Melkiador |

To complicate the question, you have slayer talents and thus the ranger combat style. The two handed weapon style isn’t “bad” but it’s not that exciting either. Meanwhile, the sword and shield style can give you feats earlier and easier, like shield master. Basically, you’d be two weapon fighting with your scimitar and light shield.
Something to consider, the nature fang Druid’s lack of wild shape makes their early access to the fey form spell even more tempting. If you go euryale, you get 6 bite attacks to combine with your weapons or….. maybe you go with the natural attack build and take advantage of Fey Form to make it work.

Zepheri |

For me i will go for the scimitar, reason, simple, even if you do 1d6 of damage the critical rate is 18-20 and if you apply a keen effects or put improved critical (scimitar) the critical will become 15-20. Now it's don't matter if you make a critical hit just by archives a critical you already hit the creature whit a normal damage

Melkiador |

For me i will go for the scimitar, reason, simple, even if you do 1d6 of damage the critical rate is 18-20 and if you apply a keen effects or put improved critical (scimitar) the critical will become 15-20. Now it's don't matter if you make a critical hit just by archives a critical you already hit the creature whit a normal damage
Keen is great for either weapon. 15-20/x2 is great, but mathematically about the same as 19-20/x4.

Heather 540 |

Someone on discord said I was a problem player for wanting to make a Drow Noble from the get go instead of using all my feats. Like I was trying to pull something over on my GM. People get upset at the dumbest things.
Anyway, I know full well how good a scimitar is at crit-fishing. I had a Hunter build that made very good use of it. I'm actually leaning towards the scythe because of this. I have several characters with scimitars, including Tamarie, but I've never had one with a scythe.

Heather 540 |

Thanks to the high dex, I can drop it down to a 9 in the point buy and have it still be a 13. So a 20 point buy would work out to:
16 Str, 13 Dex, 14 Con, 12 Int, 16 Wis, and 9 Cha.
I'll probably be needing Power Attack. Weapon Focus is always good. And probably something to boost my animal companion like Evolved Companion to net it an extra attack.
Speaking of animal companions, what should I pick? I've done a boar, a cat, 2 wolves, a horse, and a falcon. I also have a second horse that will be transformed into a griffin next level. Not to mention a leshy and a little flying dino familiar. I want something different for this one.

![]() |

Oh, I know what to use. The dienonychus. It starts with 2 talons and a bite, adding claws and pounce at level 7. Not a bad choice.
Onto the feats. Aside from the obvious Power Attack, what would be some good ones?
up its int to 3, take additional traits for armor expert and any other trait of your choice (i like sacred touch or Chaldira's Luck but YMMV), get demonic style and rhino hide armor
Demonic Style (Combat, Style)
Self-preservation is irrelevant in the face of your fury.Prerequisite(s): Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit(s): While using this style, when you use the charge action, the bonus on your attack roll increases by 1 and you deal 2 additional points of damage with melee attacks made as part of the charge.
Rhino Hide
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Weight 25 lbs.; Price 5,165 gp
This +2 hide armor is made from rhinoceros hide. In addition to granting a +2 enhancement bonus to AC, it has a –1 armor check penalty and deals an additional 2d6 points of damage on any successful charge attack made by the wearer, including a mounted charge.
Armor Expert
Benefit: When you wear armor of any sort, reduce that suit’s armor check penalty by 1, to a minimum check penalty of 0.
Sacred Touch
As a standard action, you may automatically stabilize a dying creature merely by touching it.
Chaldira's Luck
Requirement(s) Chaldira
You found yourself in deep trouble in your youth but stumbled upon an unlikely way out after praying to Chaldira Zuzaristan for luck. Once per day, you can roll twice and take the better result on a skill check.

Heather 540 |

The beauty of a two-handed weapon strength build is that it doesn't require too many feats to be viable. Power Attack and Weapon Focus means one is pretty much good to go, assuming one isn't going for a particular fighting style that would require more feats.
After those two, I think Evolved Companion to grab my dino a tail attack would be decent. Evolved Companion needs a Cha of 13 though. I'll have to go with 16 Str, 12 Dex, 13 Con, 11 Int, 16 Wis, 13 Cha if I want to grab this feat.

Heather 540 |

I don't think I'm going to do summoning with this character. Her younger brother is summon-focused and I don't want to overlap too much.
Druids don't get proficiency with heavy armor and can't wear anything metal. Plus this character is strength based with a two-handed weapon. So no shield, minimum dex, and pretty much stuck with Hide as my best armor. So I'll probably have to take a few defensive feats to keep from being smushed.

Heather 540 |

Ok, I'm coming back to this after working on other characters for a while.
So feats are Power Attack, Weapon Focus, Evolved Companion, and some defensive ones. That Cornugon Smash might be useful. Furious Focus removes the Power Attack penalty for the first attack, which is very handy. Shield of Swings makes me do less damage, but I get +4 shield bonus. Wild Flanking is a teamwork feat, but I think my animal companion can take it. It lets me do extra damage with the risk of doing some damage to my ally.
Does Hurtful let you make an attack if the Intimidation check was from a successful Cornugon Smash?
Accomplished Sneak Attacker increases my sneak attack die. And Seething Hatred doubles my studied target damage but only for one specific creature type.

Heather 540 |

Ok. So I'm thinking this:
Power Attack, Weapon Focus, Cornugon Smash, Hurtful, Wild Flanking, Seething Hatred.
I can use my first two slayer talents to grab Ranger Combat Style feats. I'm thinking the Menacing style to get Intimidating Prowess and Shatter Defenses. I guess I can use the level 10 one for Improved Critical. It's not a huge crit range, but I'll do a lot of damage when I do crit.