What to do with my bard?


I have a level 6 Archaeologist Bard that's gestalted with 4 levels of Unchained Rogue and 2 levels of Fighter. ...and she's not keeping up.... Her damage output on a regular full attack is fine, but somehow my party members are doing AoOs from like 30 feet away if the enemy so much as BREATHES. By the time it's my turn, whoever I was headed over to fight is already dead. And all I can do is double move to try to get over to another guy or use my bow, usually with a -4 since I'm a melee character.

What can I do to make my bard more able to keep up?

What classes are the other party members?
And what exactly are your bards stats/feats?

Is he a strength greatsword fighter or a nimble dagger fighter?
How is his AC in comparrision to that other party members?

why -4? as a fighter you are proficient with your bow. So you should be at least +4 with it?

So your main class, Archaeologist Bard is not a combat character, but a support character. While you can do damage, your main benefit to the party would be Inspire courage, but it looks like your archetype loses that. so that leaves you with the rogue type abilities that a bard gets, mostly find traps, etc.

I'm curious why you gestalted with rogue, as the two classes (rogue and bard) are basically the same thing except for the inspired courage? Going full fighter would have been better.

Shooting into melee without Precise Shot is a -4 penalty. It's why that feat is pretty much mandatory for any ranged attacking build.

I went with Rogue to get dex to damage without having to use feats. I'm a gnome so dex is a lot easier than str. I went with the 4th level for Debilitating Injury and another talent. Then into Fighter.

My stats are 11 Str, 18 Dex, 16 Con, 14 Int, 12 Wis, 18 Cha.

My feats are Lingering Performance, Deft Maneuvers, Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus (Weapon Training Talent), Whip Mastery, Titan's Tangle (Combat Trick talent), Improved Whip Mastery, Serpent Lash, and Tangled Limbs.

I mostly trip and then do an AoO when they stand back up. There's also a homebrew thing that basically works as a warpriest's Sacred Weapon so the whip is 1d8 instead of 1d2. I was planning on taking Greater Trip next level and then I'm pretty much done on tripping feats. With the gestalt and EITR, the build went a lot quicker.

My AC seems around the same as the others. I'm currently saving up to enhance my shield to +2 at the moment. As for my party, it's a living world group so the members are different each session. I'm not sure what classes they were this time, but I have played a couple of sessions with these two before and they did the AoOs from across the room thing the last time too.

In a gestalt game the most important thing to make sure the classes have good synergy. The gold standard is full BAB, all good saves, full caster and lots of special abilities that complement each other. What you want to avoid is classes that overlap each other. An archaeologist bard and rogue have very little synergy and overlap quite a bit.

My suggestion would be to go with slayer instead of unchained rogue and fighter. Slayers will get you full BAB and all good saves. You also get studied target and sneak attack. Slayer gets you slayer talents in addition to the rogue talents from archaeologist bard. This will require using a few feats to get DEX to damage, but you should be able to get this by around 3rd level. Like fighter it gives you proficiency in martial weapons. If you really want to stack the bonus for traps you can use a slayer talent to pick up trap finding which should stack with the archaeologist bard bonus. Personally, I think that is over kill.

Its rly hard to compare your charakter against charakters, we dont know anything about.
AoO from across the room is either a reach weapon or snap shot, but neither gives you that much range.

Myyterious Stranger already told you about the synergy.
Your BAB and saves are fine, you are only missing 1 point of BAB.
If you dont want to play a full caster a bard is more than enough for spells.

Going by your feats you are playing a whip/trip build, of course your DMG isnt that great.

Your 1 point of missing BAB means that at level 6 you are only BAB 5, so you are missing your second attack (you will get it on your next level)
If the other charakter was something like a bloodrager/sorcerer with the abyssal bloodline with Str of 20 (16 + 2 (race) +2 (belt)).
He hits a 24 with rage and a 26 if he gets big (abyssal bloodline).

So while you attack with a +1 whip +13 1W8+7 (average 11,5 DMG),
he attacks with a +1 greatsword +14/+9 3W6+13 (average 23,5 DMG each).
He deals about 4 times your DMG if he gets a full attack against an enemy with an AC of 20.

If he uses Power Attack (-2/+6) and has weapon focus, he attacks with:
+1 greatsword +13/+8 3W6+19 (average 29,5 DMG each).

Most of your DMG at the moment would be from your sneak attack (+2W6 = +7 DMG, for a 18,5 DMG) and from your enemies who try to stand up (-4 to their AC).

You are playing a build who doesnt and will never to as much DMG directly as an two handed power attack strength build.
Your strength lies in tripping opponents and denying their full attack action (of giving them a -4 on every attack), giving the other PC AoO when the enemy stands up and (with grater trip) when they fall down.
You are more of a support charakter than a direct DMG dealer.

