Can a Rune of Shifting be added to a shield?

Rules Discussion

Radiant Oath

I hope I am asking the question in the right section.

I wanted to include a rune of shifting to a shield so with an action I can have it turn into a buckler, then as needed into a tower shield. Is there a way to do this?

It feels appropriate for a higher level character but I have not been able to find anything specifically allowing this.

Thanks in advance.


But there is Sapling Shield, which is a specific magical item that shifts from buckler to tower shield with 1 action.

Higher levels of the shield offer more hardness and hp, and you can also put in them Reinforcing runes to match the hardness and hp of sturdy shields if you need a bit more.

Radiant Oath

shroudb wrote:


But there is Sapling Shield, which is a specific magical item that shifts from buckler to tower shield with 1 action.

Higher levels of the shield offer more hardness and hp, and you can also put in them Reinforcing runes to match the hardness and hp of sturdy shields if you need a bit more.

Thank you for the advice.

shroudb wrote:

Agreed. Specifically, the Shifting rune has Usage: Etched onto a melee weapon. A shield is not a melee weapon. Some shield attachments would be.

For non-PFS characters, it would be a fairly straightforward homebrew to create a variant rune that would allow shifting a shield from one shape to another.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Note that "wooden shield" or "steel shield" do not appear anywhere on the Weapons table.

Ergo those items do not qualify as weapons.

There is a "shield bash" listed, but that's not a weapon, so much as an an action description.

Shield boss and shield spikes, on the other hand, are weapons and could qualify for shifting, but would likely detach and fall to the ground the moment they lost their Attached trait. They also would not automatically attach to a shield as part of the shift, and so would likely need to be manually attached after transformation.

Ravingdork wrote:
Shield boss and shield spikes, on the other hand, are weapons and could qualify for shifting, but would likely detach and fall to the ground the moment they lost their Attached trait. They also would not automatically attach to a shield as part of the shift, and so would likely need to be manually attached after transformation.

I don't see why attached weapons wouldn't be attached [assuming it's for the same weapon/item type]. After all, a weapon in your hand doesn't require you to pick it up after changing its shape.

graystone wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Shield boss and shield spikes, on the other hand, are weapons and could qualify for shifting, but would likely detach and fall to the ground the moment they lost their Attached trait. They also would not automatically attach to a shield as part of the shift, and so would likely need to be manually attached after transformation.
I don't see why attached weapons wouldn't be attached [assuming it's for the same weapon/item type]. After all, a weapon in your hand doesn't require you to pick it up after changing its shape.

Do you mean a shield boss should stay attached if it shifts into shield spikes, or it should stay attached if it shifts, say, into a longsword?

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Perpdepog wrote:
graystone wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Shield boss and shield spikes, on the other hand, are weapons and could qualify for shifting, but would likely detach and fall to the ground the moment they lost their Attached trait. They also would not automatically attach to a shield as part of the shift, and so would likely need to be manually attached after transformation.
I don't see why attached weapons wouldn't be attached [assuming it's for the same weapon/item type]. After all, a weapon in your hand doesn't require you to pick it up after changing its shape.
Do you mean a shield boss should stay attached if it shifts into shield spikes, or it should stay attached if it shifts, say, into a longsword?

Shield boss into shield spikes, or an Integrated weapon [it stays in the same 'hand']. Shield boss to a longsword [or the reverse] at the very least means transferring the weapon to another hand.

graystone wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
graystone wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Shield boss and shield spikes, on the other hand, are weapons and could qualify for shifting, but would likely detach and fall to the ground the moment they lost their Attached trait. They also would not automatically attach to a shield as part of the shift, and so would likely need to be manually attached after transformation.
I don't see why attached weapons wouldn't be attached [assuming it's for the same weapon/item type]. After all, a weapon in your hand doesn't require you to pick it up after changing its shape.
Do you mean a shield boss should stay attached if it shifts into shield spikes, or it should stay attached if it shifts, say, into a longsword?
Shield boss into shield spikes, or an Integrated weapon [it stays in the same 'hand']. Shield boss to a longsword [or the reverse] at the very least means transferring the weapon to another hand.

Got you. Then I'm on the same page; I can't see a weapon without the Attached weapon property, well, staying attached, and figure it would either drop to the ground, or you'd wind up with it in your other hand, and then need to spend the time to reattach it again afterward. I do agree that shifting from attached thing to attached thing shouldn't cause the weapon to fall, if for no other reason than it feels bad and doesn't really add anything to the game.

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