
Dagny Lyght's page

85 posts. Alias of Critzible.

Full Name

Dagny Lyght




Cleric 1st|HP:9/9|NG|AC:17| F:+2 R:+1 W:+6|Init:+1 Prcpt +4|Ch:1d6,5/day |Domains; Fire,Sun

About Dagny Lyght

Dagny Lyght
Neutral Good
Human female Age:19 Hgt:5' Wgt:95lb.
Hair: pale blonde Eyes:Ucy blue Deity: Sarenrae
Cleric 1st
Init:+1 Perception +4
HP: 9
Fort: +2[+2+0]Reflex:+1[+0+1] Will:+6[+2+4]
Speed:20ft (30ft)
Str:14 Dex 12 Con 10 Int 14 Wis 18 Cha14
BAB: +0
CMB: +2[+0+2]

Scimitar(15gp*)+2 1d6+3 crit 18-20/x2 8lbs. Slashing
Morningstar (8gp)+2 1d8+2 crit x3 5lbs. Bludgeoning/Piercing
Dagger(x2)(4gp)+2 1d4+2 19-20/x2 10ft 1lb Piercing
Sling +1 1d4+2 x2 50ft
Ammo: Sling bullets(20) 2 lbs
Feat:, Selective Channeling*,Fast Learner
Diplomacy +6 [1+2+3]
Disable Device
Handle Animal
Heal* +8[1+4+3]
Profession(cook) +8[1+4+3]
Sense Motive +8[1+4+3]
Spellcraft* +6[1+2+3]
Background Skills:Craft(Calligraphy), Profession(Cook)
Languages; Common,Halfling
Sacred Touch: as a standard action can with a touch stablize a dying creature.
Student of Faith:
While you have personally dedicated your life to a single deity, you study all religions and mortal faiths. Upon hearing that the town of Sandpoint recently completed a cathedral dedicated to the six deities most popular in the area, you had to see the place for yourself, and have arrived in time for the consecration of this holy edifice. Because of your strong faith and broad range of study, you cast all cure spells at +1 caster level, and whenever you channel energy, you gain a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of your channeled energy.

Special Abilities:
Weapons and Armor Proficiency: A leric proficient with all simpleweapons and scimitar. All Shields, light and medium armor

Channel Energy: 1d6 DC 13 5/day
Spontaneous Casting: Positive energy

Fire Bolt:7/day ranged rouch attack 1d6 +1(+1 every two cleric levels) fire damage

Sun: Anytime Dagny uses her channel ability to harm undead, the cleric adds level damage to the Undead and undead do not get to use thier tyrn resistance to rhe save.

Scale Mail:(50gp)+4[ Max Dex +4,Penalty -2, 20% spell failure, Speed 30ft.,20lbs)
Heavy Wooden Shield(7gp)+2{-2,15%,10lbs)

Explorer’s Outfit: This set of clothes is for someone who never knows what to expect. It includes sturdy boots, leather breeches or a skirt, a belt, a shirt (perhaps with a vest or jacket), gloves, and a cloak. Rather than a leather skirt, a leather overtunic may be worn over a cloth skirt. The clothes have plenty of pockets (especially the cloak). The outfit also includes any extra accessories you might need, such as a scarf or a wide-brimmed hat.

Grooming Kit:1gp,2lbs. This pouch of toiletries includes a comb, scissors, a nail file, a sponge, a hairbrush, a miniature mirror, soap, a chewing stick, and tooth powder.

Cooking kit

Clerics Kit 16gp backpack,bedroll, beltpouch,candles(10l, cheap holy text,flint amd steel,iorn pot, mess kit, rope, soap,spell conponent pouch,torches (10), Rations(5 days), Wooden Holy Symbol


Gp- 12
sp- 5

0-(3) Light, Mending, Guidance
1- Divine Favor(x2), Shield of Faith, Firebelly,Sanctuary,D- Burning Hands


Dagny grew up the only child of Dagit in the thorp of Pea. Dagit owned the Inn and His Sister owned the Tavern. Aunt Elda was a mother figure to Dagny as well as her own 4 kids while Dagit acted as the father. Dagnys mother left shortly after she was born.

Dagnys mother is a mystery though she does know that she was a great cleric with healing, but after the town was threatened by bandits and nearly killed Dagit. She snapped and wiped out the bandits. She did not return but her father has a letter that explains it all. In fact he has 6, and maybe more. Dagny was never allowed to read them but she does know she is still alive and the letters often cause her father to cry in pain.

