Multiple: "Dead at -(CONx2)" effects = ???

Rules Questions

Pretty straight forward.
Thought I had the answer bookmarked from WAY back. No luck.

If you have a CON of 15, you're dead at -15, obviously.
If some effects make that CONx2, or dead at -30.
If you have two different "CONx2" effects, is that dead at -45, or -60?

Thanks in advance!

Liberty's Edge

45. Multipliers are always additive.

Shadow Lodge

Well, in the combat section of the CRB, it says: "When you multiply damage more than once, each multiplier works off the original, unmultiplied damage. So if you are asked to double the damage twice, the end result is three times the normal damage."

I don't know if it actually states that anywhere else as a general rule for multiplying things besides damage, but I think you can extrapolate it that way (FWIW such a general rule does exist in pf2).

So yes, -45 would be my answer as well.

Sovereign Court

Do the effects say increased? Or just set to Con x2?

If the former, probably -45. Of the latter, -30.

Yeah it depends how it's worded.

If it says: "You die at X" (or something similar) then they overlap and don't stack with each other.

If it says: "You remain alive until you've taken Y extra damage" (or something similar) then they'd stack.

Personally I'd let them stack since this is pretty niche and you're spending resources on it (presumably a lot of resources to make it at all useful).

If it does stack then as others have said it'd be additive, rather than multiplicative

One of them reads:
"When she is reduced to below 0 hit points, she doesn’t die until her negative hit point total exceeds double her Constitution score."

The other reads:
"In addition, you don’t die until your total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double your Constitution score."

I get the logic of them overlapping, rather than doubling.
However, I very very strongly remember reading years ago that these effects did interact in some additive way. I'm fairly confident, even.

My train is thinking back on it is that it works like Vital Strike does regarding a critical hit. You wouldn't double the double, but rather up the multiplier by one.

But there's this nagging bit in the back of my head telling me I was wrong, and that it doubles the double... but I can't for the life of me find the precedent for that. No friggin clue what happened to that bookmark.

Yeah it looks like they don't stack to me.

What abilities are you using? (Am I blind or have you not stated them?)

Also what are you planning to do with them?

As I said I'd probably allow them to stack, but that's based on the premise that you're putting resources (feats/etc) into this and that in order to make it actually useful you'll have to put more feats into it (maybe Deathless Initiate etc), and even then it only matters sometimes. If it's something that gives a larger benefit for less cost I might change my mind.

One's the capstone of a Life Spirit Shaman.
The other is from Tier 3 Mythic. Weird mix, I know.

It's killing me that I can't actually find the original ruling about application.
(it wasn't about those two specifically - but about similar abilities)

they seem like they overlap, but if they do stack i would say -45

From what's been shown so far, they overlap.
If you houserule that they stack, there is a precedent in the game for multiplied multipliers being additive instead.
I don't know of anything in the game where a doubled double is a quadruple. So it seems like the least reasonable option until faced with some kind of evidence.

Quixote wrote:

From what's been shown so far, they overlap.

If you houserule that they stack, there is a precedent in the game for multiplied multipliers being additive instead.


Also since it's a capstone I'd definitely let it stack. Even if it IS overpowered somehow overpowered, it should be at this level (ditto for Mythic I guess). I'd still make it additive though, since that's how everything in PF works.

I don't know of anything in the game where a doubled double is a quadruple.

I *think* carrying capacity bonuses for being Large and for being a quadruped multiply (so a large quadruped has 4× the carrying capacity of a medium biped with the same Strength score), but that's way too niche to be a precedent (and also I'm not 100% on it).

MrCharisma wrote:
I *think* carrying capacity bonuses for being Large and for being a quadruped multiply (so a large quadruped has 4× the carrying capacity of a medium biped with the same Strength score), but that's way too niche to be a precedent (and also I'm not 100% on it).

Yes. Anything that deals with in-world weights and measure rather than abstract rules numbers follows real-world rules for multiplication - otherwise things could get weird. Carrying capacity is a good example of that.

EDIT: On the original question, I agree with the chorus: RAW they do not stack, but considering what the abilities are I would be inclined to let them (although this would technically be a houserule). In which case, it would be -45 because hit points are an abstract rules number not a real-world number.


It may not even matter. If you are using mythic rules and are 9th tier you gain the mythic ability Immortal. Most of the times even if you die you still come back the next day. Considering the second ability is gained at 20th level there is you probably are going to be 9th tier by then.

Lance does double damage and we add modifiers in as x3 x4 etc. Don't see why doubled hit point thresholds are even being talked about being done differently. Its -45. Even as RAW

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