Dex build fighter advice


I'm thinking of making a dex build fighter. I usually play spellcasters, so I'd like some advice.

Currently, I have them as a half-elf, with Taldan Schemer background.

Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14

Currently don't have my ancestry feat pick. I have chosen Point-Blank Shot as my fighter feet.

I have leather armor and the longbow is my only weapon.

I would love to hear what you think.

Creative Burst wrote:

I'm thinking of making a dex build fighter. I usually play spellcasters, so I'd like some advice.

Currently, I have them as a half-elf, with Taldan Schemer background.

Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 14

Currently don't have my ancestry feat pick. I have chosen Point-Blank Shot as my fighter feet.

I have leather armor and the longbow is my only weapon.

I would love to hear what you think.

Ar eyou looking for pathfinder 1, pathfinder 2, or starfinder advice, because you are currently in the starfinder forum.

oops wrong form my bad. Just flag it as such.

Creative Burst wrote:
oops wrong form my bad. Just flag it as such.

okay, but PF1 or PF2?

sounds like PF2 when asking mentioning a Ancestry Feat.

Matt2VK wrote:
sounds like PF2 when asking mentioning a Ancestry Feat.


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Moved to Pathfinder 2nd forum

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The ranged fighter is a solid choice. The long bow only becomes a better weapon than the shortbow when you get a +2 weapon (they are the same at +1, and the long bow is worse damage without magic, at least if you are using it in range of PBS), so you can save yourself some money starting with a shortbow and then upgrading when the number of damage die matter more.

It looks like you are interested in being good at skills. If that is the case, a nice thing about ranged builds in PF2, you are free to pick an ancestry feat that will make your character good at the non-combat things that you want to be doing.

It's good to have a melee weapon with you as well because you will find yourself in melee range kinda often so it's good to have an option.

A simple Shortsword or Rapier will do.

I would seriously consider Rogue, partly because you phrased it as "Dex Fighter" rather than "archer", and partly because you've bumped your Int (presumably for skills) and Cha (telling us which skills).
Also, the 10 Wisdom on your Fighter build gives you a profound weakness. There are some Elf feats that can aid w/ that, but w/ Rogue you could simply have the Wisdom (and better Will Proficiency too).

You'd lose 2 on attack, but gain Sneak Attack, and when it comes to melee (which it often will), a Thief Rogue will double the damage, or triple w/ Sneak Attack. That's huge enough to balance the -2 attack relative to a Fighter. The +2 represents about +1/3 a damage bump in comparison.
And you'd have such a wonderful supply of skills & skill feats too.

Unless you just meant archer w/ lots of skills, in which Fighter can work (possibly w/ MCD Rogue to boost those skills) or possibly Ranger (so you can shift Int over to Wis). Just note that archery isn't the powerhouse it was in PF1, and your main strength won't be damage, but the ability to choose whom to damage (which yes, isn't always a great strength!)

As is, your build won't do that well in combat. You'll hit, but it'll be about 1/3 to 1/2 what the melee guys are doing, and less than the casters' Cantrips too. Since you're choosing Fighter, I doubt it's your intention to be secondary in combat!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

You don't actually need a melee weapon with a ranged fighter though. If people get in your face, there is no penalty for shooting at an adjacent target and there are far fewer creatures that have Attacks of opportunity. You are actually fine using your fist as a melee weapon when you really are worried about that AoO, and then you don't have to waste any actions drawing a weapon.

The biggest advantage the fighter archer has is that it will be the best crit fisher in the game and crits with bows (short or Long) are deadly. Rogues will rarely be making as many attacks as accurately as the archer fighter.

Silver Crusade

I'd try hard to get that Str up to 14 if you can (personally, I'd lower both Con and Cha). First, its extra damage for your bow. Second, it gives you better options when shooting isn't great (either a low damage finesse weapon or a higher damage weapon. Yeah, you'll be at -2 with the latter but that puts you even with all the other martials so it its not that bad)

+1 damage (+2 at level 10) isn't exactly huge but its also not irrelevant.

And athletics is an incredibly important skill.

I'm not saying the OP's bow is a bad ranged attack, nor am I saying to have melee because AoO's are predominant (though bosses do tend to have them!) I'm saying ranged attacks are bad vs. melee attacks because the latter get to add their full stat to damage.
It's not often you fight enemies at range who don't have ranged weapons themselves, so picking your target is about the only advantage of ranged in normal battles. It's quite often you'll fight opponents who can get into melee with you, outperforming you on damage.

This build does not contribute much in battle (offensively or defensively), and battle seems to be its main role. If in a large party where it's hard to maneuver and there's likely a Bard singing, this build works fine (except re: Will save). In a smaller party, he won't carry his weight except when ranged is necessary.

As a Rogue, the character would contribute more to battle (better ranged opener w/ Sneak, followed by much stronger melee), and much more outside of battle. He could be a fighter without being a Fighter.

Which I guess leads to the question: Why Fighter?
It can be the best archer (IMO), but does it mesh well with the skills & roles you want? With the party's tactics? With the normal setting? (A dungeon heavy campaign will neutralize an archer's main advantage.)

Rogue is a really bellow average archer, they don't have a lot of options to make the enemy flat footed at range until they get Instant Opening at lvl 14. So they are totally at the mercy of the party to make them flat footed.

Kyrone wrote:
Rogue is a really bellow average archer, they don't have a lot of options to make the enemy flat footed at range until they get Instant Opening at lvl 14. So they are totally at the mercy of the party to make them flat footed.

Yes, he'd have to swap out weapons.

But he said "Dex Fighter", not "archer".

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

If the player was leaning into only selecting one weapon, and it was a bow, it seems likely they were thinking of their character as an archer and not a Dex based switch hitter, or they would probably have picked up a melee weapon.

pauljathome wrote:

I'd try hard to get that Str up to 14 if you can (personally, I'd lower both Con and Cha). First, its extra damage for your bow. Second, it gives you better options when shooting isn't great (either a low damage finesse weapon or a higher damage weapon. Yeah, you'll be at -2 with the latter but that puts you even with all the other martials so it its not that bad)

+1 damage (+2 at level 10) isn't exactly huge but its also not irrelevant.

And athletics is an incredibly important skill.

Also, 14 str lets you wear Half Plate with an Armored Skirt without penalties (aside from the unavoidable -5 speed of heavy armor). Makes you Noisy, so it backfires for stealth, but it means you have heavy armor AC.

Dubious Scholar wrote:
Also, 14 str lets you wear Half Plate with an Armored Skirt without penalties (aside from the unavoidable -5 speed of heavy armor). Makes you Noisy, so it backfires for stealth, but it means you have heavy armor AC.

Why would they need Heavy Armor? With an 18 dex, he wear studded leahter and only be one off half-plate with only -1 ACP and not speed penalty.

Kelseus wrote:
Dubious Scholar wrote:
Also, 14 str lets you wear Half Plate with an Armored Skirt without penalties (aside from the unavoidable -5 speed of heavy armor). Makes you Noisy, so it backfires for stealth, but it means you have heavy armor AC.
Why would they need Heavy Armor? With an 18 dex, he wear studded leahter and only be one off half-plate with only -1 ACP and not speed penalty.

Because AC increases are hard to come by (harder than a speed increase, which a ranged attacker needs less anyway), and a Fighter will get DR from Armor Specialization which won't work w/ light armor.

Castilliano wrote:

Because AC increases are hard to come by (harder than a speed increase, which a ranged attacker needs less anyway), and a Fighter will get DR from Armor Specialization which won't work w/ light armor.

Ok then.

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