I really want Starfinder Society Field Guide hardcover

Starfinder Society

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

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I get that starfinder staff prefers to keep society in flux in scenarios rather than having book that will get outdated, but I really want book for running starfinder stuff OUTSIDE scenarios and their role in setting :'D

I really want stuff like gazetteer on various starfinder facilities and publicly known stories of various starfinder members. Like come on, can anybody here truly tell who Venture-Captain Arvin actually is? x'D He is like old friend who you know nothing about

(ye could frame the book as "this is our official site, let us introduce ourselves" PR work to recover their reputation x'D like I don't mind if its in universe lore rather than setting neutral all knowing lore, I just want to know more about starfinders)

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 1/5 5/55/5

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

This could be a cool idea! And, one managing creative director is on board, so, I mean, it's not impossible!

I've always wanted to know more about past First Seekers - most of the few we know about, from little tidbits dropped in various scenarios, sound like real characters:
First Seeker Ilyastre - little known, but they have a memorial museum named after them in the Lorespire Complex.

First Seeker Roheas - remembered as a pilot who championed protecting pre-Drift civilizations, and rebuilding the Society's fleet of starships (although rebuilding from what, we don't know.)

First Seeker Lanrah - nearly broke the Society trying to 'solve' the Gap, possibly during a period known to Starfinders as "the Time of Troubles."

First Seeker Lezosk - helped rebuild the Society (possibly after Lanrah?) but also, well, *gestures at The Perplexity*

First Seeker Jadnura - nearly broke the Society trying to explore the Scoured Stars

First Seeker Luwazi Elsebo - rebuilt the Society after Jadnura

...you know, looked at like this, it really paints the First Seekers as an endless procession of "people who gamble the Society on really bad ideas" and "people who pick up the pieces after someone gambled with the Society" XD

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

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Yeah I think it would as a starfinder be nice to be actually able to space google who previous first seekers were :'D

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 1/5 5/55/5

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I was prepping a scenario, and have another previous First Seeker to add to the list (in case this is something myself or others refer back to) (Oh - also - per Scenario 2-14, we know Ilyastre was a female ryphorian; also just noting for reference):

First Seeker Brezzist: host shirren First Seeker during the early 2nd Century A.G. Helped steward the Society's recovery after the Stardust Plague, while also dealing with the Silent War with the Veskarium.

(Continuing the trend of First Seekers either 'wrecking the Society' or 'holding the Society together after that last Big Wrecking' :D)

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

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I wonder if we will find out more about Society's history with Historia-Prime related scenarios hmm...

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5

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In fairness, if one looks at say American Presidents that people generally remember they will be heavily represented by ones who other had major accomplishments, or navigated crises.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

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I mean its not about realism, its about lore hounds not being able to
space google it ;D

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Davor Firetusk wrote:
In fairness, if one looks at say American Presidents that people generally remember they will be heavily represented by ones who other had major accomplishments, or navigated crises.

Or got stuck in a tub

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Kishmo wrote:
I was prepping a scenario

Which one, out of curiosity?

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 1/5 5/55/5

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
John Mangrum wrote:
Which one, out of curiosity?

Very Mild Spoilers for s2 and s3 scenarios:
3-08 Darkside Depository, where we learn about Brezzist! Getting ready to run my regulars through the Fleeting Truth series - poor bastards have no idea what's coming :D

(I also grabbed some Guidance art from 2-14, where I incidentally noted that Guidance's Ilyastre form is a female ryphorian.)

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 1/5 5/55/5

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Or got stuck in a tub

First Seeker Squilliam Staft, amorphous astrazoan Starfinder: "haha, joke's on you - just like an Ideal Gas, my body expands to fit the size of the bathtub it's in! It's impossible for me to get stuck in a tub, mua ha ha!"

This s&!!post was made by the Amorphous Supremacy Gang™

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

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Well I've now played latest Historia-Prime related thing, didn't really learn much new information about society at large besides that, but did lean stuff about Historia related stuff including that Historia-4 is from around 106 years ago so timelines :D

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

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Yay! I contributed to canon with that detail!

Also... I would buy a Starfinder Society Hardcover in a hot minute. But we should not expect it to have a timeline of all First Seekers from the beginning. The designers need wiggle room to write in previous First Seekers to fit into future storylines.

So knowing that, what do you want in this book?

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

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Honestly? General information about Venture Captain, Lodges(I think we know of like... Four to five lodges, mostly ones founded during starfinder scenarios? Absalom station, the lodge on starship from myriad worlds, triaxus one, I think morlamaw planet had one founded and then salvation's end) and actual details of what is on Lorespire Complex and what isn't(its currently bit of schödinger situation where we keep getting new facilities introduced every once a while that have sometimes always been there and sometimes not)

I keep joking about how I have zero idea who Arvin is besides lashunta mystic :'D Heck I keep forgetting he is mystic and not operative or something. What about Luwazi and Jadnura? Who were they before being elected.

Like sure, they probably shouldn't spell out every single backstory of First Seekers and Forum members and previous faction leaders, but there is lot to expand on present starfinder society as well. I do think having name drop for all known First Seekers would be good because then it would be meaningful if we knew in character "and there is this like... 50 year 'gap' in information where records were lost so we have no idea who were first seekers in this timespan"

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Well, now that I stop to really think about it the first challenge I come to is that we just exist in a different publishing world now compared to when Paizo produced Seekers of Secrets for the Pathfinder Society.

Stares wistfully at the two setting suns while recalling the Campaign Setting paperbacks...

So, my first organizational thought is simply: What format are we writing for here? I see three options.

1. An entire 160-page hardback devoted entirely to the Starfinder Society.

2. A "Faction Guide" hardback devoted to deep dives into several organizations. Now we're talking maybe 20 pages of material.

