Ready for Anything Prerequisites

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

I am bringing a question from reddit.


I am using the aonprd website. It shows the prerequisites as:

Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Quick Draw, base attack bonus +6 or uncanny dodge class feature.

Please can you advise which of the following this means.

The "Or" means you need one of the feats in the list

It means you need the first 4 and either the 5th or 6th.

It means you need either the first 5 or the 6th.


I am of the opinion that without an "and" or a semicolon that any one of those items is sufficient but I could be wrong.

ShadowcatX wrote:

I am bringing a question from reddit.


I am using the aonprd website. It shows the prerequisites as:

Alertness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Quick Draw, base attack bonus +6 or uncanny dodge class feature.

Please can you advise which of the following this means.

The "Or" means you need one of the feats in the list

It means you need the first 4 and either the 5th or 6th.

It means you need either the first 5 or the 6th.


I am of the opinion that without an "and" or a semicolon that any one of those items is sufficient but I could be wrong.

I agree with you, ShadowcatX: that's what "or" means, and that's what the rules say.

Indeed, compare with Pummeling charge:

Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Pummeling Style; base attack bonus +12, brawler level 8th, or monk level 8th.

There is a semicolon after Improved Unarmed Strike and Pummeling Style which means you need both these feats and one of base attack bonus +12, brawler level 8th, or monk level 8th.

How did I not know about this feat?

MrCharisma wrote:
How did I not know about this feat?

Because you've probably just always taken Combat Reflexes, like everyone else.

Sure, Combat Reflexes only lets you REact in the surprise round, but it's usually enough to keep you alive... and the other benefits of Combat Reflexes generally outweigh the need for another feat that essentially does the same thing.

In fact, Ready for Anything should more than likely be combined with Combat Reflexes to eliminate superfluous feats and overlap.

I suspect that it wasn't the RAI (I'd just about bet the intent was you have to take a lot of prereq feats to get this and cunning intuition), but RAW any one of those will do.

Liberty's Edge

I was convinced on Reddit that only the last two are optional. The template comes before Paizo adopted the use of semicolons and is comparable to the max level style feats.

Well, you see my good gentlemen and ladies, this is clearly missing an Oxford comma, and as a good British person, I must indubitably inform that the inclusive list stops at "Quick Draw", and should one wish to purchase such a feat, they must also possess either a "Base Attack Bonus" of no less than six, or must have acquired the "Uncanny Dodge" ability from either the barbarous or unsavory vagabond classes. [/s]

In any case, I actually do believe that is the intended RAI, as dumb as it seems. By the time a character is a level 4 rogue, they would have to be a human and also have spent a rogue talent on improved initiative (as it is the only one valid for Combat Trick) to have all the required feats to then take Ready for Anything at level 5. It really makes no sense when there is also a rogue talent that does everything Ready for Anything does as a single rogue talent with no other prerequisites.

What is it, Sohei Monk(?), that can always act in the surprise round at level 1?

And it would take a human dedicating every resource from levels 1-4, in a specific class or two, to get Ready for Anything? Lame...

As others have said, fulfilling at least one of the six options is enough to meet the pre-requisites.
The six items on the list could have been written in order (combination), it wouldn't have changed anything to the rule.
Said yet differently, one can replace each comma in the pre-requisites entry by an «or» without altering the meaning.

@Voodist, misremembered the Snap-Shot Rogue Talent. But between it, danger sense, and full ranks in perception, a rogue will likely never be caught without surprise, and then they effectively have Ready for Anything.

@Agenor, Pure RAW, yes that is how this 3e era feat would be read now, but it was also written at a time before the ; vs , list nesting feature had been established and is therefore likely intended to require all the feats plus either of the last two non-feat prerequisites.

In any case, its a trap option even with only one prerequisite so it ultimately doesn't matter.

AwesomenessDog wrote:
@Agenor, Pure RAW, yes that is how this 3e era feat would be read now, but it was also written at a time before the ; vs , list nesting feature had been established and is therefore likely intended to require all the feats plus either of the last two non-feat prerequisites.

Ah yes, because a book written in 2016 came out before one written in 2014. Well played.

Oh wait, I coulda swore the reference I saw for Ready for Anything said 2009. Carry on. I am blind.

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