Gameday X Announcement (Play-by-Post)

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Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

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PbP Gameday X Event # 2705272
Reporting Link: PbP Convention Reporting (Link)
Emergency Channel in case of Paizo Forum Outage: Our channel on the Organized Play Discord at #pbp_gameday_x

When: September 06, 2021 - November 15, 2021

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Greetings Pathfinders, Starfinders, & Pathfinder Adventure Card Game enthusiasts!

We’re all very excited to announce the upcoming PbP Gameday X! This year has certainly been the year of Online Play and we have the widest variety of games we have had the chance to offer. We are not only seeing the beginning of Starfinder Society Year 4: Year of the Data Scourge as well as the launch of Pathfinder 2nd Edition Secrets of Magic (Magus and Summoner) to kick off Pathfinder Society Season 3: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries! With all of the hubbub, we hope to have a wide variety of games on offer this year from SFS to PFS2 to PACS goodness and of course, plenty of PFS1.

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Important dates:

  • General GM game submissions open - Immediately
  • Specials GM submissions open- Immediately
  • Specials GM Deadline - July 16, 2021
  • Specials GM Chosen and Notified - July 19, 2021
  • Scenario Support Deadline - August 02, 2021
  • GM early player access - August 09, 2021 (limited to 1 table and 1 Special)
  • Player seating, general - August 16, 2021
  • Start of PBP Gameday X - September 06, 2021
  • End of PBP Gameday X - November 15, 2021

    ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

    As of today, GM Submissions are officially open! In order for your game to count, it must start on or after Sept 06, 2021 and end on or before November 15, 2021. An item of note, Only games that will count and be reported as a part of Gameday will be those games submitted through the GM Submission link.

    If you need scenario support, you must register your game by August 02, 2021.

    During this convention, we’ll also be offering

  • Pathfinder 1E Special Blood Under Absalom run by House GM Lady Ladile
  • Pathfinder 2E Special #2-00 The King in Thorns run by House GM Dennis
  • Starfinder Special #3-00 The Last Bite run by House GM Tyranius

    ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★


    How do I sign up to GM?
    Go to our GM Registration. Pick out what scenarios you would like to GM.

    How many games can I sign up to GM?
    While you may sign up to GM as many games as you choose, we strongly ask that you consider what you can reasonably handle while still providing a great experience for your players and completing all games within the given timeframe. Remember, life happens to the best of us, so please do not commit to maximum capacity. The GM Submission form allows for you to submit up to 3 tables but you can certainly fill it out again.

    If this will be your first time GMing PbP or you are still learning the ropes, we strongly recommend that you only do one game at a time. It’s more work than it looks.

    What if I want to sign up to GM a Special?
    If you wish to GM one of the Specials above please fill out this form. Deadline for submission is 16 July 2021.

    Specials GM Submission Form

    In addition, we require that all those who GM a special have some prior experience with GMing Play-by-Post! GMing PBP is fun, but specials are too time-pressured an environment to learn the techniques of a new format! Instead, GM something else with us, and then apply for the next set of specials we offer.

    Is there a limit on how many specials / exclusives I can GM at any given time?
    Yes. At any given time, each GM can only GM either:

  • One table of a multi-table special - or -
  • One table of a star-gated exclusive game like Serpent’s Rise, Serpent’s Ire, True Dragons of Absalom or Maelstrom’s Rift. You can also run one table of the PACS Special Tyrant of the Harrow (as both a box runner and a player, if you so choose).

    What do you mean by scenario support?
    Paizo will gift you the scenario that you wish to run — if you sign up by our deadline. You can apply for regular scenarios, PACS scenarios or even a module. Not included: APs, Emerald Spire or Thornkeep.

    If you need scenario support, you must register your game by August 02, 2021.

    What if I want to add a game as a GM after the August 02nd Scenario Support Deadline?
    That’s fine. You can GM as long as your submission was added before the September 06, 2021 start date, you just need to provide your own copy of the adventure.

