Ratfolk Alchemists Questions (Build is more for flavor)


I have a few Questions about my build.

The Character is Excentric and Chatoic thinking Pure CN Alignment. Don't have a name yet but he will be an older Rat Thinking middle Age to Old. (Getting Tired of playing Chracters who Are in their 20's / Early 30's)

The point buy for this game is a whopping 32 and I could use Advice on how set up his Stat array. Never Felt with old characters and I could use some Advice on it.

I See him waking with a Sword cane wearing and throwing Bombs. So I'm thinking Gernadier.

I'll be taking FCB for an Extra Discovery.

So far I have Smoke Bomb Stink Bomb Frost Bomb and have two more to chose 1 from taking The FCB and 1 from the Extra Discovery Feat. For those I am unsure of what to take,

Feats are
3 Precise Shot
5 Extra discovery

Old Age Ratfolk with a 32pt buy:
10,16,12,19,14,10... level 4 stat bump makes it:
10,16,12,20,14,10... not bad, for a little old rat.

That's a 14,16,14,16,13,9 buy in before racials and age adjustments.

I suggest Precise Bombs and Infusion

precise bombs is nice. but doesn't work when you miss. and then it might hurt.

i recommend splash weapon mastery feat (ether instead or in addition). that help even if you miss to guide the bomb elsewhere.
also count as far shot for alchemical weapons AND add a selected square to the splash area. they re not always grouped together, this will add a lot of bang to your bombs.

Grenadiers get precise bombs as a bonus discovery. Splash weapon mastery in place of the extra discovery feat (as zza ni suggests) is an option of course, but you'll be getting precise bombs too.

I might get inspiring cognatogen on this rat to play up his brains, or weapon finesse to let him have a chance of stabbing something with his sword cane (when the cane's loaded with an alchemical weapon of course; it wouldn't be worth trying otherwise).

Ok I have wealthy a 6th level character items
but the GM is not allowing us to buy magical

So what all should I buy?

A few alchemical weapons to use if your bombs run out. A more martially oriented grenadier might add them to their weapon attacks, but I'm not sure that's you.

Some alchemical tools and alchemical remedies.

A mithral chain shirt and a mithral buckler.

A bunch of coins and/or trade goods to buy magic items with when you actually can do so.

Some of those fins that increase the range of your bombs... bomb throwers?

Pellet grenades of various types to bypass DR.

Choking and Sneezing Powder for when you have to really mess $#!+ up.

A fancy formula book?

avr wrote:

A few alchemical weapons to use if your bombs run out. A more martially oriented grenadier might add them to their weapon attacks, but I'm not sure that's you.

Some alchemical tools and alchemical remedies.

A mithral chain shirt and a mithral buckler.

A bunch of coins and/or trade goods to buy magic items with when you actually can do so.

Ok there is actual story reason as to why we don't start with magic item

Our King a Dragon is cursed to consume magical items so there's "None in the kingdom

But can you give me some examples of some Alchemical items I might want?
There seems to be so many and I do not know what to to chose

Acid is the cheapest useful alchemical weapon (10 gp) and it's a useful damage type. Throwing tanglefoot bags or shard gel is also a useful thing to do sometimes.

Tracking powder, adhesive strips (duct tape), stagnant fog sacks (probably redundant for you), tunnel creepers, silence dust and deodorizing agents are some items I mentioned recently for a sneaky rogue. Some of these may be useful to you. Fire ward gel and frost ward gel may be useful too; usually spells/scrolls are better but obviously they're not an option here.

Remedies include antitoxin, antiplague, soothe syrup, mellowroot and meditation tea. Most are best used as a buff before you encounter the threat. 3 vials of dragon blood can cure a negative level out of combat.

You don't need to get all of these, just what you think would be useful. If you do try to get everything it's easy to forget them when you need them, be warned.

JuliusCromwell wrote:

I have a few Questions about my build.

The Character is Excentric and Chatoic thinking Pure CN Alignment. Don't have a name yet but he will be an older Rat Thinking middle Age to Old. (Getting Tired of playing Chracters who Are in their 20's / Early 30's)

The point buy for this game is a whopping 32 and I could use Advice on how set up his Stat array. Never Felt with old characters and I could use some Advice on it.