You could get improved initiative, you are a Dex build so there is a good chance, that you will get your turn before them, to get close to the enemy.
Most enemeys should be able to tank 1 or 2 AoO (CR 5 Monster have about 55 HP), if you act first you should be able to get near one, trip it and if it dies from AoO from other players cause you tripped it (with greater trip) its kind your kill too.
And if you act before the enemy you get your sneak attack + your debilitating injury too

You field of expertise shouldnt be direct combat DMG, its more of a support role and your trap finding and rouge like abilities and great skill checks are your strength.

Heather 540 wrote:

Shooting into melee without Precise Shot is a -4 penalty. It's why that feat is pretty much mandatory for any ranged attacking build.

I went with Rogue to get dex to damage without having to use feats. I'm a gnome so dex is a lot easier than str. I went with the 4th level for Debilitating Injury and another talent. Then into Fighter.

My stats are 11 Str, 18 Dex, 16 Con, 14 Int, 12 Wis, 18 Cha.

My feats are Lingering Performance, Deft Maneuvers, Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus (Weapon Training Talent), Whip Mastery, Titan's Tangle (Combat Trick talent), Improved Whip Mastery, Serpent Lash, and Tangled Limbs.

I mostly trip and then do an AoO when they stand back up. There's also a homebrew thing that basically works as a warpriest's Sacred Weapon so the whip is 1d8 instead of 1d2. I was planning on taking Greater Trip next level and then I'm pretty much done on tripping feats. With the gestalt and EITR, the build went a lot quicker.

My AC seems around the same as the others. I'm currently saving up to enhance my shield to +2 at the moment. As for my party, it's a living world group so the members are different each session. I'm not sure what classes they were this time, but I have played a couple of sessions with these two before and they did the AoOs from across the room thing the last time too.

yeah, it looks like you have a scattered approach to your character, and I'm thinking a misunderstanding of some rules

the Bard Archaeologist does not get Bardic Performance at all - so your lingering performance feat is worthless. You then seem to be trying for a bow/shield/whip build, which is fine, but one of your weapons will suffer in this build. And as for the whip build being your main one, whip builds just aren't known for dealing damage, they are mostly the trip/AoO route.

I still think taking Rogue AND Bard side by side on a gestalt build was a mistake, as they are virtually the same class. I would have not gone Archaeologist at all, as it doesn't get Bardic Performance, which is the best part about being a bard, and just gone pure Rogue/fighter (or as mentioned above, Slayer)

You are correct, Precise shot is mandatory for an archer build, so are many shot and rapid shot, plus deadly aim, which you have none of, so you are not an archer build at all, so don't stress about not dealing damage with your bow, instead concentrate on making the whip better.

Get a haste item (extra attack) and make the whip flaming (extra d6), combined with the sneak attack of a full rogue (half your level of d6), you'll be dishing out some damage with that whip.

while it's always good to have a ranged weapon as backup, the rogue benefits most from have a bunch of attacks - so TWF is my go to for rogues, you might look at that as a secondary fighting style (can you TWF with whips, that would be nasty)

I'm not going for a bow/shield/whip build. I have a bow as a backup weapon. I mentioned it as it's something I have, not something I'm going to always do. I also have a kunai for blunt damage. I always make sure I have backup weapons to avoid being completely unarmed.

The shield is for AC. Why are you guys assuming I'm using it for damage? I said I was going to enhance it. Enhancing it gets me more AC.

As for Lingering Performance, I'm pasting the exact wording from AoN:
"Archaeologist’s Luck (Ex): Fortune favors the archaeologist. As a swift action, an archaeologist can call on fortune’s favor, giving him a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier. Maintaining this bonus is a free action, but it ends immediately if the archaeologist is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. Archaeologist’s luck is treated as bardic performance for the purposes of feats, abilities, effects, and the like that affect bardic performance."

In other words, Lingering Performance works on Archaeologist's Luck. And it's pretty needed since an Archaeologist doesn't get extra rounds from leveling up.

I see no reason why you couldn’t use TWF with whips as they are one handed weapons. In fact if one of them is equipped with an Effortless Lace you won’t get the normal penalty associated with fighting with 2 one handed weapons as one will be considered a light weapon.

Lingering performance does work with Archaeologist luck and is highly recommended for the archetype.

I am not that familiar with EIR rules, but from what I understand that if you are using them getting DEX to damage should be take a lot fewer feats. If that is the case going unchained rogue for DEX to damage is even worse.

Your character is highly focused on trips and using the whip, so it is not really surprising that it is lacking in other areas. Going with a small character reduced your movement which makes getting to your target harder. How much flexibility do you have to rebuild the character?

