Help with making a Summoner


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I am brand new to Pathfinder, played in a very short lived campaign and have started another new campaign. The DM convinced me to play a Summoner so I rolled it up and got everything together. Thing is, I know pretty much nothing about the summoner. So any helpful tips would be awesome. I looked over the guide and took some stuff from there, but like I said any helpful tips would be awesome.

It depends on what you want from your Summoner. The Master Summoner Archetype is arguably one of the most powerfull classes in the game, though vastly unpopular in large groups.

Just think of the summoner as a melee class, and you'll be fine. Your summon should be doing a ton of damage, and your summoner should be buffing your summon while remaining hidden/protected. The summoner him/herself is the weakest aspect of the class; if he/she goes down, the eidolon goes down, too.

Also, if you plan on casting any of the summon monster spells, it would be handy to keep an easy-to-reference list of common stats for the summons, that way you don't have to look them up in the bestiary, slowing down the game every time you cast the spell.

Silver Crusade

Biped with a Weapon is nasty.

Pouncer build quadrupeds are also nasty.

Reach is king. Bipeds get 5ft of reach every time they go up in size

Make sure you don't forget the monster feats in the beastiary.

Build your Eidolon like a melee fighter

Build your Summoner like a buffer/controller

I can give you some strong level 1 summoner builds if you like and will give me some time.

The dm is having us start at 4th lvl and is going to let me have my eidolon and be able to summon a monster. Any help would be awesome Elamdri. And the master summoner sounds interesting

If you can invest a little in str and con your summon could be a nice flanking buddy for a melee summoner. If you do this invest in high AC, put you favored class bonus into HP, and consider toughness.

Therakyn wrote:
The dm is having us start at 4th lvl and is going to let me have my eidolon and be able to summon a monster. Any help would be awesome Elamdri. And the master summoner sounds interesting

Your DM is going to let you have an eidolon and a summon out at the same time? Wow, are you in for a treat. Eidolons are powerful. Very powerful. Allowing a summon monster SLA to be used at the same time will make your character very overpowered, because those summon SLA's last for minutes per level, rather than rounds per level (remember, a minute is 10 rounds). Note that this is different from casting the spell summon monster, which is also on your spell list.

The summoner is a pet class, like the druid. But while the druid is the powerhouse and the animal companion his little helper, the summoner is opposite. With the summoner, the eidolon is the powerhouse and the summoner is the helper.

Summoner is a super-powerful class.

Our Summoner forced himself to tone down a bit, simply because his Eidolon could tear through enemies like butter and only really unleashed fully if the rest of the group was going down.

I remember one encounter. The group was quite unprepared at the time, they think they are chasing a common criminal, kicks in the door and is facing a wizard. The wizard reacts first, dominates the summoner, tells him to kill his friends and then teleports away...

The next day the Summoner breaks free of the domination (the wizard just wanted to escape and doesn't concentrate). He then picks up the pieces of his friends, loads them onto his eidolon and then makes a visit to the nearest temple, spending a lot of the groups gold on resurrections.

@Bialaska: Wow...

@OP: one of the things with the Summoner is it has numerous builds that work for it. Heck, if you have a lot of party members you could even go with Synthesist and do alright.

All in all, the Summoner is one of the few classes that could potentially survive a solo campaign. You get 2+ characters in one.

The Eidolon will most likely be a bodyguard/tank. With the Summoner acting as a pseudobard with his buffs.

Your GM is insane for allowing you both the Eidolon and your SLA at the same time. Heck even a Master Summoner's Weakened Eidolon if built right is to much to have with an SLA up.

Albeit the Master Summoner Eidolon is harder to get right...

Back on track: the thing to remember is you and your Eidolon share Magic Item slots. This means if your Eidolon wears a belt of strength then you can't wear a belt of dexterity.

The exception is Weapons and Armor IIRC.

Silver Crusade

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Therakyn wrote:
The dm is having us start at 4th lvl and is going to let me have my eidolon and be able to summon a monster. Any help would be awesome Elamdri. And the master summoner sounds interesting



Charisma: Most Important, try for a 20
Constitution: Very Important, a 14 or higher is nice
Dexterity: Very Important, a 14 or higher is nice, arguably beneath Con
Wisdom/Intelligence: Roughly equal, do you want more skills or better will save? Roughly a 10 is nice
Strength: nerf it to the ground. Your lowest stat


Human, Half-Elf, Gnome, and Aasimar all make excellent summoners:

Humans: Skill Points and Feats, no negative stats

Half-Elf: The alternative favored class gives you 1/4 your level to the Eidolon's evolution pool. This gives you 5 extra evolution points at level 20.

