Official Pathfinder Magazine?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Liberty's Edge


I want to know if there is any official Pathfinder Magazine, like Dungeons Magazine and Dragon Magazine for D&D.

Thanks for your answers and your time.


but Kobold Quarterly has a lot of good stuff

and there is Wayfinder

Isn't this like Buffy fans calling for a new movie, when the whole thing started from a movie anyway? As I remember Paizo started in the pages of Dungeon and Dragon Magazines. KQ and Wayfinder are doing what you are asking for. Have you looked into them?

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Er, what about Pathfinder? You know, the monthly publication with a big adventure in it, a bit of fiction, a bestiary, and usually an article on a god/location/culture/historical?

I do see what you mean, though. I used to play 1st/2nd edition D&D with core books and Dragon and Dungeon content, only. No splat books. That was very fun, and very customizable.

Liberty's Edge

I'd sure be interested in subscribing if Paizo ever decided to publish a Pathfinder only magazine on the order of the old Dragon Magazine. I know that there are others in my gaming group who would also be interested. Maybe they could try it out on a every second or third month basis to see what kind of a response they would get. I do think there would be a market for this.

Mr. Fishy would bite. A $8 magazine easier to pay for and not every one runs APs.

The Exchange Kobold Press

And FWIW, many of the articles in Kobold Quarterly are written for Pathfinder by Paizo staff, reviewed by Paizo staff and (in some cases) given legal permission to use the Golarion setting.

It's as close to official as we can manage without actually working in the Paizo offices.

The Exchange

Mr.Fishy wrote:
Mr. Fishy would bite. A $8 magazine easier to pay for and not every one runs APs.

I subscribe to the AP and I enjoy reading them, but I have yet to run any. I just canceled my DDi subscription and would be more than happy to move that money here for a monthly print magazine.

Paizo is putting out a ton of Golarion specific material, and while all of it is good, I want some generic material, commentary, letters page, Q&A page, Editorial, etc. like I used to get in Dragon. Something I can carry around with me, read where I want and put on a shelf to reference when needed.

The Exchange

Wolfgang Baur wrote:

And FWIW, many of the articles in Kobold Quarterly are written for Pathfinder by Paizo staff, reviewed by Paizo staff and (in some cases) given legal permission to use the Golarion setting.

It's as close to official as we can manage without actually working in the Paizo offices.

KQ is great and I buy it, though i have no use for the 4e material, but it isn't monthly.

Capt. D wrote:

KQ is great and I buy it, though i have no use for the 4e material, but it isn't monthly.

Mr. Fishy seconds the captain...Does Mr. Fishy know you? Do work for the Gordons Fishman?!?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Wolfgang Baur wrote:

And FWIW, many of the articles in Kobold Quarterly are written for Pathfinder by Paizo staff, reviewed by Paizo staff and (in some cases) given legal permission to use the Golarion setting.

It's as close to official as we can manage without actually working in the Paizo offices.

Also FWIW (and as a KQ subscriber) Wolfgang and Co. put out an awesome magazine each quarter, and sure its true that it has other game content besides PF... but so did Dragon Magazine "back in the day" and I may not have run game X or game Y, but those articles were a good read and might inspire "conversion" for a game I was running.

Same is true today with KQ. Like it says on the magazine covers, "The Switzerland of the Edition Wars" they really are, and they do an AWESOME job each and every issue.

The current issue, the fall issue, is FANTASTIC! I plan on reworking a crucial NPC from the Kingmaker AP with new rules/game mechanics that are introduced in this very issue.

The Old Beldame, I plan on reworking her as a green bloodline sorcerer instead of a fey bloodline... heh heh too many of those in the AP as it is. :P But seriously, that was a really neat piece of work, and I might rework the dryad druid too with one of the new domains (I'd say Forest). Okay enough "spoilering" back to... whatever

The Old Margreve looks and sounds interesting as well. May have to pick that up. And since I recently bought the PFRPG Freeport Companion, maybe I'll look into Open Design's Freeport project... title escapes me at the moment. [/end thread jack]


The Exchange Kobold Press

True. There's a chance we could go bi-monthly with a couple hundred more subscribers, but small magazines have an uphill fight. The support by Paizo for the magazine has been incredible, and I work like crazy to get subscribers the most value for their money.

I oughta start a "Make Kobold Go Bi-Monthly" campaign.

EDIT TO ADD: Minstrel Worm, the Tales of the Old Margreve book is an AWESOME companion to Kingmaker. The PDF will be ready soon, and print shortly after that.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Wolfgang Baur wrote:
I oughta start a "Make Kobold Go Bi-Monthly" campaign.

Do it! You'd get me.

On another note: do you sell to stores? I've been getting my store's copies through a distributor, and the delay makes me sad...

The Exchange

Wolfgang Baur wrote:

True. There's a chance we could go bi-monthly with a couple hundred more subscribers, but small magazines have an uphill fight. The support by Paizo for the magazine has been incredible, and I work like crazy to get subscribers the most value for their money.