3. An Adventure Toolbox article in the back of an Adventure Path hardback. Now we're probably looking at, say, 7-9 pages of material.

Of those three categories, I don't think I want a full hardback; you'd have to go into way too much detail just to fill space. Adventure Toolbox? Lucky to cover the basics I'm always hungry to get. So for me, the "Faction Guide" approach is my sweet spot.

So, what would I want? In no particular order:

1. A guide of the Lorespire Complex, including a clear physical description and ideally a map of its uppermost level (the "outdoor campus" with discreet buildings).

2. A historical overview of the Society, including a timeline that hits on significant events. I don't support listing the terms of every First Seeker and their mandate, but some are important. Plus, there are a lot of basic historical facts about the Society that it seems in-setting agents should know like the back of their hand (When was the Society founded? When were the major factions founded and who founded them? Who were the Exo-Guardian and Wayfinder faction leaders who never returned from the Scoured Stars? Whose idea was the Adamantine Bastille?) but for which players (and GMs, and authors) have only partial, nebulous, or nonexistent answers.

3. A deeper look into the Society as an organization. As with the First Seekers, I don't want to know the names of every member of the Forum, but it would be nice to know how many Forum members there are. Likewise, how does each faction organize itself? How do they choose their leaders? For example, we've seen that the Exo-Guardians actually use some kind of quasi-military ranking structure, but that's totally opaque to players and GMs.

4. Profiles of significant current Starfinders: Faction leaders, venture-captains, and the like. (And for venture-captains, to be clear about their specific responsibilities. For example, I've gleaned that Arwin is the venture-captain of the Lorespire Complex, in charge of overseeing all of its day-to-day operations, including sending agents out on missions--no wonder he never leaves his office--while Venture-Captain Naiaj, whose office is in the same building, is tasked with juggling the Society's high-order, complex negotiations with other organizations.)

5. An overview of a few interesting lodges (some existing, some new) and their venture-captains and the operational focus of each.

Headcanon trivia to see myself out: Based on absolutely nothing, I've decided that Harmony of Many, the leader of the Manifold Host minor faction, is, as their "day job," actually the venture-captain of the never-seen Dreamer Lodge on Roselight, which is why we've never seen them around until now.

Wayfinders 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

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John Mangrum wrote:
Headcanon trivia to see myself out: Based on absolutely nothing, I've decided that Harmony of Many, the leader of the Manifold Host minor faction, is, as their "day job," actually the venture-captain of the never-seen Dreamer Lodge on Roselight, which is why we've never seen them around until now.

And this is why I love John's posts so much!


Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

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I mean, to be fair if they had hardcover, I'd expect most of it to be new items, archetypes, spells, etc, kinda like how pathfinder society field guides always included lot of pathfinder flavored options. over 100 pages of pure lore would be weird lot to expand at once considering you could fill currently known info on society on less than 20 pages if I'm not wrong :'D

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

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Oh yeah, remembered this. This is probably closest we get to official adamantine bastille history :'D (according to writer of it, it turned out there wasn't really much behind scenes notes on it so scenario writer had to make most of it up)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
CorvusMask wrote:
I mean, to be fair if they had hardcover, I'd expect most of it to be new items, archetypes, spells, etc, kinda like how pathfinder society field guides always included lot of pathfinder flavored options. over 100 pages of pure lore would be weird lot to expand at once considering you could fill currently known info on society on less than 20 pages if I'm not wrong :'D

Yeah, maybe I should have mentioned it but in my head it goes without saying that regardless of the format chosen about 20-25% of the page count would be player options.


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Id like to know more about the lore spire and where Starfinder agents live. I have both the Starfinder and PF2e beginners boxes, both are a great deal for what you get in the box but what sets the PF2e box apart is all the support it got outside the box, building up Otari as a great starter hometown. For SFS the lore spire is kind of our hometown or base. In Starfinder we travel a lot more so home is kind of where you park your spaceship. Do Starfinder agents live in the lore spire complex between missions?

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 5/5 5/55/55/5

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Driftbourne wrote:
o home is kind of where you park your spaceship.

"Hey, I'm gonna need a little help with this partking ticket on the vault of abadar"

"Whaaaat? It was your idea. "

4/5 ****

A recent history of the Starfinder Society is available. (May have spoilers)

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

John Mangrum wrote:
Well, now that I stop to really think about it the first challenge I come to is that we just exist in a different publishing world now compared to when Paizo produced Seekers of Secrets for the Pathfinder Society.

Not that different, in that we got a PF2 Pathfinder Society Guide hardcover.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Oh; somehow that slipped completely under my radar.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

Bit late but one of things that originally revived my interest in this concept was Pathfinder 2e society guide :'D

(lot of things that would be nice for starfinder though. vast book, planar book, game mastery subsystem book x'D)


PFS1 also got a pawn pack, which seemed really cool. SFS has plenty of first contact situations with weird and wonderful aliens and NPCs, and it would be great for future GMs to be able to break out pawns with the dedicated art for Ziggy or Datch when they show up in scenarios.

Second Seekers (Jadnura) 1/5 5/55/5

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Dracomicron wrote:
break out pawns with the dedicated art for Ziggy or Datch when they show up in scenarios.

Honestly, at this point you could probably make a non-random mini set (a la the iconic heroes sets) of just Zigvigixes :D

- Zigvigix, Exo-Guardians Commander
- Urban Combat Zigvigix, with karate chop action
- Bluetooth-enabled Zigvigix, [REDACTED] Prisoner (now with real malware!)
- Zigvigix, Advocates Champion
- SMC© Superfan Ziggy, with Star Sugar Heartlove! limited edition t-shirt and holoprojector

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