GM Hills |

I'm looking to start a new game. I have decided to run Dragon's Demand and I will be including PFS certs to those who want it.
Now, onto a little about me:
Pros: I have a ton of experience in writing, I hit the computer several times a day, and I have been roleplaying for over 20 years.
Cons: I have only GM'd one other PbP game, which is about halfway through the first book of an AP at this point. I have found that I am as active of a GM as I have players. If you post a lot, I will as well, but if you flounder, I will be sad and slow to post. If this happens, I will try and breath life into the group and hopefully it will stick (It worked the first time, which we lulled hard during the holidays). Also, I have a new baby on the way, but that will probably increase my time to play.
The Fine Print
Oh, I bet you want to know about Character Creation, don't you? Yeah, it's going to be pretty simple:
Stats: We are going to go with PFS stats here. 20 pt buy and nothing lower than a 7 before racials.
Traits: You get two. I am not a fan of disadvantages.
Races: Speaking of Races...I'm going to go with let's be rational. If you want to play one of the more rare ARG races, I'll consider it, but you had better have a story for it. If there is a cert to play it in PFS, I will almost certainly allow it, but make me buy into it.
Classes: See the race section. The only class/archetype I'm not a big fan of is Vivasectionist because I think it belittles the rogue and ninja. Beyond that, I'll look at anything. ACG is allowed.
Note: Not doing hero points or mythic anything.
Backstory: This is where you will wow me. Anyone can crunch a character, but it takes something special to transform an idea into something other people care about. Make me want you to be one of my heroes in this group. I am prone to giving away odd bonuses for people who give me good backgrounds (I gave away a trait to each player in one game and in my other PbP game, I gave away unique items or traits or feats depending on their background).
I am not a huge fan of powergamers, especially in a situation like this. Let your characters grow into their strengths and it is more enjoyable, in my mind. If that is not the case for you, maybe not a good place to apply. Not keen on character interactions? Probably not the best place to apply. Looking for a GM that wants to have fun and ensure his group is having fun? Ok, maybe the place to apply.
This adventure is designed to take you from 1-7 and it is very heavy on the loot, though not the downtime, so know that in advance. Also, it has a bit of a sandbox feel, in that there are lots of side quests that you can do as you want (though when you choose to do them will make or break how hard some of it all is).
I would like to get 1 post per day, and if we are in combat, I will bot you to keep things flowing. I do have one player already locked in, though no idea what they are playing.

Olivius Telraven |

I would like to present Olivius Telraven, runaway from a Chelaxian military academy and Asmodean noble family.
Could I have more info on the setting so I can tailor the story, etc? He was originally built for a Runelords that died in the middle of the first fight.
I plan to take him into reach weapons in one hand (phalanx fighter) and bull rushing shield bashing when things get close.

El Ronza |

This character was in the Runelords game with Olivius up there, where they had some delightful synergy (namely, Olivius wanted to see him get punched in the face for being an arrogant bastard!). He's on 25-point buy, and backstory might need a little tweaking, but he's a blast to play. I'd love a chance to ruffle my favourite fighter's feathers again ;-)
I might also draw up an archery-focused ranger, though. Just in case.

GM Hills |

Starting Money is average for class or 150g, whichever is higher. Maps will be on google. I tried a couple of different things, but I decided I liked that the best for running things.
Darius/Kias could you pick your preferred character, gonna limit it to one character per applicant.
El Ronza, I'm completely fine with that character, if that is what you want to play, either one honestly. Just decide and let me know.

Olivius Telraven |

I may of may not want you to play Horatio...
I may or may not want to see Horatio get punched as well, but we'll have to RP that out again.
Unless we can have pre-established relationships. What do you say, GM. Would you like to see pre-existing relationships, or would that just complicate selection for you?

GM Hills |

You could certainly have a previous relationship or you could have met on the caravan on the way to Belhaim and thus that is your previous relationship. You could EASILY know each other and have had time to get on one another's nerves OR Horatio could have arrived separately and therefore you can have lots and lots of time to build up ire. I leave it to you, but don't build your entire characters around it (which clearly you haven't).

Erynion Orvir |

Ahh, it is an exquisite experience to be back in Taldor! With their little hamlets and their little upstart empires..there's much to be learned, in any case.
This is Erynion Orvir, a Mordant Spire elf who is currently touring the inner sea region, trying to experience everything it has to offer. I originally made him for an aborted RotRL campaign, but I can tweak things as need be to fit into DD. He's an archivist bard, and this post from a previous recruitment thread gives a decent peek inside his head.

