User6263 |
I am building a character, a merfolk sylph air/water kineticist, who "swims" through the air (at level 8 Cyclonic Ascent). This means the character will have a land Speed, swim Speed, and fly Speed. The Air Impulse Junction also allows me to move half my speed, so I have incentive to boost my land/fly Speed.
Which begs the question: How can I increase my fly speed? Or the more general question of how the rules work with Speed bonuses and fly/swim/climb/burrow Speeds?
Page 420 of Player Core reads:
Speed: Most characters and monsters have a Speed statistic that indicates how quickly they can move across the ground. This statistic is referred to as land Speed when it's necessary to differentiate it from special Speeds.
When you use the Stride action, you move a number of feet equal to your Speed. Numerous other abilities also allow you to move, from Crawling to Leaping, and most of them are based on your Speed in some way. Whenever a rule mentions your Speed without specifying a type, it's referring to your land Speed.
My problem is, every option I look at seems to only increase land Speed.
Ancestry feats...
Swift: You move with the wind always at your back. Your Speed increases by 5 feet.
General feats...
Fleet: You move more quickly on foot. Your Speed increases by 5 feet.
Item bonuses...
Boots of Bounding: ...These boots give you a +5-foot item bonus to your Speed...
Tailwind: The wind at your back pushes you to find new horizons. You gain a +10-foot status bonus to your Speed.
If Speed = land Speed, then every option seems to only increase land Speed. Is this intentional? The only way I see around this, which I don't like for reasons which will become obvious, is if you gain speeds based on your modified land Speed.
Take Cyclonic Ascent for example: "You gain a fly Speed equal to your land Speed or 30 feet, whichever is greater..."
So, if you have a base Speed of 30, as an elf, and you are affected by Tailwind, your Speed becomes 40. If Cyclonic Ascent is based on your modified Speed, then your fly Speed would also become 40. If this is the intention, however, it is a frustrating way of getting bonuses. My merfolk being an extreme example, they have base land Speed of 5. For me to get a bonus to my fly speed from Cyclonic Ascent, I would need a +30 bonus to my land Speed, and it would only net me a +5 bonus to fly Speed. And, since I have an inherent swim speed not based on my land speed, I have no means to improve that.
Is it Paizo's intention that we not be allowed to improve alternative speeds at all? What gives?
shroudb |
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You are indeed correct that most Speed buffs only affect land speed, and then most alternate move forms are based on "X or land speed whichever is greater".
There are a few options that do modify alternate move speeds though, and since you are talking about Air Kineticist, your Aura Junction is "You and any ally that starts its turn in the aura gets a +10-foot status bonus to land Speed until the end of that turn, and to fly Speed if applicable."
So, that is an easy way to get a fast 40ft fly speed without worrying about increasing your land speed up to 40.
Finoan |
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If your land speed is 40 your fly speed that's equal to your land speed would also be 40. I don't see how to possibly parse it otherwise.
Yes. Sylph with 25 ft Stride speed that is using Wings of Air would also have a 25 ft Fly speed. Picking up Swift would increase the Stride speed to 30 ft and also increase the Fly speed to 30 ft since it matches.
An Undine with 25 ft Stride speed also gets a 10 ft Swim speed. Picking up Fleet or casting Tailwind would increase the Stride speed to 30 or 35 ft respectively, but leave the Swim speed at 10 ft in either case.
The Raven Black |
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One trick is to pick up an effect that says (fly/swim/whatever) is equal to your lands speed. Then you just buff the heck out of your land speed.
Which also tends to increase leaping, climbing and swimming distances.
PCs with unusual speed types were definitely not considered the norm back when designing PF2.
SuperParkourio |
Your Speed refers to your land Speed unless otherwise specified. For instance, the penalty in Acid Grip explicitly lowers all your Speeds, but Fleet Step only buffs your Speed (so just your land Speed). If speed is spelled with lowercase s, it might not specifically refer to your land Speed, or even to any Speed in particular.
lordcirth |
To be clear though, is there consensus about whether things like Cyclonic Ascent use your base land Speed or your modified land Speed? If you have base Speed 30, with +10 from Tailwind, is your fly Speed from Cyclonic Ascent then 30, or 40?
Your fly speed would be 40. The only gotcha is that, if you have, say, a status bonus to all Speeds, or seperate status bonuses to land Speed and fly speed, you cannot stack them this way - ie you cannot do 30ft + 10ft status land speed, get 40ft fly speed, then status bonus +10ft to 50.
If you have a +10ft item bonus to land speed, and a +10ft status bonus to fly speed, however, enjoy your 50ft fly speed.
Red Griffyn |
Yeah, it makes all the new L9 25ft fly speed ancestry options and wearbat 15ft (boosted to 25ft with a L4 feat) fly speed options quite lackluster.
You're much better to pick up a focus point fly speed:
Traveler's Transit (Advanced Travel Domain Focus Spell)
Ezekieru |
Gortle wrote:Poor Merfolk. Speed of 5ft is a challenge.I thought they had equipment for dealing with this.
They did. Originally, the equipment didn't actually give them a greater speed (they were basically just regular wheelchairs/traveler's chairs with no further adjustments). But the errata yesterday did give them a 20 ft. Land speed (or your Swim speed, whichever is slower).