more streamlined fashion, and one to better support tandem strike/both characters are martials styling.

Synthesist Summoner has felt like a long wait, as has an Aberrant Eidolon option; both together would be a whole lot of fun.

Ravingdork wrote:

Why does the summoner need "unchaining?"

Unlike the broken-by-the-remaster wizard and magus, most people I know consider the summoner to be a very powerful and fun class as it stands.

Improved options and fun. Power level is fine.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Summoner Class Archetype that increases your number of Eidolon Bodies and lets you launch volleys of magic blasts from them, with a flurry playstyle. They'd still share your health pool and actions and share MAP, but I'd want it to have a focus spell that replaces Boost Eidolon and lets them launch their volley with reduced MAP but action intensively. I'm thinking that it'd split your eidolon into 3 to 6 total bodies, possibly scaling up at higher levels.

Not really a class option but we need more incarnate spells and more illusory creature like spells (proposed spells: animate plant, invoke elemental figment, animate weapon), then we can maybe have a summoner class archetype and a wizard school + maybe class archetype for it. We're so close to being able to fill entire spell lists with summon themed spells that do what you expect (respect to all the people who make summon spells work but ho boy are they a pain as a GM)

You'll never catch me complaining about more incarnate spells. I'm still bummed we haven't got an occult incarnate spell that lets you cause a visitation from a Great Old One.

Perpdepog wrote:
You'll never catch me complaining about more incarnate spells. I'm still bummed we haven't got an occult incarnate spell that lets you cause a visitation from a Great Old One.

I do like them as a concept. It solves the problem of players adding too many tokens to the map and slowing the play of the game. The two turns of effect is interesting. I would like more of them.

I do think that making summoning 3 actions with a sustain and having no multi creature summons was a good enough solution to problem. I'd like more summons as well. Also a non eidolon summoner, and enough options to make the sysnthesis summoner playable. Though I suspect what I'm after is outside of what Paizo want. I'll do it myself one day.

Gortle wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
You'll never catch me complaining about more incarnate spells. I'm still bummed we haven't got an occult incarnate spell that lets you cause a visitation from a Great Old One.

I do like them as a concept. It solves the problem of players adding too many tokens to the map and slowing the play of the game. The two turns of effect is interesting. I would like more of them.

I do think that making summoning 3 actions with a sustain and having no multi creature summons was a good enough solution to problem. I'd like more summons as well. Also a non eidolon summoner, and enough options to make the sysnthesis summoner playable. Though I suspect what I'm after is outside of what Paizo want. I'll do it myself one day.

I'd also suggest checking out Summoners+, as well.

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I hope we get more psychic conscious mind options in the future. A toxikinesis focused one that heavily buffs puff of poison into something that isn't complete trash and gives you other options to psychically manipulate poisons and deal poison damage would be awesome and super unique. A healing focused one or one focused on sound and sonic damage would be cool too, as would be having WIS based subconscious minds.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Oh yeah, I'd also like to see more poison spells on the primal list (Life/Matter is the perfect overlap space for nasty venom tricks, and druids would exploit the heck out of that), and also more ice-related spells in general - cold is a pretty uncommon option right now.

Yeah, I forgot I really wanted an aether kineticist lol. That's probably the thing I would want to see the most, that plus bounded caster versions of all full casters.

- a feat that grants a THIRD reaction on Reactive Strike, after Tactical Reflexes
- a feat that allows TWO flourishes per round.
- a feat that allows TWO stances per round.
- a feat that allows you to pick between TWO Critical Specialization Effects, like "you select 2 similar weappon groups and and switch effects"
- a feat that allows you to add critical effects beyond 10, such as 1 more effect if exceeded by 15, another additional effect if exceeded by 20, etc
- an alternate feat to Shield Block, if I'm not intenting to use a shield

I also think it would be cool if at some point we see a "warmage" or similar concept that has martial progression for spell attack rolls (and even spell DCs too, if it wouldn't be too much) that loses in some other areas to compensate for that.

And since we are talking about casters, I also woud like to see a caster with very few spell slots (like 2 or 3 max) but they can recharge them by resting 10 minutes like focus spells (or they use spells as if they were focus spells).

Both of these concepts could theoretically be used in a single class.

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I just had a though for an Archetype I called "Spell Slinger" which gained the ability to put weapon potency rune on a special focus, but at the cost of an item penalty to their save DC. The idea to really focus in on that blaster-caster single target spell caster.

I just want something similar to Warrior Poet from 1E:

  • Unarmored, no shield
  • Strength + Dex
  • Wields a 1H weapon
  • Focused on mobility + defence (I really liked adding Combat Expertise / Defensive Fighting feats to it)

An Unarmored + No Shield archetype for a Guardian would be sick (depending on how the class turns out).

Zoken44 wrote:
I just had a though for an Archetype I called "Spell Slinger" which gained the ability to put weapon potency rune on a special focus, but at the cost of an item penalty to their save DC. The idea to really focus in on that blaster-caster single target spell caster.

Like, you get an item bonus to spell attack rolls, but an equal item penalty to your save DC?

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Secret Wizard wrote:

I just want something similar to Warrior Poet from 1E:

  • Unarmored, no shield
  • Strength + Dex
  • Wields a 1H weapon
  • Focused on mobility + defence (I really liked adding Combat Expertise / Defensive Fighting feats to it)

An Unarmored + No Shield archetype for a Guardian would be sick (depending on how the class turns out).

At a glance, this 1e Archetype just kinda looks like a 2e Monk or Swashbuckler. What aren't you getting from those?

