PFS Only Goes to 8th-level?

Pathfinder Society


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I've been pouring through all of my PFS scenarios, and I haven't found one yet that goes over 8th-level.

This is truly disappointing as I've just finished building out a potential character concept to 20, and it doesn't really become fully realized until level 10 or so.

Have I missed anything? Does PFS 2e only go to 8th-level? If not, how high does it go? If so, what are our options once we reach the level cap within the PFS scenarios?

4/5 ****

I suspect that's not a wise choice for PFS play, there's vastly more lower level play than higher level play.

For a variety of reasons there basically needs to be a pyramid of lower level scenarios to support higher level ones and there just aren't enough scenarios yet.

That said the following current scenarios allow play above level 8


As for things to do:

All of the PF2 Adventure Paths do give you a levels worth of PFS credit to a character of your choice every time you complete a book (or equivalent). Not PFS play but does still punch your PFS xp punch card.

4/5 ****

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Scenario releases by season:

Season 1:

1-4: 15
1-5: 1 (Play level 5 Iconics, apply credit 1-5)
3-6: 7
5-8: 3

Season 2:

1: 1
1-2: 1
1-4: 7
3-6: 8
5-8: 5
7-8: 1
7-10: 2

Season 3:

1-2: 2
1-4: 8
3-6: 7
5-8: 4
7-10: 1
9-12: 1

*(Does not include bounties, or quests, or sanctioned APs/adventures etc. Just scenarios. Counts specials as a scenario for each tier)*

Has been the release pattern so far, feel free to make your own prediction but mine is an 11-14 in season 7.

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

The Dark Archive adventures go up to level 11, although they *are* in adventure mode, there is nothing preventing you from using a PFS character in them.

And now there are the Kingmaker Companion adventures (Which also has a 10 and an 11).

Dark Archive 4/5 Venture-Captain, Online—VTT

Ravingdork wrote:
Does PFS 2e only go to 8th-level? If not, how high does it go? If so, what are our options once we reach the level cap within the PFS scenarios?

No! Happily the Org Play team have said they can foresee play all the way to 20th level as a possibility in time.

The levels of scenarios typically increase over the years of the campaign, as time goes on and more players have characters that reach the levels where the community can easily support scenarios of 10+ we'll see them being published more often. It took both Pathfinder 1 and Starfinder Society a number of years to get to that stage, whilst a few people may race ahead and cap out characters we need a solid pool of players to reach there before the scenarios can represent that and be useful to a large enough pool of the player base to make publishing more and more of them viable, since there is only a limited number of scenarios published each year.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Ravingdork wrote:
what are our options once we reach the level cap within the PFS scenarios?

Tons of options! I have a Level 11, a Level 10, a Level 9, two Level 8s, and a ton of lower levels.

And I've been taking a break this semester ^_^

If you're planning on building something that doesn't function until 10th, make that your GM Blob. My Magus started at 7th Level that way.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Finland—Turku

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That being said, a character that comes online at lvl 10 and is planned to lvl 20 would probably be best played in something like Fists of the Ruby Phoenix AP that starts at 11. Since majority of society content is currently for levels 1-8 with a few scenarios going up to 10 or above, I would recommend planning society characters in a way that makes them work (or be fun to play) starting at level 2 or 3 latest.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

Retraining and the rebuild boons can help in situations like this, but essentially I agree with my preceding posters, level 10+ play is always going to be rare, and your play opportunities will thus be limited for characters in that level range.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Sounds good!

Pirate Rob wrote:
All of the PF2 Adventure Paths do give you a levels worth of PFS credit to a character of your choice every time you complete a book (or equivalent). Not PFS play but does still punch your PFS xp punch card.

Wait, you mean I can get credit for all the PF 2e Adventure Paths I've done so far, even if not for PFS?

Would I still get double credit for those I GMed for? I've hosted most of Extinction Curse multiple times and have been playing through Agents of Edgewatch for over a year already.

*Dollar Sign Eyes*

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, North Carolina—Central Region

Ravingdork wrote:

Sounds good!

Pirate Rob wrote:
All of the PF2 Adventure Paths do give you a levels worth of PFS credit to a character of your choice every time you complete a book (or equivalent). Not PFS play but does still punch your PFS xp punch card.

Wait, you mean I can get credit for all the PF 2e Adventure Paths I've done so far, even if not for PFS?

Would I still get double credit for those I GMed for? I've hosted most of Extinction Curse multiple times and have been playing through Agents of Edgewatch for over a year already.

*Dollar Sign Eyes*

Good News- You can get chronicles once for playing and once for GMing, yes. You could report GMing runs after the first to count towards your GM table count.

