Which class or archetype best compliments Drow Nobility feat chain?


I know, I'm crazy, the Drow Nobility Feat chain isn't worth it. I'm not only wanting to take all three, but the Noble Spell Resistance feat also. They require Wis 13 and Cha 13, and the buile space to take the feats author cooking the build.

Any class or archetype is fair game, what are your best ideas?


Just be a Noble Drow, and save yourself from having to take the feats. Lol.

Honestly, it isn't that big of a deal... oh wow, you can levitate. So what? Dispel Magic 1/day was useful once, for me. I don't mess with mind control, so Suggestion never got used. Spell Resistance is sort of nice, but again, it was so rarely beneficial it could have just not been there, at all.

As for what classes fit a wannabe Noble best... Bards and Sorcerers get the best Favored Class Bonus, in my opinion. I played an Arcane Duelist Bard as a Noble Drow. It was fun... don't know if my race actually influenced my enjoyment, but the character was fun to play. A class with bonus feats might be a better option, though, to help offset wasting 4 feats just to make a Drow into a Noble Drow... I'm telling you, just start as a Noble Drow, the difference in "power" will disappear within a few short levels... it is an absolute non-issue to any GM worth their salt. A class with bonus feats that can use Charisma and Wisdom is the Warpriest. Great class, definitely could make a decent Drow Warpriest without too much trouble...

Just taking the race would be easier, you're right. Warpriest is the class I'm looking for though, thanks!


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You will probably want to prepare the spell Recharge Innate Magic... a 1st-level Cleric spell... it can even be casted as a swift action with Fervor. Anyways, it will recharge your Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire, and Feather Fall spell-like abilities. Even if you decide to take Umbral Scion, and the Improved thereof, I doubt it would be all that beneficial for you [as a Warpriest] to select Divine Favor as an SLA... it is a Cleric spell and could be prepared and casted as a swift action with Fervor... an ability that would otherwise require you to take the Quicken SLA feat specifically for your Divine Favor SLA. Dispel Magic is the real winner for Umbral Scion.

Don't forget to take the Surface Infiltrator alternative racial feature to get rid of your light blindness. You trade Darkvision for Low-Light Vision in the process, but you do NOT have light blindness. Totally. Worth. It.

The Warpriest's Sacred Weapon damage progression could make any of your racial weapon proficiencies viable... hand crossbow proficiency means you have wrist launcher proficiency. Lol.

Regardless of opinion, recommending a stranger take something like the Drow Noble is something you shouldn't do, it's not intended as a player choice outside outside of extremely niche games where perhaps everyone is playing one.

As for the feats, they aren't weak at all, wells specifically the 3rd one that lets you cast deeper darkness at will and can safely be accessed by level 5.

Dex focused Unchained Monk with the Invested Regeant and Monk of the mantis archetype.

Or any of the Dex focused martial classes, Swashbuckler or Paladin and Cavalier with the swashbuckler archetypes

The feats are absolutely worth a 3 level dip in my opinion. This balances out all the at will magic vs. poof for free.

I’d say any fighter or rogue. Especially when you get see in darknesses. Deeper darkness at will and being able to see in it is fish in a barrel as a rogue

Doompatrol wrote:

Regardless of opinion, recommending a stranger take something like the Drow Noble is something you shouldn't do, it's not intended as a player choice outside outside of extremely niche games where perhaps everyone is playing one.

As for the feats, they aren't weak at all, wells specifically the 3rd one that lets you cast deeper darkness at will and can safely be accessed by level 5.

Dex focused Unchained Monk with the Invested Regeant and Monk of the mantis archetype.

Or any of the Dex focused martial classes, Swashbuckler or Paladin and Cavalier with the swashbuckler archetypes

The spell resistance is massive too. Consider a 5th level character drow noble SR 11+5 = 16.

Say they're facing an opponent with 7th level casting. They will only overcome your SR with a 9 or higher, i.e. 60% of the time. That's roughly equivalent to an extra +5 on every saving throw, at least vs spells.

If the opponent is your level they'll only overcome your SR 50% of the time, worth about +6 on every save vs magic.

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