You wake up in this situation what do you?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Scarab Sages

Just another curiosity post because of an old campaign that popped into my head and I'm curious how our in character reactions would differ from a real persons (we explored the manor). You wake up in a creepy victorian/gothic style manor with no memory of how you get there. Looking out the windows you can just make out woods heavily shrouded in fog that rapidly obscures any distance vision although you can make out the occasional movement though you can't tell whether its a branch shifting or something moving out there.

Start panicking, find a weapon and hide in somewhere that is less creepy until decide to explore thr manor (due to hunger or something is coming or whatever reason)


Dark Archive

Use the opportunity to start life over with no attachments.

Run into the woods and embrace my feral side, casting of the shackles of man and civilization.

So I guess use the opportunity to become the druid I never new I wanted to be

Do I have standard equipment, or only my clothes? If I have standard equipment, then I have my pocket knives, and proceed throughout the mansion to see if I can find supplies to survive out in the woods with. A compass, a flashlight, maybe a better weapon, and if possible, something to store water in, and if anything looks safe to eat, food.

If I don't have standard equipment, then I'd probably do the same, but this time, I'm prioritizing finding anything sturdy enough to be used as a weapon, regardless of how great of a weapon it may be. Once I find a weapon, I'll still keep a look out for a better weapon, but I'll mostly be looking for the other stuff.

Either way, I'll leave once I feel comfortable with the supplies I acquired. Climb a tree and see if I can see any civilization nearby, then head to it if I do see one, or if not, then head due north. If I hear any river nearby, I'll head to it and follow it downstream, as humans will likely settle near the river, otherwise, continue till I'm out of the forest.

I don't know what I'd do from then on though, as I'm starting to get to too many alternate situations. Plus I'd have to figure out what I'd do if I can't find supplies in the mansion.

I used to know how to make a simple compass with a cup of water and a stick(?) (maybe made of metal?), but I don't remember the process now, unfortunately. I might be able to figure it out if I try hard enough, but no guarantees there.

I do not know how to make a torch nor lantern, so I'd have to travel during the day only. I'd also need to prioritize finding a source of water if I don't see an end to the forest soon while occasionally climbing trees, even if only to find something I can hunt, as I do not know at all what berries, nuts, etc. are safe to eat.

I don't give myself good odds of survival though, as I'm a bit overweight right now.

My first thought is to look for anything written down and check what I am carrying on me. I have a serious shortage of information. From that point I would work my way out from where I woke up. Even though outside seems dangerous I would need to find out if I’m locked inside or if it’s locked outside.

Exploring the manor sounds like the only logical thing to do. Everything you need (food, water, equipment, information, safety) is more likely to be found indoors than out in the unknown woods.

With so little info, I’d be pessimistic about finding safe food and water inside the manor. I’d look of course, but I’d expect to find a person inside the manor before being able to find food and drink.

First, we split up to cover more ground...
Wait? We're alone... okay then.

I'd procure a weapon, explore the manor without calling out (since this is a creepy place), try and find a phone or clue to where I am or who brought me here (pictures, notes, maps).

Check the time of day after making a relatively thorough search (without going into basements or attics without good reason, and hearing noises is not). If I feel unsafe or the day seems long enough, I head out and probably go out the gate since there's likely a road or path to the manor and follow it looking for a more traveled road, but I'd also likely hide if I heard a vehicle approaching before I got to an obviously well-traveled road, in case it was someone I didn't want to meet.

Otherwise, following a stream or water source downriver is the next best choice.

Scarab Sages

Reksew_Trebla wrote:
Do I have standard equipment, or only my clothes?

From what I recall we had only the clothes on our backs but that was more of a we were just grabbed from our daily lives at some point so we weren't going to be wallking around fully armed and amoured with a backpack of gear. So I'd say you'd have whatever you normally carry around on a daily basis. No camping in the woods type of equipping or specially gearing up but if your the type of guy to carry a swiss army knife/leatherman around on a daily basis you'd have that.

Did I wake up alone, or am I with other people? Do I know them? Am I/we in any way restrained?

