First thoughts on the 2e Barathu

Playtest General Discussion


I see the new playtest sub-forums for each ancestries and each adventures. I don't see any for ancestries?

1: I really like the Barathu heritages that allow you to play at different sizes.

I think that concept could be great for any species that has different stages of life. It would be cool if some species/ancestries could progress through stages of life as they level up. Maybe there could be a life stage trait that could be added to heritages (Life stage 1) (life stage 2) (Life stage 3) that could only progress in order. Progressing through life stages could be optional for players that want to stay at one stage.

"You grow sturdy lower limbs that allow you to walk on land.
Increase your Speed to 20 feet. Additionally, you gain the
Adaptive Locomotion action."
But the Barathu's base speed is listed as: "SPEED: 25 FEET; FLY 20 FEET"
But looks like you already have a land speed of 25?

3: GENETIC ADAPTATION: Overall really like the new version. With the number of ancestry feats, the Barathu feels like an evolutionist ancestry instead of a class.

It is however a huge change to how fast you can adapt compared to SF1e. Taking one day of downtime to adapt makes the 2e Barathu feel like a prepared spell caster. Playing an AP characters have more time in the story to have a better idea what to plan for and opportunities for downtime to use GENETIC ADAPTATION. In organized play many times you only get one chance to use GENETIC ADAPTATION at the start of the scenario with little info to guess how to use GENETIC ADAPTATION. I don't think all the Barathu feats need to be able to be retrained faster, but having a few that could, would be good for scenarios and shorter adventures.

The base land speed is confirmed an error, meant to be 5ft. Source

okay that is what I thought about the speed. It is like okay you can take a feat to improve your speed to 5 lower than your speed WUT? But I remembered in sf1 their actual move speed was really slow so 5ft move by default makes sense given they mostly just float around everywhere.

I do really like how they lean into barathus weird biology like options to manufacturer stuff inside yourself. I can see making an alchemist who brews up stuff in their own body for use.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So far, my biggest question regarding the Barathu is whether or not they effectively have a near-permanent action-deficit due to the way flight functions. RAW Barathu fall like rocks if they don't expend an action to stay aloft. This makes feats such as Adaptive Locomotion mandatory, as it allows them greater action economy flexibility. The question is simple, "do Barathu levitate/float naturally or is it the price they pay for the most flexible options in mobility?"

Another question is with regards to variable gravity rules. Read as Written, a Barathu from Bretheda would treat High Gravity as their Normal. Would they treat Normal Gravity as Low Gravity, and Low Gravity as effectively Zero/Microgravity?


I wonder if it's to prevent them from floating up out of range and staying there. To counter that but let them float most of the time, there could be a ceiling to how high they could float without taking action to stay at that level. Like they can float up to 20' above the surface without taking action to maintain, but any higher than they have to spend an action.

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They can simply fly skimming over the ground and land every move action, there’s no requirement to grab any elevation (and burn extra movement to get it).

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

True, and it's not like the air will be swarming with sources of cover.

I guess my question is more whether or they fall immediately, or become untethered... which would make some sense for a dex-flawed flying jellyfish (also, ouch, but hey... most movement versatility you can get, plus the ability to copy other ancestry feats).

I understand it's a minor thing, but it's the one question that keeps popping up.

Either way, I'd just like clarification.

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Xenocrat wrote:
They can simply fly skimming over the ground and land every move action, there’s no requirement to grab any elevation (and burn extra movement to get it).

Definitely. But for my mind eye, having a Barathu "on the ground" is... weird.

Also, Barathus can't Step (as you need 10 feet of Speed for that).

I hope Paizo will create a "hover" ability for Barathu (and Contemplative) allowing them to Step when they are at ground level and to maintain stationary flight without spending an action while at ground level. So there won't have to resort to a land speed that makes no sense in their case.

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SuperBidi wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:
They can simply fly skimming over the ground and land every move action, there’s no requirement to grab any elevation (and burn extra movement to get it).

Definitely. But for my mind eye, having a Barathu "on the ground" is... weird.

Also, Barathus can't Step (as you need 10 feet of Speed for that).

I hope Paizo will create a "hover" ability for Barathu (and Contemplative) allowing them to Step when they are at ground level and to maintain stationary flight without spending an action while at ground level. So there won't have to resort to a land speed that makes no sense in their case.

I think it's a fair trade-off for an innate fly speed. You can literally fly but you can't step unless you do something to that speed of yours. And you do have things to do about it, namely a level 1 feat that gives you an equal land speed in case you want one for situations like this.

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If Barathu can't pause and rest in midair though... well, you get back to "my ancestral homeworld is lethal to me at level 1" issues. You go to sleep? You fall out of the sky and die. I know that simulationism doesn't get a lot of sway in the PF2 game lineage, but this really isn't great.