Bad News- Because some themes in Agents of Edgewatch are iffy at best for games likely to be run in public settings, that particular AP (and Blood Lords) are not sanctioned.

2/5 *** Venture-Agent, Texas—Austin

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There's another 7-10 coming out next month.

It's also worth pointing out that the PFS devs have put a much higher focus on repeatable content in PF2 than they did in PF1. So much so that it's entirely possible to make an infinite number of characters and get them to level 5-6. I wouldn't necessarily recommend following this path exactly every time as it's not practical in many cases and you may not want to do the same scenarios over and over. But it does help with allowing play even when you're waiting to play one of your higher level characters.

Level 1:
Beginner's Box 1
Beginner's Box 2
Pathfinder Trials (1)

Level 2:
Intro 1: Second Confirmation (1-2)
Intro 2: United in Purpose (1-2)
Absalom Initiation (1-4)

Level 3:
Lions of Katapesh (1-4)
Tarnbreaker's Trail (1-4)
Lost on the Spirit Road (1-4)

Level 4:
Intro Season 3 (1-4)
Intro Season 4 (1-4)
Any random non-repeatable

Level 5:
Star Crossed Court (3-6)
Crashing Waves (3-6)
Guardians Covenant (3-6)

Level 6:
A Most Wondrous Exchange! (5-8, coming out Dec 2022)

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

cavernshark wrote:

Level 1:
Beginner's Box 1
Beginner's Box 2
Pathfinder Trials (1)

Level 2:
Intro 1: Second Confirmation (1-2)
Intro 2: United in Purpose (1-2)
Absalom Initiation (1-4)

Level 3:
Lions of Katapesh (1-4)
Tarnbreaker's Trail (1-4)
Lost on the Spirit Road (1-4)

Level 4:
Intro Season 3 (1-4)
Intro Season 4 (1-4)
Any random non-repeatable

Level 5:
Star Crossed Court (3-6)
Crashing Waves (3-6)
Guardians Covenant (3-6)

Level 6:
A Most Wondrous Exchange! (5-8, coming out Dec 2022)

Where can I find the chronicle sheet for the bgeinner's boxes?

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Contributor

You can find it here or on The Beginner Box Product Page.

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
You can find it here or on The Beginner Box Product Page.

You know, that was the first place I looked and I apparently glossed right over it.

Another question: Do you know what Beginner's Box 2 is? I can't find anything by that name when I search for it. Are there 2 different adventures as part of the BB?

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

BB has an upper level and a lower level, so you get 2 chronicles. Each counts as a scenario in terms of rewards.

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.
waltero wrote:
BB has an upper level and a lower level, so you get 2 chronicles. Each counts as a scenario in terms of rewards.

Sweet! Since I already own the PDF of the BB I'll run those two for my students.

5/5 *****

Crown of the Kobold King also offers two levels of PFS credit.

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

andreww wrote:
Crown of the Kobold King also offers two levels of PFS credit.

That offers 2 full levels? As in 24 exp? Or do you mean 2 scenarios worth of experience, or 8 exp?

5/5 *****

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
andreww wrote:
Crown of the Kobold King also offers two levels of PFS credit.
That offers 2 full levels? As in 24 exp? Or do you mean 2 scenarios worth of experience, or 8 exp?

Two full levels, 24xp.

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

andreww wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
andreww wrote:
Crown of the Kobold King also offers two levels of PFS credit.
That offers 2 full levels? As in 24 exp? Or do you mean 2 scenarios worth of experience, or 8 exp?
Two full levels, 24xp.

Don't most of the APs that are reportable give a full level per book? I remember that being the case with Rise of the Runelords in 1E.

Horizon Hunters 2/5 ***** Venture-Agent, California—Silicon Valley

Yes, but they are not repeatable. With all the APs out, that's 48ish full levels of credit available. Though APs are not time effective, as it takes a few months per book with regular sessions.

Silver Crusade 1/5 *

Cordell Kintner wrote:
Yes, but they are not repeatable. With all the APs out, that's 48ish full levels of credit available. Though APs are not time effective, as it takes a few months per book with regular sessions.

Are you saying Crown of the Kobold King is repeatable?

5/5 *****

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
andreww wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
andreww wrote:
Crown of the Kobold King also offers two levels of PFS credit.
That offers 2 full levels? As in 24 exp? Or do you mean 2 scenarios worth of experience, or 8 exp?
Two full levels, 24xp.
Don't most of the APs that are reportable give a full level per book? I remember that being the case with Rise of the Runelords in 1E.

Crown is not an AP, its a level 1-6 module. Two levels is on par with what you would get in that time with an AP.

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