I oughta start a "Make Kobold Go Bi-Monthly" campaign.

EDIT TO ADD: Minstrel Worm, the Tales of the Old Margreve book is an AWESOME companion to Kingmaker. The PDF will be ready soon, and print shortly after that.

If KQ went Bi-Monthly and remained reasonably priced, I'd subscribe instead of waiting till the issue is released, like I do now. I'd definitely be onboard with bi-monthly. As a matter of fact I'll put my money where my mouth is (I did just cancel my DDi subscription to I got a few bucks to burn) subscribe if it will definitely help. Well maybe not until the next issue, I already have the current one and I don't need two of them.

I'm just curious, since KQ isn't Pathfinder specific, though that would be nice, are there any chances of seeing articles for games like Hollow Earth Expedition, Starblazer Adventures, Conspiracy X or Truth and Justice?
Most of these games are great and it would be nice to have professionally done material for them, since they often get little attention outside of blogs/fansites or the company websites. Even then it is either low quality or appears with no regularity.

I don't want system generic material. Free time is a luxury I have little of these days, so I don't want to take the time to adapt something to my game. I want ready to use. If I see a system generic label on material/article I don't even read it anymore. I can get that on several thousand websites for free and I think Knights of the Dinner table still has it in their book. (Like I said I don't read it so I can't remember if it is in there or not.)I pay to get material I can use.

That sounded awful demanding didn't it? I didn't mean to, I was just stating the fact I don't have a use for non-system specific material.

If there have been articles about non-Pathfinder, non-D&D items I must have missed that issue and if it is in the current issue, I just got it and have not had a chance to print it out and read it.

Dark Archive

Mr.Fishy wrote:
Mr. Fishy would bite. A $8 magazine easier to pay for and not every one runs APs.

Here-here, second, and +1

The Exchange

Mr.Fishy wrote:

Mr. Fishy seconds the captain...Does Mr. Fishy know you? Do work for the Gordons Fishman?!?

That depends, are you the Fishy that ate my pumpkin pie, left the cool-whip on the counter, and then drank all of my Jones colas?

No, wait, that was my brother-in-law. He just smells fishy.

Liberty's Edge

Drogon wrote:

Er, what about Pathfinder? You know, the monthly publication with a big adventure in it, a bit of fiction, a bestiary, and usually an article on a god/location/culture/historical?

I do see what you mean, though. I used to play 1st/2nd edition D&D with core books and Dragon and Dungeon content, only. No splat books. That was very fun, and very customizable.

I don't get you. Is there a monthly publication with all that? Do you mean Pathfinder products instead of a magazine? I'm pretty new to Pathfinder related things, I'll believe almost anything, so "sarcasm" could make me happy... for no reason ^_^.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Ravenath wrote:
I don't get you. Is there a monthly publication with all that? Do you mean Pathfinder products instead of a magazine? I'm pretty new to Pathfinder related things, I'll believe almost anything, so "sarcasm" could make me happy... for no reason ^_^.

There are a number of Pathfinder products that release on monthly or bi-monthly schedules. Our flagship product is Pathfinder Adventure Path, which includes an adventure, several support articles on deities, monster ecologies, nation or city gazetteers, etc, as well as fiction and new monsters. These come out every month. We do two adventure paths each year. These include a little bit of everything Pathfinder is, from our adventures to our world, to our incredible fiction. Check it out!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Wolfgang Baur wrote:

True. There's a chance we could go bi-monthly with a couple hundred more subscribers, but small magazines have an uphill fight. The support by Paizo for the magazine has been incredible, and I work like crazy to get subscribers the most value for their money.

I oughta start a "Make Kobold Go Bi-Monthly" campaign.

EDIT TO ADD: Minstrel Worm, the Tales of the Old Margreve book is an AWESOME companion to Kingmaker. The PDF will be ready soon, and print shortly after that.

Ooh... thanks for that Wolfgang. I'll definitely keep an eye out for it.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

Ravenath wrote:
I don't get you. Is there a monthly publication with all that? Do you mean Pathfinder products instead of a magazine? I'm pretty new to Pathfinder related things, I'll believe almost anything, so "sarcasm" could make me happy... for no reason ^_^.

Sorry. Sarcasm tends to escape my control before sense has the chance to hit me in the head. I see people in my store every day who don't know the scope of Paizo's product lines, so I should know better than to assume you do.

To be more helpful:

Mark has the right of it (he's a Paizo employee, he should know). To expand on it, a little:

Paizo used to publish Dragon Magazine and Dungeon Magazine. When Wizards of the Coast switch to 4th Edition, Paizo did not continue their license to publish D&D materials. Instead, they began publishing a monthly publication called Pathfinder Adventure Path. It has everything that Mark listed in his post, kind of rolling the two magazines that Paizo used to publish into one. It is published monthly, and qualifies as an "official" magazine, in my mind (except the not-magazine price tag, I suppose - but keep in mind that it's really a combination of those previous periodicals, and has no advertising revenue coming from outside companies to offset its production cost). Issue #1 (the start of the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path) is now a collectible worth in the neighborhood of $100, and they are currently on issue #39, part 3 in the Serpent's Skull Adventure Path.

