Corpse Plate

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Has anyone seen the promo Corpse Plate in the wild? I check eBay routinely and I've never seen one go up.

I got an extra I'd be happy to rehome. Would just ask for a buck or two or whatever the cost of shipping would be depending on where you live. Feel free to send me a PM.

As an FYI i'm working crazy overtime through next Friday so it might take me a bit to get it to the post office

Also can't seem to find one if someone has an extra, can't seem to snag one online.

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Unforunately I have no more extras.

I would like to take the opportunity to poke Vic to poke the store manager about getting WOTR/MM promos up in the shop. Also wondering if we can ever hope that the Core/Curse cards get in the shop?

(I've mentioned it before but i wish all promos were at most time-exclusive meaning eventually they are made available for purchase through the store)

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redeux wrote:

(I've mentioned it before but i wish all promos were at most time-exclusive meaning eventually they are made available for purchase through the store)

I agree 100% with this. Time limited cards stinks.

Grand Lodge

Any further news here? I’d love to get a Corpse Plate card.

Afraid not.

Grand Lodge

I’m also looking for the other Curse of the Crimson Throne promo cards as well: The Real Rabbit Prince, Asyra, The Tall Knife, and The Unveiling.

I’ve found Embiggen.

I’ll put up a separate post.

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