Bad Alias Jail

Off-Topic Discussions

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

Anyone else think 'Bad Alias Jail' is EVIL ?


No -- I mean, yes?



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Make up your mind, you must!

Sovereign Court

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Help! I tried working on a new device to allow travel between dimensions and I wound up here!

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

I've made a lot of friends here. I don't think I'm ready for life on the outside.

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Maybe the friends we made along the way was the real prison.

Dark Archive

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Please do not remind me that we live in an infernal cube.

It is unseemly

Dark Archive

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

A cube is a three-edged sword.

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I’m not sure how that’s true

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*cracks neck*

Alright, bub. Let's finish this.

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Triangle Man, I have no quarrel with you and wish not to impede your ongoing battles with Particle Man and Person Man, I should hope you would feel the same toward me and my battles with Particle-Man and Person-Man.

There are enough frying pans to go around

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3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Is anyone surprised that there are three of them?

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The three of us united, the triad of Triangle-Man TriangleMan and Triangle Man, together there is nothing that can stand in our way.

No prison can hold us, and at last we can obtain the watch of Universe-Man. We will at last know the true nature of Happy Land.

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Three Triangle Men are a three-edged sword...

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"yOUr MAth iS iN erRoR! tHe rESultANt ENtitY wOUld bE ninE-edGEd."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is correct.

Sovereign Court

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*Runs fingernails across the prison bars.*

Such a futile attempt to keep monsters at bay.

*Eyes begin glowing red.*

It's only a matter of time until we're free.

*As Candle Lighter goes past, I blow out the candle.*

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*speaks in other worldly voice that is not his own*


Freedom for all will come. The prophecy is nearing completion. The four Triangle Men merge to summon Pyramid Man.

Walls will bleed, bars will shatter, all will rise.


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Triangle-Man wrote:
The three of us united, the triad of Triangle-Man TriangleMan and Triangle Man, together there is nothing that can stand in our way.

Could you three get on the horn with Tri Angleman, and figure out what is up with the numbering on four-sided dice? I mean, three numbers per side, and their not even aligned? Wassupwitdat?

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*Demonic Other Wordly Voice*

Tri Angleman. His name stands revealed. He is to be summoned. PYRAMIDS GLORY IS AT HAND, ALL WILL RISE!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Gotta be honest... I feel like we're all getting a bit far afield from the whole "hating Person Man" thing. Let's dial it back to our core values. Refocus. Go after that twit.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

*Normal voice, snapping out of it*

We should never stop trying to escape this prison to go after Person-Man.

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Pay no attention to the man behind the Triangle

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Linda Blair wrote:

You look terrible. Have some lutefisk.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Anybody got a spork?

Sovereign Court

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I do, but I'd rather not give it to you.

Besides, we're all fumbling in the dark.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

But enough about my wedding night…

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I live AGAIN...wait, this isn't where I thought I was going...dang it!! NO...not jail...with...all of...YOU!!!

Sovereign Court

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Calm yourself, our freedom soon draws near.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Pfft. You’re locked in here with me. Posers.

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Ughughughughhooo. I like manacles.

Sovereign Court

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We have been wrongfully accused by a corrupt vizier (so nothing new there) and imprisoned for trying to help those in need of a good cheer! But worry not, for we shall soon break forth from our confinement and shout "HUZZAH" once more!

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I must return to my people before they are overrun by the shoggothic hosts! Then nothing will stand in the way of the shoggoths consuming all they behold!

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Sovereign Court

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*Magically crafts runes of unlocking on each cell.*

When the time comes, the runes will active and then, we shall be free.

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*replaces them with runes of exploding*

Surely THIS will be a blockbuster!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Good, I don’t want to leave. Very happy here.

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