Gnick Gnak PaddyWack |

Gnick Gnack Paddywack is about 3 feet tall with spiky blue hair. He does not have a beard as he is afraid that it might catch fire during one of his blendings of various materials and he always wears his goggles, just to be safe. He doesn't want to be reminded, as he was as a young gnomeling, when he told other gnomes that he wanted to build x or y, he was always being told ,"You'll shoot your eye out, kid." The lesson stuck so he wears his goggles. You can't be too safe. He is very excitable, as his lessons in the lab have shown him that a slow poke gets a fast blow up.
Learning about all he could on alchemical things and mastering how to make tanglefoot bags and sticky glue as he calls it, he wanted to learn how to make gnome fire which he has dubbed the more well known alchemists fire, since as an alchemist and a gnome he thinks he should master. He has recently learned how to make this item. He goes around community to community learning about poisons, other alchemical things, as well as herbalism. He is on the ship on the way to Sargavia to see what new toys and herbs and lore he can pick up.
Gnome Alchemist 1
CG Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +1 Dex, +1 size)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +5 (+2 trait bonus vs. poison), Ref +3, Will +1; +2 vs. illusions
Defensive Abilities defensive training (+4 dodge bonus to AC vs. giants)
Speed 20 ft.
Melee light mace +1 (1d4) and
longspear +1 (1d6/×3)
Ranged bomb +3 (1d6+3 Fire) and
light crossbow +2 (1d6/19-20)
Special Attacks bomb, +1 on attack rolls against goblinoid and reptilian humanoids
Spell-Like Abilities
1/day—dancing lights , ghost sound (DC 12), prestidigitation (DC 11), speak with animals
Alchemist Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4):
1st—cure light wounds, enlarge person (DC 14)
Str 10, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 10
Feats Brew Potion, Extra Bombs, Throw Anything
Traits boarded in mediogalti, excitable
Skills Appraise +7, Craft (alchemy) +9 (+10 to create alchemical items), Heal +5, Perception +7, Sleight of
Hand +5, Spellcraft +7, Use Magic Device +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Craft (alchemy), +2 Perception,
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Gnome, Sylvan
SQ mutagen
Other Gear leather armor, light crossbow, light mace, longspear, 95 GP
Special Abilities
Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Boarded In Mediogalti (Giant Wasp Poison) +2 Save vs. Poison, immune to the selected poison.
Bomb 1d6+3 (6/day) (DC 13) (Su) Thrown Splash Weapon deals 1d6+3 fire damage.
Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs monsters of the Giant subtype.
Hatred +1 Gain a bonus to attack vs goblinoid/reptilian humanoids.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Mutagen (DC 13) (Su) Mutagen adds +4 to a physical & -2 to a mental attribute, and +2 nat. armor for
10 min.
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.

Twigs |

Dot! Having an active PC of every core race bar the half-elf and half-orc (and the upcoming Bastards of Golarion book coming out) I'm interested in playing one of them. I tend to favour classic fantasy tropes and over-the-top personalities in my characters. I don't want any two characters to feel the same, so I tend to try to make characters with simple concepts that ooze personality. The half-breeds have never particularly grabbed me as far as exciting character concepts go, but I want to challenge myself and play them.
Mechanically I'm not sure where I'll go with it. The half-elf would probably be a party buffer, half-elf slacker bard coasting from town to town, an evangelist or battle-herald knight errant with delusions of grandeur.
The half-orc would be a melee frontliner. I'm more interested in a civilised half-orc than a savage, so I'd definitely play a full BAB class. Whether Fighter, Urban Barbarian or Ranger, I think I'd like him to have pets of some kind and handle animal.
It's a busy few days for me and I already have a lot of PbP's on my plate, but seeing as I'd meant to build these characters anyway, am enamored with Taldor as a setting and really want to test myself against a dragon I don't think I'll be able to resist. I'll write them up soon. :)

Kozaric of the Bow |

I would like to submit to you Kozaric of the Bow, my first PBP character from a game that went belly up very quickly. I will change him up if chosen.
Kozaric was born to a young elf maiden whom succumbed to the advances of a passing adventurer. Unwilling to shame her family, she fled to the closest monastery to be cared for until her birthing of her half-human child. Afterwards Kozaric was left to be raised by the brothers of Erastil. Upon reaching his coming of age, Kozaric received a bag of gold and a letter with the description of his father and a suggestion to leave the Mierani Forest and learn more of his human heritage elsewhere.
Kozaric has finally made his way to Riddleport and is starting to finally understand his human heritage.
Kozaric stands 6’ tall and weights 160lbs. He has brown eyes and brown hair cut to the human style in Riddleport. Kozaric carries a well polished composite long bow and two quivers of arrows. He wears normal human clothing for a Riddleport resident, cut from dark green fabric with black trim. He grew up sheltered in a monastery so he is sometimes awkward in social situations. He is trying his best to fit in with the humans that surround him.

El Ronza |

Yep. Since Choon/Olivius is cool with it, I'll go for it. I'll make a different alias for him if you take him.

