Captain Kale |

Caravan leader, you say? I have just the man for the job! Spent many a year ferrying goods through the River Kingdoms along the Sellen River. But a feud with the cult of Gyronna convinced him that trading his barge for a set of wagons and moving his business further south would be beneficial to his health and his prospects for reaching old age.

Lanliss Endarro |

There's two issues with an 8 person party for PbP. One, obviously, is that it's a lot for one GM to handle. I like that you're acknowledging that, and you have a plan for adjusting after a trial period.
The second issue is that with 8 characters, some are bound to be eclipsed by others. Sometimes it's personalities, sometimes it's due to posting frequency, and sometimes it's due to the time of day some players have available to post. (I can think of one anecdote in years past where the GM would make a post, nearly all of the party responded to and often resolved whatever the GM posted, and then the final player -- who lived in a much different time zone -- would log on to play to find there wasn't much for them to do.)
I'm willing to give an 8 player party a shot, but I do anticipate having to navigate some of what I described above.

Djack Nymball |

I'm New York EST GMT-5, I believe.
I try to give folks a chance to post, base my posting on the "flow" of posts. Certainly not a science.
Also, I try to keep my posts relatively short so as not to confuse or entangle others' actions.
Description/RP - fair amount, but to over long (by my standards :)
Clarifying OOC - if/as needed.

GM Plastic Dragon |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

I know, I know. * sheepish grin *
You were correct, and Real Life did indeed swallow me up over the last three days, Adam.
Sunday was my daughter's 16th birthday.
Sunday night into Monday we all got sick with headcolds. (Me too) Doctor appointment was necessary for my youngest.
Also yesterday we discovered my beagle had injured her paw on the bottom of our fence while chasing a squirrel, and tore a quarter-sized chuck out of the top.
A vet visit was required to the Animal Hospital today. (Only place we could get in)
Altogether, not fun.
My apologies. Life happens...this time, too quickly. lol
I'll have a post up tomorrow, guys to open the Game thread. I appreciate your patience.

Djack Nymball |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

@GM Plastic Dragon - also, if you've under estimated the time required to prep or run a game (it happens). Or if stuff just keeps coming up (it happens).
No one (reasonable) will fault you for delaying or postponing indefinitely. Don't give in to perceived or real peer pressure.
RL comes first, Self, family (including pets), work, etc... You'll do your best GM'ing when you're in a healthy less-stressed space.
Scratch the itch by joining a game. It takes less time and you can get ideas for (the mechanics of) running your own game.
ps: I know I'm not winning popularity contests but, we should always be supportive and understanding.

GM Plastic Dragon |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Everything and everyone is good, and I truly appreciate the comments.
It was an entirely too busy week, one of those wtf is going on? kinda things.
And yes, I did under-estimate the time involved in launching this, especially with the mash-up I'm planning. So there's that. I've run games before, tabletop, but it's much different for this.
I am slightly postponing the start of the game, but just to get my bearings, but not indefinitely. I'll take a day or so, and then give you guys a timeframe. At the moment, I'd say two weeks. I'll update if needed.
Thanks for being understanding.

Lanliss Endarro |

I am slightly postponing the start of the game, but just to get my bearings, but not indefinitely. I'll take a day or so, and then give you guys a timeframe. At the moment, I'd say two weeks. I'll update if needed.
Thanks for being understanding.
Hey GM, hope things are going well. Any update?