Dangerous Sorcerery via Basic Blood Potency?

Rules Discussion

This question has been asked in one form or another a couple of different times before in this forum (for example, here and here) but I didn't get the feeling that the community really had a clear (majority) position on this.

To restate, if a character takes the sorcerer multiclass dedication and then later picks up the Basic Blood Potency feat and chooses Dangerous Sorcery as their sorcerer feat, does this feat only affect the spell slots granted by the sorcerer dedication or does it also affect any spell slots granted by the character's (base) class. For example, could a Wizard pick this up to get a damage bonus to spells from their wizard spell slots?

Would the answer to the above question apply more generally? For example, could a Sorcerer gain the benefits of Spell Penetration for their sorcerer spell slots by taking a Wizard dedication and Advanced Arcana?

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RAW? Any spell cast from a spell slot that meets the requirements
RAI? Probably any spell cast from the Sorceror spell slots that meets the requirements

A lot of feats are worded broadly, so can potentially apply to features of multiclass. As a GM, make a ruling and be consistent in your interpretation of feats applying to cross class as a whole.

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It applies to all spells you cast from your spell slots. And I'm pretty sure it's intended, so it's both RAW and RAI.
Sorcerer Dedication for Dangerous Sorcery is a very classical multiclassing for anyone focusing on damaging spells (Druid, Wizard, Witch).


Same for a Primal Sorcerer multiclassing Cleric who takes the Healing Hands feat to increase their Sorcerer heal spells to d10s.

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Yeah, I agree with @SuperBidi. Unless a feat is worded specifically to restrict its use, I think the intent is for them to be usable with multiclass abilities as well as their "source" class abilities.

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Nefreet wrote:
Same for a Primal Sorcerer multiclassing Cleric who takes the Healing Hands feat to increase their Sorcerer heal spells to d10s.

Prereq: healing font, which is cleric only. So that doesn't work.


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Touché. Holy Castigation, then, for a good-aligned Primal Sorcerer/Cleric.

There are several examples out there. I don't see any specific restriction preventing them from working.

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Asethe wrote:

RAI? Probably any spell cast from the Sorceror spell slots that meets the requirements

I disagree that there's anything to suggest you're supposed to be limited to just Sorcerer spell slots.

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I agree that it applies to all your spells from spell slots. If a feature doesn't say it's limited, it's not limited.

You could also get Reach Spell from Wizard dedication on a Champion and apply it to your Lay on hands.

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