Gnome: You get a boost to Cha and Con, and a negative to your dump, great. Also, I like the flavor of gnome summoner a lot. Also, you can ride your summon from level 1 if you like.

Aasimar: +2 to Charisma, +2 Wisdom, no negatives is great, but then you also get the alternative favored class option, which gives your Eidolon DR 1/2 / Evil every level, to a max of DR 10/Evil at level 20. That's powerful.

Skills: Use Magic Device and Spellcraft are super important. At 5th level you can steal evolution points from your Eidolon and fly, so fly is good. After that focus on Charisma based skills.

Feats: If you are Human, your two 1st level feats should be Spell Focus: Conjuration and Augmented Summoning to boost the power of your spell-like ability (Augmented Summoning doesn't affect Eidolon sadly, but still a great feat). For a third feat, I like improved Initiative. If you are not Human, Improved Initiative will have to wait until 5th level. At some point, you should probably pick up craft wonderous item or craft magic arms and armor if your GM is craft friendly. Summoners are EXPENSIVE as you got 2 people to gear out.

Gear: Will be handled in another section, depends on Eidolon choice.

Here are some strong Eidolon builds that I like. Remember though that the Eidolon is a incredibly customizable creature, so build it how you like. These will be good in combat, but if that's not what you're going for, change it up to suit your play :D

Eidolon Builds:

2H Weapon Wielding Biped:
This Eidolon focuses on getting a big 2H weapon and going to town with it, while also making lots of little natural attacks.

Base Form: Biped, BAB +3, Speed 30ft



free:limbs (arms)
free:limbs (legs)
1: Bite
2: Ability Increase (Str)
1: Reach (Bite)
1: Improved Natural Armor
1: Claws
1: Climb/Swim/Gills/low light vision (you pick)

At 5th level, you want to get the fly evolution
At 8th level, you want to get the Large Size Evolution


I suggest maxing Fly, Perception, Stealth, and splitting two points between Climb and Swim. Remember, you can only put points into skills up to your Eidolon's HD.

1: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Elven Curved Blade
2: Power Attack

Next feat should be Combat Reflexes for more attacks of opportunity

Full Round Attack:

Note: This assumes Power attack.

Elven Curved Sword: +6 (1d10 + 9|18-20/x2), Bite +1 (1d6 + 3)(10ft reach), 2 Claws +1 (1d4 + 3)

How to Play it

Every time the Biped goes up in size, he gains 5ft of Reach. With Combat Reflexes, that means a lot of painful 2H Weapon smacks to anything that dares get close to it. You should always cast Enlarge Person on your Eidolon for that reason (Don't for get to increase your damage dice!) Biped also has the best strength, so you will be able to capitalize on that with the 2H Weapon. Remember that you can make natural attacks with a weapon, but they are all treated as Secondary attacks that take a -5 to hit.

Note: If you want, you can get a Reach Weapon like a Glaive to gain ANOTHER 5ft of reach, rather than a Elven Curved Blade.

Natural Attacking Biped:
This Eidolon is a lot like the 2H Biped, but instead focuses on natural attacks. You will want as many claws as possible and will stack damage upgrades on the claws. When you have an odd number of natural attacks, grab a bite, and go for grab and swallow whole on the bite.

Base Form: Biped, BAB +3, Speed 30ft



free:limbs (arms)
free:limbs (legs)
1: Claws
2: Ability Increase (Str)
1: Reach (Claws)
1: Improved Natural Armor
1: Magic Attacks
1: Improved Damage (Claws)

At 5th level, you want to get the fly evolution
At 8th level, you want to get the Large Size Evolution


I suggest maxing Fly, Perception, Stealth, and splitting two points between Climb and Swim. Remember, you can only put points into skills up to your Eidolon's HD.

1: Power Attack
2: Combat Reflexes

Next feat should be Improved Natural Attack (Claws) to increase the claw's damage dice (Stacks with the Evolution of Improve Damage :D)

Full Round Attack:

Note: This assumes Power attack.

4 Claws + 5 (1d6 + 6)(10ft Reach)

How to Play it

Again, Reach is awesome here. Size is going to be really important again, so go go gadget Enlarge Person + Large Evolution! If you take Improve Damage (Claws) and Improve Natural Attack (Claws), your Claws will do 1d8 damage as medium, 2d6 damage as large, 2d8 damage as huge, 4d6 damage as Colossal...well you get the picture. And they will get 5ft of reach for every size increase. Which stacks with the Reach Evolution. Enjoy having 4 Greatswords-equivalent attacks.

