Damiel Morgethai

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I asked DriveThru and they said they'd reach out to Paizo. Seems like pretty nice staff over there, they got back to me pretty quick and seemed hopeful to get these available.

But yeah, using printed out role cards and cut out character cards isn't optimal.

Thank you so much!

Sorry to bump this but I've emailed twice and have yet to hear anything back. Hopefully it's not getting filtered into a junk folder or something.

Sent one today with pictures attached. I sent one on the 11th without pictures and didn't hear back, so hopefully this one works!

I actually really appreciate the card choices in the new Core Set + Crimson Throne. Almost everything gets used by some group configuration.

As far as the Noticula card goes, I love the 'similar' idea behind Dream Spider where you can set the amount of blowback you get. Especially with Varain's role card that replaces the d4's with d12's.

I also like that a lot of the new heroes use Alchemical cards really well, there's a lot of great level 0 boons in that category.

Hello, 1 of my copies of Gozreh's Growth arrived damaged in our new core set.

The top is incredibly worn (looks a bit splayed apart with white cardboard showing all along the top) and bulges out a bit which is very visible when in a location.

How should I go about getting the single replacement card?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
And in the near future, they’ll also be available as a print-on-demand card set from our friends at DriveThru Cards. (After they go live, we’ll mention it in a future blog.)

Did these ever become available? We really like the Goblin heroes, and would love to have them on actual cards.

Also can't seem to find one if someone has an extra, can't seem to snag one online.

Forgot I even had an account here, despite having subscribed to the PACG back in 2014/2015.

I've introduced 4 groups to the Core Set + Curse of the Crimson Throne. All 4 now have their own copies and are confused about expansion content since it's not super clear to them when looking at the previous releases. Some want Skull and Shackles due to theme, but don't want to have to convert cards / play with mismatched looking cards.

As someone who bought everything for Skull and Shackles and Rise of the Runelords, I would honestly want a 'new' version of these adventures to combine with the Core Set. I really loved S&S and miss having the Oracle on my team. Also, for new players coming in, having versions that easily combine with their new core set seems ideal.

The PACG is in an awkward place between die hard D&D/Pathfinder players and casual board game audiences. While the die hards probably don't mind a little fiddling to combine older sets, the more casual crowd won't bother.

For my group, we'd just want content that goes on for an exceptionally long time. Like adventures in the 12+ difficulty, perhaps even starting after an existing adventure like Curse. Would be neat to have more generic role cards like BlackJack, even ones that add on (and not replace) a character's existing role card.

Let's say every character (3 characters) at my location must make a Fortitude 12 check.

As Lem, can I recharge three cards to give 1D4 + 3 to each check?

Could I throw three blessings as well? (1 to each character)

I'm just a little confused about simultaneous checks and power / card usage.

I'm pretty sure Damiel is supposed to be allowed to recharge spells that aren't attack spells (even display ones, since a good number of non attack spells are display support cards).

Damiel is such a fun looking character, I cannot wait for the add on pack to get here.

Would be pretty handy, the only annoying one is Bolstering Armor since it's missing an entire paragraph

Mike Selinker wrote:
Yeah, that's basically it.

That's pretty much what I thought for all of them as well, thanks to everyone for the help.

Damiel and Alahazra have definitely become favorites.

Theryon Stormrune wrote:

As for spells, he cannot recharge according to what is on his card. Actually playing the spell is a step. The recharge is another step. That's according to the Encounter rules.

I do play the RPG and a lot of times I will think of things in this game in the context of the RPG. Damiel is an Alchemist. And while Flenta is a wannabe wizard, she's a fighter casting scrolls. Damiel is making potions and using them (or passing them to others i.e. Strength). And since it does say step for now and the recharge is a separate step, I'd think his spells are one-shots.

I don't see the point in the ability being equal to his craft check then. Since you would only use the check to restore the spell (spells that don't have the attack trait don't care about your divine/arcane skill until recharge).

I figured Alahazra would be able to since it said encounter, I'm very confused about Damiel. Thematically I completely agree with you, just the way it's worded it would make no sense for him to need the ability if they're one shots.

For S&S and the class decks, I'm seeing a lot of characters that gain spellcasting abilities for specific times.

For Flenta (fighter class deck)
I'm guessing her "For your combat check that has the Attack trait, you may use the skill Arcane: Intelligence +2" does not allow her to recharge the cards at all since it's just for the check.

For Alahazra's Tempest role
Does her "When you play a spell that has the Attack trait, you gain the skill Arcane: Charisma +2 until the end of the encounter" allow her to recharge the spell at the end of the fight?

For Damiel
Does his "When you play a spell that does not have the Attack trait, you gain the skills Arcane and Divine equal to your Craft skill until the end of the step" allow him to recharge the spell (since it's not during an encounter, it would be the step)?

How do these last two abilities work with displayed cards? (Blizzard / Speed or Strength for Damiel)

Do they get banished since the step or encounter is over and the spell checks to recharge at the end of the turn?

For Alahazra's Stargazer ability:
When you use the above power to examine a card from a location deck on your turn, and it is a boon, you may encounter it.

Can you encounter boons from location decks you are not currently at?

That seems amazing!

cartmanbeck wrote:
ilazul wrote:
got mine today as well, my assault on the pinnacle card has holes in it and a large gash at the bottom
Definitely e-mail customer.service@paizo.com with a picture of it and they'll send you a replacement card.

How long does it take for them to email back, I emailed them when you posted this and again a few days ago with pictures. Never heard back at all

got mine today as well, my assault on the pinnacle card has holes in it and a large gash at the bottom

Explosive Runes. That card is so unbalanced when you first come across it. Sure, each character has that one "bad stat". But if you're bad stat happens to be dex, you get messed up pretty often. Falling Bell is another one of those, but something about the damage from explosive runes makes it stand out to me.

On my Kyra I always have the Staff of Heaven and Earth and just pretty much ignore all the barriers.

We already do the 8 locations thing. Honestly, it ended up making us more powerful in the long run since there were more boons per scenario.

Our group of Kyra, Harsk, and Amiri have near-perfect decks and just annihilate everything now.

So I got my shipping email on the 13th, and estimated shipping date is the 23rd.

10 days isn't terribly long, I waited almost a month for the pathfinder player mats.

Mike Selinker wrote:
Good point. I will fix that example.

Oh and Mike absolutely fantastic game, I have gotten three people to purchase it just by having them try it. This combines pretty much everything we love about tabletop gaming, a very brilliant idea.

The errata and rules clarifications have had zero impact on our enjoyment, I've played each scenario probably a good 5 times each with different groups and just today realized I could cast cure on other people's turns (I play a lot of Lem and Kyra). We have just kept a tablet around with the FAQ section up and a tab for the forums to search, hardly ever becomes an issue. If you guys ever release a pdf of a more comprehensive rulebook, that would be more than enough (everyone has a smart phone).

My only complaint at all has nothing to do with the errata but with the release schedule (two months per release is a little odd). I feel people will lose interest when it takes an entire year to finish the adventure.

I do hope you guys are looking at more adventure paths from the pathfinder series to expand on this product, the gaming world needed this.

Mike Selinker wrote:
If Lem discards a Cure to heal himself, and then uses his power to swap a spell in his hand with that Cure, he can use Cure to heal himself again.

wait, so Lem can use a cure before he triggers his effect to swap cards, then use it again?

I thought it could only be used at the absolute beginning or end of his turn.