GM Labyrinth |

Anyone want to go fight a Dragon??
Provided there's enough interest, I'll post a proper recruitment, looking for 5-6 players/characters. It's a 1st through 7th-8th level run.
Here's the Player Guide I'll be using: The Dragon's Demand Player's Guide
I didn't create it, a person on these boards called LichLoved did and they did a fantastic job on it...so we're gonna give him credit, and take advantage of our good fortune and use it.
Rough sketch of Character creation:
15 pt attribute buy
All core and advanced classes allowed, with the following exceptions: alchemist, summoner, vigilante.
Only core races allowed.
2 Traits, one must be a game specific trait.
Full hit points at first level, and rolled or half hit dice per/level after that.

Grumbaki |

Name: Aenarius
Race: Half-Elf Dragon-Blooded Elf
- Dragon Soul (4 RP): Some half-elves have forsaken a part of their lineage by embracing a more distant connection to dragons. Half-elves with this trait choose to count as either elves or humans for any effect regarding race. Additionally, half-elves with this trait also count as dragons for the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger’s favored enemy and bane weapons, but not for prerequisites), and gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear, sleep and paralysis effects. This trait replaces adaptability, elf blood, and elven immunities.
* Blended View: Characters with this trait keep their low-light vision but also gain darkvision to a distance of 60 feet. Half-elves can take this trait in place of multitalented.
* Keen Senses: +2 Perception
* Dragon Foe: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC against creatures with the dragon type and a +2 trait bonus on Reflex saves against breath weapon attacks.
* Drake Anatomist: You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls against creatures with the dragon creature type, and a +2 trait bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks to identify dragons and their special powers and vulnerabilities
Class: Primalist Draconic Bloodrager (if allowed as an advanced class) then Dragon Disciple
If the above is allowed I’ll writeup the background and stats

GM Labyrinth |

It looks like you're not terribly active on these forums (which is fine), but I'm curious what your GMing experience is like (PbP or otherwise). Thanks!
Ok, here goes:
I've been table top role-playing since I was 13 years old. I'm in my 50's now, and teaching my kids to game. I've run a long term (3+ years) pbp game for my college friends from back in the day in 3.5 D&D and both Marvel Supers (FASERIP) and pathfinder on table top.I've played everything from all the various D&D editions to ShadowRun and d6 Star Wars.
I recently started playing 5e D&D on Discord with some friends, and that gave me the itch to play and/or run something here.
I figured if I wanted to play, it would only be fair to offer to run something as well. I considered 5e, but since this is a Pathfinder site...
My style is best described as "Heroic Fun" I think. No evil characters, but not requiring goody goodies, either. Humor is encouraged, but keeping in mind that adventuring can be horrific and dangerous at times.
Players have to come up with reasons to have their characters hang with the party and for them to work together. And if you want to try and convince the GM to allow something outrageous, fully expect NPCs to have a chance to do likewise and gain the same advantages you do.
I think that's about it. Anything else?
Edit: Is there something else at 1st level that people would rather I run? In either Pathfinder or 5e?

Rotolutundro |

Ire of the Storm or The Godsmouth Heresy would both be interesting (mainly due to the settings, I feel like they offer a lot of opportunities - though I'm unsure if the latter can be run without PFS knowledge... and I'll take hexcrawl over dungeoncrawl any day), but dot for now!
(To clarify, I have zero PFS knowledge, hahaha.)