    I want to run a long module. Can I still do that with there being only one session?
    Absolutely! As long as you feel reasonably certain that you’ll be able to finish in the allotted time, feel free to GM whatever you like. (Please do not do this unless you are a relatively fast GM.)

    May I add a game after September 06, the official start of PBP Gameday X?
    Yes, you may add a game after the official start of Gameday. Though you must still register your game through the GM Registration for tracking purposes as well as finish the game by the end of Gameday (Nov 15, 2021)

    What if I want to be a PACS box runner?
    Stay tuned here for further announcements on PACS signups, or check into Flaxseed on Deck (PACS) for questions!


    How do I sign up to play?
    Once we begin to get some submitted games we will create the spreadsheet with all of the games for General Player sign-up on August 16th. This spreadsheet will be posted shortly.

    What are the different PBP Lodges?

    PbP Lodges

    Will there be boons for Players and GMs?
    We expect to be able to offer boons for PFS1, and PACS plus increased AcP for PFS2 and SFS.

    Can I participate if I am new to Play-by-Post?
    Certainly! Just let your GMs and Players know. They’ll be glad to help. We also have plenty of resources available to help you prepare, reach out within the appropriate lodge so we know what you need.

    Can I sign up to play in all specials?
    You may only sign up for one special. We will lift this restriction if more tables are needed.

    When will you open the seats for signup?
    We will open up early signup for GMs on August 09, 2021. This is a courtesy for our GMs. GMs, please limit yourself to 1 table of your choice and 1 Special until August 16th.

    General player signup will open August 16, 2020. Please only sign up for the number of games you can handle. It’s better to enjoy one or two games than to get overwhelmed. Also, please remember other people also are excited to play, so please don't sign up for a whole lot of games right away.

    Wah! Why do you have so few tables of the Special? I won’t get a seat!
    Don’t panic! We will be starting with only so many tables each Special We’re doing this so that we can better respond to demand, and so that we don’t overschedule tables.

  • If the table of the tier you want is full, please add yourself to the waitlist of the special you want. Being on the waitlist is the best way to get a seat in the special. List the character you prefer to play — if we can’t fill a table at your tier, we’ll give you the option of coming in with another character.
  • We’ll fill new tables from the player waitlist.

    When will PACS games be listed for signup?
    They are coming. Please stay tuned on this thread for more announcements. When recruiting opens up, it will also be announced at Flaxseed on Deck (PACS).

    What do I need to play a game of the Adventure Card Game?
    Due to COVID-19 verification of your PACS deck is on hold at this time.

    How many card games can I sign up to play?
    To make sure as many people as possible are able to participate, only two PACS games per player. You may do this in addition to your RPG games.

    Who do I contact with questions?
    VO Contact Information (Link)

    Or you can ask questions in this thread!

  • 4/5


    Sovereign Court 3/5



    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Thanks again to the whole team VC Tyranius!

    We’re all excited!! :-D


    I noticed that the PF2e Beginner Box is not in the choices, are they not going to be available for this Gameday?

    5/55/5 Venture-Agent, Utah—Logan

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    If we wanted to run 1-99, is that possible?
    Asking for some friends

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    GM Lea S wrote:
    I noticed that the PF2e Beginner Box is not in the choices, are they not going to be available for this Gameday?

    Added the PFS2E Beginner Box under the One-Shots selection.

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    One correction, the GM form has to be filled out for each table, not every 3 (those of you who have signed up would have already figured this out). The form became much less responsive and much harder to maintain having everything in there 3 times. (Google Forms doesn't have a way to loop 3 times, so Mike had to create and update every question 3 times.)

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    ImortalGuardian wrote:

    If we wanted to run 1-99, is that possible?

    Asking for some friends

    Saw you post on Discord and responded there.

    5/5 5/55/5 *

    I couldn't find the other 2 newer SFS intro scenarios. I'm not sure if i missed them or if they are not listed.