Multiclassing in a gestalt game is just as bad if not worse than in a normal game. In a gestalt game your character gains the class features of two classes and the synergy between those abilities is usually what makes the character more powerful than normal. By multiclassing you delay gaining those abilities which puts you behind other character. At this level the inquisitor/unchained monk has flurry of bane. A 6th level character that gets 4 attacks per round (3 at full BAB) and adding 2d6 damage to each is very powerful. What does this build have that can even compare to that? Sneak attack is situational, so you cannot count on it, debilitating injury only last for a round and only if you are actually hitting. At 2nd level all fighter has given you is 2 feats and bravery.

Improving your movement will help you get to your targets. Expeditious Retreat is a 1st level bard spell and adds 30’ to your movement which would put you up to 50’. If you can increase the reach of your whip, that might also help.

Bard is a CHA based class with UMD as a class skill. Using some offensive wands in combat may also be a good option for the character.

So I missed the line about Lingering performance working with Archaeologists luck, my apologies. I still think the Bard's Inspire Courage is significantly better. We talk about the Bow build because it's the only weapon you discuss in your original post.

As mentioned multiclassing in gestalt isn't the greatest option, especially when your classes have little synergy, and at least one of your classes is more of a support class.

I just finished a game with a Magus/Skald gestalt, the GM allowed the Magus spells to be used in the same manner as skald spells, So my rounds were: use spell combat/spell strike to make multiple attacks and cast a spell, which allowed my Skald performance to continue for free (Harmonic spell), used Skald's vigor and greater skalds vigor to heal my party, and used flumefire rage to get 2 extra points of damage per dice on my spells. and then have lingering performance for it to last for 2 extra rounds that I'm not casting spells to maintain it. And then some rage benefits that made everyone's weapons have multiple elements on them. Some pretty significant synergy

so, as mentioned, you weaked a class by multiclassing (as is the rogue and bard are a same class type dip), and then you really don't have any synergy as all you get from the fighter are some feats and BAB.

Ok, you guys don't like the rogue levels. Understood. I still need to figure out what to do going forward.

Heather 540 wrote:
Ok, you guys don't like the rogue levels. Understood. I still need to figure out what to do going forward.

Actually, for me, just the opposite, dumpo the bard and go all Rogue/fighter, with a TWF build

Or you could adjust your role from primary damage dealer to support. Bard spells are good for that. You are also a good knowledge monkey as well as trapsmith.

Silver Crusade

If you like the character, keep it. It’s up to the GM to engage the whole table in combat if they have green lit gestalt builds that can take a powerful AoO that instakills an enemy.

Off the top of my head I would ask for enemy tanks to engage every once in a while so they can survive getting into melee with the party. And then, yeah, buff the party and harass the enemy in encounters without these tanks.

I haven't had any trouble with out-of-combat stuff, outside of plain old bad luck on rolls. I could lean more into buffing the party

I do get access to Haste next level, so that helps some in getting around. Should I still take Greater Trip and have everything needed for tripping? Or take something else?

I want to keep going with the bard levels, but I'm willing to do something other than Fighter if it's better.

Silver Crusade

I’m sure other posters can answer the build questions better, but it seems like the rotating players may have combat on lock, so adding to their AoO’s would be good synergy, since even if you build to their level of damage output, it will only ever be one additional player who can take care of combat on their own, so be different if you like it.

There is a feat just for bards that allows you to bluff and hide your spellcasting in social situations (not sure of the name), that could be a great option to prebuff before some types of encounters.

Consider also abilities and spells that alter terrain or positioning since you can UMD them and they often have effects that can’t be saved against or bypassed. As you go into higher levels, countering spell with dispel magic is fun since the bonuses are caster level based and don’t require more than a feat or two and some items to maximize.

Most players don’t choose it because you have to ready an action to cast, but RAW, when you ready that action, you can say ‘I ready to cast when enemy X acts’ and if that action is a spell, you can counter spell, and if not, you can cast any other spell you like.

Heather 540 wrote:
Should I still take Greater Trip and have everything needed for tripping? Or take something else?

If you like tripping stick with it. Its fun and sometimes really helpful.

Just dont try to compare your DMG with a full BRB/Fighter who plays on Strength and invests feats in DMG, that you need to invest in tripping.
You wont match them, they are for dealing LOTS of DMG, you have a ton of skill points, and a few class abilites that help you buff your skills even further.

A fighter may deal 60 DMG a turn, while you deal only 20, but if you disarm a magical trap that saves him from being hit with 3 scorching rays for 12W6 (=42 DMG) you will be his hero.

Oil Ironbar is right, its up to the GM to give everyone the same spotlight. It can never be perfect, but it should be somewhat balanced.