Marrit Farwine |

Finishing up this character for submission. I will definitely have him ready by Monday. I've been desperately waiting for a chance to play this module. Here's hoping.
EDIT: Background done. Will complete full stat crunch if accepted.
A few decades passed and the time came for Garen to retire. While still relatively young, Garen had grown tired of the chaos of the castle and decided to move their family, along with a number of other halfling families, to the edge of the Backar Forest. They built a small secluded farming village nestled against the border of the wood. Their community mostly consisted of fellow craftsmen, with a few farmers, brewers, and bards. This came to be the happiest time in Marrit’s life, more specifically the nights they spent feasting around their large fire pit, singing and dancing into the small hours of the night.
On one brisk Autumn day he was out gathering firewood when he thought he smelled smoke. Then he heard the cries of alarm, which quickly turned into blood-curdling screams. With horror he realized what was happenging. He dropped his load of wood and sprinted back to their village just in time to witness his family and friends being slaughtered, their camp being overrun. A dragon was crawling over their encampment, murdering and laying waste to all he knew.
With the images of his loved ones being eaten alive seared into his vision, he fled blindly into the forest. The next few weeks were a blur of sorrow and heart-piercing anguish. He barely survived, subsisting on berries and foliage, frequently waking in the night to the sounds of his own screams. He was plagued by nightmares, reliving the slaughter over and over again. He was also constantly being pestered by the mischevious Fey that inhabited the deeper parts of the wood, but soon realized that the animals of the forest didn’t seem to mind his presence. Foxes, bears, wolves, and deer constantly passed through his makeshift campsite and he shared what he could of his foraged meals with the creatures. His unexpected bond with the animals seemed to help soothe his ravaged emotions, and over time the nightmares lessened and he began to regain the ability to think clearly.
Evetually, he was stable enough to return to their village to bury his family. He gathered what little supplies he could from the wreckage and luckily the hidden coffer containing his inheritance remained intact. He swore an oath over the graves of his loved ones to do everything in his power to protect those without the means to protect themselves. He returned to Canorate and immediately headed to the libraries within the Imperial Castle. Over the next few months he devoted himself to finding out as much as he could about dragons. Was this a random act of violence, or was the slaughter deliberate? Could Nirmathas be behind it? He wasn’t sure, but in the end he decided to head north along the Nosam River to Korholm.
He made his way to the Arsenal District and immediately began training in the arts of warfare and mounted combat. He also spent time training a wolf as his mount. He named her Gwenna after his late mother. She had charcoal fur and yellow-green eyes. It wasn’t long before she became his trusted mount and companion. He devoted himself to protecting the weak and purging the world of dragons.
His first assignment was as a caravan guard, escorting some merchant by the name of Silas Gribb to Belhaim. He was eager to offer up his lance and sling to ensuring the caravan arrived in Taldor unscathed.

Dimitrio Carini |

Hi GM Hills,
Please consider Dimitrio for inclusion in your game (fluff and crunch in the alias). I have played Dimitrio as a 3rd level rogue for a short while in a game which, unfortunately, went belly up. However, I have reformatted him according to your requirements.
As for me, I am currently playing in two games here on the boards and host two games in a PBEM format outside of Paizo. I also identify with your style of role-playing.
Let me know if anything is missing or if you need further information at this time.
Thanks for hosting a game,

GM Hills |

There is still time to apply. I have no idea what the party make-up might be at the moment, I have, honestly, not looked at making any kind of decisions.
BUT this just in...Recruiting will be cut off Monday afternoon at 4pm EST.
Decision will be made that evening and I will make the first post in the gameplay that night!

Twigs |

Is there such a thing as too many character concepts? It's handy if you need to round out a group or fill in gaps, but it's a little annoying when you can't decide which one you want to go with :V
I hear that! I'm sitting on four at the moment. I think I've finally narrowed it down. But I can't decide on a class.
Small characters are great fun! I'm currently playing a wide-eyed halfling acolyte in Wrath of the Righteous, really playing up his meekness, small size and inexperience, and the whole quest just seems that little bit too big for him. Every combat feels like David vs. Goliath. It's going to be brilliant when he's mythic and taking out demons with thrown pebbles. I've also got a bleachling in RoW that I get to draw on a tonne of fairie folklore and superstition with. I'm really enjoying how otherworldly he is compared to the humans of the party.

![]() |

Okay, great. I've been wanting to play a master summoner with an eidolon built to be a rogue instead of a melee tank like most people do with eidolons.
I'm leaning towards halfling for race, as I've also never played a small race in PF yet despite playing dozens of characters in PBP games.
Hey, I applied with a halfling summoner first! :P
I was going to make mine a stealthy constrictor with some classic rogue skills as well. Maybe I should apply with something else...