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

    Sounds like a plan

    Now, what to GM.?


    Derek Larsen wrote:
    ImortalGuardian wrote:

    If we wanted to run 1-99, is that possible?

    Asking for some friends
    Saw you post on Discord and responded there.

    I can't find the Discord posts, but am interested (I could likely run a table for the local/online gang that has done most of the lead-up S1 scenarios as an arc over the last few months!)

    1/5 5/55/55/55/5 **

    Gameday! Woot!


    Can you (re)post the rules for repeating the Special?

    If I recall correctly, the subtiers (1-2, 3-6, 7-8; but not 3-4 and 5-6 even though the tables were broken down that way for Outpost) count as separate runs, so a player can play it three times, once at each subtier, but no character could get credit for more than one subtier?


    Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    So the GM signup only had 1 scenario choice, if I'm planning on running a couple of tables, do I need to do a GM Signup multiple times? Scenario support wise, I own one but not the other.

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    XperimentalDM wrote:
    I couldn't find the other 2 newer SFS intro scenarios. I'm not sure if i missed them or if they are not listed.

    We missed them. I tossed them on the listing under Quests for SFS

    Redgar wrote:
    I can't find the Discord posts, but am interested (I could likely run a table for the local/online gang that has done most of the lead-up S1 scenarios as an arc over the last few months!)

    It was on Find the Path Server and I went into PM's with the GM.

    Watery Soup wrote:

    Can you (re)post the rules for repeating the Special?

    If I recall correctly, the subtiers (1-2, 3-6, 7-8; but not 3-4 and 5-6 even though the tables were broken down that way for Outpost) count as separate runs, so a player can play it three times, once at each subtier, but no character could get credit for more than one subtier?

    Sure can, though each one is different so keep that in mind.

    PFS1E- (Blood Under Absalom) This Multi-Table Special is NOT repeatable meaning you can only receive credit once for playing and once for GMing.

    PFS2E- (King in Thorns) This Multi-Table Special is not technically repeatable but you can receive credit once as a player and once as a GM in each of the following Subtiers. (Subtier 1-2; 3-6; and 7-8)

    SFS- (The Last Bite) This Multi-Table Special Repeatable: Unlike other scenarios with the Repeatable tag, this scenario can only be played once per tier range. A single character can only play this scenario once, though different characters could be used to play the remaining two tier ranges. The tier ranges available to play in this scenario includes: Tier 1–4 (Low-Tier) and Tier 5–8 (High-Tier).

    Peff wrote:
    So the GM signup only had 1 scenario choice, if I'm planning on running a couple of tables, do I need to do a GM Signup multiple times? Scenario support wise, I own one but not the other.

    There was one small correction, the GM form has to be filled out for each table, not every 3 (those of you who have signed up would have already figured this out). The form became much less responsive and much harder to maintain having everything in there 3 times. (Google Forms doesn't have a way to loop 3 times, so Mike had to create and update every question 3 times.)

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Gameday X Announcement

    The Event Listing has been posted so GM's and players can see what games are currently being offered. There is no signing up as a player for games at this time.

    Gameday X Event Listing

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    GMs basing their player selection off of a lottery type recruitment please have your players identified and chosen by August 27th. This way it gives players not chosen a chance to hop into another game.

    Liberty's Edge 3/5 *

    XperimentalDM wrote:
    I couldn't find the other 2 newer SFS intro scenarios. I'm not sure if i missed them or if they are not listed.

    Likewise the 2 new intros for PFS 2e are under the quests category.

    Vigilant Seal **

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    GM sign-up options include the beginner box, but there isn't enough time to run 1 group through both levels - as it's effectively two different scenarios.

    I'd recommend splitting it up into the different levels - upper and lower.

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    More good news folks! The online (VTT) Community has added a new Lodge. Cayden's Keg is now into the online family. Much like Cosmic Crit (SFS) they also run a few PbD games (PFS2E). As such we have added them into the list of Lodges that you can run games at during the Con.

