What classes and archetypes can cast other class spells?

Rules Questions

I want to know what classes and archetypes can cast spells of other class spell lists. The base Skald gets spell keening, and the spell sage Wizard archetype gets spell study. Those abilities allow the spell caster to, for a few times a day, cast spells from other class's spell lists. However, I think the spell sage gets ripped off as their ability is expensive when compared to the Skald's ability. I want to know who else can do this so I can compare these abilities.

FYI, spell keening verses spell study.

Spell Keening: For a few times a day, the skald can spontaneously cast spells on the bard, cleric, or sorcerer/wizard spell list. This costs 1 spell slot and has a minimum casting time of 1 full round action.

Spell Study: For a few times a day, a spell sage can spontaneously cast spells on the bard, cleric, or druid spell list. This costs 2 spell slots and has a minimum casting time of 1 full round action per spell level. If the spell's casting time is longer than 1 full round action, this minimum casting time is added to the required spell casting time.

Urban Bloodrager has some limited Magus and Bard spells.

Spirit guide oracle has access to wizard spells using wandering spirit lore (arcane enlightenment). Shamans can access cleric spells via human favored class, and wizard/sorc via the same hex.

The Exchange

OmniMage wrote:
However, I think the spell sage gets ripped off as their ability is expensive when compared to the Skald's ability.

More expensive, yes. But also more versatile. A Spell Sage 11 can use Spell Study to cast a 6th-level bard spell, while a Skald 11 can only use Spell Kenning on wizard spells of up to 4th level. And the skald will never be able to cast cleric or druid (or wizard) spells above 6th level.

Magaambyan Initiate (arcanist) gets some druid spells via Halcyon Spell Lore.

Prestige classes are where it's at for getting spells from other classes. Pathfinder Savant gets to pick spells from any list. Several full casting progression prestige classes get to add specific spells to their spell lists. Veiled Illusionist, for example, gets to add one wizard illusion school to their class spell list every level.

I missed that. The skald casts spells like a bard, so they progress slower spellcasting wise than the wizard, and get less spell levels.

I double checked the class I noticed that the skald don't get access to druid spells. I thought that skalds used druid spell at first glance, but it turns out to be bard spells. So they get 1 spell list less than the spell sage.

Off the top of my head:

* Wizard has Faith Magic that lets them learn one Cleric domain spell

* Pact Wizard (Haunted Heroes) can add patron spells from a Witch patron and from Oracle curses (though mind you this archetype is blatantly overpowered)

* Razmiran Priest Sorcerer can cast spells from any divine caster list, just by owning a copy of the scroll

* Magus has Spell Blending that lets them learn from the Wizard list

* Psychic has Rebirth discipline which lets them pick one spell from another class (and change the spell choice every day)

The Exchange

OmniMage wrote:
I double checked the class I noticed that the skald don't get access to druid spells. I thought that skalds used druid spell at first glance, but it turns out to be bard spells. So they get 1 spell list less than the spell sage.

The feat Expanded Spell Kenning lets the skald choose from the druid and witch spell lists as well. It’s a very good ability for those “wish I had that one problem-solving spell” situations.

Gathlains get to add enchantment spells from the Sorcerer/ Wizard list to the Oracle Spell List and Druid spells to the Shaman and Witch lists. Note that this is better for spontaneous casters than prepared.

Pathfinder allow a great many of ways and means to do this. It is going to take a lot of effort to track down them all.

Dasrak wrote:

* Razmiran Priest Sorcerer can cast spells from any divine caster list, just by owning a copy of the scroll

Imho this is easily the best of the methods of using spells off other lists that I know of.

You use up a spell slot of one level higher, so it maxes out at 8th level spells. But it is any divine spell.

Not classes/archetypes, but:

Dreamed Secrets is a feat that gives any divine caster access to nearly any wizard spell (short of all the level 9 ones I suppose).

Bountiful Bottle effectively replicates any potionable spell. Alchemist's Alchemical Allocation does the same (Although I think it's dumb that Bountiful Bottle's cost only 4000 gp considering that they're effectively giving the unique class-only AA spell to anyone who wants it, including non-casters for the same price as just buying a level 2 spell slot refill.)

I remembered another one. Its a feat that a member of the Loremaster prestige class can take. Its arguable the best version of being able to cast other classes spells. You can take the feat as many times as you want.

Secret of Magical Discipline

Joesi wrote:
Dreamed Secrets is a feat that gives any divine caster access to nearly any wizard spell (short of all the level 9 ones I suppose).

Not quite, from the feats description-

"Prerequisites: Ability to cast divine spells, caster level 7th, worshiper of a Great Old One or Outer God."

Shaman can add any sorcerer/wizard spell to their list through Arcane Enlightenment
Shaman can add any cleric/oracle spell through Favored Class
Shaman can add any Druid spell through Favored Class Bonus
Shaman can add any Psychic spell through Favored Class Bonus
Shaman can add sorcerer/wizard enchantments, illusion(shadow), and Darkness descriptor spells through Favored Class
Etc. (spirit magic, archetypes)

Dreamed secrets only lets you cast spells that are on your spell list.


Wish/Limited wish allow casters cast off-list spells.

Psychic bloodline sorcerer can steal spells from the psychic (class) spell list.

Bard has access to the Music Beyond the Spheres masterpiece which they can use to cast spells as per limited wish and wish.

Magaambyan Arcanist steals druid spells.

Pathfinder Savant steals any spell from any list 9 times.

The Exchange

willuwontu wrote:
Dreamed secrets only lets you cast spells that are on your spell list.

Nnnnnooooo. . . ish?

That FAQ was in response to a very specific problem. Improved Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) was the one that was open to any class though there were some other ways. So an oracle (for example) could add dimension door to her list of "spells known." That wasn't intended, so the FAQ clarified the issue.

Dreamed Secrets is specifically meant to allow you to cast spells from the wizard list. It's the entire purpose of the feat. So it should override that FAQ, even though the feat wording is a little off from what it should be. If you try to apply the FAQ literally, Dreamed Secrets would work fine for a prep caster - because the feat doesn't add spells to her list of spells known but specifically says "you can prepare these spells" while a spontaneous caster would be blocked by the FAQ (because "these spells are added to your spells known for 24 hours").

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