Can incorporeal creatures be set on fire?

Rules Questions

Can incorporeal creatures be set on fire (say, by a fire storm spell)? I'm inclined to say that they can catch on fire, but the fire won't damage them.

Nonmagical fire doesn't harm incorporeal creatures...but being set on fire by a fire storm spell does more damage than being set on fire by normal means. I suspect that means it's magical. It might be just that fire storm tries to ignite more of you than even a forest fire, but I think that in this case you can set ghosts on fire RAW.

Yes they can but only by magic fire. Even if the fire is magic they still take half damage unless the spell in question is an ectoplasmic spell. Fire Strom is a 7th level spell for a druid and 8th level for anyone else who can cast it. A spell that high should be capable of extraordinary things.

Or ghost touched fire

Enchanted Alchemist's Fire...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ectoplasmic Fireball with Alchemist's fire Alchemical component. Level 4 + 30 Gold (less if you have Craft Alchemy). Just the thing for making Spirits Bright.

Not physically.

Emotionally, yes.

Don't know about fire for certain, but, "The human spirit is a very hard thing to kill . . . . . . . . . Even with a chainsaw."

They can with THIS FEAT for sure.

Sysryke wrote:
Don't know about fire for certain, but, "The human spirit is a very hard thing to kill . . . . . . . . . Even with a chainsaw."

+1 ghost touch chainsaw works just fine though.

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