    They are a great community that hosts tons of guides as well as were the playtesters for the RPG Chronicles. Give them a try if you have not done so already.

    Cayden's Keg Discord

    Grand Lodge 4/5 **

    I tried to sign up to GM PF2 Quest #6 Archaeology in Aspenthar, but it didn't take on the FCFS list. My other two quests showed up fine.


    Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    GM Erich wrote:

    I tried to sign up to GM PF2 Quest #6 Archaeology in Aspenthar, but it didn't take on the FCFS list. My other two quests showed up fine.


    We have to manually add the games over once you submit the game. I see you submitted twice. Do you plan on running two tables or just one?

    Grand Lodge 4/5 **

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I think I tried twice hoping for different results. Yes, I just want the one table of Quest #6.

    Keep the other tables of Quest #3 and #13 too.



    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Is it possible to change my PFS1e #5-1 The Glass River Rescue to CORE?

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    GM Mauve wrote:
    Is it possible to change my PFS1e #5-1 The Glass River Rescue to CORE?

    Got you all changed around to Core.

    I see that my Glories of the Past game has been added to the spreadsheet, but I had noted when registering that this would be a CORE game, so please make that change when you can. Thank you!

    Gameplay and Discussion pages are up.

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    GM Aldizog wrote:

    I see that my Glories of the Past game has been added to the spreadsheet, but I had noted when registering that this would be a CORE game, so please make that change when you can. Thank you!

    Gameplay and Discussion pages are up.

    Changed to represent Core

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    1 person marked this as a favorite.


    All Scenario drops should have been sent to the GM's (Except for the August releases). Send me a PM if you did not receive yours yet.

    The August scenarios should be released to the GMs around August 25th.


    Derek Larsen wrote:
    GM Aldizog wrote:

    I see that my Glories of the Past game has been added to the spreadsheet, but I had noted when registering that this would be a CORE game, so please make that change when you can. Thank you!

    Gameplay and Discussion pages are up.

    Changed to represent Core

    My pfs1 run of 2-11 was also Core if you could get that shifted over, thanks!

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    GM TOP wrote:
    Derek Larsen wrote:
    GM Aldizog wrote:

    I see that my Glories of the Past game has been added to the spreadsheet, but I had noted when registering that this would be a CORE game, so please make that change when you can. Thank you!

    Gameplay and Discussion pages are up.

    Changed to represent Core
    My pfs1 run of 2-11 was also Core if you could get that shifted over, thanks!

    All changed over to core.

    Lantern Lodge 4/5 5/5

    How do you want us to provide links to the gameplay and discussion threads?

    Liberty's Edge 3/5 *

    Derek Larsen wrote:
    GM TOP wrote:
    Derek Larsen wrote:
    GM Aldizog wrote:

    I see that my Glories of the Past game has been added to the spreadsheet, but I had noted when registering that this would be a CORE game, so please make that change when you can. Thank you!

    Gameplay and Discussion pages are up.

    Changed to represent Core
    My pfs1 run of 2-11 was also Core if you could get that shifted over, thanks!
    All changed over to core.

    There was a bug in the collection sheet that was not recognizing CORE PF1 tables correctly. This has been fixed, but please make sure the current table list is accurate.

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    GM Aerondor wrote:

    How do you want us to provide links to the gameplay and discussion threads?

    If you are on Paizo then just copy a link to your gameplay thread and add it to the channel links column on the spreadsheet.

    If you are GMing on Discord the VA for that server will add in your table name or links to that channel.


    Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber



    2 people marked this as a favorite.


    Early GM sign-ups for PbP Gameday X are now open!

    If you have signed up to GM for Gameday X, you may now sign up for one table of your choice and one Special of your choice!

    Gameday X Event Listing

    Reminder that this is for GMs only; general player seating will open on August 16th!