Hether 540 wrote:
I want to keep going with the bard levels, but I'm willing to do something other than Fighter if it's better.

The only problem i have with the fighter is, that his armor training is most likely for nothing. A mithral chain shirt give you +4 AC with a max Dex of +6. It takes you some time to reach the 24 Dex you need to have more Dex than you can use. Most likely level 12.

With +2 from you leves (8 and 12) and a Dex belt of +4.

You cant use medium or heavy armor because you are a bard and you want to keep casting spells without arcane failure, which you can only to in light armor.

You would need a full BAB class with a good fort save.
You could take a Paladin (which profits from your high Cha).
I dont know your aligment, but it buffs all your saves, you have extra healing power, can make you weapon stronger and you can deal more DMG a few times a day.

A brawler is nice with his bonus on trip, his flexibility with his feats, and his bonus to AC if he only wears a light armor.
You even get the unarmored strike with which you can take Vicious Stomp, which gives you another AoO if you trip someone that stands near you.
That means 2 AoO, one through greater trip and one from Vicious Stomp (and yes you can take both on one trip check)
Drawback you cant use his brawlers furry.

A Swachbuckler (with the mysterious Avenger archetyp) gives you a bonus on attacks with a whip and a nice DMG bonus, a few nice abilites.

You could take a bloodrager with the aberrant bloodline (+5 feet reach, nice on a whip), with the urban bloodrager you would get + Dex instead ot +Str/+Con.
Which buffs your Attack Bonus, DMG and AC.
You wouldnt be able to cast bard spells while you rage, but you would be able to buff yourself/your party as a bard and once you want to run into melee you rage. You could than only use your bloodrager spells, but they have some nice once like shield and long arm (extra +5 feet reach).

That are all good options for your bard/rouge trip build.
Only drawback in comparision with the fighter is, that they lack feats.
Nothing gets as much feats a fighter.
You could also take the fighter and use an archtyp that trades of armor training for something you can use a lot more.

Pathfinder can be unforgiving in that the game (like any RPG) is supposed to be about individual players arriving at something they find fun and interesting and playing it, but the rules make it quite difficult for many different concepts to shine.

With that in mind, there's nothing wrong with Gnomes... but you want to be in quasi-melee combat with a perpetually reduced movement rate and seek to inflict combat maneuvers on generally larger opponents. So you're constantly trying to keep up with more mobile friends who also apparently arrived at some amazing reach/threatening loophole. You also want to improve your melee defenses, but I'm not sure the return is worth the cost (relative to saving up for something that will help your mobility or attacking capability).

All that said, I think you've shorted yourself a feat. You should have six feats based on your character level, another two bonus combat feats from your fighter levels, and another two virtual feats from your Rogue combat trick talents. You're showing five feats, two fighter combat feats, and two virtual feats, however.

Second, I don't know whether retraining is an option at your table or not. Assuming you can retrain, however, consider the following:

At 10th level a bard can have 2-3 4th-level spell slots. A bard is also able to cast Dimension Door. As such, why not lose Combat Reflexes and Serpent Lash? The former only makes a difference when you eventually get Greater Trip, while the latter is the Cleave of combat maneuvers. Retrain those two to Dimensional Agility and Dimensional Assault, and pick up Dimensional Dervish with your missing feat. You've now solved your distance problem and, when under the effects of a haste spell, can trip three different targets within 80 feet of your starting position. Ideally, your fellow party members will be flanking them.

By doing so, you've effectively solved your mobility issue, which seems to be the primary cause for you not getting in the mix of things. With whips threatening up to 15' away, and your fellow party members apparently having no problem getting to kill off enemies from across the room, Dimensional Dervish shouldn't be something you have to do more than once per combat. You're still a level or two from being able to do this for every one of the 4-6 recommended encounters per day, but you're still better off than when you were either unable to reach your enemies or contemplating using a bow at a penalty.

I'm sorry, but I can't figure out where you're pulling "6 feats based on character level" from.

Level one: Lingering Performance (base level feat), Deft Maneuvers (replacement for Rogue's Weapon Finesse), and Combat Reflexes (houserule bonus feat)
Level 2: Weapon Focus (from Rogue's Weapon Training talent)
Level 3: Whip Mastery (base level feat)
Level 4: Titan's Tangle (from Rogue's Combat Trick talent)
Level 5: Tangled Limbs (base feat) and Serpent's Lash (Fighter bonus)
Level 6: Improved Whip Mastery (Fighter bonus)

That's 9 feats and only because of the houserule bonus. So why are you saying I should have 10?

@Pheobus Alxandros:
Its only a level 6 bard.
Gesalt means, she gets every two level two classes with all abilites and the better of saves/BAB etc.