Pouncing Quadruped:
This Eidolon is a bit different, rather than focusing on reach, you focus on getting full attacks with the Pounce ability (Lets you make a full attack on a charge). It's hella quick and mean. You will want to make sure that you have a bite attack with grab to make sure you get to use your rake ability often. This is an evolution heavy build.

Base Form: Quadruped, BAB +3, Speed 40ft



free: bite
free:limbs (legs)
free:limbs (legs)
1: Claws
2: Ability Increase (Str)
1: Pounce
1: Improved Natural Armor
1: Rake (2 free claws on a pounce or grapple)
1: Improved Damage (Claws)

At 5th level, you want to get the fly evolution
At 8th level, you want to get the Large Size Evolution
(Notice a pattern yet?)

This build also has some other staples. You are always going to want the Rake evolution and you are going to want to get the grab evolution on the Bite to make full use of Rake. Rend is also a great evolution because this is a claw heavy build.


I suggest maxing Fly, Perception, Stealth, and splitting two points between Climb and Swim. Remember, you can only put points into skills up to your Eidolon's HD.

1: Power Attack
2: Combat Reflexes

Next feat should be Improved Natural Attack (Claws) to increase the claw's damage dice (Stacks with the Evolution of Improve Damage :D)

Full Round Attack:

Note: This assumes Power attack AND Pouncing. (You only get the Rake attacks when pouncing or grappling)

1 Bite +5 (1d6 + 5); 4 Claws + 5 (1d6 + 5)

How to Play it

Like the natural attack Eidolon, you want to take Improve Damage (Claws) and Improve Natural Attack (Claws), your Claws will do 1d8 damage as medium, 2d6 damage as large, 2d8 damage as huge, 4d6 damage as Colossal...well you get the picture. This build wants to pounce as much as possible to get the 2 free Claw attacks from Rake. You should make sure to get the grab evolution for your bite attack to be able to Rake as much as possible. Rend is also a good choice because the likelihood that you land 2 Claw attacks is high.


Note that the stats in the Eidolons above does not take into account magic items.

This is Eidolon dependent.

2H Weapon Eidolon: Get your Eidolon a +1 Weapon. This leaves you with 4,000 gold. I suggest investing in any combination of Cloak of Resistance, +1 Armor and Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend.

Nat Attack Biped and Quad: Get an Amulet of Mighty Fists. It's expensive, I know, but worth it. You're getting +1 to all your natural attacks, and you have like 4-5 depending on the Eidolon, so that's the equivalent of like 4 +1 weapons. You will have 1,000 gold left to spend on what you want for your summoner.

Long term gear:

You're gonna want a belt of strength for your Eidolon and Headband of Charisma for yourself. Remember that you can't wear a belt if your eidolon does and vice versa (Applies to every item slot).

Metamagic Rods are awesome for summoner: You want a rod of Extend for buffs like Mage Armor. A Rod of Reach is also great for buffing the Eidolon from a distance. If you can afford them, a Rod of Quicken is great and so is a Rod of Dazing (They're super expensive).


O leve
Detect Magic
Mage Hand
Read Magic

1st level
Mage Armor
Enlarge Person

If you plan on having a huge Eidolon, you want Reduce Person to shrink him to get him in tight spaces.

Protection from Evil is also a good spell

Eventually you are going to want a wand of Shield for buffing.

2nd level

Good spell choices: Barkskin, Lesser Evolution Surge, Create Pit, Invisibility, Slow, Summon Eidolon. (Lesser Evolution Surge and Summon Eidolon would make good wands if you can afford them).

Hope this helps!

@Elamdri: is it bad that I pictured a gnome on the back of an Iron Golem when I read that about the Gnome riding his Eidolon from Level 1...

those are pretty nice builds... though I'm not sure why the pattern.

Silver Crusade

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

@Elamdri: is it bad that I pictured a gnome on the back of an Iron Golem when I read that about the Gnome riding his Eidolon from Level 1...

those are pretty nice builds... though I'm not sure why the pattern.

Nope, same image :D

The pattern is cause Copy and Paste saves time.

Also, I forgot, but the 2H weapon wielding Biped should take Lunge early, to again maximize the reach.

If you have a reach weapon + Lunge + 2 size increases, that's a 25ft reach. With Combat Reflexes, you will beat the bejesus out of anything that tries to move.

Elamdri wrote:
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

@Elamdri: is it bad that I pictured a gnome on the back of an Iron Golem when I read that about the Gnome riding his Eidolon from Level 1...

those are pretty nice builds... though I'm not sure why the pattern.

Nope, same image :D

The pattern is cause Copy and Paste saves time.

