Brainstorming items for mechs


We got the frames, the weapons and the systems, but what about items, of all kinds?

For instance, how about the Motorsphere equivalent for mechs? In short, a Motorsphere is a fist-size orb that can transform into an enercycle for 1 hour. THAT would be a blessing for mech users.

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Weapon fusions for mech weapons. Armor upgrades for mechs drawn from powered armor categories.

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Upgrading hardness and ablative shielding, basically cheaper nonrecharging shields and/or hardness up to X amount of damage. Other ways to bump Str for Melee Mecha. Upgrades or augments for class features and spells to play a bigger roll in Mecha combat.

I want some type of super booster for the mechs, something that doesn't last long but gives a big buff (and maybe a debuff once it's run out afterwards), like trans-am or the lambda driver.

Auxiliary systems that allow me to transform into a air-borne, land-borne, or underwater vehicle that can move so many mile per hour.

It be cool that my mecha can turn into a Nissan Ultima (urban cruiser) or maybe even a Harley Davidson (motorcycle).

And a system upgrade that allows me to transform into a starship form for colossal size mecha. Kinda like Dhalochar devils, but less devilish.

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I want to see more interaction with the party assuming there is only one mech.
Maybe a missile launcher that the mech pilot launches but the party targets.
Also I’ve been toying with an ablative armor idea to replace shields, for slightly lower tech games. Or old school gundam fans such as me.
Had another thought about link fired weapons, like in starships except it uses pp to fire both.
Maybe a vehicle that is designed to do field repairs like the giant choppers in armored core 5.
Sniping equipment.
I didn’t think the rocket launcher should have had that hunker down bombardment ability, it should have been on a frame mounted large bore cannon.
I’d in the future also like to see battlefield modification kit. Maybe a mech sized shovel, or burrow speed.
Maybe ammo mods. Like adamantine ammo, or explosive?
Basic rant over, even if they go in a different direction with the mech system (I pray to every god listening they don’t) I’m going to continue to work on this play test. It calls to armored core fans like myself.

An 'unreliable' downgrade to make something cheaper has precedent elsewhere (see: the Millennium Falcon, anything made by goblins).

Smoke projectors, maybe with an option for poison clouds. Sure mechs aren't poisoned, but mechs fight things other than mechs too.

Mines, limpet mines, special limpet mines designed to make a connection for hacking the target.

A first aid station to help with medevacs.

A cannon firing explosive shells.


Contact-damaging defences to deter melee attacks.

A weapon firing bolas to entangle the enemy.

There is an auxiliary item that does shocks when your melee hit.
Reactive armor to reduce damage, or to blow back damage on a melee critical. In pathfinder there was a robot that armor built, to deal 50% of the damage it took from a critical back on the melee attack.
An expansion bay for outfitting a mech, allowing you half the time on repairs, and a full rebuild.
A Gillie module, it covers the mech with a basic colored silly string to help with camouflage, good while the mech isn’t moving.
Larger missiles then just micro missiles, maybe even cruise missiles, and bunker busters for those pesky burrowing creatures.
Energy resistance paints or coatings.
I’d love an item like the titan shield to give my allies cover.
Auxiliaries that add extra weapon mounts or hard point to the mech.

A gyroscopic cup holder so I don't need a second operator to hold my beer.

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I always thought micro gravity plate, even in zero g your drink won’t spill.


I'm an Armored Core fan, except 4, and Font Mission fan as well. So many things I like with this system, but others bug me. Time will tell if we will be happy.

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Yup, dint like armored core 4, huh it was a drastic change to the speed at which the mech moved. I like aspects of 4, loved the actual flight capable mecha, plus shooting down missiles. Though my favorite is armored core 5 verdict day. I’ve played and beaten every armored core game in the us.

ZombieKira wrote:

Larger missiles then just micro missiles, maybe even cruise missiles, and bunker busters for those pesky burrowing creatures.

Do you mean micro missiles as in the missile battery? Don't they have rocket launchers, too?

Yes, the rocket shouldn’t have the hunker down and the missiles I’m talking indirect, guided quality. With the blind sense vision, we would be able to target enemies behind cover. Also the missile battery is micro missiles hence the low damage. I’d like medium and high. And missiles likE bunker busters that can attack a certain range underground.

A rocket is traditionally unguided after being fired. Missiles are defined as having some sort of guidance system, be it radar locks, heat or lasers painting.

I was thinking of this as an item

DictatorTek infantry support missile deployment system
Maximum range 2500ft (maximum range only no increments)
Damage: medium
Special: Guided, Explosion 10ft, special (see below)
Ammo: 2
4xteir mp

Special: an ally can announce an attempt to paint a target within the maximum range of the launcher. You may fire the missile as a Reaction. Your ally makes the attack roll for the missile, this ranged attack has the guided property and a range increment of 100ft. If the roll hits EAC the missile hits its target, if the attack misses roll the miss as as a normal miss.

Disclaimer: DictatorTek has no accountability for friendly fire, or collateral damage for the use of this product.

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