So a Wizard 5/Fighter 5 Gesatlt, would have a full BAB (+5), good wil (wizard), good fort (fighter), level 3 spells (wizard), armot and weapon training 1 (fighter) and so on.

@Heather 540:
Just a question, so you dont have Dex to Attack and Dex to DMG through the rouge?
If so you have a great time tripping, but your DMG would sit at 1d8+2 (with a +1 Whip), which is just 6,5 DMG on average, a greatsword without magic or strength has an average of 7 (2W6).
Ofc your DMG is bad with 6,5 DMG/Round, even buffed with your luck bonus (+2) its just a 8,5.
An average CR 5 Monster has 55 HP, that means about 6 rounds where you have to hit every attack to kill it.
You turn: you trip it, it falls down.
Its turn: it stands up, gets an AoO from you, gets 8,5 DMG, it attacks you.
You turn: trip
and so on.

A normal Babarien deals about 24 DMG with his greatsowrd.
What you can accomplish in 3 rounds, he deals in one round.
On a full attack he has 2 attacks, so a full attack action and some luck with hitting, he nearly kills the 55 HP Monster in one round.
But thats not rly that strong, its a 18 strength, power attacking greatsowrd babarien.

And without you Dex to attack you hit way worse then him.
The -4 on AC because the enemy is on the ground, is offset because you get Str (+0) to attack and not Dex (+4 to attack).

And just to be precise, you dont need Deft Maneuvers to make a trip attack with Dex. Weapon Finesse is fine.
Weapon Finesse gives you Dex on combat maneuvers if you use a weapon for it (normally thats only disarm, trip and sunder).
Deft maneuvers would be needed for bull rush or grapple. not for trip.

Dark Archive

level dip 1 into gunslinger mysterious stranger, use a firearm, hit touch ac. mysterious stranger can get cha to damage

We're using the EITR optional ruleset so everyone gets Weapon Finesse anyway. If a class gives one of the feats that EITR gives out, then we can trade it for another feat instead. And I'm using Unchained Rogue so I got the dex to damage at level 3.

Also Deft Maneuvers isn't about using dex for the trip attempt. It's a combination of multiple maneuver feats, including Improved Trip.

As an aside, the Dimensional Dervish line might be handy. There's even a maneuver feat there. Too bad they're not combat feats so I could get them faster with fighter bonus feats. (On that note, WHY are they not combat feats?)

Edit: I was just told of the Flickering Step feat. It's not a combat feat itself, but it turns Dimensional Agility and every feat that requires it into combat feat for the purpose of Fighter bonus feats. I take Flickering Step at level 9, Dimensional Agility at 10, Dimensional Assault at 11, Dimensional Dervish at 12, and Dimensional Maneuvers at 13.

Ju-Mo. wrote:

@Pheobus Alxandros:

Its only a level 6 bard.
Gesalt means, she gets every two level two classes with all abilites and the better of saves/BAB etc.

So a Wizard 5/Fighter 5 Gesatlt, would have a full BAB (+5), good wil (wizard), good fort (fighter), level 3 spells (wizard), armot and weapon training 1 (fighter) and so on.

Thanks, I was erroneously totaling up the levels instead of just the benefits that came with them.

That said, the underlying problems remain. Heather, I think you need to talk with your party and figure out how it is they're able to threaten enemies from 30 feet away. If it's a legitimate ability/feature/whatever that they have, then your first priority is figuring out your character's lack of mobility. If a character can't affect enemies before the rest of the party wipes them out, [EDIT] AND the GM isn't interested in modifying encounters in order to include your character, [/EDIT] then any style/theme unfortunately becomes moot.

Oh didnt know that, thought you had to give away the rouge class ability for Dex to trip.

Than your DMG and attack bonus isnt that bad.
Still worse and incomparable to a real Str Fighter/Barbarien, but at least not totally for nothing.

As said:
You will never reach the DMG of a Str two handed weapon Fighter/BRB.
Dont try to compare yourself to them.

Every class/classcombination/build exist for a differnt role.
Your class/classcombination/build isnt for pure melee DMG, its for support and skills.

Your charakter isnt bad, he isnt mix/maxed, but he isnt bad or useless. It looks like a well rounded charakter who can trip a lot of enemies and provide other usefull abilites like trap finding/disabeling magical traps, sneaking (Dex + small + tons of skillpoints) and so on.
Dont try to match them in their strong field, look at your good attributes.

Their is no such thing as the perfect/best class in PF.
Every single class has its good and bad sides, its advantages and disadvantages. If i try to match the non spell melee DMG of a Barbarien with a wizard i would lose (in higher levels i could maybe match it for 1-3 encounters, but on the 4rd i would be dapped out).
Same when i compare a sorcerer and his healing with a cleric/oracle and their healing powers. Sorcerers arent for healing, clerics are. Maybe you can try to match them (pheonix sorcerer), but you will never be as good as them in the long run in a normal game.