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I do think there needs to be a flight option for pure hovering things. This used to be an issue with hover drones in SF1 as well. These things are not aerodynamic flight model fliers they are floating gas bag aliens. I am hoping they spell that out in starfinder 2e as more advanced/stranger flight forms are going to be more common than pathfinder.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Honestly, the thing I currently find weirdest about Barathu, is that they have the ability to retrain lineage feats. Mostly this is a cool way of implementing how crazy adaptive they are, sure, but it also means that Barathu with a versatile heritage can uh... retrain their versatile heritage? So Barathu Borai can, Rules As Written, change from being resurrected by botched magic, to just being too stubborn to die. Makes for a pretty funny edge case.

NoxiousMiasma wrote:
Honestly, the thing I currently find weirdest about Barathu, is that they have the ability to retrain lineage feats. Mostly this is a cool way of implementing how crazy adaptive they are, sure, but it also means that Barathu with a versatile heritage can uh... retrain their versatile heritage? So Barathu Borai can, Rules As Written, change from being resurrected by botched magic, to just being too stubborn to die. Makes for a pretty funny edge case.

Yup Barathu are pretty weird. The talents that they can get where they can start adding feats from other ancestries into their list of stuff they can swap in and out. I could see GMs cautioning new players about them cause if you really play with all their stuff they can do some pretty sizable changes day to day so analysis paralysis could be a problem.

That said it is very fitting for their lore and how they join and merge with and then leave giant communities that are effectively one giant organism.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

I think the bigger issue with their speeds is the fact that abilities that boost your base speed, or allow you to stride with a bonus don't really work for them. You can't take the fleet feat. You can't take stellar rush if you're a solarian. They can't benefit from an envoys Get In There! They can't pick the mystics Convert Tempo feat. And probably a lot more abilities. If you want to increase your speed you first need to invest a feat into getting a land speed, making it kind of a mandatory feat.


Serge Slade wrote:

True, and it's not like the air will be swarming with sources of cover.

I guess my question is more whether or they fall immediately, or become untethered... which would make some sense for a dex-flawed flying jellyfish (also, ouch, but hey... most movement versatility you can get, plus the ability to copy other ancestry feats).

I understand it's a minor thing, but it's the one question that keeps popping up.

Either way, I'd just like clarification.

It could be on the Barathu home world which is a gas giant, floating in and out of clouds could provide concealment. Also floating above a tree or building could provide complement or cover from people below too.

I think they really need to take a look at how flying works in PF2e for the Barathu to make sense. I think its criminal that we still got no good clarification on when to use maneuver in flight and when to use the regular fly action. Most groups i play in simply ignore Acrobatics when flying and one group makes you roll for everything.
With flying playing a bigger role in Starfinder we need a clear ruling on this.

Its also wild to me that you use Dex to maneuver in flight while the Barathu (a natural flyer) gets a Dex penalty.

The maneuver in flight action says hovering in Midair is a Expert Task. (Meaning a DC 20). A level 1 Barathu who is trained in acrobatics but doesn't invest in Dex has a 15 % success chance when attempting to hover.

Or we allow the usage of the fly action to fly 0 Speed to hover as well.
Which is a regular use of the fly action but we never learned when to use fly and when to use Maneuver in Flight.

But its also wild that you can see Barathus hover in every artwork i have ever seen. But RAW you need to waste 1 action to do this. If you don't want to do this, your Barathu needs to land on his tentacles every time.

I think we need a special exception for Barathus, entirely new flying rules or simply allow Barathus to use Air Walk instead of flying. (Rules wise. It needs to be reflavoured.)

At the very least, some clarification on the Action economy vis a vis Barathu flight. At a baseline.

Then, some sort of accommodation for feats and class abilities that are non-compliant.

Otherwise the ancestry kinda doesn’t work, and definitely doesn’t play to its own thematic gifts.

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Sanityfaerie wrote:
If Barathu can't pause and rest in midair though... well, you get back to "my ancestral homeworld is lethal to me at level 1" issues. You go to sleep? You fall out of the sky and die. I know that simulationism doesn't get a lot of sway in the PF2 game lineage, but this really isn't great.

This is the sort of thing that feels like a lore opportunity to me. Who's to say that Barathu haven't evolved to be like those sharks who have to keep moving to force water through their gills even when they're "sleeping".


PossibleCabbage wrote:
Sanityfaerie wrote:
If Barathu can't pause and rest in midair though... well, you get back to "my ancestral homeworld is lethal to me at level 1" issues. You go to sleep? You fall out of the sky and die. I know that simulationism doesn't get a lot of sway in the PF2 game lineage, but this really isn't great.
This is the sort of thing that feels like a lore opportunity to me. Who's to say that Barathu haven't evolved to be like those sharks who have to keep moving to force water through their gills even when they're "sleeping".

Barathu are native to a gas giant planet, floating in place should be a matter of maintaining buoyancy not a function of physical flight. I can see changing float height as an action change ballast, but maintaining buoyancy shouldn't in my opinion. I agree with who ever said both Barathu and Comtemplatives should have a float speed.

I’m sure we’ll get solutions just as satisfying as what the Haan got in SF1.

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