Hope that helps more. Otherwise, the other posters are correct: Kobold Quarterly comes closest to what you are looking for.

The Exchange Kobold Press

Drogon, KQ goes through distributors and major online stores only, because of the volume requirements. If we sold to hundreds of individual hobby stores.... Well, we'd be a distributor, not a publisher.

Capt. D wrote:
I'm just curious, since KQ isn't Pathfinder specific, though that would be nice, are there any chances of seeing articles for games like Hollow Earth Expedition, Starblazer Adventures, Conspiracy X or Truth and Justice?

KQ has published material for the Dragon Age RPG from Green Ronin and the Call of Cthulhu system from Chaosium, and we will consider any fantasy, dark fantasy, horror, or steampunk submission (no SF, superhero, or modern games). We have had a couple submissions for other systems, but have never had a query for any of the games you mention. No queries means nothing to publish...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Wolfgang Baur wrote:

True. There's a chance we could go bi-monthly with a couple hundred more subscribers, but small magazines have an uphill fight. The support by Paizo for the magazine has been incredible, and I work like crazy to get subscribers the most value for their money.

I oughta start a "Make Kobold Go Bi-Monthly" campaign.

What could also be a slightly awesomeness piece for you, is (even if you didn't go to bi-monthly) is if you and the fine folks here were able to whip up a subscription model to pair with the subscriptions Paizo offered. I know you've got your own, but it might add a few new subscribers too.

Food for thought.

The Exchange

Wolfgang Baur wrote:

KQ has published material for the Dragon Age RPG from Green Ronin and the Call of Cthulhu system from Chaosium, and we will consider any fantasy, dark fantasy, horror, or steampunk submission (no SF, superhero, or modern games). We have had a couple submissions for other systems, but have never had a query for any of the games you mention. No queries means nothing to publish...

Now that I think about it I do remember the Dragon Age article, but I must have missed the CoC article. Since all of the games I mentioned are more modern and sci-fi, I guess I'll never see anything for them. Since I have Pathfinder, most editions of D&D, and more OSR games than I'll ever play I don't really have a reason to buy another fantasy rpg. The ones I have take up enough of my money and time as it is.

Grand Lodge

Ravenath wrote:


I want to know if there is any official Pathfinder Magazine, like Dungeons Magazine and Dragon Magazine for D&D.

Thanks for your answers and your time.

To be honest I feel the Pathfinder Adventure Paths fill this void.

It's got the adventure. It has an article on a god/ess ususally, along with a story and beastiary section....sometimes a preview.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

GarnathFrostmantle wrote:
Ravenath wrote:


I want to know if there is any official Pathfinder Magazine, like Dungeons Magazine and Dragon Magazine for D&D.

Thanks for your answers and your time.

To be honest I feel the Pathfinder Adventure Paths fill this void.

It's got the adventure. It has an article on a god/ess ususally, along with a story and beastiary section....sometimes a preview.

We agree. Though if you're looking for something purely player-oriented, we'd suggest the bimonthly Pathfinder Player Companion.

The Exchange

Don't get me wrong I love the AP. If I didn't I wouldn't subscribe to it. However, I think part of the reason it does not feel the same as Dragon or Dungeon magazine is that it is themed.

With the AP you get 6 months of content that goes with a specific theme. While the content is top notch, as is the norm for Paizo, it lacks the diversity and sense of interactivity of the old monthly Dragon magazine.

Dragon had new and sometimes off the wall material that could be used or was just for amusement, right along side of serious examinations of various aspects of the game. There was a letters page, comics, editorials and the feeling that it was a shared environment.

While I can only speak for myself, the times that I had letters printed in Dragon served to reinforce that I was a part of the community and not just an observer. Being able to interact with Paizo staff here helps with that and is greatly appreciated, but it is still a different experience.

Again while I enjoy reading the AP, it is an adventure/sourcebook with some elements modeled after and/or similar to that of the magazine. However, it is not the same, even if you subscribe to all the various lines, it would not be the same.

I waited impatiently for each issue of Dragon to arrive in the mail and would carry it with me reading it multiple times, trying out the various suggestions, etc., until the next issue would arrive. Then I would do it all over again. Each month brought something completely different and that was why I subscribed as long as I did and, before that, I hit the bookstore each month for the new issue.

KQ is a great mag that I thoroughly enjoy, but the non-monthly schedule leaves me looking for something else until the next issue comes out.
A lot of fans want that monthly "fix", which is why we keep whining for a monthly magazine.

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