What i want to say is:
Be happy with the things your charakter can do, trust in your GM (or talk with him about it) that you get your spotlight too (not everything is combat) and dont try to compare yourself in a field you arent specialised in.

And looks like I am not the only who is curious how to achive an AoO with 30 feet range, with around 30 DMG at level 6.
It would be nice to know what kind of classcombination they are playing.

Quick how to for AoOs at 30 feet reach:

--Its kind of a bloodrager special. Have a reach weapon (10 feet), cast long arm (15 feet) cast enlarge person (20 feet), have abberant or black blood bloodline (25 feet) some items increase reach by 5 more, although they typically penalize attack, or have lunge tree.

Bard is a fine thing for gestalt on one side. It has great skill ranks, several boosts and a pretty neat spell list.

Keep progressing in bard on one side.

On the other side, since things seem to be freely open, there are multiple avenues:

--Mutagenic mauler gets you a dex mutagen

--Vivisectionist gives you mutagen, sneak attack, and access to longarm extracts

--A single level in fractured mind/exciter gets you a quasi bloodrager that has a dex version, and a strong willsave boon

--Dipping in urban bloodrager gets you a +4 dex, although it will be a long time before you get to access the spell casting etc.

--there is a whip oriented swashbuckler that may be valid for you

--A single level dip in mysterious stranger gets you firearms, by a dragoon musket, suddenly be good at shooting.

--Featwise, arcane strike is a fairly easy +2 damage, although it consumes your swift action

--You could dip into lunar or nature oracle, and get an animal companion, and then take boon companion to have it only be one level behind

Mightypion wrote:
--Its kind of a bloodrager special. Have a reach weapon (10 feet), cast long arm (15 feet) cast enlarge person (20 feet), have abberant or black blood bloodline (25 feet) some items increase reach by 5 more, although they typically penalize attack, or have lunge tree.

Well that would also be my way to do things.

Reach weapon and enlarge for 20 feet, long arms and aberrant bloodline for 30 feet.
But thats not permanent aktiv, if a fight breaks out, that 2 spells you need to cast before you are ready to go.
That should be more than enough time to get into postion with any character. (here namely the bard)

That would only work if they are able to surprise their enemeies or if they see the enemies come from a long distance, every time.
And the moment I am in a narrower dungeon, i cant get big so well and my reach goes down.
Enlarge with reach weapons also causes a problem with medium enemies who get rly close.

But yeah that would be a way, but it would be a long situational setup, which ofc works really well if i have the time and the place to do it.

Ju-Mo. wrote:
Mightypion wrote:
--Its kind of a bloodrager special. Have a reach weapon (10 feet), cast long arm (15 feet) cast enlarge person (20 feet), have abberant or black blood bloodline (25 feet) some items increase reach by 5 more, although they typically penalize attack, or have lunge tree.

Well that would also be my way to do things.

Reach weapon and enlarge for 20 feet, long arms and aberrant bloodline for 30 feet.
But thats not permanent aktiv, if a fight breaks out, that 2 spells you need to cast before you are ready to go.
That should be more than enough time to get into postion with any character. (here namely the bard)

That would only work if they are able to surprise their enemeies or if they see the enemies come from a long distance, every time.
And the moment I am in a narrower dungeon, i cant get big so well and my reach goes down.
Enlarge with reach weapons also causes a problem with medium enemies who get rly close.

But yeah that would be a way, but it would be a long situational setup, which ofc works really well if i have the time and the place to do it.

you can use Abyssal bloodline and Demonic Bulk for the enlarge, but that would remove the aberrant bloodline bonuses

Would be also an option, combined with lunge would that be an option, to get two 30 feet on your turn. However the reach you get with lunge ends with your turn, only the AC malus stays until you next turn.

So 1 spell, 1 feat and one special classability which cant be really used in a narrow dungeon.

Ironiclly, the bloodrager in my campain is a abyssal bloodrager and the alchmist loves to use long arms (sometimes combined with enlarge person).
I know these combos from a GM perspective (altough neither of them uses a reach weapon), thats why i know that the setup takes some time and most of the time it doesnt rly work that well.

However in the OPs post it sound (at least for me) like thats always on without any special setup or limitations.
And i cant rly thing of anything that would work that way (otherwise i would most likely have used it on an NPS to annoy my players with it).

If its a bloodrager and such an combinations that takes times for the setup, it is totally fine that it works. It isnt that cheap on this level and cant be used that often.
A bloodrager sorcerer would have 2 level 1 bloodrager spells (so he can use this combination one time)
And a sorcerer has 7 level 1 spells (6 level 2 and 4 level 3 spells) so he can use it a few more times, but either he has no armor, he risk his arcane spellfailure or he has arcane armor training, but even than if he wears a chain shirt he has a 10% (20-10) chance to fail.
He could use a mithral chain shirt, but thats expensive.

