Friendly Neighborhood Slurk's Untitled Campaign

Game Master Friendly Neighborhood Slurk

You wake up in a dungeon with no memories of how you got there, and every night the walls move! This is a level one through three dungeon I created myself. I am very new to play by post and would appreciate patient players who can show me the ropes. This will be a soda and pretzels game. In my games I give players as much rope as they need to hang themselves as long as you aren't breaking any rules. Above all else we are just here to have fun.

What I need from you: One level one character, 175 starting gold, 20 point by. Only the core rule book and the advanced players guide allowed. Post at least once every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I don't expect you to post on holidays also if you plan on missing a day please let me know as I would let you know if I might miss a day.

I am new to this so please excuse any mistakes and be patient with me while I learn. I have read Painlord's guide to play by post, So I do know the basics.

If you have any questions please ask, also if you do not want to play feel free to tell me why so that I can improve as a writer and a GM.

I plan on closing recruitment on 9-3-19 or earlier if I have enough applicants. Game play starts on 9-4-19 or sooner, I will post the winners in the recruitment thread and pm you. I look forward to playing with you!

(Edited for clarity)


Dot as well, hmm... plenty of ideas, which to pick...

Hey guys I'm changing the end of recruitment to 9/7/19 also this is a 4 player campaign so when we have 4 players we will start.

I think you need more defined Character creation rules and in a better to read format.
General PBP game recruitment OP format.


I'll go for the +1 Monk idea, though I am curious about the finer details (expected posting rate, forums, etc.)


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