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Dubious Scholar wrote:
Zoken44 wrote:
I just had a though for an Archetype I called "Spell Slinger" which gained the ability to put weapon potency rune on a special focus, but at the cost of an item penalty to their save DC. The idea to really focus in on that blaster-caster single target spell caster.
Like, you get an item bonus to spell attack rolls, but an equal item penalty to your save DC?

The idea is your archetype gives you an item called a "Slinger's Foci" that is typically wand-like that requires investment. While invested it has the benefits of a +1 potency rune, and this rune can be upgraded. While invested, your spell save takes a -2 item penalty

keftiu wrote:
Secret Wizard wrote:

I just want something similar to Warrior Poet from 1E:

  • Unarmored, no shield
  • Strength + Dex
  • Wields a 1H weapon
  • Focused on mobility + defence (I really liked adding Combat Expertise / Defensive Fighting feats to it)

An Unarmored + No Shield archetype for a Guardian would be sick (depending on how the class turns out).

At a glance, this 1e Archetype just kinda looks like a 2e Monk or Swashbuckler. What aren't you getting from those?

Katanas, baby, Katanas.

Secret Wizard wrote:
keftiu wrote:
Secret Wizard wrote:

I just want something similar to Warrior Poet from 1E:

  • Unarmored, no shield
  • Strength + Dex
  • Wields a 1H weapon
  • Focused on mobility + defence (I really liked adding Combat Expertise / Defensive Fighting feats to it)

An Unarmored + No Shield archetype for a Guardian would be sick (depending on how the class turns out).

At a glance, this 1e Archetype just kinda looks like a 2e Monk or Swashbuckler. What aren't you getting from those?
Katanas, baby, Katanas.

I have a character like that. I just reflavored the elven curve blade.

Grand Lodge

As I've previously said, more Unconscious and Conscious Minds for Psychics.

Also, a Wizard Character Archetype based around crafting Magic items.

Secret Wizard wrote:
keftiu wrote:
Secret Wizard wrote:

I just want something similar to Warrior Poet from 1E:

  • Unarmored, no shield
  • Strength + Dex
  • Wields a 1H weapon
  • Focused on mobility + defence (I really liked adding Combat Expertise / Defensive Fighting feats to it)

An Unarmored + No Shield archetype for a Guardian would be sick (depending on how the class turns out).

At a glance, this 1e Archetype just kinda looks like a 2e Monk or Swashbuckler. What aren't you getting from those?
Katanas, baby, Katanas.

...So, you want to be a Champion?

Also, just use a wakizashi.

Mangaholic13 wrote:

As I've previously said, more Unconscious and Conscious Minds for Psychics.

Also, a Wizard Character Archetype based around crafting Magic items.

Secret Wizard wrote:
keftiu wrote:
Secret Wizard wrote:

I just want something similar to Warrior Poet from 1E:

  • Unarmored, no shield
  • Strength + Dex
  • Wields a 1H weapon
  • Focused on mobility + defence (I really liked adding Combat Expertise / Defensive Fighting feats to it)

An Unarmored + No Shield archetype for a Guardian would be sick (depending on how the class turns out).

At a glance, this 1e Archetype just kinda looks like a 2e Monk or Swashbuckler. What aren't you getting from those?
Katanas, baby, Katanas.

...So, you want to be a Champion?

Also, just use a wakizashi.

It's a whole different feeling to use a larger blade than a short blade.

I'm a huge chanbara nerd, and I'd love to make a kensei-style swordmaster. All alternatives nowadays are either heavily armored, use smaller weapons, or don't really deliver the fantasy (stuff around parrying, mobility, legendary defence...)

Again, it's a niche, just like every other ask here. But nothing captures a properly built Warrior Poet.

I'd like to invite everyone to watch Samurai Rebellion or the Sword of Doom and not come out really hyped to build something like that.

Grand Lodge

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Also, a kind of War Wizard Class Archetype could be interesting. Maybe gets some bonuses to using weapons and bonuses to resisting counterspelling?

Secret Wizard wrote:
Mangaholic13 wrote:

As I've previously said, more Unconscious and Conscious Minds for Psychics.

Also, a Wizard Character Archetype based around crafting Magic items.

Secret Wizard wrote:
keftiu wrote:
Secret Wizard wrote:

I just want something similar to Warrior Poet from 1E:

  • Unarmored, no shield
  • Strength + Dex
  • Wields a 1H weapon
  • Focused on mobility + defence (I really liked adding Combat Expertise / Defensive Fighting feats to it)

An Unarmored + No Shield archetype for a Guardian would be sick (depending on how the class turns out).

At a glance, this 1e Archetype just kinda looks like a 2e Monk or Swashbuckler. What aren't you getting from those?
Katanas, baby, Katanas.

...So, you want to be a Champion?

Also, just use a wakizashi.

It's a whole different feeling to use a larger blade than a short blade.

I'm a huge chanbara nerd, and I'd love to make a kensei-style swordmaster. All alternatives nowadays are either heavily armored, use smaller weapons, or don't really deliver the fantasy (stuff around parrying, mobility, legendary defence...)

Again, it's a niche, just like every other ask here. But nothing captures a properly built Warrior Poet.

I'd like to invite everyone to watch Samurai Rebellion or the Sword of Doom and not come out really hyped to build something like that.

I know it's not up on AoN yet, but I think you may be happy with the Spirit Warrior archetype from the Tian Xia Character Guide. Its dedication gives you that combo-like attack that monks get, but open up the weapons you can use with it to include stuff like katanas and longswords.

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