Or he takes mage armor and shield, but thats spells he has to use and that he has to cast to get his armor up (mage armor is nearly irrelavant with 6h, but shield takes aways an action in a fight).

Thats why I´m so curious about it. I would really like to see how this character with a 30 feet range on AoO with about 30 DMG per hit is build.
It sounds nice, but i cant really grasp if thats a good build, every idea I have takes either some time to setup, costs a lot (spells/feats) or has other drawbacks (like being big in a small dungeon).
My bloodrager loves the mite caves in kingmaker, where even medium character get a penatly on attack roles.

Ju-Mo. wrote:

It sounds nice, but i cant really grasp if thats a good build, every idea I have takes either some time to setup, costs a lot (spells/feats) or has other drawbacks (like being big in a small dungeon).

A reach weapon provides its benefits automatically, as does the Aberrant bloodline's abnormal reach. So at 4th level you're threatening out to 15 feet by default.

Also at 4th level, you can cast a single 1st level, so with either Enlarge Person or Long Arm, you're threatening out to 20 feet with one round invested. But that one round may very well have been spent moving anyways; it's not a given that you delayed melee combat in the process. That's also assuming you don't want to draw the enemy in, instead of you attacking them.

At 7th level, a party member could craft a Sipping Jacket for your Bloodrager, allowing them consume a potion of either Enlarge Person or Long Arm as a swift action, albeit just 1/day--and by eating up your swift action for each round you want to have that effect. Combined with casting, that allows your Bloodrager to threaten out to 25 feet with one round's investment.

At 11th level, a bloodrager can apply the effects a bloodrager spell he knows of 2nd level or lower to himself as part of the free action to enter a bloodrage. At that point, the time required for this build's setup is kind of negligible.

As for enemies getting inside his reach, there are always feats that allow you to negate reach on certain types of weapons, or there's the option of giving a weapon the Transformative quality (though using it costs a standard action).

None of this takes into account the possibility of a support spellcaster casting spells like Enlarge Person for the Bloodrager, by the way. All that being said, I think this is a more than viable build that can make itself felt early on in the game.

Thats all true, but they are only level 6.
You just described a level 7 bloodrager with 25 feet, thats one level up and 5 feet short.
And you dont get 30 feet without an extra round to cast.
And even if everyone moving the gnome should be able to use the extra time he has to get close to the enemy before the enemy die.

And even if they have the time, you cant really use this tactic every encoutner (apart from a 15 min adventure day).
One way would be a bloodrager/sorcerer (or magus to get spellcasting), but at least a sorcerer comes with an amor problem.
It would be a very specific build, that only works same time (cause of the time it takes to set it up). If the enemy ever gets a surprise round to get close and/or surround them, you have really bad cards with a reach weapon.

And if you play with enlarge, every smaller dungeon/corridor would be bad for you. As said above, one of my players uses an abyssal bloodrager. Encounters in open space are really favorable for him, with his free enlarge (more reach against bigger monster, so less AoO, more DMG and so on). But their are a few dungeon/encounters (inside of buildings/caves and so on) where he cant get enlarged.

It could be a very special build with a lot of investment with class/
feats/equipment/choice of spells (combat reflexes/, bloodrager/polearmmaster to get a close range option or IUS and so on)
It could be done, but it has drawbacks and most of the time would need a set up time, which you dont get as often as players would like it.
At least in my experiance.

IF its such a heavy investet and specialised PC, than its totally fine that he can do such things. PCs who focus on one aspect tend to be really good in it (like in real life).
So if thats the case, you should never compare you charakter in this field. He is specialised in it, you are not, he is better than you. Plain and simple.
HOWEVER that just means, there are most likely other things you are better than him. Focus on them.
Dont try to outdamage a babarian in a melee free for all fight as a bard.
Just talk to your enemies, be charming and maybe they not only let you be, but even help you against the babarian. But dont swing a lump of iron against him.

That all said:
I am just curious about the exact build they are playing to get the job with 30 feet AoO, one hit kill done.
Maybe i learn something new to kill challange my players

I was mostly responding to your closing concerns in your last post, which I thought were just general observations. Where Heather is concerned, specifically, I suspect there are some imbalances (the other PCs may be 7th level)... or perhaps the GM is inadvertently allowing some some mistakes to fly in their game. Alternatively, the GM may be generous with how the first round or two go (allowing the theoretical Bloodragers to get their spells in place) or the PCs are doing a good job of spotting encounters (giving them time to get their spells in place before hostilities commence).

