Therakyn's page

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There is an Alchemist and a Paladin in the party. Now the DM says that I wont be able to have both the eidolon and the summoned monster. Also was reading about the Eidolon and it was saying that they cannot equip armor because it interferes with the link between them and the summoner.

The dm is having us start at 4th lvl and is going to let me have my eidolon and be able to summon a monster. Any help would be awesome Elamdri. And the master summoner sounds interesting

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I am brand new to Pathfinder, played in a very short lived campaign and have started another new campaign. The DM convinced me to play a Summoner so I rolled it up and got everything together. Thing is, I know pretty much nothing about the summoner. So any helpful tips would be awesome. I looked over the guide and took some stuff from there, but like I said any helpful tips would be awesome.