Zepheri |
Hello. I would like to create a background in which my character is the daughter of 2 gods but because she was born from her avatars, she was born as a human (Disney's Hercules style). my question is can you have descendet with the avatars and if yes to the answer, my character would be a demigod or a god. additional I was thinking of giving you 2 basic feats of the mythical manual for free and without requirements to point out your divine descent: marked for glory and mythical companion; Is it okay to put these feats on it or is it something excessive
Themetricsystem |
You should be thinking more along the lines of being something like 20x generations removed from actual gods.
One of the only actual children of gods that does exist in the lore is the Tarrasque in that it is the child/spawn of big R himself, and it is so powerful that it even blows multiple maximum level PCs out of the water without having ever effectively gained any EXP.
Perhaps the kind of "chosen one" type PC, born randomly to a family that has the blood of some avatars in their bloodline stretching back 8000+ years where something like the eighth daughter of the eighth daughter in this family is born with the innate divine soul etc. etc. etc.
Just my 2c
Mysterious Stranger |
If you are the GM and are creating a NPC do whatever you want.
If this is a PC that you are going to be playing you should follow the rules the same as other characters. No background should allow a PC to gain extra abilities above and beyond that that other player get. Using your background to justify why you have some abilities is fine, but those abilities should be equal to those of the other players.
If you want to be decendent from a deity I suggest looking at the Aasimar race. There are a lot of options that would allow you to taylor your character to fit the background. Different Aasimar Heritages can give different bonus to better reflex your ancestry. There are also a number of alternate racial traits to further fine tune your abilities to match your background.
Unless your campaign is a mythic campaign I would not use anything from the mythic rules.
Theaitetos |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Rogue Genius Games published the "Godling" classes:
Adept Godling
Clever Godling
Eldritch Godling
Mighty Godling
Godling prestige class
Zepheri |
I don't think I can explain well if I have the acceptance of the GM since he wants to launch a campaign of demigods, he just wanted to know if a demigod can be formed from 2 avatars of gods.I have the approval of the GM to obtain 2 feat free of requirements as long as it is something that limits me as a character. all members are creating their version of demigod I myself try to create a warrior arcanist secret daughter of Amaszen and Acavna. I hope you can give me some suggestions regarding some combative feat that is not for the pure arcanist class
Claxon |
Hello. I would like to create a background in which my character is the daughter of 2 gods but because she was born from her avatars, she was born as a human (Disney's Hercules style). my question is can you have descendet with the avatars and if yes to the answer, my character would be a demigod or a god. additional I was thinking of giving you 2 basic feats of the mythical manual for free and without requirements to point out your divine descent: marked for glory and mythical companion; Is it okay to put these feats on it or is it something excessive
There are no rules or lore (that I know of) that specifically addresses your question.
If your GM wants to make everyone a demigod, that's fine. They can decide how that works in their game, including what origins are valid and what bonuses being a demigod has.
This completely in house rules, not the regular rules forum.
By the regular rules, no you can't be a demigod. No your not the child of a god. You might be the descendant of a demigod from 20 generations ago. But you're just a regular ol'whatever race your character is.
Mysterious Stranger |
If you GM wants to run a campaign where the PC are demigods I would suggest using the mythic rules. The mythic rules make for some very powerful characters, but demigods are supposed to be more powerful than other characters. A mythic campaign is a challenge for the GM but it is possible to run a mythic campaign and challenge the characters. It takes a lot of work and I would not recommend it for a novice GM.
As to what it takes to create a demigod Claxon is right there are no rules for this. This is completely up to the GM, and he can do anything he wants.
VoodistMonk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Just use races above 15RP, give everyone a bonus feat to start, and obviously use Mythic materials...
Don't overcomplicate things.
Give a Trox a bonus feat, or a Kasatha with a bonus feat... 30+ point buy, or whatever.
Otherwise, use the race builder rules to build custom demigod races, and establish a maximum RP value that can make the characters you desire to play.
Honestly, you could be normal races, no extra feats, and just play a Mythic game... have creative backstories that don't actually level you up... and play PF1. Let Mythic bring you to demigod power like it does normally.
Or start at a higher level to explain your powers.
Or don't play as demigods because it's already easy enough to make the game too easy if everyone is overly powerful or optimized. What fun is it if there is literally no challenge?
Sysryke |
Not everybody is as mechanically proficient with the system as others. For such groups, especially in home brew, adding extra powers or goodies doesn't automatically make for a less challenging game, especially is mechanical challenges are a less highlighted aspect of the campaign.
Then again, for those who are better number crunchers, all the extras might make for a fun version of an "arms race" between the GM and players, freeing the GM up to use creatures or tactics normally deemed too OP.
Artofregicide |
If you GM wants to run a campaign where the PC are demigods I would suggest using the mythic rules. The mythic rules make for some very powerful characters, but demigods are supposed to be more powerful than other characters. A mythic campaign is a challenge for the GM but it is possible to run a mythic campaign and challenge the characters. It takes a lot of work and I would not recommend it for a novice GM.
As to what it takes to create a demigod Claxon is right there are no rules for this. This is completely up to the GM, and he can do anything he wants.
I'd strongly suggest running mythic with a great deal of caution. It breaks very, very quickly.
yukongil |
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or...don't add anything, but don't increase anybody in the world. Essentially get rid of levels for NPCs as well as racial stats. A guard is a guard is a guard and they are 2nd level warriors and that's it. PCs however, are demigods who with time and the slaying of legendary beasts soon unlock the powers of their godly sires to attain undreamed of power! ie they simply level up. You'll find that just normal classes with normal races played in that way, will behave like demigods/heroes of legend pretty easily.
No need for anything extra, or dipping into mythic if the DM isn't comfortable with that power level.