Marrit was born into an easy life of wealth and luxury in Canorate. He was of average height, weight, and build with unremarkable brown hair and brown eyes. His father Garen was one of the primary craftsmen that sculpted the scale model of the inner sea region on display in the Imperial Castle’s war room. This work became one of the most talked about subjects in the city which resulted in Garen and Markwin Teldas becoming fast friends. Their family attended many ceremonies and celebrations at the castle and it wasn’t long before they were widely accepted into Molthuni nobility.
A few decades passed and the time came for Garen to retire. While still relatively young, Garen had grown tired of the chaos of the castle and decided to move their family, along with a number of other halfling families, to the edge of the Backar Forest. They built a small secluded farming village nestled against the border of the wood. Their community mostly consisted of fellow craftsmen, with a few farmers, brewers, and bards. This came to be the happiest time in Marrit’s life, more specifically the nights they spent feasting around their large fire pit, singing and dancing into the small hours of the night.
On one brisk Autumn day he was out gathering firewood when he thought he smelled smoke. Then he heard the cries of alarm, which quickly turned into blood-curdling screams. With horror he realized what was happenging. He dropped his load of wood and sprinted back to their village just in time to witness his family and friends being slaughtered, their camp being overrun. A dragon was crawling over their encampment, murdering and laying waste to all he knew.
With the images of his loved ones being eaten alive seared into his vision, he fled blindly into the forest. The next few weeks were a blur of sorrow and heart-piercing anguish. He barely survived, subsisting on berries and foliage, frequently waking in the night to the sounds of his own screams. He was plagued by nightmares, reliving the slaughter over and over again. He was also constantly being pestered by the mischevious Fey that inhabited the deeper parts of the wood, but soon realized that the animals of the forest didn’t seem to mind his presence. Foxes, bears, wolves, and deer constantly passed through his makeshift campsite and he shared what he could of his foraged meals with the creatures. His unexpected bond with the animals seemed to help soothe his ravaged emotions, and over time the nightmares lessened and he began to regain the ability to think clearly.
Evetually, he was stable enough to return to their village to bury his family. He gathered what little supplies he could from the wreckage and luckily the hidden coffer containing his inheritance remained intact. He swore an oath over the graves of his loved ones to do everything in his power to protect those without the means to protect themselves. He returned to Canorate and immediately headed to the libraries within the Imperial Castle. Over the next few months he devoted himself to finding out as much as he could about dragons. Was this a random act of violence, or was the slaughter deliberate? Could Nirmathas be behind it? He wasn’t sure, but in the end he decided to head north along the Nosam River to Korholm.
He made his way to the Arsenal District and immediately began training in the arts of warfare and mounted combat. He also spent time training a wolf as his mount. He named her Gwenna after his late mother. She had charcoal fur and yellow-green eyes. It wasn’t long before she became his trusted mount and companion. He devoted himself to protecting the weak and purging the world of dragons.
His first assignment was as a caravan guard, escorting some merchant by the name of Silas Gribb to Belhaim. He was eager to offer up his lance and sling to ensuring the caravan arrived in Taldor unscathed.