Refocus feats

Secrets of Magic Playtest General Discussion

I note that neither class has the typical class feats for enhanced Refocus available at levels 12 and 18. Is this intended, an oversight, or just a matter of not including duplicate content?

It would seem particularly important for the magus, which has quite a few focus spells and might want to cast more than one per encounter.

summoner has them, conduit focus, conduit wellsprintg

Yeah, I missed them when first skimming. It's still odd that maguses don't have them.

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Maybe because they don’t need those play testing? Didn’t this happen with the APG classes where they were short on feats ?

Lanathar wrote:
Maybe because they don’t need those play testing? Didn’t this happen with the APG classes where they were short on feats ?

Then why add them for the summoner if they don't need testing?

The ranger got its focus spells and they also add not one but 2 feats for refocusing ( lvl 12 and 18 ).

They probably just forgot to add them.

Summoner has actual, useful Focus spells. Magus has focus spells (except Haste) that duplicate runes they probably will already have on their weapons. I can see why they want to have Summoner focus spells tested, and don't really need to know what Magus focus spells can do on repeated casts

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Asethe wrote:
Summoner has actual, useful Focus spells. Magus has focus spells (except Haste) that duplicate runes they probably will already have on their weapons. I can see why they want to have Summoner focus spells tested, and don't really need to know what Magus focus spells can do on repeated casts

Yeah. Haste seems like the only thing the Magus will absolutely cast every fight. The rune spells are more niche. You're only going to use those if you need to switch to a back up weapon or need to tag in a specific element for weakness purposes. Which is a pretty legit tool to have I. The box, but not one you'll use every fight.

Also, they can always add those feats in the final release.

I feel like the Magus focus spell that gran a weapon property rune will be handy if you run into monsters with either a big resistance to the property rune currently on your weapon or into a monster with a decent vulnerability to a certain damage type making the Recall Knowledge feats a little more useful.

We also have to remember that any class with focus spells can take extra focus spells through a dedication, so it wouldn't be strange for a magus to cast 3 focus spell per fight.

Maybe they'll make them baseline like they should be (no, but one can hope).

Apellosine wrote:
I feel like the Magus focus spell that gran a weapon property rune will be handy if you run into monsters with either a big resistance to the property rune currently on your weapon or into a monster with a decent vulnerability to a certain damage type making the Recall Knowledge feats a little more useful.

I'd rather it stack with the weapon runes already. As is, it's hard to justify.

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