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The question I'd have is will it be transplanted into a more traditional D&D setting or remain set in Golarion? Golarion just has a bunch of different base assumptions in its lore than 5e has so there's bound to be some friction there (especially if someone plays something like a warlock).

Poor Wandering One |

I am interested in trying a 5e kingmaker. Interesting to see how much the system change impacts play.
Re the archpaladin. I don't see that much of a lore issue. There is no reason Golrian powers that be can't make Warlocks. After all it's not like the fighters/wizards/clerics et.al are the same between the two systems.
Races should not be too much of an issue. 5E has a good mix and it is pretty easy to adapt a pathfinder race to 5e.
The big issues with moving Kingmaker off Golarian are the nations. KM is pretty political and is strongly based on the River Kingdoms/Stolen Lands. Trying to move this is just asking for needless headaches. I suspect keeping the game on Golarian and just swapping rules would be easiest.
Or maybe I am missing something. What issues do you all see in changing KM to 5E?

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How much is player knowledge of Golarion required to enjoy this? Love 5e, but Golarion never really drew me in (besides Kaer Maga).
Not too much needs to be known for Kingmaker. The River Kingdoms, where it takes place, are pretty much smaller city countries, that the characters will be somehow uniting through the kingdom building rules.
Essentially, taking a lawless land, and creating a kingdom from it.

Poor Wandering One |
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How much is player knowledge of Golarion required to enjoy this? Love 5e, but Golarion never really drew me in (besides Kaer Maga).
There is also the free Kingmaker players guide that should answer a good number of questions. Just be aware that some of the Game info is very Pathfinder related and will likely need to change or disappear when converted to 5e.
Mind you converting the near feat background traits might be a good project while the GM sets things up.