Also, I forgot, but the 2H weapon wielding Biped should take Lunge early, to again maximize the reach.

If you have a reach weapon + Lunge + 2 size increases, that's a 25ft reach. With Combat Reflexes, you will beat the bejesus out of anything that tries to move.

1) good

2) makes sense
3) good idea
4) by Torag's beard... I think I am in love with that build.

Silver Crusade

So just some general thoughts:

At low levels, Eidolons who focus on natural attacks are gonna deal the most damage. The Pouncing Quadruped does the most damage on a full round action if it rakes and rends.

At higher levels however, you are going to find that if you give ANY Eidolon an extra Limbs (arms) evolution and give it a weapon, it's going to deal more damage.

This is because with just one weapon, a max level Eidolon can make 10 attacks:

3 Weapon attacks at a +15/+10/+5 and then 7 Natural attacks, all at a +13

Also, I highly suggest that no matter the Eidolon, you give it a weapon proficiency feat and keep an adamantine and a Cold iron weapon around. You can get through magic and silver and alignment DR with feats and evolutions and magic items, but for cold iron and adamantine, you will need a weapon.


Maybe use the Lamia whatever-the-prebuilt-eidolons-are-called. And build towards that?

Wait, isn't the reach evolution with 1 attack, and not with 1 attack type? like if you have 4 claw attacks, only one can gain extra reach?

Nemitri wrote:
Wait, isn't the reach evolution with 1 attack, and not with 1 attack type? like if you have 4 claw attacks, only one can gain extra reach?

Claws come in pairs, so the reach evolution would effect two claw attacks.

Silver Crusade

In Ultimate Magic, it lists a number of various Eidolon builds, one of which is the Aboleth


The eidolon looks like an aberrant aquatic creature such as an aboleth.

25 points: Base Form aquatic; Primary Evolutions reach (tentacles), tentacles (2);

This implies that the Reach evolution is intended to apply to one FORM for natural attack, as they apply the reach evolution to all the tentacles of the Aboleth, despite the fact that they are separate attacks.

This also brings the Reach Evolution in line with all other evolutions that affect a FORM of natural attack, rather than an individual attack.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Therakyn wrote:
The dm is having us start at 4th lvl and is going to let me have my eidolon and be able to summon a monster. Any help would be awesome Elamdri. And the master summoner sounds interesting

So your DM is letting you play a mostly broken class and letting you break it further. I hope he knows what he's in for.

Silver Crusade

We're teaching him a valuable lesson here. Give him one game and you will no longer be able to summon the eidolon and use the summon monster ability.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Are there any other players in this campaign? It seems as though your DM is steering you in a direction where you basically play an entire party.

Is there really a wrong way to build an Eidolon?

There is an Alchemist and a Paladin in the party. Now the DM says that I wont be able to have both the eidolon and the summoned monster. Also was reading about the Eidolon and it was saying that they cannot equip armor because it interferes with the link between them and the summoner.

Silver Crusade

Therakyn wrote:

There is an Alchemist and a Paladin in the party. Now the DM says that I wont be able to have both the eidolon and the summoned monster. Also was reading about the Eidolon and it was saying that they cannot equip armor because it interferes with the link between them and the summoner.

Not being able to have the eidolon and the summon monster ability is how the class is supposed to work, smart on him to change that. He would have hated his life if he let you do that.

Yes, the Eidolon cannot wear armor. But that's the only restriction. It can wear any other items. Also, you can cast mage armor on the Eidolon to give it armor.

However summoners and Eidolons share item slots

So if you wear a cloak, the eidolon can't

If the Eidolon wears a belt, you can't

If the Eidolon wears a ring, you can only wear one ring.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Is there really a wrong way to build an Eidolon?

Plenty, most of them however involve incorrect usage of the build rules.

LazarX wrote:
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Is there really a wrong way to build an Eidolon?
Plenty, most of them however involve incorrect usage of the build rules.

Really there is a way to make an ineffective Eidolon?

Sovereign Court

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Is there

really a wrong way to build an Eidolon?

Plenty, most of them however involve incorrect usage of the build rules.
Really there is a way to make an ineffective Eidolon?

Probably, but it takes more system mastery to make that ineffective eidolon then it does to make an overpowered monk/rogue multiclass and you know how often that overpowered combo is complained about. ;)

Mad Alchemist wrote:
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Is there

really a wrong way to build an Eidolon?

Plenty, most of them however involve incorrect usage of the build rules.
Really there is a way to make an ineffective Eidolon?
Probably, but it takes more system mastery to make that ineffective eidolon then it does to make an overpowered monk/rogue multiclass and you know how often that overpowered combo is complained about. ;)


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