I See him waking with a Sword cane wearing and throwing Bombs. So I'm thinking Gernadier.

I'll be taking FCB for an Extra Discovery.

So far I have Smoke Bomb Stink Bomb Frost Bomb and have two more to chose 1 from taking The FCB and 1 from the Extra Discovery Feat. For those I am unsure of what to take,

Feats are
3 Precise Shot
5 Extra discovery

If you are making him a Grenadier. The cool think about Grenadiers is that they get to put Alchemal Weapons in their ammunition: exploding arrows are cool.

What's cooler than exploding arrows? Exploding Bullets. Dip a level in Gunslinger, and use a Gun Cane instead of a Sword cane.

MrCharisma wrote:
I suggest Precise Bombs and Infusion

Precise Bombs are nice, but Infusion is a MUST!

I like Explosive Missile, too.

Fast Bombs can let you Nova quite effectively.

Ok level 8 I will take faxt bombs

Think 7th level feat rapid SHOT

But I do have a question how should I role play this old rat

I'm kind of thinking of Nicodemus from the Secret of NIMH, maybe Splinter from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, maybe one of those Wind in the Willows Characters, but maybe a little steampunk.

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
... maybe one of those Wind in the Willows Characters, but maybe a little steampunk.

Yeah, play him like Badger ;)

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
I'm kind of thinking of Nicodemus from the Secret of NIMH, maybe Splinter from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, maybe one of those Wind in the Willows Characters, but maybe a little steampunk.

Actually the Secret of NIMH partially inspired him but it's been years since I saw it.

I more need advice how to rp a CN character.

Chaotic Nuetral is easy... don't get caught up anything that you don't want to, or doesn't directly benefit you. You get to say, "I'd help you out with that, but I don't want to."

VoodistMonk wrote:

Chaotic Nuetral is easy... don't get caught up anything that you don't want to, or doesn't directly benefit you. You get to say, "I'd help you out with that, but I don't want to."

I ask cause I never played one and only saw a friend play one

To Quote his Rogue

If I help you , you won't learn anything

Saying this to his Wife's character who is cutting off her fingers on behest of a crazy 20 level with wizard for the cost to get us home via teleport

Sounds about right. Lol.

Just don't get caught up in politics or religion. And always play your character as if they can walk away at any point of their choosing. If your character ever wonders why they are doing something, remind people that you don't HAVE to do it.

It's not a lack of commitment, you are just committed to your own agenda. You may appear apathetic, selfish, uninterested, or narcissistic... but those traits aren't part of being CN, it's all how you want your character to look to others. You can be super caring, kind, and helpful... even as a CN character... but it's because you want to be.

Picking a way you want the character to behave then deciding what alignment that is works better than the reverse IME.

I'd go for a mad scientist vibe. Appearing uncaring etc. doesn't work that well in an RPG, instead ham it up with an interest in SCIENCE! to the exclusion of caring about good, evil etc.

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Your character probably LIKES blowing $#!+ up on a personal level... that's why you are using Bombs. It is a preferrence that probably makes your character seem like a hammer, looking at every problem likes it's a nail... your first choice is to always blow it up. People stop asking you what you think the party should do, how you would handle the situation, or what you want to do... because it's always blow $#!+ up.

EVERYTHING can be handled with the correct application of high explosives...

Play your character like Bill Murray in Caddyshack running around with C-4 shaped likes squirrels.

Try to think up some interests of his own... whatever an old rat might find interesting these days. Maybe he is secretly tired of limping around with a cane and wants to fly. So you use a Discovery for Wings, which fulfills a self-interest, makes your rat cool because it has freaking wings, and you get to casually drop Bombs on people from above/out of harm's way. Maybe he has always wanted a pocket watch and is looking for one or building one. Maybe he has always wanted to get good with a bow and dabbles in Eldritch Archer Magus. Or maybe he has long white hair and tinkers with being a Witch. The point is, he needs to want things of his own in order to do what he wants.

@ Everyone. Thanks for all the advice

I find skavens a great inspiration for ratfolks characters ;)

In addition to all the great advises for the build e.g. grenadier, etc. I would add that I would get the cognatogen discovery asap as this will really boost your damage, DC of your bpombs, your number of spells and you don't need dex so much given you hit touch AC.

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