Heather 540 |

Basically what the title says. I want to make a character that collects dragons. I know there's a few dragon familiars in the Improved Familiar group. And the drake companion is dragon-like. How else would a character go about collecting dragons?
I specifically want something that will effect the character in a mechanical way, like a familiar. Not just the character having a pet dragon back home that's never seen.

Mysterious Stranger |

Draconic Druid can gain a Drake companion. They can take VMC wizard and improved familiar to gain a dragon themed familiar. Leadership might be able to pick up a dragon themed cohort but will take a hit from having a companion and familiar. This also allows you to assume a draconic form and at higher levels turn into a dragon.

zza ni |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

one of the drake classes that can cast summon monster\nature ally III and above(druid, ranger etc) with the feats to gain an improved familiar (ether vmc or the familiar tree feats) then nabbing the Summon guardian spirit feat (with one of the dragon options there) and topping it with the right leadership feat.
get you drake companion, dragon familiar, spirit dragon familiar & a dragon cohort.
to save on feats this trait will count as iron will for the 'Familiar Bond ' feat (and is more themed for druidic characters). so instead of iron will>familiar bound>improved familiar bound>improved familiar you only need the last 3 feats to gain an improved familiar without a familiar class ability.
a human draconic druid with the trait who retrain their level 3 feat can have it all done by level 7.
you can also have as many Basalt dragon figurine as you can afford.
also. do Kobolds count?

Heather 540 |

That could work. Luckily I'm specifically making this character for a gestalt group so I can take the drake class for one side and a class with a familiar for the other. That way I just need Improved Familiar instead of the whole line to get a familiar.
Kobolds can count, though I don't know how to get one other than Leadership.

zza ni |

ahh but with leadership it's not how you get one it comes with followers ('we love you!').
also if you have the coin you can hire, among other options, a.. :
- Kobold Hireling
- Kobold Valet
- Kobold Footman
- Kobold Doctor along with a Kobold Nurse
- Kobold companion (very discreet)
and last but never least
- Kobold Lawyer (although some might say you're just throwing your money away at this point)

glass |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Draconic Druid can gain a Drake companion. They can take VMC wizard and improved familiar to gain a dragon themed familiar. Leadership might be able to pick up a dragon themed cohort but will take a hit from having a companion and familiar. This also allows you to assume a draconic form and at higher levels turn into a dragon.
And presumably also summon dragons with spells: The good old "aggressive hegemonising ursine draconic swarm"!
EDIT: To possibly be slightly more helpful, there was a Draconic Cohort feat in 3.5 that was like Leadership but got you a better dragon in exchange, IIRC, for ditching the followers. There is also the third-party Dragonrider class that can get you a proper dragon for a companion rather than a drake, albeit with some limitations.
Depending on how your GM feels about 3.5 and third-party content, either or both of those might be worth a look....

Heather 540 |

Ok, I checked with the GMs and was told this house rule:
Regular Leadership is not allowed. We have a different system called Leadership Perks. We get a perk every few levels. We can get regular cohorts from the perks, but they are not allowed in sessions and are only used for downtime activities. But we can use different perks to get an animal companion and then turn it into a monstrous companion. Since dragons are sentient, I will have to apply for one to be allowed through the animal companion route. (Kobalds are definitely not allowed.)
Someone in my group also suggested Animate Dead. I can use that to get both a skeleton and a zombie dragon. It's an evil spell though, which means I'd have to go either Evil or Neutral. So a tidepool dragon would be the better choice for the familiar than the faerie dragon would be, since you need to be within one step of the improved familiar's alignment.
A shaman gets Animated Dead at level 5 and has a drake archetype. So I think I'll take that as one side of the gestalt.

Coidzor |
Have you discussed Draconic Ally and possibly making it Permanent either through Permanency or researching a higher level version of the spell?

Heather 540 |

I'll ask but I don't think it would be allowed.
Anyway, I'm thinking of going with the wildblooded sorcerer using the Empyreal bloodline. It switches the casting from Cha to Wis, which matches with the Shaman on the other side of the gestalt. And since Empyreal is from the Celestial bloodline, I can give up the first bloodline power to get a bloodline familiar.
So that covers the drake companion, the familiar, and the undead dragons with those two classes.
Now for feats. Improved Familiar to get the Tidepool Dragon is at level 7. The first bloodline feat is also at level 7. I think I'll grab Extend Spell. Not sure what else to take aside from those.

Heather 540 |

I have found a new way to get a dragon onto the field with me. Craft Construct to make a clockwork dragon and a dragon golem. That feat does require both Craft Wondrous Items and Craft Magic Arms & Armor. I can take the first one at level 3, the second at level 5. Then Improved Familiar at level 7 and Craft Construct at level 9.
My GM is going to hate me. I'm going to have a drake, a familiar, 2 undead, and 3 constructs. (I can make a steam-powered clockwork dragon and the regular clockwork dragon.) I think I'm going to pass on having a dragon animal companion through Leadership perks. I've got enough on the field now and I can always cast Draconic Ally as a regular spell to get another if I need to.