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    With General Player sign-ups coming up real soon Monday August 16th, I just wanted to go over when those ill actually open. As this is an international Convention we tend to allow players to sign up for games starting at Midnight GMT August 16th. (This comes out to 5PM Pacific | 7pm Central | 8pm Eastern on August 15th.)

    These times will also come into effect for when you can start your games on Sept 06th. GM's can start their games at Midnight GMT Sept 6th. (This comes out to 5PM Pacific | 7pm Central | 8pm Eastern on Sept 5th.)


    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Last year, the signups were based on UTC, not GMT.

    I, and astronomers working on gravitational interferometers all over the world, demand this discrepancy be reconciled!


    Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

    I demand it be set to Narnia time!

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    Watery Soup wrote:

    Last year, the signups were based on UTC, not GMT.

    I, and astronomers working on gravitational interferometers all over the world, demand this discrepancy be reconciled!

    *Looks back* Indeed it was! Apologies for that. My mind went straight to GMT as that is what I have to use for work all of the time. Though to avoid any further confusion we will keep it at GMT for now as it isn't too great of a difference.

    @Tarondor- I will have to look up the conversion time for that one :)

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    It is now time! Players may now sign up to play games!

    Gameday X Event Listing (Link)

    Grand Lodge 4/5 **

    Many GMs have already created discussion & gameplay threads for their games including asking for player info. If I signed up for a game, do I fill out the information now or wait until Sept. 6th?

    1/5 5/55/5 **

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Christian Dragos wrote:
    Many GMs have already created discussion & gameplay threads for their games including asking for player info. If I signed up for a game, do I fill out the information now or wait until Sept. 6th?

    Please provide your GMs any appropriate information they are requesting. Many games will also have general character discussion and possibly introductions. GMs may not start boxed text before the official convention opening but all preliminary discussions and organization are allowed.

    2/5 5/5 **

    My GDX tables have threads created, if you know how to find them without a link, feel free to ninja-dot. I should have links in the spreadsheet soon and will announce once I have placed them.


    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    GM Numbat wrote:
    Christian Dragos wrote:
    Many GMs have already created discussion & gameplay threads for their games including asking for player info. If I signed up for a game, do I fill out the information now or wait until Sept. 6th?
    Please provide your GMs any appropriate information they are requesting.

    As a frequent non-FCFS GM (but not for GDX), I want to point out the key here is that the player should fill out requested information, but not fill out non-requested information. The non-FCFS games may have a lottery or selection process, and only the players invited into the games should post in Gameplay/Discussion. It gets really confusing when people just jump into Gameplay without paying attention to Recruitment.

    Also, if you as a player aren't 100% sure what character you're bringing, or aren't committed to the game (e.g., will un-register for the game if a table for the Special opens up), it's really helpful to the GM to refrain from dotting in / posting until there's more certainty.

    2/5 5/5 **

    Links are in place for my regular tables.


    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I missed GM recruitment (running too many PaizoCon tables :)
    It has been my tradition to run a 'Wizards Wanted' scenario for GameDay.

    I just filled out the forms for that and another table, but I understand if it is too late (I have the scenarios already).


    I still haven't gotten a link to the GM coordination thread for the PF1 special.

    Curaigh wrote:

    I missed GM recruitment (running too many PaizoCon tables :)

    It has been my tradition to run a 'Wizards Wanted' scenario for GameDay.

    I just filled out the forms for that and another table, but I understand if it is too late (I have the scenarios already).

    Ooh, what scenario?

    2/5 5/5 **

    FYI: My PFS(2) multi-table special table also now has links in the spreadsheet.

    Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Curaigh wrote:

    I missed GM recruitment (running too many PaizoCon tables :)

    It has been my tradition to run a 'Wizards Wanted' scenario for GameDay.

    I just filled out the forms for that and another table, but I understand if it is too late (I have the scenarios already).

    You will be good to go Curaigh, you just missed scenario support is all but not a big deal as you own the scenario already.

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