Depending on those answers, I'm looking around to assess the space I'm in. Seeing if I can detect any observation equipment monitoring me. If I seem somewhat safe/secure in my immediate surroundings. I'm stripping down and checking every bit of my clothes, possessions, and body for any damage, marks, scars, tattoos, or evidence of implants. Any sign of how I was abducted and rendered unconscious.

After, I'm seeing if I still have my phone. Does it work? Do I have a signal. Then I'm going to scout for useful items in the room. Going outside will depend very much on if I can find a weapon and the time of day. I'm not going out unless there is a wide lawn/open space with clear 360 sightlines, and enough daylight to give me time to access my circumstances. I don't trust this darn house, but I don't trust the foggy woods either.

Any transit from my original waking point to the outside is conducted on a slow and cautious search of each room I pass through. I don't poke around in any dark areas unless I can properly illuminate them. Doors or cabinets and under furniture are swept under with a broom or something longer, or given a wide berth.

Grand Lodge

I would find a good book in the library and some icecream in the manor kitchen before lighting up the fireplace and move the big comfortable armchair in front.
Never skip a good opportunity for some cozy alone time…

Alternatively, I grab all the chemical solvents and flammables and prepare to light the entire building on fire. Dousing it with accelerants and laughing and screaming at anyone watching or monitoring me that I won't be taken!

Then, I step out on the front yard and light it all up, possibly with that scrap of paper I had in my pocket, the one with the note I had written to myself on the other side; telling me that I own the mansion, am suffering amnesia, and that my caretaker went to the pharmacy and would be back in an hour, don't panic.

Well, that killed 10 minutes, what to do for the next 50 or so? Maybe think of a Pathfinder solo adventure where the hero wakes up alone in a strange mansion.

Scarab Sages

Sysryke wrote:

Did I wake up alone, or am I with other people? Do I know them? Am I/we in any way restrained?

Depending on those answers, I'm looking around to assess the space I'm in. Seeing if I can detect any observation equipment monitoring me. If I seem somewhat safe/secure in my immediate surroundings. I'm stripping down and checking every bit of my clothes, possessions, and body for any damage, marks, scars, tattoos, or evidence of implants. Any sign of how I was abducted and rendered unconscious.

After, I'm seeing if I still have my phone. Does it work? Do I have a signal. Then I'm going to scout for useful items in the room. Going outside will depend very much on if I can find a weapon and the time of day. I'm not going out unless there is a wide lawn/open space with clear 360 sightlines, and enough daylight to give me time to access my circumstances. I don't trust this darn house, but I don't trust the foggy woods either.

Any transit from my original waking point to the outside is conducted on a slow and cautious search of each room I pass through. I don't poke around in any dark areas unless I can properly illuminate them. Doors or cabinets and under furniture are swept under with a broom or something longer, or given a wide berth.

Again going by what the GM did with us . .

1) Did I wake up alone, or am I with other people? We were with the ohter party members but for this thread I'd say . . . answer for alone.

2) Do I know them? We didn't know each other and since saying "Your with the other people in this thread" would be too complicated its just you.

3) Am I/we in any way restrained? No, no restraints free to go where you want and do what you want.

With the above in mind . . .

1) No equipment, its a victorian manor room i.e. no technology.

2) No sign of any implants or how you were rendered unconcious.

3) Assuming your like most people, you have your phone but no service even on the emergency systems.

3) Plenty of weapons around at least of the heavy blunt object variety, probably knives in the kitchen though we ran into a huge golem that dropped us down a chute into dungeons trying to get there. Apparently we missed seeing it because of the poor lighting (We argued this which is probably part of why the adventure derailed before we explored the whole mansion).

4) Definately not enough vision in the fog I'd say. You do have 360 degree vision but only for maybe 6 meters and that's hardly clear. Things get blurry within 3 if that.

It’s not your house, you’re trespassing and need to leave. So go outside and follow the driveway out to the main road and walk back to town.
Hopefully at some point you’ll get cell service.

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