Commander with Dual-Class!?

Commander Class Discussion

So one of my DMs is running a Dual-class game. So i am thinking of trying out Commander but I am not sure which class to pair it with. I am curious if you guys had any ideas. I am open to any and all classes including Animist and Examplar from the War of Immortal playtest which dropped months ago.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

First classes I think of are Psychic and Witch.

The Siilent Whisper and Unbound Step Psychic both fit thematically and give you alternate ways to do their main shtick. With the Witch, I can see doing some really fun things with tactics and the Familiar.

On the other hand, you can never go wrong with Rogue -- probably Ruffian or Mastermind.

Mastermind rogue imo: you have a scaling proficiency you can use to recall on just about everything and Commander gives you 5 feats for Recall [and mastermind 1 feat].

Yes all Int based classes probably will integrate very well with Commander.

But keep attention that Tactics consumes a lot of action every round. Maybe to restrict your choices that doesn't uses too much 2-actions or more activities probably will run better in your action economy. So many non-int based classes that usually doesn't requires many action like barbarian and champion will work well but rogue (specially the Mastermind as already pointed to use your high int) and classes that compress actions like monks and specially the summoners (that can have the Eidolon benefit from tactics?) probably will shine.

Monk is good for Ki spells and actionc ompression--also increased speeds so you can be in the thick of it better

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Commander / Guardian.

Tell your allies to Form Up on you so you can use your reaction to defend them.

Dark Archive

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It's really tempting to say Investigator, just so you can be as SAD as possible with the Commander.

I honestly don't think this would be bad, but you'd pretty much the same result much easier just by going Rogue and using Dex as your secondry stat.

But even something like Ranger would be strong. Since your campanion can be a Squadmate, you can guarantee someone can take advantage of your Tactics.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Bard. Songs.

Going Bard and making a super-support character isn't a bad idea, the only problem is that Bard keys off a different mental stat.
It's not that bad: you don't have to max CHA if you don't rely on offensive spells, but your Bard class DC is also going to be somewhat lower and it hurts precious options like Lingering Composition.
Or you just tank physical stats: full plate and bulwark are available, after all, and you should still have some space to have decent CON; but that means forgetting the idea to ever Strike even if you have full martial progression.

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