Dagny worked in her Fathers Kitchen. Much of her fundamentals learned from him and the halfling chef Monte. In fact it was her tutelage in cooking that helped led her to become a clerics apprentice.

At 8 Dagny became apprentice ro a half elf Cleric of Sarenrae Ferro Sunblossom. A handsome and roguish preist who took Dagny ad payment for a huge gambling debt Dagit had occured during the Adventuring group the Lucky Lads stay.

Foe rhe next nine years Dagny was his apprentice. She served Ferro often as a cook and chire girl, as well as eventually aidinf the rest of the eight man party. She lesrned to read and write Common, Elven and Halfling. She even slowly learned the ways of Sarenrae through the tutelage and enthusaism of Master Ferro.

Dagny heard Sarenrae at a young age, age 12 ans was ecstatic. This was ontop of her unique ability to stablize the dying with but a touch. Though Master Ferro told her the basics of Sarenrae and being a cleric, he also i stilled natural healing methods should be applied first then spells as they are rescources. He also told her to charge whe. She can for healing. Sarenraes teaches though tempered her to see that you shoukd heal all you can and seek to redeem others first. The parallel made Dagny forge her own ethics chatging those something. If not coins, ingridents, a meal or even a roof for the night. Though she still healed in emergency situations or for her companions.

Granted her time with rhe Lucky Lads wasnt withour hardship. Her first issue was once she stole a cookbook from a Taverns kitchen and the young girl was punished by working for the remander of the Groups stay, after Ferro paid the fine to avoid Dagny getting flogged. The second was around age 12 after hearing Sarenraes voice, she was left in an underground cavern by the Lads as they explored and hunted a deadly beast. She felr abandoned and alone in the dark. This instilled a primal fear that she carries to this day. Especially after having to kill a few tmrats bats and bugs.

Thankfully Dagny jas grown into a hearty traveller and compotent spellcaster who can read people well as she seeks to avoid being taken advantage of. Her gear was mostly salvaged and altered from the Lucky Lads adventures or bought with her share of rhe loot. She cherishes theae items as a reminder of the group and her master. Especially the well read and marked The Birth of Light and Truth, which she reads everyday.

At 17 she left the group becoming a full cleric after defeatinf some skeletons in a small crypt on her own. Thus Ferro gave her a scimitar, slapped her in the face to remind her she is to forgive and sent her on her way. So on that she left and became a simple caravan cook and healer for the last year seeking to learn how to get better at both. This lead her to travel the Old Road as she left the caravan to persue some strange word about a fruit, she just has to see and take notes on. Maybe just maybe she can find away to use it in a recipe

Dagny is a lithe young woman of 19 with pale yellow hair and pale blue eyes. Her clothes are well taken care of in shades of blue and white. These garments are under a dull gray steel scale mail with some scuffs, nicks and dents. It has clearly been refitted to her tiny frame. The helmet is in a similar state and is decorated wirh blue and white ribbons. These match her braided hair with blue and white ribbons in them. Most of her gear is travel worn but still in good repair. Dagnys shield is round and has a painted sun on it. Her weapons are second or more hand. The Morningstar clearly is made by goblin hands, the daggers are older with styles a decade out of date, the scimitar is probably the best blade with a small embellishment on the pommel of an etched Sarenrae in it. After that her hands are rough and often bare small cuts and burns. Her cooking gear is often well used tjough clean and maintained.

Dagny was an adventring priests apprentice. She cooked food, maintained gear and the camp for her master while she learned about Sarenrae. Still even as a world traveller she is a bit naive as her first passion is cooking! She wants to experience and cook all the possible dishes and meals she can with a variety of ingredients. She believes she can redeem even the most vile villian with food and compassion. Though naive she learned to read people well and has learned ro orate the many gables and legends of Sarenrae. Dagny serves others first making plates, mending gear and whatnot as she had for over a decade. She also has issues with darkness and abandonment form a precious excursion underground. So she will cast light or light a candle when ever she can.

Though warm, humble and compassionate, she was taught spells are rescources, heal with tentitures and thread first ans spells second. Charge a small amout when you can unless its an emergency. She also learned to fight to protect not for vengence or the fun of it. Practice the art of swordfighting but remember a well spoken speech can turn rhe tide better than a blade can. Ans always make sure to promote Sarenrae positively