To your other points, I don't know how frequently the PCs in question do this. Point of fact, I don't even know how they do it; we're just running with a logical assumption.

I may be wrong but I don’t think getting a 30ft reach by level 6 is particularly difficult actually. A Druid with standard Change Shape ability can take the form of a Dire Ape by 6th level. They can take the Weapon Shift feat at 5th level and if they are proficient with whips they can shift the whip and add the reach(15ft) weapon special ability to their natural attacks. Since they have a 10ft reach already and reach weapons are duplicative not additive when combined with natural reach this would give them a 30ft reach in Dire Ape form. Gestalt with Aberrant Bloodrager to gain an extra 5 foot reach on top of that and pre-cast Long Arm before combat for a total of 40ft.

I have no idea how they did it either. I suspect magic is involved but not what kind.

Trokarr wrote:
Since they have a 10ft reach already and reach weapons are duplicative not additive when combined with natural reach this would give them a 30ft reach in Dire Ape form

Its essentially a large creature with whip. Like a balor, and a balor only gets a range of 20 feet with his whip.

Also you dont threaten with a whip, you need three more talents (for improved whip mastery) to get a AoO range of your natural reach (10 feet if large) + 5 feet, so what you suggestet would only amount to a 15 feet AoO range (altough a 20 feet with normal attacks).
You could know get the aberrant bloodline (for +5 feet) and cast long arm for another 5 feet, to get to the 30 feet normal attack reach and 25 feet for AoO.

However you need a lot of feats,and you have to be large.

I know that their are a few ways to get the reach or at least get close to it, however as said I am really interested in the way they do it.

Heather 540 wrote:

I have no idea how they did it either. I suspect magic is involved but not what kind.

Did they cast spells before combat or something much more easy to spot/did they get large?

Either through a spell, wild shape or anything like that.

Just get Kobold Style and Kobold Groundling (thanks to Elephant in the Room, you don't need Combat Expertise), try to retrain Serpent Lash into one of them (if you only have a standard action, you should be casting spells), and get more sneak attack dice and two weapon fighting, now that prone enemies always take sneak attack damage. You'll be fine when it comes to damage, especially if you cast Sense Vitals for even more sneak attack.

Also, you should be getting extra bardic performance rounds from your gnome favored class bonus (this is actually meaningful for archeologists) and on level 7, use that extra 1st level bard spell known to get the Triple Time masterpiece, or use level 8 to switch a 1st level bard spell known for Triple Time, which you should've had sooner, really.

Oh, those are definitely handy. The hard part will be getting them denied their dex for the first trip attempt though. I could probably retrain Tangled Limbs and Serpent Lash to get both. We don't run into too many things with 4 legs.

What action is triple time? It doesn't say. Is it the same as a regular bardic performance?

Triple time is 1 minute, like some spells are a 1 minute action. You just spend 1 whole minute performing to give your entire party a +10 enhancement bonus to land speed for 1 hour upon finishing the minute of performance, but it still only counts as using 1 round of bardic performance. You don't need to maintain triple time, so it's very handy.

As for tripping, they won't have dex denied for the first trip attempt but the point is that first you trip them and then you just attack them with your whip(s) for sneak attack damage, and your first attack should have the highest bonus. Later on you can make whatever whip you want a +1 dueling weapon that you have someone cast Greater Magic Weapon on and then put a Rags to Riches on top of that, so at level 10 you can turn a +1 dueling whip into a +4 dueling whip with a +8 luck bonus (luck bonuses, like Archeologist's Luck, do not stack unfortunately), which increases to +9 thanks to Fate's Favored, I assume, to trip attempts. You do have the Fate's Favored faith trait, right? What traits and spells did you pick?

If you want enemies to have dex denied for the first trip attempt (which also gives you a +4 bonus to trip maneuvers thanks to Kobold Style), you can use the stealth skill, perhaps even Invisibility, to get the drop on them. On that note, when you reach level 10, you can use Greater Invisibility to make your enemies flatfooted so long as they don't have blindsight (but you can overcome that with the Dampen Presence rogue talent) or truesight. You can also deny enemies dex to AC by blinding them, like casting Glitterdust.

By the way, when it comes to the Serpent Lash, I'd like to point out that you can already use the whip for reposition maneuvers, according to this blog (which has been revised more broadly in this FAQ), so that feat actually does less than you'd think. (It actually makes the reposition maneuvers you could already do with the whip way worse.) Also, if you dualwield whips, you'd probably want to use Effortless Lace.

Yes, I took Fate's Favored. The other trait is Maestro of the Society.

My spells are CLW, Grease, Tears to Wine, Vanish at level one. Level 2 is Cat's Grace, CMW, Invisibility, and Glitterdust.

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